Пример #1
    public void SetDroneTargetTest()
        GameObject go = new GameObject("Turret");
        Turret t = go.AddComponent<Turret>();
        TAim tAim = go.AddComponent<TempClass>();

        t.aim = tAim;

        t.target = tAim.FindTarget();

        Assert.AreNotEqual(null, t.target);
Пример #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    protected void Update()
        if (aim != null) // Triggered if users completed their code
            target = aim.FindTarget();

        if (target != null) // If there is a target
            // Calculate rotation
            Vector3 targetRotation = target.transform.position - turret.position;
            targetRotation.y = 0f;
            turret.rotation  = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(targetRotation), 1f); // Rotate towards a target

            target.TakeDamage(dmg);                                                                               // Deal damage

            // Show line from a turret to the enemy
            line.enabled = true;
            laserBeamStart.Play(); // Play particle system
            line.SetPosition(0, laserStart.position);
            line.SetPosition(1, target.transform.position);

            // Set texts color based on in-game events
            lookingText.color = new Color(lookingText.color.r, lookingText.color.g, lookingText.color.b, 0.2f);
            foundText.color   = new Color(foundText.color.r, foundText.color.g, foundText.color.b, 1.0f);
            // Disable a line
            line.enabled = false;
            laserBeamStart.Stop(); // Stop particle system

            // Rotate around y axis
            turret.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed, Vector3.up);

            // Set texts color based on in-game events
            lookingText.color = new Color(lookingText.color.r, lookingText.color.g, lookingText.color.b, 1.0f);
            foundText.color   = new Color(foundText.color.r, foundText.color.g, foundText.color.b, 0.2f);