public CommitItem( Commit commit ) { d = commit.Author.When; //commitMessage = commit.Message.Split( "\r\n".ToCharArray() )[ 0 ]; commitMessage = commit.MessageShort; hour = ( d.Hour.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Hour : d.Hour.ToString(); minute = ( d.Minute.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Minute : d.Minute.ToString(); second = ( d.Second.ToString().Length == 1 ) ? "0" + d.Second : d.Second.ToString(); dateString = d.Month + "/" + d.Day + "/" + d.Year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second; }
public void WriteStringValue(System.DateTimeOffset value) { }
protected SasQueryParameters(string version, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasServices?services, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasResourceTypes?resourceTypes, Azure.Storage.Sas.SasProtocol protocol, System.DateTimeOffset startsOn, System.DateTimeOffset expiresOn, Azure.Storage.Sas.SasIPRange ipRange, string identifier, string resource, string permissions, string signature, string cacheControl = null, string contentDisposition = null, string contentEncoding = null, string contentLanguage = null, string contentType = null) { }
public static bool TryParseDate(Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringSegment input, out System.DateTimeOffset result) { throw null; }
public void WriteString(System.ReadOnlySpan <char> propertyName, System.DateTimeOffset value, bool escape = true) { }
// // Summary: // Compares the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object to a specified DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset // object and indicates whether the current object is earlier than, the same // as, or later than the second DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object. // // Parameters: // other: // An object to compare with the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object. // // Returns: // A signed integer that indicates the relationship between the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset // object and other, as the following table shows.Return ValueDescriptionLess // than zeroThe current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object is earlier than other.ZeroThe // current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object is the same as other.Greater than zero.The // current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object is later than other. public int CompareTo(SystemDateTimeOffset other) { return this.value.CompareTo(other); }
// // Summary: // Initializes a new instance of the DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset structure using the // specified System.DateTime value. // // Parameters: // dateTime: // A date and time. // // Exceptions: // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that results from applying // the offset is earlier than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MinValue.-or-The UTC date // and time that results from applying the offset is later than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue. public DateTimeOffset(DateTime dateTime) { this.value = new SystemDateTimeOffset(dateTime); }
public System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 Create(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 issuerCertificate, System.DateTimeOffset notBefore, System.DateTimeOffset notAfter, byte[] serialNumber) { throw null; }
public System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 CreateSelfSigned(System.DateTimeOffset notBefore, System.DateTimeOffset notAfter) { throw null; }
public static Azure.Storage.Queues.Models.UpdateReceipt UpdateReceipt(string popReceipt, System.DateTimeOffset nextVisibleOn) { throw null; }
public System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 Create(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName issuerName, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SignatureGenerator generator, System.DateTimeOffset notBefore, System.DateTimeOffset notAfter, byte[] serialNumber) { throw null; }
public static Azure.Storage.Queues.Models.SendReceipt SendReceipt(string messageId, System.DateTimeOffset insertionTime, System.DateTimeOffset expirationTime, string popReceipt, System.DateTimeOffset timeNextVisible) { throw null; }
public ActivityEvent(string name, System.DateTimeOffset timestamp = default, System.Diagnostics.ActivityTagsCollection?tags = null) { throw null; }
public System.Diagnostics.Activity?StartActivity(string name, System.Diagnostics.ActivityKind kind, string parentId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <string, object?> >?tags = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <System.Diagnostics.ActivityLink>?links = null, System.DateTimeOffset startTime = default) { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Initializes a new instance of the DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset structure using the // specified System.DateTime value. // // Parameters: // dateTime: // A date and time. // // Exceptions: // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // The Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time that results from applying // the offset is earlier than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MinValue.-or-The UTC date // and time that results from applying the offset is later than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue. public DateTimeOffset( SystemDateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset ) { this.value = dateTimeOffset; }
