Пример #1
        public DataView GetTLView(int terminalID, string sortBy)
            //Get a view of TLs for the specified terminal
            TLDataset tls  = new TLDataset();
            DataView  view = tls.TLTable.DefaultView;
            TLViewerService2Client client = new TLViewerService2Client();

            try {
                if (terminalID > 0)
                    DataSet ds = client.GetTLView2(terminalID);
                    if (ds != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tls.TLTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                            tls.TLTable[i].TerminalID = terminalID;
                        if (sortBy.Trim().Length == 0)
                            sortBy = "TLNumber";
                        view.Sort = sortBy;
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException <TLViewerFault> tle) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tle.Detail.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
Пример #2
        public DataView GetAgentSummary(int terminalID, string sortBy)
            //Get an agent summary view for the specified terminal
            TLDataset tls  = new TLDataset();
            DataView  view = tls.TLTable.DefaultView;
            TLViewerService2Client client = new TLViewerService2Client();

            try {
                DataSet ds = client.GetAgentSummary2(terminalID);
                if (ds != null)
                    if (sortBy.Trim().Length == 0)
                        sortBy = "AgentNumber";
                    view.Sort = sortBy;
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException <TLViewerFault> tle) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tle.Detail.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
Пример #3
        public override void Compute()
            TLDatasetsList listOfDatasets = (TLDatasetsList)Workspace.Load("listOfDatasets");

            if (listOfDatasets == null)
                throw new ComponentException("Received null listOfDatasets");
            if (listOfDatasets.Count == 0)
                throw new ComponentException("Received empty listOfDatasets");

            int index = (int)Workspace.Load("indexOfDataset");

            if (index < 0)
                throw new ComponentException("Received negative indexOfDataset");
            if (index > listOfDatasets.Count)
                throw new ComponentException("Received indexOfDataset is higher that number of datasets in the received list.");

            TLDataset dataset = listOfDatasets[index];

            Workspace.Store("sourceArtifacts", dataset.SourceArtifacts);
            Workspace.Store("targetArtifacts", dataset.TargetArtifacts);
            Workspace.Store("answerSet", dataset.AnswerSet);
            Workspace.Store("datasetName", dataset.Name);

            Logger.Info(String.Format("Loaded dataset '{0}' source artifacts collection (id:{1}), and target artifacts collection (id:{2})", dataset.Name, dataset.SourceArtifacts.CollectionId, dataset.TargetArtifacts.CollectionId));
Пример #4
        public override void Compute()
            // Loading artifacts & datasets from workspace
            TLArtifactsCollection sourceArtifacts  = (TLArtifactsCollection)Workspace.Load("sourceArtifacts");
            TLArtifactsCollection targetArtifacts  = (TLArtifactsCollection)Workspace.Load("targetArtifacts");
            TLSimilarityMatrix    answerMatrix     = (TLSimilarityMatrix)Workspace.Load("answerMatrix");
            TLSimilarityMatrix    similarityMatrix = (TLSimilarityMatrix)Workspace.Load("similarityMatrix");

            // Checking for null arguments
            if (sourceArtifacts == null)
                throw new ComponentException("The loaded source artifacts cannot be null!");
            if (targetArtifacts == null)
                throw new ComponentException("The loaded target artifacts cannot be null!");
            if (answerMatrix == null)
                throw new ComponentException("The loaded answer matrix cannot be null!");
            if (similarityMatrix == null)
                throw new ComponentException("The loaded similarity matrix cannot be null!");

            // Results calculation
            TLDatasetsList datasets = new TLDatasetsList();
            var            dataset  = new TLDataset("Experiment results");

            dataset.AnswerSet       = answerMatrix;
            dataset.SourceArtifacts = sourceArtifacts;
            dataset.TargetArtifacts = targetArtifacts;

            TLSimilarityMatricesCollection similarityMatrices = new TLSimilarityMatricesCollection();

            similarityMatrix.Name = "Experiment results";

            MetricComputationEngine engine = new MetricComputationEngine(datasets, Logger, m_config);

