Пример #1
        private static string Get1Ref(bool R1C1, int Row, int Col, int CellRow, int CellCol, bool RowAbs, bool ColAbs)
            if (Row < 1 || Col < 1 || Row > FlxConsts.Max_Rows + 1 || Col > FlxConsts.Max_Columns + 1)

            if (R1C1)
                return(Get1R1C1Ref(Row, Col, CellRow, CellCol, RowAbs, ColAbs));

            string Result = "";  //We won't use a string builder here as it would probably have more overhead.

            if (ColAbs)
                Result = fts(TFormulaToken.fmAbsoluteRef);
            Result = Result + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(Col);

            if (RowAbs)
                Result = Result + fts(TFormulaToken.fmAbsoluteRef);
            return(Result + Row.ToString());
Пример #2
        private void ReadHyperLinks_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            Xls = new XlsFile();


            dataGrid.CaptionText = "Hyperlinks on file: " + openFileDialog1.FileName;

            for (int i = 1; i <= Xls.HyperLinkCount; i++)
                TXlsCellRange Range = Xls.GetHyperLinkCellRange(i);
                THyperLink    HLink = Xls.GetHyperLink(i);

                string HLinkType = Enum.GetName(typeof(THyperLinkType), HLink.LinkType);

                object[] values = { i,                                                                TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(Range.Left) + Range.Top.ToString(),
                                    TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(Range.Right) + Range.Bottom.ToString(),
                                    HLink.Hint };
Пример #3
        private void ImportFile(string FileName)
                XlsFile xls = new XlsFile();
                xls.VirtualMode = true; //Remember to turn virtual mode on, or the event won't be called.

                //By default, FlexCel returns the formula text for the formulas, besides its calculated value.
                //If you are not interested in formula texts, you can gain a little performance by ignoring it.
                //This also works in non virtual mode.
                xls.IgnoreFormulaText = cbIgnoreFormulaText.Checked;

                CellData = new SparseCellArray();

                //Attach the CellReader handler.
                CellReader cr = new CellReader(cbFirst50Rows.Checked, CellData, cbFormatValues.Checked);
                xls.VirtualCellStartReading += new VirtualCellStartReadingEventHandler(cr.OnStartReading);
                xls.VirtualCellRead         += new VirtualCellReadEventHandler(cr.OnCellRead);

                DateTime StartOpen = DateTime.Now;

                //Open the file. As we have a CellReader attached, the cells won't be loaded into memory, they will be passed to the CellReader
                DateTime StartSheetSelect = cr.StartSheetSelect;
                DateTime EndSheetSelect   = cr.EndSheetSelect;

                DateTime EndOpen = DateTime.Now;
                statusBar.Text = "Time to open file: " + (StartSheetSelect - StartOpen).ToString() + "     Time to load file and fill grid: " + (EndOpen - EndSheetSelect).ToString();

                //Set up grid.
                GridCaption.Text = FileName;
                if (CellData != null)
                    DisplayGrid.ColumnCount = CellData.ColCount;
                    DisplayGrid.RowCount    = CellData.RowCount;
                    DisplayGrid.ColumnCount = 0;
                    DisplayGrid.RowCount    = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < DisplayGrid.ColumnCount; i++)
                    DisplayGrid.Columns[i].Name = TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(i + 1);
                GridCaption.Text = "Error Loading File";
                CellData         = null;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Добавляем диапазон в формулу
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formulaKey">Ключ формулы</param>
        /// <param name="row">Строка</param>
        /// <param name="addHalfhour">Добавляем колонки получасовок</param>
        /// <param name="addDrum">Добавляем колонки барабанов</param>
        /// <param name="isMinus">Минусовать</param>
        /// <param name="footerName">Название подитога (если нужно), в который добавляем данные</param>
        public void AddToFormula(string formulaKey, int row, bool addHalfhour = true, bool addDrum = true,
                                 bool isMinus = false)
            //Добавляем барабаны для подитога
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaKey))
                if (addDrum)
                    AddRowRangeToFormulaSum(formulaKey + "_drum", new FormulaRowsRange
                        Col     = _colDrum,
                        Row1    = row,
                        Row2    = row,
                        IsMinus = isMinus,
                    }); //Для итого по перетоку