public static bool TryFormat(System.DateTimeOffset value, System.Span <byte> buffer, out int bytesWritten, System.Buffers.StandardFormat format = default(System.Buffers.StandardFormat)) { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Initializes a new instance of the DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset structure using the // specified System.DateTime value and offset. // // Parameters: // dateTime: // A date and time. // // offset: // The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). // // Exceptions: // System.ArgumentException: // dateTime.Kind equals System.DateTimeKind.Utc and offset does not equal zero.-or-dateTime.Kind // equals System.DateTimeKind.Local and offset does not equal the offset of // the system's local time zone.-or-offset is not specified in whole minutes. // // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // offset is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.-or-DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime // is less than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MinValue or greater than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue. public DateTimeOffset( DateTime dateTime, TimeSpan offset ) { this.value = new SystemDateTimeOffset(dateTime, offset); }
public static bool TryParse(System.ReadOnlySpan <byte> text, out System.DateTimeOffset value, out int bytesConsumed, char standardFormat = '\0') { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Subtracts a DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset value that represents a specific date and // time from the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object. // // Parameters: // value: // An object that represents the value to subtract. // // Returns: // An object that specifies the interval between the two DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset // objects. public TimeSpan Subtract(SystemDateTimeOffset value) { return this.value.Subtract(value); }
public static Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry.ArtifactTagProperties ArtifactTagProperties(string registryLoginServer = null, string repositoryName = null, string name = null, string digest = null, System.DateTimeOffset createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset), bool?canDelete = default(bool?), bool?canWrite = default(bool?), bool?canList = default(bool?), bool?canRead = default(bool?)) { throw null; }
public void PopulateCommand(SqlCommandWrapper command, System.String studyInstanceUid, System.String seriesInstanceUid, System.String sopInstanceUid, System.Int64 watermark, System.DateTimeOffset cleanupAfter) { command.CommandType = global::System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "dbo.IncrementDeletedInstanceRetry"; _studyInstanceUid.AddParameter(command.Parameters, studyInstanceUid); _seriesInstanceUid.AddParameter(command.Parameters, seriesInstanceUid); _sopInstanceUid.AddParameter(command.Parameters, sopInstanceUid); _watermark.AddParameter(command.Parameters, watermark); _cleanupAfter.AddParameter(command.Parameters, cleanupAfter); }
public static Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRepositoryProperties ContainerRepositoryProperties(string registryLoginServer = null, string name = null, System.DateTimeOffset createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset), int manifestCount = 0, int tagCount = 0, bool?canDelete = default(bool?), bool?canWrite = default(bool?), bool?canList = default(bool?), bool?canRead = default(bool?), bool?teleportEnabled = default(bool?)) { throw null; }
public RangeConditionHeaderValue(System.DateTimeOffset lastModified) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the SUCScheduleProperties class. /// </summary> /// <param name="startTime">Gets or sets the start time of the /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="startTimeOffsetMinutes">Gets the start time's offset /// in minutes.</param> /// <param name="expiryTime">Gets or sets the end time of the /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="expiryTimeOffsetMinutes">Gets or sets the expiry /// time's offset in minutes.</param> /// <param name="isEnabled">Gets or sets a value indicating whether /// this schedule is enabled.</param> /// <param name="nextRun">Gets or sets the next run time of the /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="nextRunOffsetMinutes">Gets or sets the next run time's /// offset in minutes.</param> /// <param name="interval">Gets or sets the interval of the /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="frequency">Gets or sets the frequency of the schedule. /// Possible values include: 'OneTime', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Week', 'Month', /// 'Minute'</param> /// <param name="timeZone">Gets or sets the time zone of the /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="advancedSchedule">Gets or sets the advanced /// schedule.</param> /// <param name="creationTime">Gets or sets the creation time.</param> /// <param name="lastModifiedTime">Gets or sets the last modified /// time.</param> /// <param name="description">Gets or sets the description.</param> public SUCScheduleProperties(System.DateTimeOffset startTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), double startTimeOffsetMinutes = default(double), System.DateTimeOffset?expiryTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), double expiryTimeOffsetMinutes = default(double), bool?isEnabled = default(bool?), System.DateTimeOffset?nextRun = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), double nextRunOffsetMinutes = default(double), long?interval = default(long?), string frequency = default(string), string timeZone = default(string), AdvancedSchedule advancedSchedule = default(AdvancedSchedule), System.DateTimeOffset creationTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset lastModifiedTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), string description = default(string)) { StartTime = startTime; StartTimeOffsetMinutes = startTimeOffsetMinutes; ExpiryTime = expiryTime; ExpiryTimeOffsetMinutes = expiryTimeOffsetMinutes; IsEnabled = isEnabled; NextRun = nextRun; NextRunOffsetMinutes = nextRunOffsetMinutes; Interval = interval; Frequency = frequency; TimeZone = timeZone; AdvancedSchedule = advancedSchedule; CreationTime = creationTime; LastModifiedTime = lastModifiedTime; Description = description; CustomInit(); }
