Пример #1
        public void Test_TAGFileBufferQueueGrouper_AddAndExtractTagFile()
            TAGFileBufferQueueGrouper grouper = new TAGFileBufferQueueGrouper();

            const string tagFileName = "TestTAGFile - TAGFile - Read - Stream.tag";
            Guid         projectID   = Guid.NewGuid();
            Guid         assetID     = Guid.NewGuid();

            ITAGFileBufferQueueKey tagKey = new TAGFileBufferQueueKey(tagFileName, projectID, assetID);


            // Test the project is not returned if it is included in the avoid list
            var noTagFiles = grouper.Extract(new List <Guid> {
            }, out Guid noProjectUID)?.ToList();

            Assert.True(null == noTagFiles, $"Extract from grouper with avoided project {projectID} returned a result for project {noProjectUID}");

            // Test the key is present in the extracted list of tag files for the given project
            var tagFiles = grouper.Extract(new List <Guid>(), out Guid extractedProjectID)?.ToList();

            Assert.True(null != tagFiles, "Returned list of grouped tag files is null");
            Assert.True(1 == tagFiles.Count, $"Returned list of grouped tag files does not have a single item (count = {tagFiles.Count}");

            Assert.True(extractedProjectID == tagFiles[0].ProjectUID, $"Project UID does not match project UID out parameter from extract call {extractedProjectID} versus {tagFiles[0].ProjectUID}");
            Assert.True(tagKey.AssetUID == tagFiles[0].AssetUID, $"Asset UIDs do not match {tagKey.AssetUID} versus {tagFiles[0].AssetUID}");
            Assert.True(tagKey.ProjectUID == tagFiles[0].ProjectUID, $"Project UIDs do not match {tagKey.ProjectUID} versus {tagFiles[0].ProjectUID}");
            Assert.True(tagKey.FileName == tagFiles[0].FileName, $"File names do not match {tagKey.FileName} versus {tagFiles[0].FileName}");

            //Test there are no more TAG files to extract from the grouper
            var tagFiles2 = grouper.Extract(null, out Guid _)?.ToList();

            Assert.True(null == tagFiles2, "Extract from empty grouper returned a non null result");
Пример #2
        public void Test_TAGFileBufferQueue_AddingTAGFile()

            var queue = new TAGFileBufferQueue();


            // Load a TAG file and add it to the queue. Verify the TAG file appears in the cache

            var tagFileName = "TestTAGFile-TAGFile-Read-Stream.tag";

            var projectUid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var assetUid   = Guid.NewGuid();

            byte[] tagContent;
            using (var tagFileStream =
                       new FileStream(Path.Combine("TestData", "TAGFiles", tagFileName),
                                      FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                tagContent = new byte[tagFileStream.Length];
                tagFileStream.Read(tagContent, 0, (int)tagFileStream.Length);

            var tagKey  = new TAGFileBufferQueueKey(tagFileName, projectUid, assetUid);
            var tagItem = new TAGFileBufferQueueItem
                InsertUTC = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ProjectID = projectUid,
                AssetID   = assetUid,
                FileName  = tagFileName,
                Content   = tagContent

            // Perform the actual add
            queue.Add(tagKey, tagItem);

            // Read it back from the cache to ensure it was added as expected.
            var queueCache = _ignite.GetCache <ITAGFileBufferQueueKey, TAGFileBufferQueueItem>(TRexCaches.TAGFileBufferQueueCacheName());

            var tagItem2 = queueCache.Get(tagKey);

            Assert.True(tagItem2 != null, "Tag item read back from buffer queue cache was null");
            Assert.True(tagItem.Content.Length == tagItem2.Content.Length, "Tag content lengths different");
            Assert.True(tagItem.InsertUTC == tagItem2.InsertUTC, "Tag insert UTCs different");
            Assert.True(tagItem.AssetID == tagItem2.AssetID, "Tag AssetUIDs different");
            Assert.True(tagItem.FileName == tagItem2.FileName, "Tag FileNames different");
            Assert.True(tagItem.ProjectID == tagItem2.ProjectID, "Tag ProjectUIDs different");
Пример #3
        private async Task ProcessTAGFilesFromGrouper()
            _log.LogInformation("ProcessTAGFilesFromGrouper starting executing");

            ITAGFileBufferQueueKey removalKey = new TAGFileBufferQueueKey();

            // Cycle looking for new work to do as TAG files arrive until aborted...
                var hadWorkToDo = false;

                // Check to see if there is a work package to feed to the processing pipeline
                // -> Ask the grouper for a package
                var package      = _grouper.Extract(_projectsToAvoid, out var projectId)?.ToList();
                var packageCount = package?.Count ?? 0;

                if (packageCount > 0)
                    _log.LogInformation($"Extracted package from grouper, ProjectUID:{projectId}, with {packageCount} items");

                    hadWorkToDo = true;