            //wrap result similarity matrix into TracingResult
            var tracingResults = GroupOfTracingResults <SingleTracingResults> .Adapt(similarityMatrices, "Experiment results");

            var results = engine.ComputeResults();

            // Store the results in the workspace
            Workspace.Store("results", results);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the specified tracing results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tracingResults">The tracing results.</param>
        /// <param name="dataset">The dataset.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Metric Compute(SingleTracingResults tracingResults, TLDataset dataset)
            LineSeries precisionRecallCurve = new LineSeries(MetricName, MetricDescription);

            //only if tracing results are not null...
            if (tracingResults != null)
                var resultMatrix    = tracingResults.ResultMatrix;
                var answerSet       = dataset.AnswerSet;
                var sourceArtifacts = dataset.SourceArtifacts;

                TLLinksList resultLinks = resultMatrix.AllLinks;

                int numberOfRelevant = 0;
                foreach (TLArtifact sourceArtifact in sourceArtifacts.Values)
                    numberOfRelevant += answerSet.GetCountOfLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                //add point only if number of relevant and number of retrieved links are greater than 0
                //basically don't allow division by 0
                if (numberOfRelevant == 0)
                    m_logger.Warn("Number of relevant links is 0, thus the recall value cannot be computed for the Precision Recall Curve");
                    int numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved = 0;
                    int numberOfRetrieved          = 0;

                    foreach (TLSingleLink link in resultLinks)
                        //check if this is a relevant link
                        if (answerSet.IsLinkAboveThreshold(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId))

                        double recall = (double)numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved / numberOfRelevant;

                        //don't need to check if number of retrieved is greater than 0 as it is always the case
                        double precision = (double)numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved / numberOfRetrieved;
                        precisionRecallCurve.AddPoint(new Point(recall, precision));

        public override void Compute()
            var datasetsLocations = ReadDatasetsLocations();

            TLDatasetsList listOfDatasets = new TLDatasetsList();

            foreach (DatasetLocation locations in datasetsLocations)
                TLDataset dataset = new TLDataset(locations.DatasetName);

                string error;

                //do validation
                if (CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ValidatePath(locations.SourceArtifactsLocation, "Source Artifacts File", out error))
                    dataset.SourceArtifacts = CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ImportArtifacts(locations.SourceArtifactsLocation, m_config.TrimElementValues);
                    Logger.Info(String.Format("Source artifacts imported from {0}.", locations.SourceArtifactsLocation));
                    throw new ComponentException(error);

                //do validation
                if (CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ValidatePath(locations.SourceArtifactsLocation, "Target Artifacts File", out error))
                    dataset.TargetArtifacts = CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ImportArtifacts(locations.TargetArtifactsLocation, m_config.TrimElementValues);
                    Logger.Info(String.Format("Target artifacts imported from {0}.", locations.TargetArtifactsLocation));
                    throw new ComponentException(error);

                //do validation
                if (CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ValidatePath(locations.SourceArtifactsLocation, "Target Artifacts File", out error))
                    dataset.AnswerSet = CoestDatasetImporterHelper.ImportAnswerSet(locations.AnswerSetLocation, dataset.SourceArtifacts, locations.SourceArtifactsLocation, dataset.TargetArtifacts, locations.TargetArtifactsLocation, Logger, m_config.TrimElementValues);
                    Logger.Info(String.Format("Answer set imported from {0}.", locations.AnswerSetLocation));
                    throw new ComponentException(error);


            Workspace.Store("listOfDatasets", listOfDatasets);
            Workspace.Store("numberOfDatasets", listOfDatasets.Count);
Пример #7
        public TLDataset GetTLs(string terminal, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            //Event handler for change in selected terminal
            TLDataset tls = new TLDataset();

            try {
                DataSet ds = FillDataset(USP_TLS, TBL_TLS, new object[] { terminal, startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") });
                if (ds.Tables[TBL_TLS] != null)
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception creating TL list.", ex); }
Пример #8
        public BoxSummaryData Calculate(SingleTracingResults singleTechniqueResults, TLDataset dataset)
            SortedDictionary <string, double> intermediateResults = m_metricComputation.Calculate(singleTechniqueResults.ResultMatrix, dataset);

            double[] dataPoints = intermediateResults.Values.ToArray();
            if (dataPoints.Length == 0 && m_logger != null)
                m_logger.Warn("Metric computation of '" + m_metricName + "' returned zero matching results for " + dataset.Name + " for one of the techniques. It may be valid results, but it may also mean that there is mismatch of ids in the answer matrix and corresponding artifacts.");

            var summaryData = new BoxSummaryData(m_metricName, m_metricDescription);

            summaryData.AddPoint(new BoxPlotPoint(dataPoints));

