Пример #1
        protected void ddlSystemParams_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Int32  paramid     = 0;
            string paramid_str = ddlSystemParams.SelectedItem.Value;

                if (paramid_str != string.Empty)
                    paramid = Int32.Parse(paramid_str);

                SystemParamsDAO sydao = new SystemParamsDAO();

                string paramtyp = sydao.Get_param_type(paramid);
                txtParmType.Text = paramtyp;

                string paramval = sydao.Get_param_value(paramid);
                txtParamValue.Text = paramval;
            catch (Exception ex)
                HandleError(ex.Message, 1);
Пример #2
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Int32           paramid     = 0;
            string          paramid_str = ddlSystemParams.SelectedItem.Value;
            string          displayname = User.Identity.Name;
            SystemParamsDAO sydao       = new SystemParamsDAO();

                if (paramid_str != string.Empty)
                    paramid = Int32.Parse(paramid_str);

                string paramtyp = sydao.Get_param_type_code(paramid);
                string paramval = txtParamValue.Text;

                if (paramtyp == "I")
                    Int32 paramvalint = Int32.Parse(paramval);
                else if (paramtyp == "N")
                    decimal paramvaldec = decimal.Parse(paramval);
                else if (paramtyp == "C")
                else if (paramtyp == "D")
                    DateTime paramvaldt = DateTime.Parse(paramval);

                // update database for param value
                decimal paramidop = sydao.Update_params(paramid, paramtyp, paramval, displayname);

                if (paramidop == 0)
                    HandleError("Invalid Parameter Type", 1);
                    HandleError("Parameter Value updated successfully", 0);
            catch (Exception ex1)
                HandleError(ex1.Message, 1);
Пример #3
        private void Getdropdown()
            SystemParamsDAO sydao = new SystemParamsDAO();
            DataSet         ds_sp = new DataSet();
            DataTable       dt_sp = new DataTable();

            ds_sp = sydao.Get_pararms();
            dt_sp = ds_sp.Tables[0];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt_sp.Rows)
                string sp_code_str = row["param_id"].ToString();
                string sp_desc     = row["param_name"].ToString();
                ddlSystemParams.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(sp_desc, sp_code_str));
Пример #4
        protected void CagesRadGrid_InsertCommand(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs e)
            int    numOfCages      = (int)((RadNumericTextBox)(e.Item.FindControl("numcages_radnumerictextbox"))).Value;
            string cageType        = ((RadComboBox)e.Item.FindControl("cagetype_radcombobox")).SelectedValue;
            string createForStores = ((RadioButtonList)e.Item.FindControl("rblCreateForStores")).SelectedValue;
            bool   storesFound     = false;

            if (createForStores == "T")
                CageDAO         cagedao          = new CageDAO();
                PrintService    ps               = new PrintService();
                SystemParamsDAO sysParam         = new SystemParamsDAO();
                const Int32     toteDelayParamId = 24;
                const int       labelsInBatch    = 50;
                const int       defaultDelay     = 50;
                int             delayCounter     = 0;
                int             delaySeconds;

                    if (!int.TryParse(sysParam.Get_param_value(toteDelayParamId), out delaySeconds))
                        delaySeconds = defaultDelay;  // if param not set then use default delay.
                catch                            // The params package doesn't handle parameter not found so need to catch error.
                    delaySeconds = defaultDelay; // if param not set then use default delay.

                // Creating IDataReader in a using block should tidy up properly when we are finished with it or
                // in case of failure.
                using (IDataReader toteLabels = cagedao.GetToteLabels(numOfCages, cageType, User.Identity.Name))
                    while (toteLabels.Read())
                        storesFound = true;

                        if (delayCounter == labelsInBatch)
                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(delaySeconds * 1000);  // Sleep is in milliseconds
                            delayCounter = 0;
                if (storesFound)
                    DisplayMessage(false, "Tote Label(s) of type " + cageType + " created");
                    DisplayMessage(true, "Error: No valid stores for tote labels found for cage type " + cageType);
                DoCageCreate(cageType, numOfCages);
                DisplayMessage(false, numOfCages.ToString() + " cage(s) of type " + cageType + " created");