Пример #1
        private void SendDocument(Photo d)
            //create thumb
            var bytes = d.PreviewBytes;

            if (!CheckDocumentSize((ulong)d.Bytes.Length))
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(AppResources.MaximumFileSizeExceeded, MediaSizeConverter.Convert((int)Telegram.Api.Constants.MaximumUploadedFileSize)), AppResources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK);

            var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            var localId  = TLInt.Random();
            var secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var thumbLocation = new TLFileLocation //TODO: replace with TLFileLocationUnavailable
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,
                //Buffer = bytes

            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var fileStream = store.CreateFile(fileName))
                    fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            var thumbSize = new TLPhotoSize
                W        = new TLInt(d.Width),
                H        = new TLInt(d.Height),
                Size     = new TLInt(bytes.Length),
                Type     = new TLString(""),
                Location = thumbLocation,

            //create document
            var document = new TLDocument22
                Buffer = d.Bytes,

                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                FileName   = new TLString(Path.GetFileName(d.FileName)),
                MimeType   = new TLString("image/jpeg"),
                Size       = new TLInt(d.Bytes.Length),
                Thumb      = thumbSize,
                DCId       = new TLInt(0)

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument {
                FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && LazyItems.Count == 0;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      TLUtils.InputPeerToPeer(Peer, StateService.CurrentUserId),
                                      m => SendDocumentInternal(message, null)));
Пример #2
        private async Task SendPhotoAsync(StorageFile file, string caption)
            var originalProps = await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();

            var imageWidth = originalProps.Width;
            var imageHeight = originalProps.Height;
            if (imageWidth >= 20 * imageHeight || imageHeight >= 20 * imageWidth)
                await SendFileAsync(file, caption);

            var fileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                VolumeId = TLLong.Random(),
                LocalId = TLInt.Random(),
                Secret = TLLong.Random(),
                DCId = 0

            var fileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", fileLocation.VolumeId, fileLocation.LocalId, fileLocation.Secret);
            var fileCache = await FileUtils.CreateTempFileAsync(fileName);

            StorageFile fileScale;
                fileScale = await ImageHelper.ScaleJpegAsync(file, fileCache, 1280, 0.77);
            catch (InvalidCastException)
                await fileCache.DeleteAsync();
                await SendGifAsync(file, caption);

            var basicProps = await fileScale.GetBasicPropertiesAsync();
            var imageProps = await fileScale.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();

            var date = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(ProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now);

            var photoSize = new TLPhotoSize
                Type = "y",
                W = (int)imageProps.Width,
                H = (int)imageProps.Height,
                Location = fileLocation,
                Size = (int)basicProps.Size

            var photo = new TLPhoto
                Id = 0,
                AccessHash = 0,
                Date = date,
                Sizes = new TLVector<TLPhotoSizeBase> { photoSize }

            var media = new TLMessageMediaPhoto
                Photo = photo,
                Caption = caption

            var message = TLUtils.GetMessage(SettingsHelper.UserId, Peer.ToPeer(), TLMessageState.Sending, true, true, date, string.Empty, media, TLLong.Random(), null);

            if (Reply != null)
                message.HasReplyToMsgId = true;
                message.ReplyToMsgId = Reply.Id;
                message.Reply = Reply;
                Reply = null;

            var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
            CacheService.SyncSendingMessage(message, previousMessage, async (m) =>
                var fileId = TLLong.Random();
                var upload = await _uploadFileManager.UploadFileAsync(fileId, fileCache.Name, false).AsTask(Upload(photo, progress => new TLSendMessageUploadPhotoAction { Progress = progress }));
                if (upload != null)
                    var inputMedia = new TLInputMediaUploadedPhoto
                        Caption = media.Caption,
                        File = upload.ToInputFile()

                    var response = await ProtoService.SendMediaAsync(Peer, inputMedia, message);
                    //if (response.IsSucceeded && response.Result is TLUpdates updates)
                    //    TLPhoto newPhoto = null;

                    //    var newMessageUpdate = updates.Updates.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TLUpdateNewMessage) as TLUpdateNewMessage;
                    //    if (newMessageUpdate != null && newMessageUpdate.Message is TLMessage newMessage && newMessage.Media is TLMessageMediaPhoto newPhotoMedia)
                    //    {
                    //        newPhoto = newPhotoMedia.Photo as TLPhoto;
                    //    }

                    //    var newChannelMessageUpdate = updates.Updates.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TLUpdateNewChannelMessage) as TLUpdateNewChannelMessage;
                    //    if (newChannelMessageUpdate != null && newMessageUpdate.Message is TLMessage newChannelMessage && newChannelMessage.Media is TLMessageMediaPhoto newChannelPhotoMedia)
                    //    {
                    //        newPhoto = newChannelPhotoMedia.Photo as TLPhoto;
                    //    }

                    //    if (newPhoto != null && newPhoto.Full is TLPhotoSize newFull && newFull.Location is TLFileLocation newLocation)
                    //    {
                    //        var newFileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", newLocation.VolumeId, newLocation.LocalId, newLocation.Secret);
                    //        var newFile = await FileUtils.CreateTempFileAsync(newFileName);
                    //        await fileCache.CopyAndReplaceAsync(newFile);
                    //    }
Пример #3
        public static async Task <TLPhotoSizeBase> GetFileThumbAsync(StorageFile file)
                const int           imageSize = 60;
                IRandomAccessStream thumb     = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, imageSize, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail);

                if (((StorageItemThumbnail)thumb).ContentType == "image/png")
                    var tempThumb = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
                    var decoder   = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(thumb);

                    var pixels = await decoder.GetPixelDataAsync();

                    var encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, tempThumb);

                    encoder.SetPixelData(decoder.BitmapPixelFormat, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore, decoder.PixelWidth, decoder.PixelHeight, decoder.DpiX, decoder.DpiY, pixels.DetachPixelData());

                    await encoder.FlushAsync();

                    thumb = tempThumb;

                var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
                var localId  = TLInt.Random();
                var secret   = TLLong.Random();

                var thumbLocation = new TLFileLocation
                    DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                    VolumeId = volumeId,
                    LocalId  = localId,
                    Secret   = secret,

                var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                var thumbFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                var thumbBuffer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer(Convert.ToUInt32(thumb.Size));
                var iBuf        = await thumb.ReadAsync(thumbBuffer, thumbBuffer.Capacity, InputStreamOptions.None);

                using (var thumbStream = await thumbFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                    await thumbStream.WriteAsync(iBuf);

                var thumbSize = new TLPhotoSize
                    W        = new TLInt(imageSize),
                    H        = new TLInt(imageSize),
                    Size     = new TLInt((int)thumb.Size),
                    Type     = TLString.Empty,
                    Location = thumbLocation,

                    Bytes = TLString.FromBigEndianData(thumbBuffer.ToArray())

            catch (Exception ex)
                Telegram.Api.Helpers.Execute.ShowDebugMessage("GetFileThumbAsync exception " + ex);

Пример #4
        public void SetPhoto()
            var photo = CurrentItem as TLPhoto;

            if (photo == null)