public void WriteString(string propertyName, System.DateTimeOffset value, bool escape = true) { }
public JsonPrimitive(System.DateTimeOffset value) { }
public AccountSasBuilder(Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasPermissions permissions, System.DateTimeOffset expiresOn, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasServices services, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasResourceTypes resourceTypes) { }
public AccessToken(string accessToken, System.DateTimeOffset expiresOn) { throw null; }
protected SasQueryParameters(string version, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasServices?services, Azure.Storage.Sas.AccountSasResourceTypes?resourceTypes, Azure.Storage.Sas.SasProtocol protocol, System.DateTimeOffset startsOn, System.DateTimeOffset expiresOn, Azure.Storage.Sas.SasIPRange ipRange, string identifier, string resource, string permissions, string signature, string cacheControl = null, string contentDisposition = null, string contentEncoding = null, string contentLanguage = null, string contentType = null, string authorizedAadObjectId = null, string unauthorizedAadObjectId = null, string correlationId = null, int?directoryDepth = default(int?)) { }
public Rfc3161TimestampTokenInfo(System.Security.Cryptography.Oid policyId, System.Security.Cryptography.Oid hashAlgorithmId, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> messageHash, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte> serialNumber, System.DateTimeOffset timestamp, long?accuracyInMicroseconds = default(long?), bool isOrdering = false, System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte>?nonce = default(System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte>?), System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte>?timestampAuthorityName = default(System.ReadOnlyMemory <byte>?), System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection?extensions = null) { }
public PopupForm(Popup popup) { this.mPopup = popup; this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; this.DockPadding.All = PopupForm.BORDER_MARGIN; this.mControlSize = this.mPopup.UserControl.Size; this.mPopup.UserControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Controls.Add(this.mPopup.UserControl); this.mWindowSize.Width = this.mControlSize.Width + 2*PopupForm.BORDER_MARGIN; this.mWindowSize.Height = this.mControlSize.Height + 2*PopupForm.BORDER_MARGIN; this.Opacity = popup.Opacity; //These are here to suppress warnings. this.DropDown += this.DoNothing; this.DropDownClosed += this.DoNothing; Form parentForm = this.mPopup.mParent.FindForm(); if (parentForm != null) { parentForm.AddOwnedForm(this); } if (this.mPopup.Resizable) { this.mResizingPanel = new Panel(); if (PopupForm.mBackgroundImage == null) { var resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof (Popup)); PopupForm.mBackgroundImage = (Image) resources.GetObject("CornerPicture.Image"); } this.mResizingPanel.BackgroundImage = PopupForm.mBackgroundImage; this.mResizingPanel.Width = 12; this.mResizingPanel.Height = 12; this.mResizingPanel.BackColor = Color.Red; this.mResizingPanel.Left = this.mPopup.UserControl.Width - 15; this.mResizingPanel.Top = this.mPopup.UserControl.Height - 15; this.mResizingPanel.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; this.mResizingPanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right; this.mResizingPanel.Parent = this; this.mResizingPanel.BringToFront(); this.mResizingPanel.MouseUp += this.mResizingPanel_MouseUp; this.mResizingPanel.MouseDown += this.mResizingPanel_MouseDown; this.mResizingPanel.MouseMove += this.mResizingPanel_MouseMove; } this.mPlacement = this.mPopup.HorizontalPlacement; // Try to place the popup at the asked location this.ReLocate(); // Check if the form is out of the screen // And if yes try to adapt the placement Rectangle workingArea = Screen.FromControl(this.mPopup.mParent).WorkingArea; if (this.mNormalPos.X + this.Width > workingArea.Right) { if ((this.mPlacement & ePlacement.Right) != 0) { this.mPlacement = (this.mPlacement & ~ePlacement.Right) | ePlacement.Left; } } else { if (this.mNormalPos.X < workingArea.Left) { if ((this.mPlacement & ePlacement.Left) != 0) { this.mPlacement = (this.mPlacement & ~ePlacement.Left) | ePlacement.Right; } } } if (this.mNormalPos.Y + this.Height > workingArea.Bottom) { if ((this.mPlacement & ePlacement.Bottom) != 0) { this.mPlacement = (this.mPlacement & ~ePlacement.Bottom) | ePlacement.Top; } } else { if (this.mNormalPos.Y < workingArea.Top) { if ((this.mPlacement & ePlacement.Top) != 0) { this.mPlacement = (this.mPlacement & ~ePlacement.Top) | ePlacement.Bottom; } } } if (this.mPlacement != this.mPopup.HorizontalPlacement) { this.ReLocate(); } // Check if the form is still out of the screen // If yes just move it back into the screen without changing Placement if (this.mNormalPos.X + this.mWindowSize.Width > workingArea.Right) { this.mNormalPos.X = workingArea.Right - this.mWindowSize.Width; } else { if (this.mNormalPos.X < workingArea.Left) { this.mNormalPos.X = workingArea.Left; } } if (this.mNormalPos.Y + this.mWindowSize.Height > workingArea.Bottom) { this.mNormalPos.Y = workingArea.Bottom - this.mWindowSize.Height; } else { if (this.mNormalPos.Y < workingArea.Top) { this.mNormalPos.Y = workingArea.Top; } } // Initialize the animation this.mProgress = 0; if (this.mPopup.AnimationSpeed > 0) { this.mTimer = new Timer(); // I always aim 25 images per seconds.. seems to be a good value // it looks smooth enough on fast computers and do not drain slower one this.mTimer.Interval = 1000/25; this.mTimerStarted = System.DateTimeOffset.Now; this.mTimer.Tick += this.Showing; this.mTimer.Start(); this.Showing(null, null); } else { this.SetFinalLocation(); } this.Show(); this.mPopup.OnDropDown(this.mPopup.mParent, new System.EventArgs()); }
