private static void RenderPlayerConsole(IActor player, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Player"); console.printEx(1, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Health : {0}", player.Health)); console.printEx(1, 4, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Damage : {0}", player.Damage)); console.printEx(1, 6, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("Kills : {0}", player.Kills.Count)); }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { const int WelcomeScreenOffset = 13; if (m_enabled) { m_yesEnabled = TCODSystem.getElapsedSeconds() > m_timeToEnableYes; if (Preferences.Instance.DebuggingMode) m_yesEnabled = true; m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); screen.printFrame(WelcomeScreenOffset, WelcomeScreenOffset + 5, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), 11, true); string saveString = "Saving the game will end your current session and allow you to pickup playing later."; screen.printRectEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 7 + WelcomeScreenOffset, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - 4 - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), UIHelper.ScreenHeight - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, saveString); screen.printEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 11 + WelcomeScreenOffset, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, "Really Save?"); m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, m_yesSelected, m_yesEnabled); screen.print((UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2) - 6, 13 + WelcomeScreenOffset, "Yes"); m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, !m_yesSelected, true); screen.print((UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2) + 4, 13 + WelcomeScreenOffset, "No"); m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { const int WelcomeScreenOffset = 13; if (m_enabled) { m_yesEnabled = TCODSystem.getElapsedSeconds() > m_timeToEnableYes; // Don't make debugger wait if (Preferences.Instance.DebuggingMode) m_yesEnabled = true; m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); screen.printFrame(WelcomeScreenOffset, WelcomeScreenOffset + 5, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), 11, true); string quitString; if (m_quitReason == QuitReason.quitAction) quitString = "Quitting the game will delete your current character. To stop playing now and continue your adventure later, use save instead."; else quitString = "Leaving the dungeon will end the game early and delete your current character. To stop playing now and continue your adventure later, use save instead."; screen.printRectEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 7 + WelcomeScreenOffset, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - 4 - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), UIHelper.ScreenHeight - (2 * WelcomeScreenOffset), TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, quitString); screen.printEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 11 + WelcomeScreenOffset, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, "Really Quit?"); m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, m_yesSelected, m_yesEnabled); screen.print((UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2) - 6, 13 + WelcomeScreenOffset, "Yes"); m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, !m_yesSelected, true); screen.print((UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2) + 4, 13 + WelcomeScreenOffset, "No"); m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { if (m_enabled) { screen.printFrame(SelectedItemOffsetX, SelectedItemOffsetY, SelectedItemWidth, SelectedItemHeight, true); // Draw Header. screen.hline(SelectedItemOffsetX + 1, SelectedItemOffsetY + 2, SelectedItemWidth - 2); screen.putChar(SelectedItemOffsetX, SelectedItemOffsetY + 2, (int)TCODSpecialCharacter.TeeEast); screen.putChar(SelectedItemOffsetX + SelectedItemWidth - 1, SelectedItemOffsetY + 2, (int)TCODSpecialCharacter.TeeWest); screen.printEx(SelectedItemOffsetX + (SelectedItemWidth / 2), SelectedItemOffsetY + 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_selectedItem.DisplayName); // Split in half for