            TLPhotoSize  size  = null;
            var          sizes = photo.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
            const double width = 800.0;

            foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                if (size == null ||
                    Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                    size = photoSize;
            if (size == null)

            var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;

            if (location == null)

            if (_currentContact != null)
                IsWorking = true;
                MTProtoService.UpdateProfilePhotoAsync(new TLInputPhoto {
                    Id = photo.Id, AccessHash = photo.AccessHash
                                                       result =>
                    IsWorking = false;
                    _items.Insert(0, result);
                    MTProtoService.GetUserPhotosAsync(_currentContact.ToInputUser(), new TLInt(1), new TLLong(0), new TLInt(1),
                                                      photos =>
                        var previousPhoto = photos.Photos.FirstOrDefault();

                        if (previousPhoto != null)
                            _items.Insert(1, previousPhoto);
                                                      error =>
                        Execute.ShowDebugMessage("photos.getUserPhotos error " + error);
                                                       error =>
                    IsWorking = false;
                    Execute.ShowDebugMessage("photos.updateProfilePhoto error " + error);
            else if (_currentChat != null)
                var channel = _currentChat as TLChannel;
                if (channel != null)
                    if (channel.Id != null)
                        IsWorking = true;
                            new TLInputChatPhoto56
                            Id = new TLInputPhoto {
                                Id = photo.Id, AccessHash = photo.AccessHash
                            result => Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                            IsWorking   = false;
                            var updates = result as TLUpdates;
                            if (updates != null)
                                var updateNewMessage = updates.Updates.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TLUpdateNewMessage) as TLUpdateNewMessage;
                                if (updateNewMessage != null)
                                    var serviceMessage = updateNewMessage.Message as TLMessageService;
                                    if (serviceMessage != null)
                                        var chatEditPhotoAction = serviceMessage.Action as TLMessageActionChatEditPhoto;
                                        if (chatEditPhotoAction != null)
                                            var newPhoto = chatEditPhotoAction.Photo as TLPhoto;
                                            if (newPhoto != null)
                                                _items.Insert(0, newPhoto);
                            error => Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                            IsWorking = false;
                            Execute.ShowDebugMessage("messages.editChatPhoto error " + error);

                var chat = _currentChat as TLChat;
                if (chat != null)
                    IsWorking = true;
                        new TLInputChatPhoto56
                        Id = new TLInputPhoto {
                            Id = photo.Id, AccessHash = photo.AccessHash
                        result => Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                        IsWorking   = false;
                        var updates = result as TLUpdates;
                        if (updates != null)
                            var updateNewMessage = updates.Updates.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TLUpdateNewMessage) as TLUpdateNewMessage;
                            if (updateNewMessage != null)
                                var serviceMessage = updateNewMessage.Message as TLMessageService;
                                if (serviceMessage != null)
                                    var chatEditPhotoAction = serviceMessage.Action as TLMessageActionChatEditPhoto;
                                    if (chatEditPhotoAction != null)
                                        var newPhoto = chatEditPhotoAction.Photo as TLPhoto;
                                        if (newPhoto != null)
                                            _items.Insert(0, newPhoto);
                        error => Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                        IsWorking = false;
                        Execute.ShowDebugMessage("messages.editChatPhoto error " + error);
Пример #5
        private async Task SendThumbnailFileAsync(StorageFile file, TLFileLocation fileLocation, string fileName, BasicProperties basicProps, TLPhotoSize thumbnail, StorageFile fileCache, string caption)
            if (_peer == null)

            var desiredName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", thumbnail.Location.VolumeId, thumbnail.Location.LocalId, thumbnail.Location.Secret);

            var date = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(ProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now);

            var document = new TLDocument
                Id = 0,
                AccessHash = 0,
                Date = date,
                Size = (int)basicProps.Size,
                MimeType = fileCache.ContentType,
                Thumb = thumbnail,
                Attributes = new TLVector<TLDocumentAttributeBase>
                    new TLDocumentAttributeFilename
                        FileName = file.Name

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument
                Document = document,
                Caption = caption

            var message = TLUtils.GetMessage(SettingsHelper.UserId, _peer.ToPeer(), TLMessageState.Sending, true, true, date, string.Empty, media, TLLong.Random(), null);

            if (Reply != null)
                message.HasReplyToMsgId = true;
                message.ReplyToMsgId = Reply.Id;
                message.Reply = Reply;
                Reply = null;

            var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
            CacheService.SyncSendingMessage(message, previousMessage, async (m) =>
                var fileId = TLLong.Random();
                var upload = await _uploadDocumentManager.UploadFileAsync(fileId, fileCache.Name, false).AsTask(Upload(media.Document as TLDocument, progress => new TLSendMessageUploadDocumentAction { Progress = progress }));
                if (upload != null)
                    var thumbFileId = TLLong.Random();
                    var thumbUpload = await _uploadDocumentManager.UploadFileAsync(thumbFileId, desiredName);
                    if (thumbUpload != null)
                        var inputMedia = new TLInputMediaUploadedThumbDocument
                            File = upload.ToInputFile(),
                            Thumb = thumbUpload.ToInputFile(),
                            MimeType = document.MimeType,
                            Caption = media.Caption,
                            Attributes = document.Attributes

                        var result = await ProtoService.SendMediaAsync(_peer, inputMedia, message);
                    //if (result.IsSucceeded)
                    //    var update = result.Result as TLUpdates;
                    //    if (update != null)
                    //    {
                    //        var newMessage = update.Updates.OfType<TLUpdateNewMessage>().FirstOrDefault();
                    //        if (newMessage != null)
                    //        {
                    //            var newM = newMessage.Message as TLMessage;
                    //            if (newM != null)
                    //            {
                    //                message.Media = newM.Media;
                    //                message.RaisePropertyChanged(() => message.Media);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }
Пример #6
        private void ProcessBotInlineResult(TLMessage45 message, TLBotInlineResultBase resultBase, TLInt botId)
            message.InlineBotResultId      = resultBase.Id;
            message.InlineBotResultQueryId = resultBase.QueryId;
            message.ViaBotId = botId;

            var botInlineMessageMediaVenue = resultBase.SendMessage as TLBotInlineMessageMediaVenue;
            var botInlineMessageMediaGeo   = resultBase.SendMessage as TLBotInlineMessageMediaGeo;

            if (botInlineMessageMediaVenue != null)
                message._media = new TLMessageMediaVenue72
                    Title     = botInlineMessageMediaVenue.Title,
                    Address   = botInlineMessageMediaVenue.Address,
                    Provider  = botInlineMessageMediaVenue.Provider,
                    VenueId   = botInlineMessageMediaVenue.VenueId,
                    VenueType = TLString.Empty,
                    Geo       = botInlineMessageMediaVenue.Geo
            else if (botInlineMessageMediaGeo != null)
                message._media = new TLMessageMediaGeo {
                    Geo = botInlineMessageMediaGeo.Geo

            var botInlineMessageMediaContact = resultBase.SendMessage as TLBotInlineMessageMediaContact;

