Пример #1
        public HtmlControl(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool hasbackground, bool hasscrollbar, bool useflagscrollbar = false, string text = "", int hue = 0, bool ishtml = false, byte font = 1, bool isunicode = true, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT) : this()
            X                = x;
            Y                = y;
            Width            = w;
            Height           = h;
            HasBackground    = hasbackground;
            HasScrollbar     = hasscrollbar;
            UseFlagScrollbar = useflagscrollbar; //hasscrollbar != 0 && hasscrollbar == 2;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                _gameText.IsHTML    = ishtml;
                _gameText.FontStyle = style;
                _gameText.Align     = align;
                _gameText.Font      = font;
                _gameText.IsUnicode = isunicode;
                _gameText.MaxWidth  = w - (HasScrollbar ? 15 : 0) - (HasBackground ? 8 : 0);

            InternalBuild(text, hue);
Пример #2
        public static RenderedText Create(string text, ushort hue     = 0xFFFF, byte font = 0xFF, bool isunicode = true, FontStyle style = 0, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = 0,
                                          int maxWidth                = 0, byte cell = 30, bool isHTML = false,
                                          bool recalculateWidthByInfo = false, bool saveHitmap = false)
            RenderedText r;

            if (_pool.Count != 0)
                r             = _pool.Dequeue();
                r.IsDestroyed = false;
                r.Links.Count = 0;
                r = new RenderedText();

            r.Hue       = hue;
            r.Font      = font;
            r.IsUnicode = isunicode;
            r.FontStyle = style;
            r.Cell      = cell;
            r.Align     = align;
            r.MaxWidth  = maxWidth;
            r.IsHTML    = isHTML;
            r.RecalculateWidthByInfo = recalculateWidthByInfo;
            r.Width              = 0;
            r.Height             = 0;
            r.SaveHitMap         = saveHitmap;
            r.HTMLColor          = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
            r.HasBackgroundColor = false;
            r.IsPartialHue       = false;

            if (r.Text != text)
                r.Text = text; // here makes the texture
Пример #3
        private void AddStatTextLabel(string text, MobileStats stat, int x, int y, int maxWidth = 0, ushort hue = 0x0386, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE alignment = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT)
            Label label = new Label(text, false, hue, maxWidth, align: alignment, font: 1)
                X = x,
                Y = y

            _labels[(int)stat] = label;
Пример #4
 public HoveredLabel(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, ushort overHue, ushort selectedHue, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 255, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT) : base($" {text}", isunicode, hue, maxwidth, font, style, align)
     _overHue         = overHue;
     _normalHue       = hue;
     _selectedHue     = selectedHue;
     AcceptMouseInput = true;
Пример #5
        public StbTextBox(byte font, int max_char_count = -1, int maxWidth = 0, bool isunicode = true, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, ushort hue = 0, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = 0)
            AcceptKeyboardInput = true;
            AcceptMouseInput    = true;
            CanMove             = false;
            IsEditable          = true;

            _maxCharCount = max_char_count;

            _stb            = new TextEdit(this);
            _stb.SingleLine = true;

            if (maxWidth > 0)
                style |= FontStyle.CropTexture;

            _fontStyle = style;

            if ((style & (FontStyle.Fixed | FontStyle.Cropped)) != 0 && maxWidth <= 0)
                Debug.Assert((style & (FontStyle.Fixed | FontStyle.Cropped)) != 0 && maxWidth <= 0);

            // stb_textedit will handle part of these tag
            style &= ~(FontStyle.Fixed | FontStyle.Cropped | FontStyle.CropTexture);

            _rendererText  = RenderedText.Create(string.Empty, hue, font, isunicode, style, align, maxWidth, 30, false, false, false);
            _rendererCaret = RenderedText.Create("_", hue, font, isunicode, (style & FontStyle.BlackBorder) != 0 ? FontStyle.BlackBorder : FontStyle.None, align: align);

            Height = _rendererCaret.Height;

            if (Height < 50)
                Height = 50;
Пример #6
        public Label(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 0xFF, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT)
            if (font == 0xFF)
                font = (byte)(FileManager.ClientVersion >= ClientVersions.CV_305D ? 1 : 0);

            _gText = new RenderedText
                IsUnicode = isunicode,
                Font      = font,
                FontStyle = style,
                Hue       = hue,
                Align     = align,
                MaxWidth  = maxwidth,
                Text      = text
            AcceptMouseInput = false;
            Width            = _gText.Width;
            Height           = _gText.Height;
Пример #7
 public PasswordStbTextBox(byte font, int max_char_count = -1, int maxWidth = 0, bool isunicode = true, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, ushort hue = 0, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT) : base(font, max_char_count, maxWidth, isunicode, style, hue, align)
     _rendererText  = RenderedText.Create(string.Empty, hue, font, isunicode, style, align, maxWidth, 30, false, false, false);
     _rendererCaret = RenderedText.Create("_", hue, font, isunicode, (style & FontStyle.BlackBorder) != 0 ? FontStyle.BlackBorder : FontStyle.None, align: align);
     NoSelection    = true;
Пример #8
        public Label(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 0xFF, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT, bool ishtml = false)
            _gText = RenderedText.Create(text, hue, font, isunicode, style, align, maxwidth, isHTML: ishtml);

            AcceptMouseInput = false;
            Width            = _gText.Width;
            Height           = _gText.Height;
Пример #9
 public Label(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 0xFF, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT)
     _gText = new RenderedText
         IsUnicode = isunicode,
         Font      = font,
         FontStyle = style,
         Hue       = hue,
         Align     = align,
         MaxWidth  = maxwidth,
         Text      = text
     AcceptMouseInput = false;
     Width            = _gText.Width;
     Height           = _gText.Height;
Пример #10
 public HoveredLabel(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, ushort overHue, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 255, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT, float timeToLive = 0) : base(text, isunicode, hue, maxwidth, font, style, align, timeToLive)
     _overHue         = overHue;
     _normalHue       = hue;
     AcceptMouseInput = true;
Пример #11
        public NiceButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, ButtonAction action, string text, int groupnumber = 0, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_CENTER) : base(x, y, w, h)
            _action = action;
            Label label;

            Add(label = new Label(text, true, 999, w, 0xFF, FontStyle.BlackBorder | FontStyle.Cropped, align)
                X = align == TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_CENTER ? -2 : 0,
            label.Y      = (h - label.Height) >> 1;
            _groupnumber = groupnumber;
Пример #12
 public FadeOutLabel(string text, bool isunicode, ushort hue, float timeToLive, int maxwidth = 0, byte font = 0xFF, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE align = TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE.TS_LEFT)
     : base(text, isunicode, hue, maxwidth, font, style, align)
     _timeToLive = timeToLive;
Пример #13
        public TextBox(byte font, int maxcharlength = -1, int maxWidth = 0, int width = 0, bool isunicode = true, FontStyle style = FontStyle.None, ushort hue = 0, TEXT_ALIGN_TYPE alig = 0)
            TxEntry = new TextEntry(font, maxcharlength, maxWidth, width, isunicode, style, hue, alig);
            base.AcceptKeyboardInput = true;
            base.AcceptMouseInput    = true;
            IsEditable = true;
            Unicode    = isunicode;
            Font       = font;

            Texture = TxEntry.RenderText.Texture;