public static TES5.Group[] convert(string file) { List <mw_ltex> mw_textures = get_mw_land_textures(file); TES5.Group grup_txst = new TES5.Group("TXST"); TES5.Group grup_ltex = new TES5.Group("LTEX"); foreach (mw_ltex t in mw_textures) { TES5.Record txst = make_txst(t.editor_id, t.texture_path); TES5.Record ltex = make_ltex(, t.editor_id); LAND.add_texture(t.index, t.editor_id, t.texture_path,; grup_txst.addRecord(txst); grup_ltex.addRecord(ltex); } TES5.Group[] grps = new TES5.Group[2]; grps[0] = grup_txst; grps[1] = grup_ltex; done = true; return(grps); }
protected TES5.Group convert(string file) { List <OBJ_STRUCT> lst = get_lst(file); TES5.Group grup = new TES5.Group(TYPE); foreach (OBJ_STRUCT obj in lst) { TES5.Record r = new TES5.Record(TYPE, obj.editor_id); if (obj.editor_id != null) { r.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id(obj.editor_id))); } if (obj.game_name != null) { r.addField(new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(obj.game_name))); } if (obj.model_path != null) { r.addField(new TES5.Field("MODL", Text.model_path(obj.model_path))); } grup.addRecord(r); } return(grup); }
static TES5.Group make_tes5_doors(List <door_> lst) { TES5.Group grup = new TES5.Group("DOOR"); TES5.Record marker = new TES5.Record("DOOR"); marker.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id("teleport_marker"))); marker_id =; grup.addRecord(marker); foreach (door_ d in lst) { // Make Normal version TES5.Record r = new TES5.Record("DOOR",; r.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id(; r.addField(new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(d.full_name))); r.addField(new TES5.Field("MODL", Text.model_path(d.model_path))); // Make Portal version TES5.Record r_load = new TES5.Record("DOOR", + "_zload"); r_load.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id( + "_zload"))); r_load.addField(new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(d.full_name))); r_load.addField(new TES5.Field("MODL", Text.model_path(d.model_path.ToLower().Replace(".nif", "_zload.nif")))); grup.addRecord(r); grup.addRecord(r_load); ModelConverter.convert(d.model_path, "door_load", true); ModelConverter.convert(d.model_path, "door_anim", true); } return(grup); }
static void search_record(TES5.Record record) { if (mode == 1) { TES5.Field ATXT = null; foreach (TES5.Field field in record.fields) { if (field.isType("BTXT")) { helper.update(x, y, field); } if (field.isType("ATXT")) { ATXT = field; } if (field.isType("VTXT")) { helper.update(x, y, ATXT, field); ATXT = null; } } } if (mode == 2) { helper.clean(record); helper.reconstruct(record, x, y); } }
public static TES5.Group convert() { if (furn != null) { return(furn); } furn = new TES5.Group("FURN"); TES5.ESM esm = TES5.ESM.read_from_file(; TES5.Group furn_g = esm.find_TOP_group_OR_FAIL("FURN"); chair = furn_g.find_record("mw_chair_marker"); bed = furn_g.find_record("mw_bed_marker"); bench = furn_g.find_record("mw_bench_marker"); bed_double = furn_g.find_record("mw_doublebed_marker"); if (chair == null || bed == null || bench == null || bed_double == null) { Log.error("FURN some Furniture marker were not assigned. Possibly bad furn.esp template"); } chair.reset_formid("mw_chair_marker"); bed.reset_formid("mw_bed_marker"); bench.reset_formid("mw_bench_marker"); bed_double.reset_formid("mw_doublebed_marker"); furn.addRecord(chair); furn.addRecord(bed); furn.addRecord(bench); furn.addRecord(bed_double); return(furn); }
public TES5.Group convert(string file, bool ignoreFurniture = false) { List <OBJ_STRUCT> lst = get_lst(file); TES5.Group grup = new TES5.Group(TYPE); foreach (OBJ_STRUCT obj in lst) { TES5.Record r = new TES5.Record(TYPE, obj.editor_id); bool isFurn = false; if (!ignoreFurniture) { isFurn = FURN.consider(obj.model_path, r); } r.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id(obj.editor_id))); if (obj.game_name != null && !isFurn) { r.addField(new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(obj.game_name))); } if (obj.model_path != null) { r.addField(new TES5.Field("MODL", Text.model_path(obj.model_path))); } grup.addRecord(r); ModelConverter.convert(obj.model_path, "stat", true); } return(grup); }