            if (botInlineMessageMediaContact != null)
                message._media = new TLMessageMediaContact82
                    PhoneNumber = botInlineMessageMediaContact.PhoneNumber,
                    FirstName   = botInlineMessageMediaContact.FirstName,
                    LastName    = botInlineMessageMediaContact.LastName,
                    UserId      = new TLInt(0),
                    VCard       = TLString.Empty

            var mediaResult = resultBase as TLBotInlineMediaResult;

            if (mediaResult != null)
                if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("voice"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                    mediaResult.Document != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = mediaResult.Document, Caption = TLString.Empty, NotListened = !(With is TLChannel)

                    message.NotListened = !(With is TLChannel);
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("audio"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         mediaResult.Document != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = mediaResult.Document, Caption = TLString.Empty
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("sticker"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         mediaResult.Document != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = mediaResult.Document, Caption = TLString.Empty
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("file"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         mediaResult.Document != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = mediaResult.Document, Caption = TLString.Empty
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("gif"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         mediaResult.Document != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = mediaResult.Document, Caption = TLString.Empty
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("photo"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                         mediaResult.Photo != null)
                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaPhoto75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Photo = mediaResult.Photo, Caption = TLString.Empty
                else if (TLString.Equals(mediaResult.Type, new TLString("game"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var game = new TLGame
                        Flags       = new TLInt(0),
                        Id          = new TLLong(0),
                        AccessHash  = new TLLong(0),
                        ShortName   = mediaResult.Id,
                        Title       = mediaResult.Title ?? TLString.Empty,
                        Description = mediaResult.Description ?? TLString.Empty,
                        Photo       = mediaResult.Photo ?? new TLPhotoEmpty {
                            Id = new TLLong(0)
                        Document = mediaResult.Document

                    message._media = new TLMessageMediaGame {
                        Game = game, SourceMessage = message

            var result = resultBase as TLBotInlineResult;

            if (result != null)
                var isVoice = TLString.Equals(result.Type, new TLString("voice"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                var isAudio = TLString.Equals(result.Type, new TLString("audio"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                var isFile  = TLString.Equals(result.Type, new TLString("file"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                if (isFile ||
                    isAudio ||
                    var document = result.Document as TLDocument22;
                    if (document == null)
                        string fileName = null;
                        if (result.ContentUrl != null)
                            var fileUri = new Uri(result.ContentUrlString);
                                fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileUri.LocalPath);
                            catch (Exception ex)

                            if (fileName == null)
                                fileName = "file.ext";

                        document = new TLDocument54
                            Id         = new TLLong(0),
                            AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                            Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                            FileName   = new TLString(fileName),
                            MimeType   = result.ContentType ?? TLString.Empty,
                            Size       = new TLInt(0),
                            Thumb      = new TLPhotoSizeEmpty {
                                Type = TLString.Empty
                            DCId    = new TLInt(0),
                            Version = new TLInt(0)

                        if (isVoice || isAudio)
                            var documentAttributeAudio = new TLDocumentAttributeAudio46
                                Duration  = result.Duration ?? new TLInt(0),
                                Title     = result.Title ?? TLString.Empty,
                                Performer = null,
                                Voice     = isVoice

                        //message._status = MessageStatus.Failed;
                    var mediaDocument = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = document, Caption = TLString.Empty

                    message._media = mediaDocument;

                    mediaDocument.NotListened = isVoice && !(With is TLChannel);
                    message.NotListened       = isVoice && !(With is TLChannel);
                else if (TLString.Equals(result.Type, new TLString("gif"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var document = result.Document;
                    if (document != null)
                        var mediaDocument = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                            Flags = new TLInt(0), Document = document, Caption = TLString.Empty

                        message._media = mediaDocument;
                else if (TLString.Equals(result.Type, new TLString("photo"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Telegram.Api.Helpers.Execute.ShowDebugMessage(string.Format("w={0} h={1}\nthumb_url={2}\ncontent_url={3}", result.W, result.H, result.ThumbUrl, result.ContentUrl));

                    var location = new TLFileLocation {
                        DCId = new TLInt(1), VolumeId = TLLong.Random(), LocalId = TLInt.Random(), Secret = TLLong.Random()

                    var cachedSize = new TLPhotoCachedSize
                        Type     = new TLString("s"),
                        W        = result.W ?? new TLInt(90),
                        H        = result.H ?? new TLInt(90),
                        Location = location,
                        Bytes    = TLString.Empty,
                        TempUrl  = result.ThumbUrlString ?? result.ContentUrlString
                                   //Size = new TLInt(0)

                    var size = new TLPhotoSize
                        Type     = new TLString("m"),
                        W        = result.W ?? new TLInt(90),
                        H        = result.H ?? new TLInt(90),
                        Location = location,
                        TempUrl  = result.ContentUrlString,
                        Size     = new TLInt(0)

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ThumbUrlString))
                        //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new

                        var webClient = new WebClient();
                        webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(result.ThumbUrlString, UriKind.Absolute));
                        webClient.OpenReadCompleted += (sender, args) =>
                            if (args.Cancelled)
                            if (args.Error != null)

                            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                            using (var stream = args.Result)
                                using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                                    if (store.FileExists(fileName))
                                    using (var file = store.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                                        const int BUFFER_SIZE = 128 * 1024;
                                        var       buf         = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                                        var bytesread = 0;
                                        while ((bytesread = stream.Read(buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                            var position = stream.Position;
                                            stream.Position = position - 10;
                                            var tempBuffer = new byte[10];
                                            var resultOk   = stream.Read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length);
                                            file.Write(buf, 0, bytesread);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ContentUrlString))
                                webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(result.ContentUrlString, UriKind.Absolute));
                                webClient.OpenReadCompleted += (sender2, args2) =>
                                    if (args2.Cancelled)
                                    if (args2.Error != null)

                                    using (var stream = args2.Result)
                                        using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                                            if (store.FileExists(fileName))
                                            using (var file = store.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                                                const int BUFFER_SIZE = 128 * 1024;
                                                var       buf         = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

                                                int bytesread = 0;
                                                while ((bytesread = stream.Read(buf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
                                                    file.Write(buf, 0, bytesread);

                    var photo = new TLPhoto56
                        Flags      = new TLInt(0),
                        Id         = TLLong.Random(),
                        AccessHash = TLLong.Random(),
                        Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                        Sizes      = new TLVector <TLPhotoSizeBase> {
                            cachedSize, size

                    var mediaPhoto = new TLMessageMediaPhoto75 {
                        Flags = new TLInt(0), Photo = photo, Caption = TLString.Empty

                    message._media = mediaPhoto;

            var messageText = resultBase.SendMessage as TLBotInlineMessageText;

            if (messageText != null)
                message.Message  = messageText.Message;
                message.Entities = messageText.Entities;
                if (messageText.NoWebpage)

            var mediaAuto = resultBase.SendMessage as TLBotInlineMessageMediaAuto75;

            if (mediaAuto != null)
                message.Message  = mediaAuto.Caption;
                message.Entities = mediaAuto.Entities;

            if (resultBase.SendMessage != null &&
                resultBase.SendMessage.ReplyMarkup != null)
                message.ReplyMarkup = resultBase.SendMessage.ReplyMarkup;
        public void Share()
#if WP8
            var message = CurrentItem as TLMessage;
            if (message == null)

            var mediaPhoto = message.Media as TLMessageMediaPhoto;
            if (mediaPhoto != null)
                var photo = mediaPhoto.Photo as TLPhoto;
                if (photo == null)