description. screen.vline(SelectedItemOffsetX + (SelectedItemWidth / 3), SelectedItemOffsetY + 2, SelectedItemHeight - 3); screen.putChar(SelectedItemOffsetX + (SelectedItemWidth / 3), SelectedItemOffsetY + 2, (int)TCODSpecialCharacter.TeeSouth); screen.putChar(SelectedItemOffsetX + (SelectedItemWidth / 3), SelectedItemOffsetY + SelectedItemHeight - 1, (int)TCODSpecialCharacter.TeeNorth); DrawItemInRightPane(screen); m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); // Print option list. for (int i = 0; i < m_optionList.Count; ++i) { m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, i == m_cursorPosition, m_optionList[i].Enabled); screen.print(SelectedItemOffsetX + 2, SelectedItemOffsetY + 4 + (i * 2), m_optionList[i].Option); } m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { if (m_enabled) { m_higherRange = m_isScrollingNeeded ? m_lowerRange + NumberOfLinesDisplayable : m_itemList.Count; screen.printFrame(InventoryWindowOffset, InventoryWindowOffset, InventoryItemWidth, InventoryItemHeight, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, m_title); // Start lettering from our placementOffset. char currentLetter = 'a'; if (m_useCharactersNextToItems) { for (int i = 0; i < m_lowerRange; ++i) currentLetter = IncrementLetter(currentLetter); } int positionalOffsetFromTop = 0; m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); int farRightPaddingAmount = DetermineFarRightPaddingForMagicList(); for (int i = m_lowerRange; i < m_higherRange; ++i) { string displayString = m_itemList[i].DisplayName; m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, i == m_cursorPosition, m_shouldBeSelectedDelegate(m_itemList[i])); if (displayString.Contains('\t'.ToString())) { // This is the case for Tab Seperated Spaces, used for magic lists and such string[] sectionArray = displayString.Split(new char[] { '\t' }, 3); screen.print(InventoryWindowOffset + 1, InventoryWindowOffset + 1 + positionalOffsetFromTop, currentLetter + " - " + sectionArray[0]); if (sectionArray.Length > 1) { screen.print(InventoryWindowOffset + (InventoryItemWidth / 2), InventoryWindowOffset + 1 + positionalOffsetFromTop, sectionArray[1]); if (sectionArray.Length > 2) { screen.printEx(InventoryWindowOffset - 2 + InventoryItemWidth, InventoryWindowOffset + 1 + positionalOffsetFromTop, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.RightAlignment, sectionArray[2].PadRight(farRightPaddingAmount)); } } } else { string printString; if (m_useCharactersNextToItems) printString = string.Format("{0} - {1}", currentLetter, displayString); else printString = " - " + displayString; screen.print(InventoryWindowOffset + 1, InventoryWindowOffset + 1 + positionalOffsetFromTop, printString); } currentLetter = IncrementLetter(currentLetter); positionalOffsetFromTop++; } m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } }
private static void RenderEventsConsole(Game gameInstance, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Events"); int j = gameInstance.GameEvents.Count - 1; int i = 1; if (!gameInstance.IsActive) { console.setForegroundColor(gameInstance.AllMonstersAreDead() ? ColorPresets.Gold : ColorPresets.Red); console.printEx( 1, i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, gameInstance.AllMonstersAreDead() ? "You are the last man standing!" : "You have been eliminated"); i++; } for (; i < bounds.Height; i++) { console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); if ((j < 0) || (j >= gameInstance.GameEvents.Count)) { break; } while ((j >= 0) && !(gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Command is AttackCommand || gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Command is OpenDoorCommand)) { j--; } if ((j < 0) || (j >= gameInstance.GameEvents.Count)) { break; } console.printEx(1, i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, gameInstance.GameEvents[j].Result.Message); j--; } }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { if (m_isSelectionCursor) { screen.setCharBackground(ScreenCenter.X + 1, ScreenCenter.Y + 1, TCODColor.darkYellow); if (ToolTipsEnabled) { if (TCODSystem.getElapsedMilli() - m_lastCursorMovedTime > TimeUntilToolTipPopup) { if (m_currentToolTips.Count > 0) { const int MaxNumberOfLinesToShow = 3; int numberOfLinesToShow = System.Math.Min(m_currentToolTips.Count, MaxNumberOfLinesToShow); int longestLine = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLinesToShow; ++i) longestLine = System.Math.Max(longestLine, m_currentToolTips[i].Length); // If we're going to need to print "...more..." make sure we have the width if (m_currentToolTips.Count > MaxNumberOfLinesToShow) longestLine = System.Math.Max(longestLine, 10); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresets.DarkGray); int frameHeight = m_currentToolTips.Count > MaxNumberOfLinesToShow ? 