public static bool consider(string model_path, TES5.Record stat_rec) { convert(); read_placement_config(); bool taken = false; model_path = Text.model_path_string(model_path); if (model_path.Contains("chair") || model_path.Contains("stool") || model_path.Contains("bench") || model_path.Contains("bed") || model_path.Contains("hammock")) { taken = true; if (!dict.ContainsKey(model_path)) { Log.error("No FURN marker defined for potential furniture model: " + model_path); } Tuple <TES5.Record, TES5.REFR.Placement> marker_data = dict[model_path]; TES5.REFR.Placement pos = marker_data.Item2; TES5.Record addon_base = marker_data.Item1; Convert.REFERENCE.Addon_Rules.add_rule(stat_rec,, /*pos.x*/ 0, pos.y, pos.z, pos.xR, pos.yR, pos.zR); } return(taken); }
private void search_group(TES5.Group grup) { if (grup.isType(TES5.Group.TYPE.TEMP_REFR)) { UInt32 cell_form_id = Binary.toUInt32(grup.label); if (!formid_index.ContainsKey(cell_form_id)) { Log.error("Cell with formid: " + cell_form_id + " was not encountered"); } Tuple <int, int> cell_grid_info = formid_index[cell_form_id]; int x = cell_grid_info.Item1; int y = cell_grid_info.Item2; put(x, y, grup); return; } Queue <TES5.Group> grps = new Queue <TES5.Group>(grup.subGroups); Queue <TES5.Record> recs = new Queue <TES5.Record>(grup.records); foreach (int t in grup.turn) { if (t == 1) { TES5.Record r = recs.Dequeue(); #region if (r.isType("CELL")) if (r.isType("CELL")) { TES5.Field xclc = r.try_find_field("XCLC"); if (xclc != null) { BinaryReader reader = xclc.getData(); int x = reader.ReadInt32(); int y = reader.ReadInt32(); formid_index.Add(, new Tuple <int, int>(x, y)); } } #endregion } if (t == 2) { TES5.Group g = grps.Dequeue(); search_group(g); } } }
private static void read_placement_config() { if (dict != null) { return; } dict = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <TES5.Record, TES5.REFR.Placement> >(); if (!File.Exists(Config.Paths.furniture_marker_config)) { Log.confirm("Furniture Placement Config File was not found. \n Please generate it through FurnitureWorkshop."); return; } TextReader config = File.OpenText(Config.Paths.furniture_marker_config); while (config.Peek() != -1) { string line = config.ReadLine().Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } string[] parsed = line.Split(','); string model = parsed[0]; string editor_id = parsed[1]; float x = float.Parse(parsed[2]); float y = float.Parse(parsed[3]); float z = float.Parse(parsed[4]); float xR = float.Parse(parsed[5]); float yR = float.Parse(parsed[6]); float zR = float.Parse(parsed[7]); TES5.Record associated_marker = furn.find_record(editor_id); TES5.REFR.Placement pos = new TES5.REFR.Placement(x, y, z, xR, yR, zR); if (associated_marker == null) { Log.error(editor_id + " was not found in FURN group. Ensure that conversion has run"); } Tuple <TES5.Record, TES5.REFR.Placement> value = new Tuple <TES5.Record, TES5.REFR.Placement>(associated_marker, pos); dict.Add(model, value); } }
public static TES5.Group convert(string file) { TES5.Group fact = new TES5.Group("FACT");; while (TES3.ESM.find("FACT")) { TES3.Record f3 = new TES3.Record();; string editor_id = f3.find_first("NAME").readString(); string full_name = f3.find_first("NAME") != null?f3.find_first("NAME").readString() : null; TES5.Record f5 = new TES5.Record("FACT", editor_id); if (full_name != null) { f5.addField(new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(full_name))); } List <TES3.SubRecord> ANAMs = f3.find_all("ANAM", true); List <TES3.SubRecord> INTVs = f3.find_all("INTV", true); foreach (TES3.SubRecord intv in INTVs) { int reaction = intv.getData().ReadInt32(); if (reaction <= -3) // make hostile { reaction = 1; } else if (reaction > -3 && reaction <= 1) { reaction = 0; } else if (reaction >= 2) { reaction = 2; } } uint flags = 0; flags = BinaryFlag.set(flags, 0x8000); f5.addField(new TES5.Field("DATA", Binary.toBin(flags))); fact.addRecord(f5); } TES3.ESM.close(); return(fact); }
static TES5.Record make_ltex(uint formid, string editor_id) { TES5.Record ltex = new TES5.Record("LTEX"); ltex.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id("LAND_" + editor_id))); ltex.addField(new TES5.Field("TNAM", Binary.toBin(formid))); ltex.addField(new TES5.Field("HNAM", new byte[2] { 2, 0 })); ltex.addField(new TES5.Field("SNAM", new byte[1] { 30 })); return(ltex); }