                TLPhotoSize  size  = null;
                var          sizes = photo.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
                const double width = 800.0;
                foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                    if (size == null ||
                        Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                        size = photoSize;
                if (size == null)

                var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;
                if (location == null)

                var fileName = //mediaPhoto.IsoFileName ??

                var dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
                dataTransferManager.DataRequested += (o, args) =>
                    var request = args.Request;

                    request.Data.Properties.Title           = "media";
                    request.Data.Properties.ApplicationName = "Telegram Messenger";

                    var deferral = request.GetDeferral();

                        var fileToShare = FileUtils.GetLocalFile(fileName);//this.GetImageFileAsync("Sample.jpg");
                        if (fileToShare == null)
                        //var storageFileToShare = await this.GetStorageFileForImageAsync("Sample.jpg");

                        //request.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(fileToShare);

                        // On Windows Phone, share StorageFile instead of Bitmaps
                        request.Data.SetStorageItems(new List <StorageFile> {


                SavePhotoAsync(mediaPhoto, path =>
                    var task = new ShareMediaTask {
                        FilePath = path
Пример #8
 public void LoadFile(TLPhotoSize photo, String ext, bool cacheOnly, TaskCompletionSource <string> tsc)
     LoadFile(null, null, photo.Location, ext, photo.Size, false, cacheOnly || (photo != null && photo.Size == 0 /*|| photo.Location.key != null*/), tsc);
Пример #9
        public static async Task <TLPhotoSizeBase> GetFileThumbnailAsync(StorageFile file)
            //file = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("Assets\\Thumb.jpg");

            //var imageProps = await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();
            //var videoProps = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync();

            //if (imageProps.Width > 0 || videoProps.Width > 0)
            using (var thumb = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.MusicView, 96, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail))
                if (thumb != null && thumb.Type == ThumbnailType.Image)
                    var randomStream = thumb as IRandomAccessStream;

                    var originalWidth  = (int)thumb.OriginalWidth;
                    var originalHeight = (int)thumb.OriginalHeight;

                    if (thumb.ContentType != "image/jpeg")
                        var memoryStream  = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
                        var bitmapDecoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(thumb);

                        var pixelDataProvider = await bitmapDecoder.GetPixelDataAsync();

                        var bitmapEncoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, memoryStream);

                        bitmapEncoder.SetPixelData(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Ignore, bitmapDecoder.PixelWidth, bitmapDecoder.PixelHeight, bitmapDecoder.DpiX, bitmapDecoder.DpiY, pixelDataProvider.DetachPixelData());
                        await bitmapEncoder.FlushAsync();

                        randomStream = memoryStream;

                    var fileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                        VolumeId = TLLong.Random(),
                        LocalId  = TLInt.Random(),
                        Secret   = TLLong.Random(),
                        DCId     = 0

                    var desiredName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", fileLocation.VolumeId, fileLocation.LocalId, fileLocation.Secret);
                    var desiredFile = await CreateTempFileAsync(desiredName);

                    var buffer  = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer(Convert.ToUInt32(randomStream.Size));
                    var buffer2 = await randomStream.ReadAsync(buffer, buffer.Capacity, InputStreamOptions.None);

                    using (var stream = await desiredFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                        await stream.WriteAsync(buffer2);


                    var result = new TLPhotoSize
                        W        = originalWidth,
                        H        = originalHeight,
                        Size     = (int)randomStream.Size,
                        Type     = string.Empty,
                        Location = fileLocation


Пример #10
        public async Task <TLMessage25> GetPhotoMessage(StorageFile file)
            //var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

            var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            var localId  = TLInt.Random();
            var secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var fileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),    //TODO: remove from here, replace with FileLocationUnavailable
                //Buffer = p.Bytes

            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            var stream = await file.OpenReadAsync();

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(threadId + " " + "GetPhotoMessage OpenRead " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
            var resizedPhoto = await ResizeJpeg(stream, Constants.DefaultImageSize, file.DisplayName, fileName);

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(threadId + " " + "GetPhotoMessage ResizeJpeg " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

            var photoSize = new TLPhotoSize
                Type     = TLString.Empty,
                W        = new TLInt(resizedPhoto.Width),
                H        = new TLInt(resizedPhoto.Height),
                Location = fileLocation,
                Size     = new TLInt(resizedPhoto.Bytes.Length)

            volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            localId  = TLInt.Random();
            secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var previewFileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),    //TODO: remove from here, replace with FileLocationUnavailable
                //Buffer = p.Bytes

            var previewFileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            var photo = new TLPhoto56
                Flags      = new TLInt(0),
                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                Sizes      = new TLVector <TLPhotoSizeBase> {

            // to improve performance for bulk photo preview generation
            Execute.BeginOnThreadPool(async() =>
                stream = await file.OpenReadAsync();

                var previewPhoto = await ResizeJpeg(stream, 90, file.DisplayName, previewFileName);

                var previewPhotoSize = new TLPhotoSize
                    Type     = new TLString("s"),
                    W        = new TLInt(previewPhoto.Width),
                    H        = new TLInt(previewPhoto.Height),
                    Location = previewFileLocation,
                    Size     = new TLInt(previewPhoto.Bytes.Length)

                Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() =>

            var media = new TLMessageMediaPhoto75 {
                Flags = new TLInt(0), Photo = photo, Caption = TLString.Empty, File = resizedPhoto.File

            return(GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media));
Пример #11
        private void SendPhoto(Photo p)
            var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            var localId  = TLInt.Random();
            var secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var fileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),    //TODO: remove from here, replace with FileLocationUnavailable
                //Buffer = p.Bytes

            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var fileStream = store.CreateFile(fileName))
                    fileStream.Write(p.Bytes, 0, p.Bytes.Length);

            var photoSize = new TLPhotoSize
                Type     = TLString.Empty,
                W        = new TLInt(p.Width),
                H        = new TLInt(p.Height),
                Location = fileLocation,
                Size     = new TLInt(p.Bytes.Length)

            var photo = new TLPhoto56
                Flags      = new TLInt(0),
                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                Sizes      = new TLVector <TLPhotoSizeBase> {

            var media = new TLMessageMediaPhoto75 {
                Flags = new TLInt(0), Photo = photo, Caption = TLString.Empty

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            if (ImageEditor == null)
                ImageEditor = new ImageEditorViewModel
                    CurrentItem    = message,
                    ContinueAction = ContinueSendPhoto
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ImageEditor);
                ImageEditor.CurrentItem = message;

            BeginOnUIThread(() => ImageEditor.OpenEditor());
        public void SetPhoto()
            var photo = CurrentItem as TLPhoto;

            if (photo == null)

