public static void MWLoadTest() { string fileESM = "C:\\Software\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Morrowind\\Data Files\\Morrowind.esm"; //string BM = "C:\\Software\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Morrowind\\Data Files\\Bloodmoon.esm"; var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); TES3 tes3 = TES3.TES3Load(fileESM, new List <string> { "LAND", "LTEX" }); //TES3 bm = TES3.TES3Load(BM, new List<string> { "LAND","LTEX" }); //tes3.TES3Save("C:/mapstuff/out.esp"); var heightmap = new TES3HeightMap(tes3); var options = new ExportOptions() { HeightMap = true, VertexColorMap = true, TexturePlacementMap = true, ExportHeightAsRaw = true }; heightmap.ReadMapData(@"C:/mapstuff/output", options); //heightmap.ImportMapFromImage("C:/mapstuff/output"); //var test = new TES3HeightMap(); //test.ImportMapFromImage("C:/mapstuff/SEWorld", -50, -20); //var options2 = new ExportOptions() { HeightMap = true, VertexColorMap = false, TexturePlacementMap = false, ExportHeightAsRaw = false }; //heightmap.ReadMapData(@"C:/mapstuff/output", options2); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Done in {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); #endif // Create our log. Logger = new StreamWriter("TES3Merge.log", false) { AutoFlush = true }; var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Logger.WriteLine($"TES3Merge v0.5."); // Main execution attempt. #if DEBUG == false try #endif { // Load this application's configuration. { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); string iniPath = $"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}\\TES3Merge.ini"; Configuration = parser.ReadFile(iniPath); } // Determine what encoding to use. try { var iniEncodingCode = Configuration["General"]["TextEncodingCode"]; if (int.TryParse(iniEncodingCode, out int newEncodingCode)) { // TODO: Check a list of supported encoding codes. if (newEncodingCode != 932 && (newEncodingCode < 1250 || newEncodingCode > 1252)) { throw new Exception($"Encoding code '{newEncodingCode}' is not supported. See TES3Merge.ini for supported values."); } var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(newEncodingCode); Logger.WriteLine($"Using encoding: {encoding.EncodingName}"); Utility.Common.TextEncodingCode = newEncodingCode; } else { throw new Exception($"Encoding code '{iniEncodingCode}' is not a valid integer. See TES3Merge.ini for supported values."); } } catch (Exception e) { // Write the exception as a warning and set the default Windows-1252 encoding. WriteToLogAndConsole($"WARNING: Could not resolve default text encoding code: {e.Message}"); Console.WriteLine("Default encoding of Windows-1252 (English) will be used."); Utility.Common.TextEncodingCode = 1252; } // Find out where Morrowind lives. string morrowindPath = GetMorrowindFolder(); if (morrowindPath == null) { WriteToLogAndConsole("ERROR: Could not resolve Morrowind directory. Install TES3Merge folder into the Morrowind installation folder."); } Logger.WriteLine($"Morrowind found at '{morrowindPath}'."); // Create our merged object TES3 file. TES3 mergedObjects = new TES3(); var mergedObjectsHeader = new TES3Lib.Records.TES3 { HEDR = new TES3Lib.Subrecords.TES3.HEDR() { CompanyName = "TES3Merge", Description = $"Automatic merge generated at {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ")}.", Version = 1.3f, } }; mergedObjects.Records.Add(mergedObjectsHeader); // Get a list of supported mergable object types. List <string> supportedMergeTags = new List <string> { "ACTI", "ALCH", "APPA", "ARMO", "BODY", "BOOK", "BSGN", //"CELL", "CLAS", "CLOT", "CONT", "CREA", //"DIAL", "DOOR", "ENCH", "FACT", //"GLOB", "GMST", //"INFO", "INGR", //"LAND", //"LEVC", //"LEVI", "LIGH", "LOCK", //"LTEX", "MGEF", "MISC", "NPC_", //"PGRD", "PROB", //"RACE", //"REFR", //"REGN", "REPA", //"SCPT", "SKIL", "SNDG", "SOUN", "SPEL", "STAT", "WEAP", }; // Allow INI to remove types from merge. foreach (var recordTypeConfig in Configuration["RecordTypes"]) { bool.TryParse(recordTypeConfig.Value, out bool supported); if (!supported) { supportedMergeTags.Remove(recordTypeConfig.KeyName); } } Logger.WriteLine($"Supported record types: {string.Join(", ", supportedMergeTags)}"); // Get object ID filtering from INI. List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > objectIdFilters = new List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> >(); foreach (var kv in Configuration["ObjectFilters"]) { bool.TryParse(kv.Value, out bool allow); objectIdFilters.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, bool>(kv.KeyName.Trim('"'), allow)); } // Collections for managing our objects. Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <TES3Lib.Base.Record> > > recordOverwriteMap = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <TES3Lib.Base.Record> > >(); // Get the game file list from the ini file. List <string> sortedMasters = new List <string>(); Dictionary <TES3, string> mapTES3ToFileNames = new Dictionary <TES3, string>(); Dictionary <TES3Lib.Base.Record, TES3> recordMasters = new Dictionary <TES3Lib.Base.Record, TES3>(); Console.WriteLine("Parsing content files..."); { // Try to get INI information. IniData data; try { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); data = parser.ReadFile($"{morrowindPath}\\Morrowind.ini"); } catch (Exception firstTry) { try { // Try again with invalid line skipping. var parser = new FileIniDataParser(); var config = parser.Parser.Configuration; config.SkipInvalidLines = true; config.AllowDuplicateKeys = true; config.AllowDuplicateSections = true; data = parser.ReadFile($"{morrowindPath}\\Morrowind.ini"); // If the first pass fails, be more forgiving, but let the user know their INI has issues. Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Issues were found with your Morrowind.ini file. See TES3Merge.log for details."); Logger.WriteLine($"WARNING: Could not parse Morrowind.ini with initial pass. Error: {firstTry.Message}"); } catch (Exception secondTry) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unrecoverable issues were found with your Morrowind.ini file. See TES3Merge.log for details."); Logger.WriteLine($"ERROR: Could not parse Morrowind.ini with second pass. Error: {secondTry.Message}"); ShowCompletionPrompt(); return; } } // Build a list of activated files. HashSet <string> activatedMasters = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) { string gameFile = data["Game Files"]["GameFile" + i]; if (gameFile == null) { break; } if (gameFile == "Merged_Objects.esp" || gameFile == "Merged Objects.esp") { continue; } activatedMasters.Add(gameFile); } // Add all ESM files first, then ESP files. foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles($"{morrowindPath}\\Data Files", "*.esm", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(p => File.GetLastWriteTime(p).Ticks)) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); if (activatedMasters.Contains(fileName)) { sortedMasters.Add(fileName); } } foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles($"{morrowindPath}\\Data Files", "*.esp", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(p => File.GetLastWriteTime(p).Ticks)) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); if (activatedMasters.Contains(fileName)) { sortedMasters.Add(fileName); } } // Go through and build a record list. foreach (var sortedMaster in sortedMasters) { string fullGameFilePath = $"{morrowindPath}\\Data Files\\{sortedMaster}"; var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(fullGameFilePath); Logger.WriteLine($"Parsing input file: {sortedMaster} @ {lastWriteTime}"); TES3 file = TES3.TES3Load(fullGameFilePath, supportedMergeTags); mapTES3ToFileNames[file] = sortedMaster; foreach (var record in file.Records) { if (record == null) { continue; } if (record.GetType().Equals(typeof(TES3Lib.Records.TES3))) { continue; } string editorId = record.GetEditorId().Replace("\0", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorId)) { continue; } // Check against object filters. bool allow = true; string lowerId = editorId.ToLower(); foreach (var kv in objectIdFilters) { try { if (Regex.Match(lowerId, kv.Key).Success) { allow = kv.Value; } } catch (Exception) { } } if (!allow) { continue; } if (!recordOverwriteMap.ContainsKey(record.Name)) { recordOverwriteMap[record.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <TES3Lib.Base.Record> >(); } var map = recordOverwriteMap[record.Name]; if (!map.ContainsKey(editorId)) { map[editorId] = new List <TES3Lib.Base.Record>(); } map[editorId].Add(record); recordMasters[record] = file; } } } // Check to see if we have any potential merges. if (recordMasters.Count == 0) { WriteToLogAndConsole("No potential record merges found. Aborting."); ShowCompletionPrompt(); return; } // Go through and build merged objects. bool.TryParse(Configuration["General"]["DumpMergedRecordsToLog"], out bool dumpMergedRecordsToLog); Console.WriteLine("Building merges..."); HashSet <string> usedMasters = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var recordType in recordOverwriteMap.Keys) { var recordsMap = recordOverwriteMap[recordType]; foreach (string id in recordsMap.Keys) { var records = recordsMap[id]; if (records.Count > 2) { var firstRecord = records[0]; var lastRecord = records.Last(); var firstMaster = mapTES3ToFileNames[recordMasters[firstRecord]]; var lastMaster = mapTES3ToFileNames[recordMasters[lastRecord]]; HashSet <string> localUsedMasters = new HashSet <string>() { firstMaster, lastMaster }; var lastSerialized = lastRecord.GetRawLoadedBytes(); TES3Lib.Base.Record newRecord = Activator.CreateInstance(lastRecord.GetType(), new object[] { lastSerialized }) as TES3Lib.Base.Record; for (int i = records.Count - 2; i > 0; i--) { var record = records[i]; var master = mapTES3ToFileNames[recordMasters[record]]; if (newRecord.MergeWith(record, firstRecord)) { localUsedMasters.Add(master); } } var