                //Добавляем получасовки для подитога
                if (addHalfhour)
                    for (var i = 0; i < _halfhourCount; i++)
                        AddRowRangeToFormulaSum(formulaKey + "_halfhour" + i, new FormulaRowsRange
                            Col     = _colHalfHour + i,
                            Row1    = row,
                            Row2    = row,
                            IsMinus = isMinus,

            if (_isAnalisIntegral && addHalfhour && addDrum)
                //Делаем сравнительный анализ барабанов и получасовок

                var formulaHalfhour = TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(_colHalfHour) + row;

                var formulaStr = formulaHalfhour + " - " +
                                 TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(_colDrum) + row
                                 + _halfhourToIntegralUnitCoeff;

                _xls.SetCellValue(row, _colAnalis,
                                  new TFormula("=" + formulaStr), _xls.ProfileFormat);

                _xls.SetCellValue(row, _colAnalis + 1,
                                  new TFormula("=(" + formulaStr + ")/" + formulaHalfhour), _xls.ProfileFormat);
Пример #5
        internal void WriteFormulaToCell(XlsFile xls, string id, int row, int col, int format, double defaultValue)
            if (_isFormingFormulasToCell)
                var formula = new StringBuilder("=");

                #region Пишем формулу из словаря

                List <FormulaRowsRange> existsRanges;
                if (_formulas.TryGetValue(id, out existsRanges) && existsRanges.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var formulasRange in existsRanges)
                        formula.Append(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulasRange.Before) ? formulasRange.Before : "+");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulasRange.SheetName))

                    //Обрабатываем последнюю запись
                        xls.SetCellValue(row, col, new TFormula(formula.ToString()), format);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (_errors != null)
                            _errors.Append("Ошибка формирования формулы в '" + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(col) + row + "': " + ex.Message + "\n" + formula);
                        xls.SetCellValue(row, col, defaultValue, format);


            //Нет формулы, или не надо ее формировать
            xls.SetCellValue(row, col, defaultValue, format);
Пример #6
        private static string GetColRange(bool R1C1, int Col1, int Col2, int CellCol, bool Abs1, bool Abs2)
            if (R1C1)
                return(GetFullR1C1Range(TFormulaToken.fmR1C1_C, Col1, Col2, CellCol, Abs1, Abs2));

            string Result = "";

            if (Abs1)
                Result = fts(TFormulaToken.fmAbsoluteRef);
            Result = Result + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(Col1) + fts(TFormulaToken.fmRangeSep);
            if (Abs2)
                Result = Result + fts(TFormulaToken.fmAbsoluteRef);
            return(Result + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(Col2));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Пишем формулу в excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Идентификатор</param>
        /// <param name="row">Ячейка</param>
        /// <param name="col">Колонка</param>
        /// <param name="format">Формат</param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue">Значение по умолчанию, если не excel, или не найдена формула</param>
        internal void WriteRowRangeFormulaToCell(string id, int row, int col, int format, double defaultValue, FormulaRowsRange rowsRange = null)
            if (_isFormingFormulasToCell)
                var formula = new StringBuilder("=SUM(");

                #region Формирование формулы

                var formingFormulaAction = (Action <string, int, int, int, int?, bool>)((sheetName, row1, row2, col1, col2, isMinus) =>
                    var sheet = isMinus ? "-" : string.Empty;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName))
                        sheet = "'" + sheetName + "'!";

                    if (row1 == row2 && !col2.HasValue)
                        formula.Append(sheet + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(col1)).Append(row1)
                        formula.Append(sheet + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(col1)).Append(row1)
                        .Append(sheet + TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(col2 ?? col1)).Append(row2)


                #region Если пишем формулу не из словаря

                if (rowsRange != null)
                    formingFormulaAction(rowsRange.SheetName, rowsRange.Row1, rowsRange.Row2, rowsRange.Col, rowsRange.Col2, rowsRange.IsMinus);
                    formula.Replace(",", ")", formula.Length - 1, 1); //Удаляем последний ;
                    _xls.SetCellValue(row, col, new TFormula(formula.ToString()), format);