                        List <TAGFileBufferQueueItem>        tagQueueItems = null;
                        List <ProcessTAGFileRequestFileItem> fileItems     = null;
                            tagQueueItems = package?.Select(x =>
                                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                                    // Odd, but let's be graceful and attempt to process the remainder in the package
                                    _log.LogError($"Error, KeyNotFoundException exception occurred while attempting to retrieve TAG file for key {x} from the TAG file buffer queue cache");
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    // More worrying, report and bail on this package
                                    _log.LogError(e, $"Error, exception occurred while attempting to retrieve TAG file for key {x} from the TAG file buffer queue cache - aborting processing this package");

                            fileItems = tagQueueItems?
                                        .Where(x => x != null)
                                        .Select(x => new ProcessTAGFileRequestFileItem
                                FileName        = x.FileName,
                                TagFileContent  = x.Content,
                                IsJohnDoe       = x.IsJohnDoe,
                                AssetId         = x.AssetID,
                                SubmissionFlags = x.SubmissionFlags,
                                OriginSource    = x.OriginSource
                        catch (Exception e)
                            _log.LogError(e, "Error, exception occurred while attempting to retrieve TAG files from the TAG file buffer queue cache");

                        if (tagQueueItems?.Count > 0)
                            // -> Supply the package to the processor
                            var request  = new ProcessTAGFileRequest();
                            var response = await request.ExecuteAsync(new ProcessTAGFileRequestArgument
                                ProjectID = projectId,
                                TAGFiles  = fileItems

                            removalKey.ProjectUID = projectId;

                            // -> Remove the set of processed TAG files from the buffer queue cache (depending on processing status?...)
                            foreach (var tagFileResponse in response.Results)
                                    if (tagFileResponse.Success)
                                        //Commented out to keep happy path log less noisy
                                        _log.LogInformation($"Grouper1 TAG file {tagFileResponse.FileName} successfully processed");
                                        _log.LogError($"Grouper1 TAG file failed to process, with exception {tagFileResponse.Exception}, read result = {tagFileResponse.ReadResult}. WARNING: FILE REMOVED FROM QUEUE");
                                        // TODO: Determine what to do in this failure mode: Leave in place? Copy to dead letter queue? Place in S3 bucket pending downstream handling?

                                    removalKey.FileName = tagFileResponse.FileName;
                                    removalKey.AssetUID = tagFileResponse.AssetUid;

                                    _log.LogError(!await _queueCache.RemoveAsync(removalKey) ? $"Failed to remove TAG file {removalKey}" : $"Successfully removed TAG file {removalKey}");
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    _log.LogError(e, $"Exception occurred while removing TAG file {tagFileResponse.FileName} in project {projectId} from the TAG file buffer queue");
                        // Remove the project from the avoid list
                        _log.LogInformation($"Thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}: About to remove project {projectId} from [{(!_projectsToAvoid.Any() ? "Empty" : _projectsToAvoid.Select(x => $"{x}").Aggregate((a, b) => $"{a} + {b}"))}]");
                        _grouper.RemoveProjectFromAvoidList(_projectsToAvoid, projectId);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive a TAG file to be processed, validate TAG File Authorization for the file, and add it to the
        /// queue to be processed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">Project ID to be used as an override to any project ID that may be determined via TAG file authorization</param>
        /// <param name="assetId">Asset ID to be used as an override to any Asset ID that may be determined via TAG file authorization</param>
        /// <param name="tagFileName">Name of the physical tag file for archiving and logging</param>
        /// <param name="tagFileContent">The content of the TAG file to be processed, expressed as a byte array</param>
        /// <param name="tccOrgId">Used by TFA service to match VL customer to TCC org when looking for project if multiple projects and/or machine ID not in tag file</param>
        /// <param name="treatAsJohnDoe">The TAG file will be processed as if it were a john doe machine is projectId is also specified</param>
        /// <param name="tagFileSubmissionFlags">A flag set controlling how certain aspects of managing a submitted TAG file should be managed</param>
        /// <param name="originSource">Indictaes the system of origin this file came from</param>
        public async Task <SubmitTAGFileResponse> ExecuteAsync(Guid?projectId, Guid?assetId, string tagFileName, byte[] tagFileContent,
                                                               string tccOrgId, bool treatAsJohnDoe, TAGFileSubmissionFlags tagFileSubmissionFlags, TAGFileOriginSource originSource)
            if (OutputInformationalRequestLogging)
                _log.LogInformation($"#In# SubmitTAGFileResponse. Processing {tagFileName} TAG file into ProjectUID:{projectId}, asset:{assetId}, John Doe?:{treatAsJohnDoe}, submission flags: {tagFileSubmissionFlags}, origin source:{originSource}");

            var response = new SubmitTAGFileResponse
                FileName = tagFileName,
                Success  = false,
                Message  = "TRex unknown result (SubmitTAGFileResponse.Execute)",
                Code     = (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.TRexUnknownException,