public static void make_formID_index(TES5.Group furn) { chair = furn.find_record("mw_chair_marker"); bed = furn.find_record("mw_bed_marker"); bench = furn.find_record("mw_bench_marker"); bed_double = furn.find_record("mw_doublebed_marker"); TextWriter f2 = File.CreateText(Config.Paths.Temporary.furn_formid_index); f2.WriteLine("# !AUTO-GENERATED! Do NOT edit this file. It contains formid index for FURN markers."); f2.WriteLine("mw_chair_marker=" +; f2.WriteLine("mw_bench_marker=" +; f2.WriteLine("mw_bed_marker=" +; f2.WriteLine("mw_doublebed_marker=" +; f2.Close(); }
static TES5.Record make_txst(string editor_id, string texture) { texture = texture.Replace(".tga", ".dds"); string path = "morrowind\\"; TES5.Record txset = new TES5.Record("TXST"); txset.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id(editor_id))); txset.addField(new TES5.Field("OBND", new byte[12])); txset.addField(new TES5.Field("TX00", Text.zstring(path + texture))); txset.addField(new TES5.Field("TX01", Text.zstring(path + texture.Replace(".dds", "")))); ushort flag = (ushort)BinaryFlag.set(0, 0x01); txset.addField(new TES5.Field("DNAM", Binary.toBin(flag))); return(txset); }
static void search_group(TES5.Group group) { Queue <TES5.Record> q_rec = new Queue <TES5.Record>(group.records); Queue <TES5.Group> q_sgrp = new Queue <TES5.Group>(group.subGroups); foreach (int t in group.turn) { if (t == 2) { search_group(q_sgrp.Dequeue()); } if (t == 1) { TES5.Record r = q_rec.Dequeue(); if (r.isType("CELL")) { foreach (TES5.Field fld in r.fields) { if (fld.isType("XCLC")) { BinaryReader br = fld.getData(); x = br.ReadInt32(); y = br.ReadInt32(); + "," + y); } } } if (r.isType("LAND")) { search_record(r); x = 0; y = 0; } } } }
private static void read_templates() { has_read = true; TES5.ESM esm = TES5.ESM.read_from_file(Config.Paths.light_templates); TES5.Group LGTM_GRUP = esm.find_TOP_group_OR_FAIL("LGTM", "No LGTM Group in Template File"); default_ = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_default"); daedric = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_daedric"); fort = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_fort"); dwemer = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_dwemer"); tomb = velothi = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_tomb"); hlaalu = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_hlaalu"); redoran = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_redoran"); telvanni = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_telvanni"); cave = mine = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_mine"); imperial = LGTM_GRUP.find_record("mw_ltmp_imperial"); if (default_ == null || hlaalu == null || fort == null || imperial == null || redoran == null || telvanni == null || dwemer == null || daedric == null || cave == null || tomb == null) { Log.error("TES5:LTMP Not all Lighting templates were assigned"); } default_.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_default"); daedric.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_daedric"); fort.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_fort"); dwemer.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_dwemer"); tomb.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_tomb"); hlaalu.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_hlaalu"); redoran.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_redoran"); telvanni.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_telvanni"); cave.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_mine"); imperial.reset_formid("mw_ltmp_imperial"); }
public static TES5.Group convert(string file_path, bool ignoreFurniture = false) {; List <STRUCT_STAT> list_stat = new List <STRUCT_STAT>(); while (TES3.ESM.find("STAT")) { TES3.Record stat = new TES3.Record();; STRUCT_STAT stat_ = new STRUCT_STAT(); foreach (TES3.SubRecord srec in stat.subRecords) { if (srec.isType("MODL")) { stat_.model_path = Text.trim(new string(srec.getData().ReadChars(srec.size))); //stat_.model_path = stat_.model_path.Split('\\')[stat_.model_path.Split('\\').Length - 1]; //stat_.model_path = "morrowind\\" + stat_.model_path;; } if (srec.isType("NAME")) { stat_.editor_id = Text.trim(new string(srec.getData().ReadChars(srec.size))); } } list_stat.Add(stat_); } TES3.ESM.close(); // Make TES5 TES5.Group stat_grup = new TES5.Group("STAT"); foreach (STRUCT_STAT