            TLPhotoSize  size  = null;
            var          sizes = photo.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
            const double width = 800.0;

            foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                if (size == null ||
                    Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                    size = photoSize;
            if (size == null)

            var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;

            if (location == null)

            IsWorking = true;
            MTProtoService.UpdateProfilePhotoAsync(new TLInputPhoto {
                Id = photo.Id, AccessHash = photo.AccessHash
            }, new TLInputPhotoCropAuto(),
                                                   result =>
                IsWorking = false;
                _items.Insert(0, result);
                MTProtoService.GetUserPhotosAsync(_currentContact.ToInputUser(), new TLInt(1), new TLLong(0), new TLInt(1),
                                                  photos =>
                    var previousPhoto = photos.Photos.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (previousPhoto != null)
                        _items.Insert(1, previousPhoto);
                                                  error =>
                    Execute.ShowDebugMessage("photos.getUserPhotos error " + error);
                                                   error =>
                IsWorking = false;
                Execute.ShowDebugMessage("photos.updateProfilePhoto error " + error);
Пример #13
        private static async Task <Tuple <TLPhotoSizeBase, TLPhotoSizeBase> > GetFilePreviewAndThumbAsync(StorageFile file)
                var preview = await file.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 480, ThumbnailOptions.ResizeThumbnail);

                var thumbLocation = new TLFileLocation
                    DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                    VolumeId = TLLong.Random(),
                    LocalId  = TLInt.Random(),
                    Secret   = TLLong.Random(),

                var thumbFileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                var previewLocation = new TLFileLocation
                    DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                    VolumeId = TLLong.Random(),
                    LocalId  = TLInt.Random(),
                    Secret   = TLLong.Random(),

                var previewFileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                var previewFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(previewFileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                var previewBuffer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer(Convert.ToUInt32(preview.Size));
                var iBuf          = await preview.ReadAsync(previewBuffer, previewBuffer.Capacity, InputStreamOptions.None);

                var filePreview = new TLPhotoSize
                    W        = new TLInt((int)preview.OriginalWidth),
                    H        = new TLInt((int)preview.OriginalHeight),
                    Size     = new TLInt((int)preview.Size),
                    Type     = TLString.Empty,
                    Location = previewLocation,

                Photo thumb;
                using (var previewStream = await previewFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                    await previewStream.WriteAsync(iBuf);

                    thumb = await ChooseAttachmentViewModel.ResizeJpeg(previewStream, 90, thumbFileName);

                var thumbFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(thumbFileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

                var iBuf2 = thumb.Bytes.AsBuffer();
                using (var thumbStream = await thumbFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                    await thumbStream.WriteAsync(iBuf2);

                var fileThumb = new TLPhotoSize
                    W        = new TLInt(thumb.Width),
                    H        = new TLInt(thumb.Height),
                    Size     = new TLInt(thumb.Bytes.Length),
                    Type     = new TLString("s"),
                    Location = thumbLocation,

                return(new Tuple <TLPhotoSizeBase, TLPhotoSizeBase>(filePreview, fileThumb));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Telegram.Api.Helpers.Execute.ShowDebugMessage("GetFilePreviewAndThumbAsync exception " + ex);

            return(new Tuple <TLPhotoSizeBase, TLPhotoSizeBase>(null, null));
        private void SendVideo(RecordedVideo recorderVideo)
            if (recorderVideo == null)

            long size = 0;

            using (var storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var file = storage.OpenFile(recorderVideo.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    size = file.Length;

            long photoSize = 0;

            using (var storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var file = storage.OpenFile(recorderVideo.FileName + ".jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    photoSize = file.Length;

            var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            var localId  = TLInt.Random();
            var secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var thumbLocation = new TLFileLocation //TODO: replace with TLFileLocationUnavailable
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,

            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            // заменяем имя на стандартное для всех каритинок
            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                store.CopyFile(recorderVideo.FileName + ".jpg", fileName, true);
                store.DeleteFile(recorderVideo.FileName + ".jpg");

            var thumbSize = new TLPhotoSize
                W        = new TLInt(640),
                H        = new TLInt(480),
                Size     = new TLInt((int)photoSize),
                Type     = new TLString(""),
                Location = thumbLocation,

            var documentAttributeVideo = new TLDocumentAttributeVideo
                Duration = new TLInt((int)recorderVideo.Duration),
                W        = new TLInt(640),
                H        = new TLInt(480)

            var document = new TLDocument54
                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                MimeType   = new TLString("video/mp4"),
                Size       = new TLInt((int)size),
                Thumb      = thumbSize,
                DCId       = new TLInt(0),
                Version    = new TLInt(0),
                Attributes = new TLVector <TLDocumentAttributeBase> {

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75
                Flags       = new TLInt(0),
                FileId      = recorderVideo.FileId ?? TLLong.Random(),
                Document    = document,
                IsoFileName = recorderVideo.FileName,
                Caption     = TLString.Empty

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && (_messages == null || _messages.Count == 0) && LazyItems.Count == 0;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      m => SendVideoInternal(message, null)));
Пример #15
        protected string ExportPhoto(TLMessageMediaPhoto media)
            // TLPhoto contains a collection of TLPhotoSize
            TLPhoto photo = media.photo as TLPhoto;

            if (photo == null)
                throw new TLCoreException("The photo is not an instance of TLPhoto");

            if (photo.sizes.lists.Count <= 0)
                throw new TLCoreException("TLPhoto does not have any element");

            // Pick max size photo from TLPhoto
            TLPhotoSize photoMaxSize = null;

            foreach (TLAbsPhotoSize absPhotoSize in photo.sizes.lists)
                TLPhotoSize photoSize = absPhotoSize as TLPhotoSize;
                if (photoSize == null)
                    throw new TLCoreException("The photosize is not an instance of TLPhotoSize");
                if (photoMaxSize != null && photoSize.w < photoMaxSize.w)
                photoMaxSize = photoSize;

            // a TLPhotoSize contains a TLFileLocation
            TLFileLocation fileLocation = photoMaxSize.location as TLFileLocation;

            if (fileLocation == null)
                throw new TLCoreException("The file location is not an instance of TLFileLocation");

            TLFile file = m_archiver.GetFile(fileLocation, photoMaxSize.size);

            string ext = "";

            if (file.type.GetType() == typeof(TLFileJpeg))
                ext = "jpg";
            else if (file.type.GetType() == typeof(TLFileGif))
                ext = "gif";
            else if (file.type.GetType() == typeof(TLFilePng))
                ext = "png";
                throw new TLCoreException("The photo has an unknown file type");

            // Take a caption if exists or set the default one
            string sCaption = String.IsNullOrEmpty(media.caption) ? c_sPhoto : media.caption;