Пример #9
        public TLDataset FindTL(string terminal, string TLNumber)
            TLDataset tls = new TLDataset();

            try {
                DataSet ds = FillDataset(USP_TLS_FIND, TBL_TLS, new object[] { terminal, TLNumber });
                if (ds.Tables[TBL_TLS] != null)
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception finding TL.", ex); }
Пример #10
        public SortedDictionary <string, double> Calculate(TLSimilarityMatrix resultMatrix, TLDataset dataset)
            var answerSet       = dataset.AnswerSet;
            var sourceArtifacts = dataset.SourceArtifacts;

            SortedDictionary <string, double> metricValues = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();

            resultMatrix.Threshold = m_threshold;

            foreach (TLArtifact sourceArtifact in sourceArtifacts.Values)
                int numberOfRelevant = answerSet.GetCountOfLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                double recall = 0.0;
                if (numberOfRelevant > 0)
                    TLLinksList resultsListForArtifact = resultMatrix.GetLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                    int numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved = 0;

                    foreach (TLSingleLink link in resultsListForArtifact)
                        //check if this is relevant link
                        if (answerSet.IsLinkAboveThreshold(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId))

                    recall = (double)numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved / numberOfRelevant;
                    metricValues.Add(sourceArtifact.Id, recall);

            resultMatrix.Threshold = 0.0;

 public double Compare(SingleTracingResults techniqueOneResults, SingleTracingResults techniqueTwoResults, TLDataset dataset)
     return(s_rankTest.Compare(techniqueOneResults, techniqueTwoResults, dataset));
        public override Metric Compute(SingleTracingResults tracingResults, TLDataset dataset)
            SummaryStatistics precisionComputation = new SummaryStatistics(MetricName, MetricDescription, new PrecisionAtRecall100(), m_logger);

            return(precisionComputation.Calculate(tracingResults, dataset));
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the specified metric for given tracing results.
 /// It provided tracing results are equal default(T) - usually null,
 /// then Compute method still must return Metric that is not null.
 /// Metric needs to return either LineSeries or BoxSummaryData (possibly there are going to be more options in future)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tracingResults">The tracing results.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract Metric Compute(T tracingResults, TLDataset dataset);
Пример #14
        private List <double> PrepareDataForWilcox(SingleTracingResults techniqueOneResults, SingleTracingResults techniqueTwoResults, TLDataset dataset)
            var avePrec1 = (SortedDictionary <string, double>)m_baseMetricComputation.Calculate(techniqueOneResults.ResultMatrix, dataset);
            var avePrec2 = (SortedDictionary <string, double>)m_baseMetricComputation.Calculate(techniqueTwoResults.ResultMatrix, dataset);

            var deltas = ScoreComputationHelper.Delta(avePrec1, avePrec2);

Пример #15
        public double Compare(SingleTracingResults techniqueOneResults, SingleTracingResults techniqueTwoResults, TLDataset dataset)
            List <double> differencesResults = PrepareDataForWilcox(techniqueOneResults, techniqueTwoResults, dataset);

Пример #16
        public SortedDictionary <string, double> Calculate(TLSimilarityMatrix resultMatrix, TLDataset dataset)
            var answerSet       = dataset.AnswerSet;
            var sourceArtifacts = dataset.SourceArtifacts;

            SortedDictionary <string, double> metricValues = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (TLArtifact sourceArtifact in sourceArtifacts.Values)
                int numberOfRelevant = answerSet.GetCountOfLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id); //??

                double averagePrecision = 0.0;

