private void saveStoryFlowToExcelToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (StaticUtil.CurrentFuzzFile == null) { MessageBox.Show("You must dump data first"); return; } Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; var ds = VSCommon.LoadDumpDataset(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()); var saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog1.Filter = "xls files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog1.Title = "To Excel"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var fileName = saveFileDialog1.FileName; UserStoryCumulativeFlow.BuildStoryFlowDump(ds, fileName); Cursor = Cursors.Default; Process.Start(fileName); } }
private bool DumpTFS() { if (VSCommon.IsFileLocked(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot update data from TFS because the TFS.accdb file is open on your machine. Please close it, then try again."); return(false); } string path = TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath(); button1.Enabled = false; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Application.DoEvents(); var wait = new InfoFrm("Extracting data from TFS, please wait ...", false); wait.Show(this); Application.DoEvents(); DumpWorkItemsToDS dump = new DumpWorkItemsToDS(connect, SelectedAreaId, wait, "Marketing Temp", TFSRegistry.LastDayOfWeek, txtIterationPath.Text.Trim(), chkIterationPath_Under.Checked, chkIterationPath_Equals.Checked); dump.DumpWorkItems(path); wait.Close(); button1.Enabled = true; Cursor = Cursors.Default; Application.DoEvents(); return(true); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!FuzzFileValid) { return; } if (!initialized) { init(); initialized = true; } TFSRegistry.SetDefaultIterationPath(txtIterationPath.Text.Trim()); if (chkIterationPath_Under.Checked || chkIterationPath_Equals.Checked) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtIterationPath.Text)) { MessageBox.Show( "You must enter a valid iteration path if either of the Iteration Path checkboxes are checked."); return; } } string message = string.Format("This application will automatically update the 'TFS dump' file if it is more than 4 hours old?{0}{0}Would you like to update the file anyway?", Environment.NewLine); if (MessageBox.Show(message, "TFS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (VSCommon.IsFileLocked(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot update data from TFS because the TFS.mdb file is open on your machine. Please close it, then try again."); return; } string path = TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath(); Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; button1.Enabled = false; Application.DoEvents(); var wait = new InfoFrm("Extracting data, please wait ...", false); wait.Show(this); Application.DoEvents(); DumpWorkItemsToDS dump = new DumpWorkItemsToDS(connect, SelectedAreaId, wait, SelectedProject.Name, TFSRegistry.LastDayOfWeek, txtIterationPath.Text.Trim(), chkIterationPath_Under.Checked, chkIterationPath_Equals.Checked); dump.DumpWorkItems(path); wait.Close(); button1.Enabled = true; Cursor = Cursors.Default; Application.DoEvents(); } }
private void dynamicChartToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!FuzzFileValid) { return; } if (!initialized) { init(); initialized = true; } //get the last update date from the file if (File.Exists(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()) && VSCommon.GetDumpFileAreaId(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()) == SelectedAreaId) { DateTime?dumpDate = VSCommon.GetDumpDate(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()); if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dumpDate.Value).TotalHours >= 4) { if (MessageBox.Show("The data used by this application hasn't been updated since " + dumpDate.Value.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Would you like to update now?", "Update Ira Dump Data", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (DumpTFS() == false) { return; } } } } else { if (DumpTFS() == false) { return; } } if (File.Exists(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath())) { if (VSCommon.IsFileLocked(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath())) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot update data from TFS because the TFS.accdb file is open on your machine. Please close it, then try again."); return; } var f = new frmDynamicChart(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath(), connect, SelectedAreaId, cboTeam.Text); f.Show(); } }
private void CheckForTFSMdbFile() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tfsPath)) { if (CanWorkLocally()) { AskToUpdateTFSFile(@"c:\TFSUtility\tfs.accdb"); } else { tfsPath = GetUserSelectedTFSFilePath(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tfsPath)) { TFSRegistry.SetTFSMdbPath(tfsPath); } } } AskToUpdateTFSFile(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()); }
public void canSerializeDeserialzeTFSStateManagerByProjNameTeamNameAreaId() { var sm = new TFSStateManager(); sm.ProjectName = "Serialize Test"; sm.TeamName = "Team Test"; sm.AreaId = 67; sm.AddState("Cat1", "Backlog", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Cat1", "Backlog", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Cat1", "Story Authoring", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Cat1", "Story Authoring", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Cat2", "Ready for Dev", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Cat2", "Ready for Dev", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Development", "Development", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("DevelopmentDone", "Development", "Active", false, true, true); TFSStateManager.SaveFuzzFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()), sm); var FuzzFiles = TFSStateManager.LoadFuzzFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath())); }
public void testCreateManualFileForWMA() { var sm = new TFSStateManager(); sm.ProjectUri = ""; sm.ProjectName = "MARKETING TEMP"; sm.TeamName = "Wegmans Mobile App"; sm.AreaId = 2884; //cat, kanban col, sys state sm.AddState("Backlog", "New", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "New", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Backlog", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Backlog", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Story Authoring", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Story Authoring", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready For Dev", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready For Dev", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Development", "Active", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("Development", "Active", "Active", false, true); sm.AddState("Development", "Development", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("DevelopmentDone", "Development", "Active", false, true, true); //dev done sm.AddState("AsynchronyQA", "Asynchrony QA", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("AsynchronyQADone", "Asynchrony QA", "Active", false, true, false, true); //qa done sm.AddState("WegmansQA", "Wegmans QA", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("WegmansQADone", "Wegmans QA", "Active", false, true, false, false, true); //uat done sm.AddState("POReview", "PO Review", "Resolved", true, false); sm.AddState("POReviewDone", "PO Review", "Resolved", false, true); sm.AddState("Smoketest", "Alpha Channel Smoke Test", "Resolved", true, false); sm.AddState("SmoketestDone", "Alpha Channel Smoke Test", "Resolved", false, true); sm.AddState("Closed", "Closed", "Closed", false, true); sm.AddState("Closed", "Closed", "Closed", true, false); TFSStateManager.SaveFuzzFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()), sm); //------------------------------------------------------------------ sm = new TFSStateManager(); sm.ProjectUri = ""; sm.ProjectName = "MARKETING TEMP"; sm.TeamName = "DevCXOne"; sm.AreaId = 405; //cat, kanban col, sys state sm.AddState("Backlog", "New", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "New", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Backlog", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Backlog", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Story Authoring", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Story Authoring", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready for grooming", "New", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready for grooming", "New", true, false); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready For Development", "Active", false, true); sm.AddState("Backlog", "Ready For Devdevelopment", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("Development", "Active", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("Development", "Active", "Active", false, true); sm.AddState("Development", "Development", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("DevelopmentDone", "Development", "Active", false, true, true); //dev done sm.AddState("PeerReview", "Peer Review", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("PeerReviewDone", "Peer Review Done", "Active", false, true); sm.AddState("ReadyQA", "Ready for QA", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("ReadyQA", "Ready for QA", "Active", false, true); sm.AddState("QA", "Quality Assurance", "Active", true, false); sm.AddState("QADone", "Quality Assurance", "Active", false, true);//qa done sm.AddState("ReadyForProduction", "Ready for production", "Resolved", true, false); sm.AddState("ReadyForProduction", "Ready for production", "Resolved", false, true); sm.AddState("Closed", "Closed", "Closed", false, true); sm.AddState("Closed", "Closed", "Closed", true, false); sm.AddState("Closed", "Done", "Closed", false, true); sm.AddState("Closed", "Done", "Closed", true, false); TFSStateManager.SaveFuzzFile(Path.GetDirectoryName(TFSRegistry.GetTFSMdbPath()), sm); }