            // Key: YYYY-MM-DD-Caption{0:00}.EXT
            string key = String.Format("{0}-{1}{2}.{3}",

            string sFileName = GetUniqueFileName(key); // YYYY-MM-DD-CaptionXX.EXT

            if (m_config.ExportPhotos)
                // Export the photo to a file
                string sFullFileName = Path.Combine(m_sDialogDirectory, sFileName);
                using (FileStream f = new FileStream(sFullFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    f.Write(file.bytes, 0, photoMaxSize.size);

            return(sFileName); // YYYY-MM-DD-CaptionXX.EXT
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var encryptedPhoto = value as TLEncryptedFile;

            if (encryptedPhoto != null)
                return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, encryptedPhoto, encryptedPhoto));

            var userProfilePhoto = value as TLUserProfilePhoto;

            if (userProfilePhoto != null)
                var location = userProfilePhoto.PhotoSmall as TLFileLocation;
                if (location != null)
                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueProfileImage(timer, location, userProfilePhoto, new TLInt(0)));

            var chatPhoto = value as TLChatPhoto;

            if (chatPhoto != null)
                var location = chatPhoto.PhotoSmall as TLFileLocation;
                if (location != null)
                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueProfileImage(timer, location, chatPhoto, new TLInt(0)));

            var decrypteMedia = value as TLDecryptedMessageMediaBase;

            if (decrypteMedia != null)
                var decryptedMediaVideo = value as TLDecryptedMessageMediaVideo;
                if (decryptedMediaVideo != null)
                    var buffer = decryptedMediaVideo.Thumb.Data;

                    if (buffer.Length > 0 &&
                        decryptedMediaVideo.ThumbW.Value > 0 &&
                        decryptedMediaVideo.ThumbH.Value > 0)
                        var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                        var bitmap       = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(memoryStream);


                        var blurredStream = new MemoryStream();
                        bitmap.SaveJpeg(blurredStream, decryptedMediaVideo.ThumbW.Value, decryptedMediaVideo.ThumbH.Value, 0, 70);



                var decryptedMediaDocument = value as TLDecryptedMessageMediaDocument;
                if (decryptedMediaDocument != null)
                    var location = decryptedMediaDocument.File as TLEncryptedFile;
                    if (location != null)
                        var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                        using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                            if (store.FileExists(fileName))
                                BitmapImage imageSource;

                                    using (var stream = store.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                        var image = new BitmapImage();
                                        imageSource = image;
                                catch (Exception)


                    var buffer = decryptedMediaDocument.Thumb.Data;

                var file = decrypteMedia.File as TLEncryptedFile;
                if (file != null)
                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, file, decrypteMedia));

            var decryptedMessage = value as TLDecryptedMessage17;

            if (decryptedMessage != null)
                var decryptedMediaExternalDocument = decryptedMessage.Media as TLDecryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument;
                if (decryptedMediaExternalDocument != null)
#if WP8
                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueSticker(decryptedMediaExternalDocument, decryptedMessage));


            var photoMedia = value as TLMessageMediaPhoto;
            if (photoMedia != null)
                value = photoMedia.Photo;

            var photo = value as TLPhoto;
            if (photo != null)
                var    width = 311.0;
                double result;
                if (Double.TryParse((string)parameter, out result))
                    width = result;

                TLPhotoSize size  = null;
                var         sizes = photo.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
                foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                    if (size == null ||
                        Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                        size = photoSize;

                if (size != null)
                    var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;
                    if (location != null)
                        return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, location, photo, size.Size));

#if WP8
            var sticker = value as TLStickerItem;
            if (sticker != null)
                var document22 = sticker.Document as TLDocument22;
                if (document22 == null)

                var thumbCachedSize = document22.Thumb as TLPhotoCachedSize;
                if (thumbCachedSize != null)
                    var fileName = "cached" + document22.GetFileName();
                    var buffer   = thumbCachedSize.Bytes.Data;
                    if (buffer == null)

                    return(DecodeWebPImage(fileName, buffer, () => { }));

                var thumbPhotoSize = document22.Thumb as TLPhotoSize;
                if (thumbPhotoSize != null)
                    var location = thumbPhotoSize.Location as TLFileLocation;
                    if (location != null)
                        return(ReturnOrEnqueueStickerPreview(location, sticker, thumbPhotoSize.Size));

                if (TLMessageBase.IsSticker(document22))
                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueSticker(document22, sticker));

            var document = value as TLDocument;
            if (document != null)
#if WP8
                if (TLMessageBase.IsSticker(document))
                    if (parameter != null &&
                        string.Equals(parameter.ToString(), "ignoreStickers", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    return(ReturnOrEnqueueSticker((TLDocument22)document, null));

                var thumbPhotoSize = document.Thumb as TLPhotoSize;
                if (thumbPhotoSize != null)
                    var location = thumbPhotoSize.Location as TLFileLocation;
                    if (location != null)
                        return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, location, document, thumbPhotoSize.Size));

                var thumbCachedSize = document.Thumb as TLPhotoCachedSize;
                if (thumbCachedSize != null)
                    var buffer = thumbCachedSize.Bytes.Data;


            var videoMedia = value as TLMessageMediaVideo;
            if (videoMedia != null)
                value = videoMedia.Video;

            var video = value as TLVideo;
            if (video != null)
                var thumbPhotoSize = video.Thumb as TLPhotoSize;

                if (thumbPhotoSize != null)
                    var location = thumbPhotoSize.Location as TLFileLocation;
                    if (location != null)
                        return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, location, video, thumbPhotoSize.Size));

                var thumbCachedSize = video.Thumb as TLPhotoCachedSize;
                if (thumbCachedSize != null)
                    var buffer = thumbCachedSize.Bytes.Data;

            var webPageMedia = value as TLMessageMediaWebPage;
            if (webPageMedia != null)
                value = webPageMedia.WebPage;

            var webPage = value as TLWebPage;
            if (webPage != null)
                var webPagePhoto = webPage.Photo as TLPhoto;
                if (webPagePhoto != null)
                    var    width = 311.0;
                    double result;
                    if (Double.TryParse((string)parameter, out result))
                        width = result;

                    TLPhotoSize size  = null;
                    var         sizes = webPagePhoto.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
                    foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                        if (size == null ||
                            Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                            size = photoSize;

                    if (size != null)
                        var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;
                        if (location != null)
                            return(ReturnOrEnqueueImage(timer, location, webPage, size.Size));

Пример #17
        public static async Task <TLPhotoSizeBase> GetVideoThumbnailAsync(StorageFile file, VideoProperties props, VideoTransformEffectDefinition effect)
            double originalWidth  = props.GetWidth();
            double originalHeight = props.GetHeight();

            if (effect != null && !effect.CropRectangle.IsEmpty)
                file = await CropAsync(file, effect.CropRectangle);

                originalWidth  = effect.CropRectangle.Width;
                originalHeight = effect.CropRectangle.Height;

