Пример #1
        public static void Initialize(Dispatcher dispatcher)
            TextBox.Implementation.Factory = (value, isMultiline, doWrap, maybeOnFocused, foregroundColor) =>
                return(Control.Create(self =>
                    // In the simple test this didn't do anything, possibly because we're not subscribing until we try to set something.. should try it in bindnativeproperty afterwards, first i'm going to see how everything runs atm
                    value = value.PreventFeedback();

                    var control = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBox
                        Background = Brushes.Transparent,
                        Padding = new System.Windows.Thickness(3),
                        TextWrapping = doWrap ? TextWrapping.Wrap : TextWrapping.NoWrap,
                        VerticalContentAlignment = doWrap ? VerticalAlignment.Top : VerticalAlignment.Center,

                    if (isMultiline == false)
                        control.MaxLines = 1;

                    control.BindText(value, self.IsRooted, isMultiline);

                    maybeOnFocused.Do(onFocused =>
                        Action action = () => { };

                        .Subscribe(e => action = e);

                        Fusion.Application.MainThread.Schedule(() =>
                                                               control.GotKeyboardFocus += (s, a) => action());

                    self.BindNativeProperty(dispatcher, "foreground", foregroundColor,
                                            foreground =>
                        control.Foreground = control.CaretBrush = new SolidColorBrush(foreground.ToColor());

                    self.BindNativeDefaults(control, dispatcher);

                    self.BindNativeProperty(dispatcher, "Disabled", value.IsReadOnly, v =>
                        control.IsReadOnly = v;
                        control.IsEnabled = !v;

                    return control;