                #region Пишем формулу из словаря

                List <FormulaRowsRange> existsRanges;
                if (_formulas.TryGetValue(id, out existsRanges) && existsRanges.Count > 0)
                    var  prevSheetName = string.Empty;
                    var  prevCol       = -1;
                    var  prevRow1      = -1;
                    var  prevRow2      = -1;
                    bool isMinus       = false;
                    foreach (var formulasRange in existsRanges.OrderBy(r => r.SheetName)
                             .ThenBy(r => r.Row1).ThenBy(r => r.Row2))
                        //Обрабатываем предыдущую запись
                        if (Equals(prevSheetName, (formulasRange.SheetName ?? string.Empty)) &&
                            prevCol == formulasRange.Col && prevRow2 >= formulasRange.Row1 - 1)
                            //Пересекаются диапазоны, присоединяем диапазон к предыдущему
                            prevRow2 = formulasRange.Row2;
                            //Пишем предыдущую запись
                            if (prevCol > 0)
                                formingFormulaAction(prevSheetName, prevRow1, prevRow2, prevCol, null, isMinus);

                            //Сохраняем текущую
                            prevSheetName = formulasRange.SheetName ?? string.Empty;
                            prevCol       = formulasRange.Col;
                            prevRow1      = formulasRange.Row1;
                            prevRow2      = formulasRange.Row2;

                        isMinus = formulasRange.IsMinus;

                    //Обрабатываем последнюю запись
                    if (prevCol > 0)
                        formingFormulaAction(prevSheetName, prevRow1, prevRow2, prevCol, null, isMinus);

                    formula.Replace(",", ")", formula.Length - 1, 1); //Удаляем последний
                    if (col <= 16384)
                        _xls.SetCellValue(row, col, new TFormula(formula.ToString()), format);


            //Нет формулы, или не надо ее формировать
            _xls.SetCellValue(row, col, defaultValue, format);
Пример #8
        private void ImportFile(string FileName, bool Formatted)
                //Open the Excel file.
                XlsFile  xls       = new XlsFile(false);
                DateTime StartOpen = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime EndOpen = DateTime.Now;

                //Set up the Grid
                DisplayGrid.DataSource = null;
                DisplayGrid.DataMember = null;
                DataSet dataSet1 = new DataSet();

                //We will create a DataTable "SheetN" for each sheet on the Excel sheet.
                for (int sheet = 1; sheet <= xls.SheetCount; sheet++)
                    xls.ActiveSheet = sheet;


                    DataTable Data = dataSet1.Tables.Add("Sheet" + sheet.ToString());
                        int ColCount = xls.ColCount;
                        //Add one column on the dataset for each used column on Excel.
                        for (int c = 1; c <= ColCount; c++)
                            Data.Columns.Add(TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(c), typeof(String));  //Here we will add all strings, since we do not know what we are waiting for.

                        string[] dr = new string[ColCount];

                        int RowCount = xls.RowCount;
                        for (int r = 1; r <= RowCount; r++)
                            Array.Clear(dr, 0, dr.Length);
                            //This loop will only loop on used cells. It is more efficient than looping on all the columns.
                            for (int cIndex = xls.ColCountInRow(r); cIndex > 0; cIndex--)  //reverse the loop to avoid calling ColCountInRow more than once.
                                int Col = xls.ColFromIndex(r, cIndex);

                                if (Formatted)
                                    TRichString rs = xls.GetStringFromCell(r, Col);
                                    dr[Col - 1] = rs.Value;
                                    int    XF  = 0; //This is the cell format, we will not use it here.
                                    object val = xls.GetCellValueIndexed(r, cIndex, ref XF);

                                    TFormula Fmla = val as TFormula;
                                    if (Fmla != null)
                                        //When we have formulas, we want to write the formula result.
                                        //If we wanted the formula text, we would not need this part.
                                        dr[Col - 1] = Convert.ToString(Fmla.Result);
                                        dr[Col - 1] = Convert.ToString(val);

                    DateTime EndFill = DateTime.Now;
                    statusBar.Text = String.Format("Time to load file: {0}    Time to fill dataset: {1}     Total time: {2}", (EndOpen - StartOpen).ToString(), (EndFill - EndOpen).ToString(), (EndFill - StartOpen).ToString());