            TLPhotoSizeBase result;
            var             fileLocation = new TLFileLocation
                VolumeId = TLLong.Random(),
                LocalId  = TLInt.Random(),
                Secret   = TLLong.Random(),
                DCId     = 0

            var desiredName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg", fileLocation.VolumeId, fileLocation.LocalId, fileLocation.Secret);
            var desiredFile = await FileUtils.CreateTempFileAsync(desiredName);

            using (var fileStream = await OpenReadAsync(file))
                using (var outputStream = await desiredFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.ReadWrite))
                    var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(fileStream);

                    double ratioX = (double)90 / originalWidth;
                    double ratioY = (double)90 / originalHeight;
                    double ratio  = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY);

                    uint width  = (uint)(originalWidth * ratio);
                    uint height = (uint)(originalHeight * ratio);

                    var transform = new BitmapTransform();
                    transform.ScaledWidth       = width;
                    transform.ScaledHeight      = height;
                    transform.InterpolationMode = BitmapInterpolationMode.Linear;

                    if (effect != null)
                        transform.Flip = effect.Mirror == MediaMirroringOptions.Horizontal ? BitmapFlip.Horizontal : BitmapFlip.None;

                    var pixelData = await decoder.GetSoftwareBitmapAsync(decoder.BitmapPixelFormat, decoder.BitmapAlphaMode, transform, ExifOrientationMode.RespectExifOrientation, ColorManagementMode.DoNotColorManage);

                    var propertySet  = new BitmapPropertySet();
                    var qualityValue = new BitmapTypedValue(0.77, PropertyType.Single);
                    propertySet.Add("ImageQuality", qualityValue);

                    var encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(BitmapEncoder.JpegEncoderId, outputStream);

                    await encoder.FlushAsync();

                    result = new TLPhotoSize
                        W        = (int)width,
                        H        = (int)height,
                        Size     = (int)outputStream.Size,
                        Type     = string.Empty,
                        Location = fileLocation

        public void OpenMedia(TLMessageBase messageBase)
            if (messageBase == null)
            if (messageBase.Status == MessageStatus.Failed ||
                messageBase.Status == MessageStatus.Sending)

            var serviceMessage = messageBase as TLMessageService;

            if (serviceMessage != null)
                var editPhotoAction = serviceMessage.Action as TLMessageActionChatEditPhoto;
                if (editPhotoAction != null)
                    var photo = editPhotoAction.Photo;
                    if (photo != null)
                        //StateService.CurrentPhoto = photo;
                        //StateService.CurrentChat = With as TLChatBase;

                var phoneCallAction = serviceMessage.Action as TLMessageActionPhoneCall;
                if (phoneCallAction != null)
                    TLUser user = null;
                    if (serviceMessage.Out.Value)
                        user = CacheService.GetUser(serviceMessage.ToId.Id) as TLUser;
                        user = serviceMessage.From as TLUser;

                    ShellViewModel.StartVoiceCall(user, IoC.Get <IVoIPService>(), IoC.Get <ICacheService>());


            var message = messageBase as TLMessage;

            if (message == null)

            var mediaPhoto = message.Media as TLMessageMediaPhoto;

            if (mediaPhoto != null)
                if (!message.Out.Value && message.HasTTL())
                    var ttlMessageMedia = mediaPhoto as ITTLMessageMedia;
                    if (ttlMessageMedia != null && ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams == null)
                        ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams = new TTLParams
                            StartTime = DateTime.Now,
                            IsStarted = true,
                            Total     = ttlMessageMedia.TTLSeconds.Value
                        mediaPhoto.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams);

                        AddToTTLQueue(message as TLMessage70, ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams,
                                      result =>
                            SplitGroupedMessages(new List <TLInt> {

                    ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);

                var photo = mediaPhoto.Photo as TLPhoto;
                if (photo != null)
                    var width = 311.0;

                    TLPhotoSize size  = null;
                    var         sizes = photo.Sizes.OfType <TLPhotoSize>();
                    foreach (var photoSize in sizes)
                        if (size == null ||
                            Math.Abs(width - size.W.Value) > Math.Abs(width - photoSize.W.Value))
                            size = photoSize;

                    if (size != null)
                        var location = size.Location as TLFileLocation;
                        if (location != null)
                            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

                            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                                if (!store.FileExists(fileName))
                                    message.Media.IsCanceled          = false;
                                    message.Media.DownloadingProgress = 0.01;
                                    Execute.BeginOnThreadPool(() => DownloadFileManager.DownloadFile(location, photo, size.Size));


                if (mediaPhoto.IsCanceled)
                    mediaPhoto.IsCanceled = false;
                    mediaPhoto.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => mediaPhoto.Photo);
                    mediaPhoto.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => mediaPhoto.Self);


                StateService.CurrentPhotoMessage  = message;
                StateService.CurrentMediaMessages = message.HasTTL()
                    ? new List <TLMessage> {
                    : UngroupEnumerator(Items).OfType <TLMessage>()
                .Where(x =>
                    if (TLMessageBase.HasTTL(x.Media))

                    return(x.Media is TLMessageMediaPhoto || x.Media is TLMessageMediaVideo || x.IsVideo());



            var mediaWebPage = message.Media as TLMessageMediaWebPage;

            if (mediaWebPage != null)
                var webPage = mediaWebPage.WebPage as TLWebPage;
                if (webPage != null && webPage.Type != null)
                    if (webPage.Type != null)
                        var type = webPage.Type.ToString();
                        if (string.Equals(type, "photo", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            StateService.CurrentPhotoMessage = message;


                        if (string.Equals(type, "video", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if (!TLString.Equals(webPage.SiteName, new TLString("youtube"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                var launcher = new MediaPlayerLauncher
                                    Location    = MediaLocationType.Data,
                                    Media       = new Uri(webPage.EmbedUrl.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute),
                                    Orientation = MediaPlayerOrientation.Portrait

                            if (!TLString.IsNullOrEmpty(webPage.Url))
                                var webBrowserTask = new WebBrowserTask();
                                webBrowserTask.URL = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(webPage.Url.ToString());

                        if (string.Equals(type, "gif", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            var webPage35 = webPage as TLWebPage35;
                            if (webPage35 != null)
                                var document = webPage35.Document as TLDocument;
                                if (document == null)

                                var documentLocalFileName = document.GetFileName();
                                var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
#if WP81
                                var documentFile = mediaWebPage.File ?? await GetStorageFile(mediaWebPage);

                                if (!store.FileExists(documentLocalFileName)
#if WP81
                                    && documentFile == null
                                    mediaWebPage.IsCanceled          = false;
                                    mediaWebPage.DownloadingProgress = mediaWebPage.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaWebPage.LastProgress : 0.001;
                                    DownloadDocumentFileManager.DownloadFileAsync(document.FileName, document.DCId, document.ToInputFileLocation(), message, document.Size,
                                                                                  progress =>
                                        if (progress > 0.0)
                                            mediaWebPage.DownloadingProgress = progress;


            var mediaGame = message.Media as TLMessageMediaGame;
            if (mediaGame != null)
                var game = mediaGame.Game;
                if (game != null)
                    var document = game.Document as TLDocument;
                    if (document == null)

                    var documentLocalFileName = document.GetFileName();
                    var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
#if WP81
                    var documentFile = mediaGame.File ?? await GetStorageFile(mediaGame);

                    if (!store.FileExists(documentLocalFileName)
#if WP81
                        && documentFile == null
                        mediaGame.IsCanceled          = false;
                        mediaGame.DownloadingProgress = mediaGame.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaGame.LastProgress : 0.001;
                        DownloadDocumentFileManager.DownloadFileAsync(document.FileName, document.DCId, document.ToInputFileLocation(), message, document.Size,
                                                                      progress =>
                            if (progress > 0.0)
                                mediaGame.DownloadingProgress = progress;


            var mediaGeo = message.Media as TLMessageMediaGeo;
            if (mediaGeo != null)


            var mediaContact = message.Media as TLMessageMediaContact;
            if (mediaContact != null)
                var phoneNumber = mediaContact.PhoneNumber.ToString();

                if (mediaContact.UserId.Value == 0)
                    var user = mediaContact.User;