newSerialized = newRecord.SerializeRecord(); if (!lastSerialized.SequenceEqual(newSerialized)) { Console.WriteLine($"Merged {newRecord.Name} record: {id}"); mergedObjects.Records.Add(newRecord); foreach (string master in localUsedMasters) { usedMasters.Add(master); } string masterList = string.Join(", ", GetFilteredLoadList(sortedMasters, localUsedMasters).ToArray()); Logger.WriteLine($"Resolved conflicts for {firstRecord.Name} record '{id}' from mods: {masterList}"); if (dumpMergedRecordsToLog) { foreach (var record in records) { var master = mapTES3ToFileNames[recordMasters[record]]; Logger.WriteLine($">> {master}: {BitConverter.ToString(record.GetRawLoadedBytes()).Replace("-", "")}"); } Logger.WriteLine($">> Merged Objects.esp: {BitConverter.ToString(newSerialized).Replace("-", "")}"); } } } } } // Did we even merge anything? if (usedMasters.Count == 0) { WriteToLogAndConsole("No merges were deemed necessary. Aborting."); ShowCompletionPrompt(); return; } // Add the necessary masters. Logger.WriteLine("Saving Merged Objects.esp ..."); mergedObjectsHeader.Masters = new List <(TES3Lib.Subrecords.TES3.MAST MAST, TES3Lib.Subrecords.TES3.DATA DATA)>(); foreach (var gameFile in GetFilteredLoadList(sortedMasters, usedMasters)) { if (usedMasters.Contains(gameFile)) { long size = new FileInfo($"{morrowindPath}\\Data Files\\{gameFile}").Length; mergedObjectsHeader.Masters.Add((new TES3Lib.Subrecords.TES3.MAST { Filename = $"{gameFile}\0" }, new TES3Lib.Subrecords.TES3.DATA { MasterDataSize = size })); } } // Save out the merged objects file. mergedObjectsHeader.HEDR.NumRecords = mergedObjects.Records.Count - 1; mergedObjects.TES3Save(morrowindPath + "\\Data Files\\Merged Objects.esp"); Logger.WriteLine($"Wrote {mergedObjects.Records.Count - 1} merged objects."); ShowCompletionPrompt(); } #if DEBUG == false catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("A serious error has occurred. Please post the TES3Merge.log file to GitHub:"); Logger.WriteLine("An unhandled exception has occurred. Traceback:"); Logger.WriteLine(e.Message); Logger.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); ShowCompletionPrompt(); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Verifies all active esps in the current Morrowind directory /// Parses all enabled records of the plugin and checks paths if the file exists /// </summary> /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception> private static void Verify() { ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(CurrentInstallation); using var ssw = new ScopedStopwatch(); LoadConfig(); ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(Configuration); // get merge tags var(supportedMergeTags, objectIdFilters) = GetMergeTags(); // Shorthand install access. var sortedMasters = CurrentInstallation.GameFiles; // Go through and build a record list. var reportDict = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(); WriteToLogAndConsole($"Parsing plugins ... "); //foreach (var sortedMaster in sortedMasters) Parallel.ForEach(sortedMasters, sortedMaster => { // this can be enabled actually if (Path.GetExtension(sortedMaster) == ".esm") { //continue; return; } var map = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); // go through all records WriteToLogAndConsole($"Parsing input file: {sortedMaster}"); var fullGameFilePath = Path.Combine(CurrentInstallation.RootDirectory, "Data Files", $"{sortedMaster}"); var file = TES3.TES3Load(fullGameFilePath, supportedMergeTags); foreach (var record in file.Records) { #region checks if (record is null) { continue; } if (record.GetType().Equals(typeof(TES3Lib.Records.TES3))) { continue; } var editorId = record.GetEditorId().Replace("\0", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorId)) { continue; } // Check against object filters. var allow = true; var lowerId = editorId.ToLower(); foreach (var kv in objectIdFilters) { try { if (Regex.Match(lowerId, kv.Key).Success) { allow = kv.Value; } } catch (Exception) { } } if (!allow) { continue; } #endregion // verify here GetPathsInRecord(record, map); } if (map.Count > 0) { reportDict.AddOrUpdate(sortedMaster, map, (key, oldValue) => map); } } ); // pretty print WriteToLogAndConsole($"\n------------------------------------"); WriteToLogAndConsole($"Results:\n"); foreach (var(plugin, val) in reportDict) { WriteToLogAndConsole($"\n{plugin} ({val.Count})"); foreach (var(recordID, list) in val) { foreach (var item in list) { //Console.WriteLine("{0,-20} {1,5}\n", "Name", "Hours"); WriteToLogAndConsole(string.Format("\t{0,-40} {1,5}", recordID, item)); } } } // serialize to file WriteToLogAndConsole($"\n"); var reportPath = Path.Combine(CurrentInstallation.RootDirectory, "Data Files", "report.json"); WriteToLogAndConsole($"Writing report to: {reportPath}"); { using var fs = new FileStream(reportPath, FileMode.Create); JsonSerializer.Serialize(fs, reportDict, new JsonSerializerOptions() { WriteIndented = true }); } }