void DrawFont(TRectF screen) { string txt; uint width, height; TColor4 c; txt = "I'm rotating... +_+"; pFontBold.GetTextDimensions(txt, out width, out height); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFontBold.Draw2D(screen.x + screen.width - width - 10f, 200, txt, ref c, counter % 360); txt = "I'm just right aligned text. -_-"; pFontBold.GetTextDimensions(txt, out width, out height); pFontBold.Draw2D((int)(screen.x + screen.width - width), 10, txt, ref c); txt = "I have a shadow! ;-)"; pFontBold.GetTextDimensions(txt, out width, out height); c = TColor4.ColorBlack(); pFontBold.Draw2D((int)(screen.x + screen.width - width - 7f), 53, txt, ref c); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFontBold.Draw2D((int)(screen.x + screen.width - width - 10f), 50, txt, ref c); txt = "Cool colored me! ^_^"; pFontBold.GetTextDimensions(txt, out width, out height); TColor4 c1 = TColor4.ColorRed(); TColor4 c2 = TColor4.ColorGreen(); pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c1, ref c2); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFontBold.Draw2D(screen.x + screen.width - width - 10f, 100f, txt, ref c, 0, true); txt = "I'm randomly colored... >_<"; pFont.Draw2D(screen.x + 5f, 10, txt, ref stRandomCol); txt = "I'm per vertex colored! -_0"; TColor4 c3 = TColor4.ColorAqua(); TColor4 c4 = TColor4.ColorOrange(); pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c3, ref c3, ref c4, ref c4); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFontBold.Draw2D(screen.x + 5f, 50f, txt, ref c, 0, true); txt = "А я могу говорить по-русски! [:-|"; c = TColor4.ColorRed(); pFont.Draw2D(screen.x + 5f, 100, txt, ref c); txt = "I'm scaling... o_O"; pFontBold.SetScale((float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin(counter / 50f)) * 2f); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFontBold.Draw2D(screen.x + 5f, 200, txt, ref c); pFontBold.SetScale(1f); txt = "I am just very brutal..!"; pFontHard.GetTextDimensions(txt, out width, out height); c = TColor4.ColorOfficialOrange(); pFontHard.Draw2D((int)(screen.x + (screen.width - width) / 2f), 300f, txt, ref c); }
public virtual void Draw() { if (!_pObjMan.IsDebugMode()) { return; } TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); _pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref _stPos, (uint)(_fSize / 2f), 32, ref c); c = TColor4.ColorRed(); _pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref _stPos, (uint)(_fSize * _fColScale / 2f), 32, ref c); }
public override void Draw() { TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorRed(); _pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c); TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(_stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, _stPos.y - _fSize / 2f); TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize); _pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexSpark, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter * 2f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND); base.Draw(); }
void Render(IntPtr pParam) { TColor4 c; uint w, h; string acTxt; // render game objects for (int i = 0; i < _clObjects.Count; i++) { _clObjects[i].Draw(); } // render in-game user interface pRender2D.SetBlendMode(E_BLENDING_EFFECT.BE_NORMAL); pFnt.SetScale(1f); // if player is dead draw message if (!IsPlayerExists()) { acTxt = "You are dead! Press \"Enter\" to restart."; pFnt.GetTextDimensions(acTxt, out w, out h); c = TColor4.ColorRed(); pFnt.Draw2DSimple((int)((Res.GameVpWidth - w) / 2), (int)(Res.GameVpHeight - h) / 2, acTxt, ref c); } // draw help before game start if (_uiScore == 0) { acTxt = "Use \"Arrows\" to move and \"Space Bar\" to shoot."; pFnt.GetTextDimensions(acTxt, out w, out h); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFnt.Draw2DSimple((int)((Res.GameVpWidth - w) / 2), (int)(Res.GameVpHeight - h), acTxt, ref c); } acTxt = "Score: " + _uiScore.ToString(); pFnt.GetTextDimensions(acTxt, out w, out h); c = TColor4.ColorWhite(); pFnt.Draw2DSimple((int)((Res.GameVpWidth - w) / 2), 0, acTxt, ref c); }