                    // wrap up details into obj
                    var td = new TagFileDetail
                        assetId        = assetId,
                        projectId      = projectId,
                        tagFileName    = tagFileName,
                        tagFileContent = tagFileContent,
                        tccOrgId       = tccOrgId,
                        IsJohnDoe      = treatAsJohnDoe

                    ContractExecutionResult result;

                    if (originSource == TAGFileOriginSource.LegacyTAGFileSource)
                        // Validate tag file submission
                        result = TagfileValidator.PreScanTagFile(td, out var tagFilePreScan);

                        if (result.Code == (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid)
                            if (_isDeviceGatewayEnabled)
                                SendDeviceStatusToDeviceGateway(td, tagFilePreScan);

                            result = await TagfileValidator.ValidSubmission(td, tagFilePreScan);
                        // For non legacy origins where we have no overt validation rules or need for device status notifications
                        // note the presented file as valid for processing
                        result = new ContractExecutionResult((int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid, "Success");

                    response.Code    = result.Code;
                    response.Message = result.Message;

                    if (result.Code == (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid && td.projectId != null) // If OK add to process queue
                        // First archive the tag file
                        if (_tagFileArchiving && tagFileSubmissionFlags.HasFlag(TAGFileSubmissionFlags.AddToArchive)
                            // For now, GCS900/Earthworks style TAG files are the only ones archived
                            && originSource == TAGFileOriginSource.LegacyTAGFileSource)
                            _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# SubmitTAGFileResponse. Archiving tag file:{tagFileName}, ProjectUID:{td.projectId}");
                            if (!await TagFileRepository.ArchiveTagfileS3(td))
                                _log.LogError($"SubmitTAGFileResponse. Failed to archive tag file. Returning TRexQueueSubmissionError error. ProjectUID:{td.projectId}, AssetUID:{td.assetId}, Tagfile:{tagFileName}");
                                throw new ServiceException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ContractExecutionResult(ContractExecutionStatesEnum.InternalProcessingError, $"SubmitTAGFileResponse. Failed to archive tag file {tagFileName} to S3"));

                        // switch from nullable to not nullable
                        var validProjectId = td.projectId ?? Guid.Empty;
                        var validAssetId   = td.assetId ?? Guid.Empty;

                        if (OutputInformationalRequestLogging)
                            _log.LogInformation($"#Progress# SubmitTAGFileResponse. Submitting tag file to TagFileBufferQueue. ProjectUID:{validProjectId}, AssetUID:{validAssetId}, Tagfile:{tagFileName}, JohnDoe:{td.IsJohnDoe} ");

                        var tagKey  = new TAGFileBufferQueueKey(tagFileName, validProjectId, validAssetId);
                        var tagItem = new TAGFileBufferQueueItem
                            InsertUTC       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            ProjectID       = validProjectId,
                            AssetID         = validAssetId,
                            FileName        = tagFileName,
                            Content         = tagFileContent,
                            IsJohnDoe       = td.IsJohnDoe,
                            SubmissionFlags = tagFileSubmissionFlags,
                            OriginSource    = originSource

                        if (_queue == null)
                            throw new ServiceException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ContractExecutionResult(ContractExecutionStatesEnum.InternalProcessingError, "SubmitTAGFileResponse. Processing queue not available"));

                        if (_queue.Add(tagKey, tagItem)) // Add tag file to queue
                            response.Success = true;
                            response.Message = "";
                            response.Code    = (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.Valid;

                            // Commented out top reduce logging
                            // Log.LogInformation($"Added TAG file {tagKey.FileName} representing asset {tagKey.AssetUID} within project {tagKey.ProjectUID} into the buffer queue");
                            response.Success = false;
                            response.Message = "SubmitTAGFileResponse. Failed to submit tag file to processing queue. Request already exists";
                            response.Code    = (int)TRexTagFileResultCode.TRexQueueSubmissionError;

                        response.Success = false;
                catch (Exception e) // catch all exceptions here
                    _log.LogError(e, $"#Exception# SubmitTAGFileResponse. Exception occured processing {tagFileName} Exception:");
                    throw new ServiceException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ContractExecutionResult(ContractExecutionStatesEnum.InternalProcessingError, $"SubmitTAGFileResponse. Exception {e.Message}"));
                if (OutputInformationalRequestLogging)
                    _log.LogInformation($"#Out# SubmitTAGFileResponse. Processed {tagFileName} Result: {response.Success}, Message:{response.Message} Code:{response.Code}");