3 + numberOfLinesToShow : 2 + numberOfLinesToShow; screen.printFrame(ScreenCenter.X + 2, ScreenCenter.Y - 2, longestLine + 2, frameHeight, false, TCODBackgroundFlag.Multiply); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLinesToShow; ++i) screen.printEx(ScreenCenter.X + 3, ScreenCenter.Y - 1 + i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Multiply, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, m_currentToolTips[i]); if (m_currentToolTips.Count > MaxNumberOfLinesToShow) screen.printEx(ScreenCenter.X + 3, ScreenCenter.Y - 1 + MaxNumberOfLinesToShow, TCODBackgroundFlag.Multiply, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, "...more..."); screen.setBackgroundColor(ColorPresets.Black); } } } } }
private static void RenderThreatConsole(IActor player, IList <IActor> monsters, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Threats"); List <IActor> threats = player.Intellect.IdentifyThreats(monsters).ToList(); for (int i = 1; i < threats.Count; i++) { console.printEx(1, (i * 2) + 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("{0} : {1}", threats[i].Race.Symbol, threats[i])); } }
private static void RenderCompetitorConsole(Game gameInstance, TCODConsole console, Rectangle bounds) { console.clear(); console.setForegroundColor(ColorPresets.White); console.printFrame(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, true, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, "Competitors"); List <IActor> competitors = gameInstance.AllActors.Where(x => x != gameInstance.Player).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < competitors.Count; i++) { console.setForegroundColor(competitors[i].IsAlive ? ColorPresets.White : ColorPresets.Red); console.printEx(1, (i * 2) + 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment, string.Format("{0} is {1} with {2} kills", competitors[i], competitors[i].IsAlive ? "Alive" : "Dead", competitors[i].Kills.Count)); } }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { const int DialogOffset = 13; if (Enabled) { m_dialogColorHelper.SaveColors(screen); screen.printFrame(DialogOffset, DialogOffset + 5, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - (2 * DialogOffset), 11, true); screen.printRectEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 7 + DialogOffset, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - 4 - (2 * DialogOffset), UIHelper.ScreenHeight - (2 * DialogOffset), TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, Text); m_dialogColorHelper.SetColors(screen, true, true); screen.printEx(UIHelper.ScreenWidth / 2, 13 + DialogOffset, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, "OK"); m_dialogColorHelper.ResetColors(screen); } }
public int Run(string[] args) { fillSampleList(); int curSample = 0; // index of the current sample bool first = true; // first time we render a sample TCODKey key = new TCODKey(); string font = "celtic_garamond_10x10_gs_tc.png"; int numberCharsHorz = 32; int numberCharsVert = 8; int fullscreenWidth = 0; int fullscreenHeight = 0; bool fullscreen = false; bool credits = false; TCODFontFlags flags = TCODFontFlags.Grayscale | TCODFontFlags.LayoutTCOD; TCODFontFlags newFlags = 0; for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-font" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 1)) { i++; font = args[i]; } else if (args[i] == "-font-char-numberRows" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 2)) { i++; numberCharsHorz = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); i++; numberCharsVert = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); } else if (args[i] == "-fullscreen-resolution" && ArgsRemaining(args, i, 2)) { i++; fullscreenWidth = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); i++; fullscreenHeight = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i]); } else if (args[i] == "-fullscreen") { fullscreen = true; } else if (args[i] == "-font-in-row") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.LayoutAsciiInRow; } else if (args[i] == "-font-greyscale") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.Grayscale; } else if (args[i] == "-font-tcod") { flags = 0; newFlags |= TCODFontFlags.LayoutTCOD; } else if (args[i] == "-help") { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("options : \n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font <filename> : use a custom font\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-char-size <char_width> <char_height> : size of the custom font's characters\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-in-row : the font layout is in row instead of columns\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-tcod : the font uses TCOD layout instead of ASCII\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-font-greyscale : antialiased font using greyscale bitmap\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-fullscreen : start in fullscreen\n"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-fullscreen-resolution <screen_width> <screen_height> : force fullscreen resolution\n"); return 0; } } if (flags == 0) flags = newFlags; if (fullscreenWidth > 0) TCODSystem.forceFullscreenResolution(fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight); TCODConsole.setCustomFont(font, (int)flags, numberCharsHorz, numberCharsVert); TCODConsole.initRoot(80, 50, "tcodlib C# sample", fullscreen, TCODRendererType.SDL); rootConsole = TCODConsole.root; sampleConsole = new TCODConsole(SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT); setupStaticData(); rootConsole.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); rootConsole.setAlignment(TCODAlignment.LeftAlignment); do { rootConsole.clear(); if (!credits) credits = TCODConsole.renderCredits(60, 42, false); for (int i = 0; i < sampleList.Length; i++) { if (i == curSample) { // set colors for currently selected sample rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.white); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; } else { // set colors for other samples rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.grey); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; } rootConsole.print(2, 45 - sampleList.Length + i, sampleList[i].name); } rootConsole.setForegroundColor(TCODColor.grey); rootConsole.setBackgroundColor(; rootConsole.printEx(79, 46, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.RightAlignment, "last frame : " + ((int)(TCODSystem.getLastFrameLength() * 1000)).ToString() + " ms ( " + TCODSystem.getFps() + "fps)"); rootConsole.printEx(79, 47, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.RightAlignment, "elapsed : " + TCODSystem.getElapsedMilli() + "ms " + (TCODSystem.getElapsedSeconds().ToString("0.00")) + "s"); rootConsole.putChar(2, 47, (char)TCODSpecialCharacter.ArrowNorth); rootConsole.putChar(3, 47, (char)TCODSpecialCharacter.ArrowSouth); rootConsole.print(4, 47, " : select a sample"); rootConsole.print(2, 48, "ALT-ENTER : switch to " + (TCODConsole.isFullscreen() ? "windowed mode " : "fullscreen mode")); sampleList[curSample].render(first, key); first = false; TCODConsole.blit(sampleConsole, 0, 0, SAMPLE_SCREEN_WIDTH, SAMPLE_SCREEN_HEIGHT, rootConsole, SAMPLE_SCREEN_X, SAMPLE_SCREEN_Y); TCODConsole.flush(); key = TCODConsole.checkForKeypress((int)TCODKeyStatus.KeyPressed); if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Down) { // down arrow : next sample curSample = (curSample + 1) % sampleList.Length; first = true; } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Up) { // up arrow : previous sample curSample--; if (curSample < 0) curSample = sampleList.Length - 1; first = true; } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.Enter && (key.LeftAlt || key.RightAlt)) { // ALT-ENTER : switch fullscreen TCODConsole.setFullscreen(!TCODConsole.isFullscreen()); } else if (key.KeyCode == TCODKeyCode.F1) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("key.pressed" + " " + key.LeftAlt + " " + key.LeftControl + " " + key.RightAlt + " " + key.RightControl + " " + key.Shift); } } while (!TCODConsole.isWindowClosed()); return 0; }