                    OpenMediaContact(mediaContact.UserId, user, new TLString(phoneNumber));

            var mediaVideo = message.Media as TLMessageMediaVideo;
            if (mediaVideo != null)
                var video = mediaVideo.Video as TLVideo;
                if (video == null)

                var videoFileName = video.GetFileName();
                var store         = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
#if WP81
                var file = mediaVideo.File ?? await GetStorageFile(mediaVideo);

                if (!store.FileExists(videoFileName)
#if WP81
                    && file == null
                    mediaVideo.IsCanceled          = false;
                    mediaVideo.DownloadingProgress = mediaVideo.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaVideo.LastProgress : 0.001;
                        video.DCId, video.ToInputFileLocation(), message, video.Size,
                        progress =>
                        if (progress > 0.0)
                            mediaVideo.DownloadingProgress = progress;

#if WP81
                    //var localFile = await GetFileFromLocalFolder(videoFileName);
                    var videoProperties = await file.Properties.GetVideoPropertiesAsync();

                    var musicProperties = await file.Properties.GetMusicPropertiesAsync();

                    if (file != null)

                    var launcher = new MediaPlayerLauncher
                        Location = MediaLocationType.Data,
                        Media    = new Uri(videoFileName, UriKind.Relative)

            var mediaAudio = message.Media as TLMessageMediaAudio;
            if (mediaAudio != null)
                var audio = mediaAudio.Audio as TLAudio;
                if (audio == null)

                var store         = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
                var audioFileName = audio.GetFileName();
                if (TLString.Equals(audio.MimeType, new TLString("audio/mpeg"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (!store.FileExists(audioFileName))
                        mediaAudio.IsCanceled          = false;
                        mediaAudio.DownloadingProgress = mediaAudio.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaAudio.LastProgress : 0.001;
                        BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                            DownloadAudioFileManager.DownloadFile(audio.DCId, audio.ToInputFileLocation(), message, audio.Size);
                        ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);


                var wavFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audioFileName) + ".wav";

                if (!store.FileExists(wavFileName))
                    mediaAudio.IsCanceled          = false;
                    mediaAudio.DownloadingProgress = mediaAudio.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaAudio.LastProgress : 0.001;
                    BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                        DownloadAudioFileManager.DownloadFile(audio.DCId, audio.ToInputFileLocation(), message, audio.Size);
                    ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);

                if (mediaAudio.IsCanceled)
                    mediaAudio.IsCanceled = false;
                    mediaAudio.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => mediaPhoto.ThumbSelf);



            var mediaDocument = message.Media as TLMessageMediaDocument;
            if (mediaDocument != null)
                var document = mediaDocument.Document as TLDocument22;
                if (document != null)
                    if (TLMessageBase.IsSticker(document))
                        var inputStickerSet = document.StickerSet;
                        if (inputStickerSet != null && !(inputStickerSet is TLInputStickerSetEmpty))
                    else if (TLMessageBase.IsVoice(document))
                        var store         = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
                        var audioFileName = string.Format("audio{0}_{1}.mp3", document.Id, document.AccessHash);
                        if (TLString.Equals(document.MimeType, new TLString("audio/mpeg"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            if (!store.FileExists(audioFileName))
                                mediaDocument.IsCanceled          = false;
                                mediaDocument.DownloadingProgress = mediaDocument.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaDocument.LastProgress : 0.001;
                                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                    DownloadAudioFileManager.DownloadFile(document.DCId, document.ToInputFileLocation(), message, document.Size);
                                ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);


                        var wavFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audioFileName) + ".wav";

                        if (!store.FileExists(wavFileName))
                            mediaDocument.IsCanceled          = false;
                            mediaDocument.DownloadingProgress = mediaDocument.LastProgress > 0.0 ? mediaDocument.LastProgress : 0.001;
                            BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                DownloadAudioFileManager.DownloadFile(document.DCId, document.ToInputFileLocation(), message, document.Size);
                            ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);

                        if (mediaDocument.IsCanceled)
                            mediaDocument.IsCanceled = false;
                            mediaDocument.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => mediaDocument.ThumbSelf);

                    else if (TLMessageBase.IsVideo(document))
                        var video = mediaDocument.Document as TLDocument;
                        if (video == null)

                        var videoFileName = video.GetFileName();
                        var store         = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
#if WP81
                        var file = mediaDocument.File ?? await GetStorageFile(mediaDocument);

                        if (!store.FileExists(videoFileName)
#if WP81
                            && file == null
                            mediaDocument.IsCanceled          = false;
                            mediaDocument.DownloadingProgress = mediaDocument.LastProgress > 0.0
                                ? mediaDocument.LastProgress
                                : 0.001;
                                video.DCId, video.ToInputFileLocation(), message, video.Size,
                                progress =>
                                if (progress > 0.0)
                                    mediaDocument.DownloadingProgress = progress;
                            if (!message.Out.Value && message.HasTTL())
                                var ttlMessageMedia = mediaDocument as ITTLMessageMedia;
                                if (ttlMessageMedia != null && ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams == null)
                                    ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams = new TTLParams
                                        StartTime = DateTime.Now,
                                        IsStarted = true,
                                        Total     = ttlMessageMedia.TTLSeconds.Value
                                    mediaDocument.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams);

                                    AddToTTLQueue(message as TLMessage70, ttlMessageMedia.TTLParams,
                                                  result =>
                                        SplitGroupedMessages(new List <TLInt> {

                                ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);
                            else if (message.IsRoundVideo())
                                ReadMessageContents(message as TLMessage25);
#if WP81
                            if (file != null)

                            var launcher = new MediaPlayerLauncher
                                Location = MediaLocationType.Data,
                                Media    = new Uri(videoFileName, UriKind.Relative)
                        OpenDocumentCommon(message, StateService, DownloadDocumentFileManager,
                                           () =>
                            StateService.CurrentPhotoMessage = message;

                            if (AnimatedImageViewer == null)
                                AnimatedImageViewer = new AnimatedImageViewerViewModel(StateService);
                                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => AnimatedImageViewer);

                            Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() => AnimatedImageViewer.OpenViewer());
                    OpenDocumentCommon(message, StateService, DownloadDocumentFileManager,
                                       () =>
                        StateService.CurrentPhotoMessage = message;

                        if (AnimatedImageViewer == null)
                            AnimatedImageViewer = new AnimatedImageViewerViewModel(StateService);
                            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => AnimatedImageViewer);

                        Execute.BeginOnUIThread(() => AnimatedImageViewer.OpenViewer());


            Execute.ShowDebugMessage("tap on media");