                //Set up grid.
                DisplayGrid.DataSource   = dataSet1;
                DisplayGrid.DataMember   = "Sheet1";
                sheetCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                DisplayGrid.CaptionText  = FileName;
                DisplayGrid.CaptionText = "Error Loading File";
                DisplayGrid.DataSource  = null;
                DisplayGrid.DataMember  = "";
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Обсчитываем все что выделено между {}
        /// </summary>
        public static void Evaluate(XlsFile xls, ISpreadsheetProperties properties, out int row, StringBuilder errors)
            row = 1;
            var rowCount = Math.Min(xls.RowCount, 100);

            for (var r = 1; r <= rowCount; r++)
                var isNotExistVoidCol = false;
                for (var c = 1; c <= xls.ColCount; c++)
                    var cVal = xls.GetCellValue(r, c);

                    if (!isNotExistVoidCol && cVal != null)
                        isNotExistVoidCol = true;

                    var str = cVal as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                        var indxStart = str.IndexOf('{');
                        if (indxStart >= 0)
                            var indxEnd = str.IndexOf('}');
                            if (indxEnd > 0)
                                    var subStr = str.Substring(indxStart, indxEnd - indxStart + 1);
                                    var ev     = ProryvParsersFactory.ParseTextValue(subStr, properties);
                                    if (str[0] == '=' && ev != null)
                                        //Это формула
                                        xls.SetCellValue(r, c, new TFormula(ev.ToString().Replace(',', '.')));
                                        xls.SetCellValue(r, c, str.Replace(subStr, ev.ToString()));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    if (errors != null)
                                        errors.Append(" Ошибка в ячейке ").Append(TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(c))
                                        .Append(r).Append(": ").Append(ex.Message).Append(" ")
                                            ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : string.Empty)

                //Есть хоть одна заполненная ячейка, смещаем начальную ячейку
                if (isNotExistVoidCol)
                    row = r;

Пример #10
 public static string EncodeColumn(int C)
Пример #11
        public static DataSet ToDataSet(byte[] data, bool firstRowIsPropertyName = true)
            bool    formatted = false;
            DataSet dataSet   = new DataSet();

            Stream stream = new MemoryStream(data);

            XlsFile xls = new XlsFile(false);


            for (int sheet = 1; sheet <= xls.SheetCount; sheet++)
                xls.ActiveSheet = sheet;

                DataTable Data = dataSet.Tables.Add("Sheet" + sheet.ToString());

                    int ColCount      = xls.ColCount;
                    int beginIndexRow = 1;

                    if (firstRowIsPropertyName)
                        beginIndexRow = 2;
                        for (int c = 1; c <= ColCount; c++)
                            int    r        = 1;
                            int    XF       = 0; // This is the cell format, we will not use it here.
                            object val      = xls.GetCellValueIndexed(r, c, ref XF);
                            string propName = string.Empty;

                            TFormula Fmla = val as TFormula;
                            propName = Convert.ToString(Fmla != null ? Fmla.Result : val);

                            Data.Columns.Add(propName, typeof(String));
                        beginIndexRow = 1;
                        // Add one column on the dataset for each used column on Excel.
                        for (int c = 1; c <= ColCount; c++)
                            // Here we will add all strings, since we do not know what we are waiting for.
                            Data.Columns.Add(TCellAddress.EncodeColumn(c), typeof(String));

                    string[] dr = new string[ColCount];

                    int rowCount = xls.RowCount;
                    for (int r = beginIndexRow; r <= rowCount; r++)
                        Array.Clear(dr, 0, dr.Length);
                        //This loop will only loop on used cells. It is more efficient than looping on all the columns.
                        for (int cIndex = xls.ColCountInRow(r); cIndex > 0; cIndex--)  //reverse the loop to avoid calling ColCountInRow more than once.
                            int Col = xls.ColFromIndex(r, cIndex);

                            if (formatted)
                                TRichString rs = xls.GetStringFromCell(r, Col);
                                dr[Col - 1] = rs.Value;
                                int    XF  = 0; //This is the cell format, we will not use it here.
                                object val = xls.GetCellValueIndexed(r, cIndex, ref XF);

                                TFormula Fmla = val as TFormula;
                                if (Fmla != null)
                                    //When we have formulas, we want to write the formula result.
                                    //If we wanted the formula text, we would not need this part.
                                    dr[Col - 1] = Convert.ToString(Fmla.Result);
                                    dr[Col - 1] = Convert.ToString(val);