stat in list_stat) { TES5.Record stat_tes5 = new TES5.Record("STAT", stat.editor_id, 0); stat_tes5.addField(new TES5.Field("EDID", Text.editor_id(stat.editor_id))); //stat_tes5.addField(new TES5.Field("OBND", new byte[12])); stat_tes5.addField(new TES5.Field("MODL", Text.model_path(stat.model_path))); MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(mstream); bw.Write(90f); bw.Write(0); stat_tes5.addField(new TES5.Field("DNAM", mstream.ToArray())); if (!ignoreFurniture) { Convert.FURN.consider(stat.model_path, stat_tes5); } stat_grup.addRecord(stat_tes5); ModelConverter.convert(stat.model_path, "stat", true); } return(stat_grup); }
private void search_group(TES5.Group grup) { if (grup.isType(TES5.Group.TYPE.TEMP_REFR)) { UInt32 cell_form_id = Binary.toUInt32(grup.label); if (!formid_index.ContainsKey(cell_form_id)) { Log.error("Cell with formid: " + cell_form_id + " was not encountered"); } string cell_id = formid_index[cell_form_id]; put(cell_id, grup); return; } Queue <TES5.Group> grps = new Queue <TES5.Group>(grup.subGroups); Queue <TES5.Record> recs = new Queue <TES5.Record>(grup.records); foreach (int t in grup.turn) { if (t == 1) { TES5.Record r = recs.Dequeue(); #region if (r.isType("CELL")) if (r.isType("CELL")) { TES5.Field DATA = r.try_find_field("DATA"); if (DATA == null) { continue; } if (DATA.data_size() < 2) { continue; } UInt16 flags = DATA.getData().ReadUInt16(); if (!BinaryFlag.isSet((UInt16)flags, (UInt16)0x0001)) { continue; } TES5.Field EDID = r.try_find_field("EDID"); if (EDID != null) { BinaryReader reader = EDID.getData(); string cell_id = Text.trim(new string (reader.ReadChars(EDID.data_size()))); formid_index.Add(, cell_id); } } #endregion } if (t == 2) { TES5.Group g = grps.Dequeue(); search_group(g); } } }
public static void presets() { string[] races = { "Breton", "Dark Elf", "High Elf", "Imperial", "Redguard", "Wood Elf", "Nord", "Khajiit", "Argonian", "Orc" }; string[] sexes = { "Female", "Male" }; Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Queue <string> > > dict = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Queue <string> > >(); foreach (string r in races) { Dictionary <string, Queue <string> > d = new Dictionary <string, Queue <string> >(); dict.Add(r.Replace(" ", ""), d); foreach (string s in sexes) { d.Add(s, new Queue <string>()); } } TextReader fin = File.OpenText("tmp\\faces.csv"); while (fin.Peek() != -1) { string line = fin.ReadLine(); string[] parsed = line.Split(','); string race = parsed[0]; string sex = parsed[1]; string model = parsed[2].ToLower(); dict[race.Replace(" ", "")][sex].Enqueue(model); } BinaryReader bw = new BinaryReader(new FileStream("tmp\\Skyrim.esm", FileMode.Open)); TES5.Record head = new TES5.Record("TES4");; TES5.Group g = new TES5.Group();; while (!g.hasLabel("NPC_")) {"Reading: ");; } TES5.ESM esm = new TES5.ESM("faces.esp"); esm.add_masters("Skyrim.esm"); TES5.Group g_out = new TES5.Group("NPC_"); foreach (TES5.Record r in g.records) { if (!r.isType("NPC_")) { continue; } TES5.Field f = r.find_field_OR_FAIL("ACBS", "ACBS not found"); UInt32 flagers = f.getData().ReadUInt32(); if (BinaryFlag.isSet(flagers, 0x04)) { string edid = r.find_field_OR_FAIL("EDID", "").readString(); string sex = ""; if (edid.Contains("Female")) { sex = "Female"; } else if (edid.Contains("Male")) { sex = "Male"; } else { Log.error("Can't be"); } string race = edid.Split(new string[] { sex }, StringSplitOptions.None).First(); if (dict[race][sex].Count == 0) { continue; } string model = dict[race][sex].Dequeue();;;"EDID", "").readString()); TES5.Field full = r.try_find_field("FULL"); if (full == null) { full = new TES5.Field("FULL", Text.zstring(model)); r.fields.Insert(11, full); } else { full.replaceData(Text.zstring(model)); } r.find_field_OR_FAIL("EDID", "").replaceData(Text.zstring(model)); TES5.Record new_rec = new TES5.Record("NPC_"); new_rec.clone(r, model); new_rec.find_field_OR_FAIL("EDID", "").replaceData(Text.zstring(model)); g_out.addRecord(new_rec); } } esm.add_group(g_out); esm.write_to_file(Config.Paths.Templates.characters); }
public static void add_rule(TES5.Record obj, UInt32 addon_id, float x, float y, float z, float xR, float yR, float zR) { Addon relative_placement = new Addon(addon_id, x, y, z, xR, yR, zR); dict.Add(, relative_placement); }