public void WriteString(System.Text.Json.JsonEncodedText propertyName, System.DateTimeOffset value) { }
// // Summary: // Determines whether two specified DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset objects represent // the same point in time. // // Parameters: // first: // The first object to compare. // // second: // The second object to compare. // // Returns: // true if the two DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset objects have the same DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime // value; otherwise, false. public static bool Equals( DateTimeOffset first, SystemDateTimeOffset second ) { return SystemDateTimeOffset.Equals(first.value, second); }
public bool TryGetDateTimeOffset(out System.DateTimeOffset value) { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Initializes a new instance of the DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset structure using the // specified number of ticks and offset. // // Parameters: // ticks: // A date and time expressed as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that // have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight on January 1, 0001. // // offset: // The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). // // Exceptions: // System.ArgumentException: // offset is not specified in whole minutes. // // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // The DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime property is earlier than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MinValue // or later than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue.-or-ticks is less than DateTimeOffset.MinValue.Ticks // or greater than DateTimeOffset.MaxValue.Ticks.-or-Offset s less than -14 // hours or greater than 14 hours. public DateTimeOffset( long ticks, TimeSpan offset ) { this.value = new SystemDateTimeOffset(ticks, offset); }
public void WriteString(System.ReadOnlySpan <byte> utf8PropertyName, System.DateTimeOffset value) { }
// // Summary: // Determines whether the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object represents the // same time and has the same offset as a specified DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object. // // Parameters: // other: // The object to compare to the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object. // // Returns: // true if the current DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset object and other have the same // date and time value and the same DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.Offset value; otherwise, // false. public bool EqualsExact(SystemDateTimeOffset other) { return this.value.EqualsExact(other); }
public static string FormatDate(System.DateTimeOffset dateTime) { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Initializes a new instance of the DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset structure using the // specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and offset // of a specified calendar. // // Parameters: // year: // The year. // // month: // The month (1 through 12). // // day: // The day (1 through the number of days in month). // // hour: // The hours (0 through 23). // // minute: // The minutes (0 through 59). // // second: // The seconds (0 through 59). // // millisecond: // The milliseconds (0 through 999). // // calendar: // The calendar that is used to interpret year, month, and day. // // offset: // The time's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). // // Exceptions: // System.ArgumentException: // offset does not represent whole minutes. // // System.ArgumentNullException: // calendar cannot be null. // // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: // year is less than the calendar parameter's MinSupportedDateTime.Year or greater // than MaxSupportedDateTime.Year.-or-month is either less than or greater than // the number of months in year in the calendar. -or-day is less than one or // greater than the number of days in month.-or-hour is less than zero or greater // than 23.-or-minute is less than 0 or greater than 59.-or-second is less than // 0 or greater than 59.-or-millisecond is less than 0 or greater than 999.-or-offset // is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.-or-The year, month, and // day parameters cannot be represented as a date and time value.-or-The DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime // property is earlier than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MinValue or later than DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset.MaxValue. public DateTimeOffset( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, Calendar calendar, TimeSpan offset ) { this.value = new SystemDateTimeOffset(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, calendar, offset); }
public static string FormatDate(System.DateTimeOffset dateTime, bool quoted) { throw null; }
// // Summary: // Compares two DeltaSpace.DateTimeOffset objects and indicates whether the first // is earlier than the second, equal to the second, or later than the second. // // Parameters: // first: // The first object to compare. // // second: // The second object to compare. // // Returns: // A signed integer that indicates whether the value of the first parameter // is earlier than, later than, or the same time as the value of the second // parameter, as the following table shows.Return valueMeaningLess than zerofirst // is earlier than second.Zerofirst is equal to second.Greater than zerofirst // is later than second. public static int Compare( DateTimeOffset first, SystemDateTimeOffset second ) { return SystemDateTimeOffset.Compare(first.value, second); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the UpsertQuotesResponse class. /// </summary> public UpsertQuotesResponse(System.DateTimeOffset asAtDate, IList <Link> links = default(IList <Link>)) { AsAtDate = asAtDate; Links = links; CustomInit(); }