public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen) { screen.printFrame(StartingX, 0, InfoWidth, InfoHeight, true); screen.printEx(SectionCenter, 1, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_name); // The 7 and 18 here are psydo-magical, since they place the text overlap just so it fits and doesn't go over for sane values screen.printEx(StartingX + 7, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.None, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_healthString); screen.printEx(StartingX + 18, 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.None, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_staminaString); for (int j = 0; j < BarLength; ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, 2, PlayerHealthBarColorAtPosition(j)); screen.printEx(StartingX + 13, 3, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, m_manaString); for (int j = 0; j < BarLength; ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, 3, PlayerManaBarColor(j)); int nextAvailablePosition = 6; string skillPointString = "Skill Points: " + m_skillPoints; screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, skillPointString); nextAvailablePosition += 2; int linesTaken = screen.printRect(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, UIHelper.ScreenWidth - StartingX - 3, 5, m_weaponString); nextAvailablePosition += linesTaken + 1; m_colorHelper.SaveColors(screen); if (m_statusEffects.Count() > 0) { screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, "Status Effects:"); int currentX = StartingX + 2 + 1 + 15; foreach (IStatusEffect s in m_statusEffects) { if (currentX + s.Name.Length >= UIHelper.ScreenWidth) { currentX = StartingX + 2; nextAvailablePosition++; } screen.setForegroundColor(s.IsPositiveEffect ? ColorCache.Instance["DarkGreen"] : ColorCache.Instance["DarkRed"] ); screen.print(currentX, nextAvailablePosition, s.Name); currentX += s.Name.Length + 1; } nextAvailablePosition += 2; } m_colorHelper.ResetColors(screen); m_colorHelper.SaveColors(screen); if (m_monstersNearby.Count > 0) { screen.print(StartingX + 2, nextAvailablePosition, m_nearbyEnemyString); // Show at most 8 monsters int numberOfMonstersToShow = m_monstersNearby.Count > 8 ? 8 : m_monstersNearby.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMonstersToShow; ++i) { ICharacter currentMonster = m_monstersNearby[i]; if (MapCursorEnabled) { if (currentMonster.Position == CursorSpot) screen.setForegroundColor(ColorCache.Instance["DarkYellow"]); else screen.setForegroundColor(UIHelper.ForegroundColor); } screen.printEx(StartingX + 12, nextAvailablePosition + 1 + i, TCODBackgroundFlag.Set, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, currentMonster.Name); for (int j = 0; j < HealthBarLength(currentMonster, true); ++j) screen.setCharBackground(StartingX + 2 + j, nextAvailablePosition + 1 + i, EnemyHealthBarColor(currentMonster)); } nextAvailablePosition += 2; } m_colorHelper.ResetColors(screen); if (Preferences.Instance.DebuggingMode) { screen.print(54, 39, "Turn Count - " + m_turnCount.ToString()); screen.print(54, 40, "Danger - " + m_inDanger.ToString()); string level = (m_currentLevel + 1).ToString(); screen.print(54, 41, "Level - " + level); string position = m_position.ToString(); screen.print(54, 42, position); string fps = TCODSystem.getFps().ToString(); screen.print(54, 43, fps); } }
public void PrintString(int x, int y, string text, TCODAlignment alignment, params object[] args) { _console.printEx(x, y, TCODBackgroundFlag.None, alignment, string.Format(text, args)); }
