Пример #1
        } // end method

        private static object FindExtreme(IEnumerable enumerable, ref SystemTool.Comparison comparison, bool max) {
            object extreme = null;

            var isDefaultComparison = comparison == SystemTool.Comparison.Default; // indicates if the original comparsion value is Default
            var isEverDefault = false; // indicates if any comparison is ever Default
            var isEverNumeric = false; // indicates if any comparison is ever Numeric
            var isFirst = true; // flag for processing the first item in enumerable
            var isStringCheckDone = false; // flag for indicating if all the items in enumerable were checked for String comparison

            // Loop through all the items in enumerable.  If comparison is either String
            // or Numeric, just perform the comparison, look at the result and set extreme
            // if necessary.  For Default comparisons, special logic is necessary (see
            // comment for isDefaultComparison if statement below).
            foreach (var item in enumerable) {
                if (isFirst) {
                    isFirst = false;
                    extreme = item;
                } // end if

                // (Non-Default comparisons are easy.  Just perform the comparison.
                // For Default, perform the check and then examine the comparison
                // value afterwards.  If its String, just return FindExtreme passing
                // comparison of String.  If its Default, make note that a Default
                // comparison was used by setting isEverDefault to true;
                // If its numeric, make note that a Numeric comparison was used
                // by setting isEverNumeric to true.  Then, if it hasn't already
                // been done (via isStingCheckDone), compare all the values
                // to the number 0 with a Default comparison to see if any rely
                // on a String comparison.  If they do, just return FindExtreme
                // passing comparison of String.  If no String comparisons occur,
                // then either Default only or Numeric only comparisons are safe.
                int compResult;
                if (isDefaultComparison) {
                    comparison = SystemTool.Comparison.Default;
                    compResult = item.CompareTo(extreme, ref comparison);

                    if (comparison == SystemTool.Comparison.String)
                        return FindExtreme(enumerable, ref comparison, max);

                    if (comparison == SystemTool.Comparison.Default)
                        isEverDefault = true;

                    if (comparison == SystemTool.Comparison.Numeric) {
                        isEverNumeric = true;
                        if (!isStringCheckDone) {
                            foreach (var e in enumerable) {
                                comparison = SystemTool.Comparison.Default;
                                e.CompareTo(0, ref comparison);
                                if (comparison == SystemTool.Comparison.String)
                                    return FindExtreme(enumerable, ref comparison, max);
                            } // end foreach
                            isStringCheckDone = true;
                        } // end if
                    } // end if
                } else
                    compResult = item.CompareTo(extreme, ref comparison);

                if (max && compResult > 0 || !max && compResult < 0)
                    extreme = item;
            } // end foreach

            // At this point, there are no String comparisons.  At this point,
            // if there was ever a Default comparison and also a Numeric comparison,
            // it is necessary to repeat FindExtreme call but this time with
            // an explicit Numeric comparison in case mixed objects that are Comparable
            // (Default comparison) do not compare the same way numerically.
            if (isEverNumeric && isEverDefault) {
                comparison = SystemTool.Comparison.Numeric;
                return FindExtreme(enumerable, ref comparison, max);
            } // end if

            return extreme;
        } // end method
Пример #2
        } // end method

        public static object FindMin(this IEnumerable enumerable, ref SystemTool.Comparison comparison) {
            return FindExtreme(enumerable, ref comparison, false);
        } // end method