                //do calculation only if there are relevant links
                if (numberOfRelevant > 0)
                    TLLinksList resultsListForArtifact = resultMatrix.GetLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                    int    numRetrieved          = 0;
                    int    numCorrectlyRetrieved = 0;
                    double sumPrecision          = 0;
                    int    numSameRankPosition   = 1;
                    int    sumSameRankPosition   = 0;
                    bool   hasCorrectlyRetrieved = false;
                    double lastSimilarityScore   = -1;
                    foreach (TLSingleLink link in resultsListForArtifact)
                        if (link.Score != lastSimilarityScore)
                            if (hasCorrectlyRetrieved)
                                double averageRankPosition = (double)sumSameRankPosition / numSameRankPosition;
                                sumPrecision += (double)numCorrectlyRetrieved / averageRankPosition;
                            numSameRankPosition   = 1;
                            sumSameRankPosition   = numRetrieved;
                            hasCorrectlyRetrieved = false;
                            sumSameRankPosition += numRetrieved;
                        if (answerSet.IsLinkAboveThreshold(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId))
                            hasCorrectlyRetrieved = true;
                        lastSimilarityScore = link.Score;
                    if (hasCorrectlyRetrieved)
                        double averageRankPosition = sumSameRankPosition / numSameRankPosition;
                        sumPrecision += (double)numCorrectlyRetrieved / averageRankPosition;

                    averagePrecision = (double)sumPrecision / numberOfRelevant;
                    metricValues.Add(sourceArtifact.Id, averagePrecision);

Пример #17
        public SortedDictionary <string, double> Calculate(TLSimilarityMatrix resultMatrix, TLDataset dataset)
            var answerSet       = dataset.AnswerSet;
            var sourceArtifacts = dataset.SourceArtifacts;

            SortedDictionary <string, double> metricValues = new SortedDictionary <string, double>();

            foreach (TLArtifact sourceArtifact in sourceArtifacts.Values)
                int totalNumberOfCorrectLinks = answerSet.GetCountOfLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                double precision = 0.0;
                resultMatrix.Threshold = 0.0;
                TLLinksList resultsListForArtifact = resultMatrix.GetLinksAboveThresholdForSourceArtifact(sourceArtifact.Id);

                int    numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved = 0;
                int    numberOfRetrieved          = 0;
                double scoreOfLastCorrectLink     = 0;
                bool   foundLastCorrectLink       = false;
                foreach (TLSingleLink link in resultsListForArtifact)

                    //if all correct links has not been found yet
                    if (foundLastCorrectLink == false)
                        //check if this is relevant link
                        if (answerSet.IsLinkAboveThreshold(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId))
                            if (numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved == totalNumberOfCorrectLinks)
                                foundLastCorrectLink   = true;
                                scoreOfLastCorrectLink = answerSet.GetScoreForLink(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId);
                    else if (foundLastCorrectLink)
                        //if all correct link were found
                        // retrieve all the documents that have the same relevance score as the document with the last correct link
                        double score = answerSet.GetScoreForLink(link.SourceArtifactId, link.TargetArtifactId);
                        if (!score.Equals(scoreOfLastCorrectLink))

                if (numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved != totalNumberOfCorrectLinks)
                    //if number of correctly retrieved links is not equal once results list was exhausted,
                    //it means there are some links not retrieved with probability zero. the precision is calculated by taking all target documents count
                    //because then also all documents with probability zero would have to be retrieved
                    precision = (double)totalNumberOfCorrectLinks / dataset.TargetArtifacts.Count;
                    metricValues.Add(sourceArtifact.Id, precision);
                else if (numberOfRetrieved > 0)
                    precision = (double)numberOfCorrectlyRetrieved / numberOfRetrieved;
                    metricValues.Add(sourceArtifact.Id, precision);

Пример #18
        public override Metric Compute(SingleTracingResults tracingResults, TLDataset dataset)
            SummaryStatistics recallComputation = new SummaryStatistics(MetricName, MetricDescription, new Recall(m_threshold), m_logger);

            return(recallComputation.Calculate(tracingResults, dataset));