public void DrawHUD() { TCODConsole r = TCODConsole.root; int sidebarWidth = 33; int windowWidth = 80; int windowHeight = 50; int vWidth = 47; int vHeight = 47; int weaponBoxWidth = 16; int weaponBoxHeight = 4; int characterBoxHeight = 11; // bottom bar r.printFrame(0, windowHeight - 3, windowWidth - sidebarWidth, 3); r.printEx(vHeight / 2 + 1, windowHeight - 2, TCODBackgroundFlag.Default, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, Area.Current.DescribeTile(Player.Position)); // character box r.printFrame(vWidth, 0, windowWidth - vWidth, characterBoxHeight); r.print(vWidth + 2, 0, "CHARACTER"); r.print(vWidth + 2, 2, "Adam"); r.print(vWidth + 2, 3, "LVL: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Level)); r.print(vWidth + 2, 4, "ATK: " + (Player.AttackMultiplier > 1 ? Player.AttackMultiplier.ToString() : "") + "d" + Player.AttackDie.ToString() + (Player.AttackModifier > 0 ? "+" + Player.AttackModifier.ToString() : "")); float barHP = ((float)Player.HP / (float)Player.MaxHP) * (windowWidth - vWidth - 4); float barStamina = ((float)Player.Stamina / (float)Player.MaxStamina) * (windowWidth - vWidth - 4); float barXP = ((float)(Player.XP - Character.LevelXP(Player.Level)) / (float)(Character.LevelXP(Player.Level + 1) - Character.LevelXP(Player.Level))) * (windowWidth - vWidth - 4); r.setBackgroundFlag(TCODBackgroundFlag.Set); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.darkGreen); r.rect(vWidth + 2, 6, (int)barHP, 1, false); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.grey); r.printEx(vWidth + 2 + ((windowWidth - vWidth - 4) / 2), 6, TCODBackgroundFlag.Darken, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, " HP: " + Convert.ToString(Player.HP) + "/" + Convert.ToString(Player.MaxHP) + " "); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.darkBlue); r.rect(vWidth + 2, 7, (int)barStamina, 1, false); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.grey); r.printEx(vWidth + 2 + ((windowWidth - vWidth - 4) / 2), 7, TCODBackgroundFlag.Darken, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, " STM: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round((float)Player.Stamina / (float)Player.MaxStamina * 100)) + "%% "); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.darkYellow); r.rect(vWidth + 2, 8, (int)barXP, 1, false); r.setBackgroundColor(TCODColor.grey); r.printEx(vWidth + 2 + ((windowWidth - vWidth - 4) / 2), 8, TCODBackgroundFlag.Darken, TCODAlignment.CenterAlignment, " XP: " + Convert.ToString(Player.XP) + " / " + Convert.ToString(Character.LevelXP(Player.Level + 1)) + " "); r.setBackgroundColor(; r.print(vWidth + 16, 2, "STR: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Strength)); r.print(vWidth + 16, 3, "DEX: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Dexterity)); r.print(vWidth + 24, 2, "CON: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Constitution)); r.print(vWidth + 24, 3, "INT: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Intelligence)); r.print(vWidth + 16, 4, "DEF: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Defense)); r.print(vWidth + 24, 4, "SPD: " + Convert.ToString(Player.Speed)); // console box r.printFrame(vWidth, characterBoxHeight, windowWidth - vWidth, windowHeight - weaponBoxHeight - characterBoxHeight); r.print(vWidth + 2, characterBoxHeight, "CONSOLE"); int remainingLines = windowHeight - weaponBoxHeight - characterBoxHeight - 2; int i = Console.Lines.Count - 1; while (remainingLines > 0 && i > -1) { string text = Console.Lines[i].Text; Queue <string> lines = new Queue <string>(); int maxLength = windowWidth - vWidth - 2; while (text.Length > maxLength) { string split = text.Substring(0, maxLength); if (text.Substring(maxLength, 1) != " ") { split = split.Substring(0, split.LastIndexOf(" ")).TrimEnd(); } split = split.TrimEnd(); lines.Enqueue(split); text = " " + text.Substring(split.Length).Trim(); } lines.Enqueue(text); remainingLines -= lines.Count; int j = 0; while (lines.Count > 0) { string line = lines.Dequeue(); if (characterBoxHeight + 1 + remainingLines + j > characterBoxHeight) { r.print(vWidth + 1, characterBoxHeight + 1 + remainingLines + j, line); } j++; } i -= 1; } // weapon box r.printFrame(vWidth, windowHeight - weaponBoxHeight, weaponBoxWidth, weaponBoxHeight); r.print(vWidth + 1, windowHeight - weaponBoxHeight + 1, Player.Weapon == null ? "unarmed" : Player.Weapon.ToString()); // time box r.printFrame(vWidth + weaponBoxWidth, windowHeight - weaponBoxHeight, windowWidth - vWidth - weaponBoxWidth, weaponBoxHeight); string strKilled = Convert.ToString(Player.Kills) + " KILLED"; string strTime = "DAY 1 00:00.00"; r.print(80 - strKilled.Length - 1, 48, strKilled); r.print(80 - strTime.Length - 1, 47, strTime); }