Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Override the base class ToString method, so that it renders the most
 /// critical properties of the underlying file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The returned string lists the name of the exporting class, as usual,
 /// but followed immediately by the key properties that a debugger will
 /// most likely need.
 /// </returns>
 public override string ToString( )
                new string []
         this.GetType( ).FullName,                // Format Item 0 = Fully qualified class name
         _fileInfo.Name,                          // Format Item 1 = Base Name        = {1},
         SysDateFormatters.FormatDateTimeForShow( // Format Item 2 = LastWriteTimeUTC = {2}
             _fileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc),        // LastAccessTimeUtc is a System.DateTime structure, which FormatDateTimeForShow formats for display to carbon units.
         NumberFormatters.Integer(                // Format Item 3 = ({3 Ticks}),LastWriteTime
             _fileInfo.LastAccessTimeUtc.Ticks),  // LastAccessTimeUtc.Ticks is a long (64 bit) integer, which counts upwards from 01/01/0001 at Midnight UTC.
         SysDateFormatters.FormatDateTimeForShow( // Format Item 4 = LastWriteTime    = {4}
             _fileInfo.LastAccessTime),           // LastAccessTime, which reports the LastWriteTime, expressed as Local time is a System.DateTime structure, which FormatDateTimeForShow formats for display to carbon units.
         NumberFormatters.Integer(                // Format Item 5 = ({5 Ticks})
             _fileInfo.LastAccessTime.Ticks)      // LastAccessTime.Ticks is a long (64 bit) integer, which counts upwards from 01/01/0001 at Midnight local time,
 }                                                // public override string ToString ( )
Пример #2
		internal static void Exercise_Base64_ToAndFrom ( )
			string strInputFileName = Properties.Settings.Default.Base64EncodingSource;
			string strOutputFileName = Properties.Settings.Default.Base64EncodingRoundTrip;

			Console.WriteLine (
				@"{0}Exercise_Base64_ToAndFrom Begin:{0}" ,
				Environment.NewLine );

			//	--------------------------------------------------------------------------
			//	List input and output file names, both of which are absolute.
			//	--------------------------------------------------------------------------

			Console.WriteLine ( 
				@"    Absolute Input FileName                = {0}" , 
				strInputFileName );
			Console.WriteLine (
				@"    Absolute Output FileName               = {0}" ,
				strOutputFileName );

				FileInfo fiInputFile = new FileInfo ( strInputFileName );

				if ( fiInputFile.Exists )
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	List the siza and last modified date of the input file.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"{1}    Input File Size (bytes)                = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( fiInputFile.Length ) ,
                        Environment.NewLine );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Input File Last Modified               = {0} ({1} UTC){2}" ,
                        SysDateFormatters.FormatDateTimeForShow ( fiInputFile.LastWriteTime ) ,
                        SysDateFormatters.FormatDateTimeForShow ( fiInputFile.CreationTimeUtc ) ,
                        Environment.NewLine );

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Read the input file into a byte array from which the
                    //	Base64 character array can be constructed, then report
                    //	its size, which should be equal to the length of the
                    //	input file reported above.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    byte [ ] abytInputBytes = File.ReadAllBytes ( strInputFileName );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Input Byte Array Size                  = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( abytInputBytes.Length ) );

                    if ( fiInputFile.Length == abytInputBytes.Length )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    The input file and byte array lengths are equal.{Environment.NewLine}" );
                    }   // TRUE (expected outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Length == abytInputBytes.Length )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    The input file and byte array lengths DIFFER.{Environment.NewLine}" );
                    }   // FALSE (unexpected outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Length == abytInputBytes.Length )

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Construct a character array 4/3 as large as the input
                    //	array to hold the Base64 encoded characters created from
                    //	it, then call the Base64 encoder to create it.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    char [ ] achrOutputBytes = new char [ MoreMath2.MakeEvenlyDivisibleByFour ( MoreMath2.FractionalMultiply2Integer (
                        abytInputBytes.Length ,
                        ( double ) 4 / 3 ) ) ];
                    int intOutCount = Convert.ToBase64CharArray (
                        abytInputBytes ,
                        ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ,
                        abytInputBytes.Length ,
                        achrOutputBytes ,
                        ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT );

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Creeate a Base64 encoded string from the same input, and
                    //	convert the character array into another string.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    string strBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String ( abytInputBytes );
                    string strBase64Array2String = new string ( achrOutputBytes );

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Show the lengths of both output strings, then report the
                    //	result of comparing them, which should report that they
                    //	are identical.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Output Byte Array Size                 = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( achrOutputBytes.Length ) );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Convert.ToBase64CharArray Return Value = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( intOutCount ) );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Convert.ToBase64String String Length   = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( strBase64String.Length ) );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    strBase64Array2String String Length    = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( strBase64Array2String.Length ) );

                    if ( strBase64String.Equals ( strBase64Array2String ) )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    Strings strBase64String and strBase64Array2String match.{Environment.NewLine}" );
                    }   // TRUE (expected outcome) block, if ( strBase64String.Equals ( strBase64Array2String ) )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    Strings strBase64String and strBase64Array2String DIFFER.{Environment.NewLine}" );
                    }   // FALSE (unexpected outcome) block, if ( strBase64String.Equals ( strBase64Array2String ) )

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Decodee the Base64 character array, which creates a new
                    //	array dynamically, and compare it byte for byte against
                    //	the input array. Both should match exactly.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    byte [ ] abytRoundTripBytes = Convert.FromBase64CharArray (
                        achrOutputBytes ,
                        ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ,
                        achrOutputBytes.Length );

                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Convert.FromBase64CharArray Array Size = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( abytRoundTripBytes.Length ) );

                    Compare2ArraysByte4Byte (
                        abytInputBytes ,
                        abytRoundTripBytes );

                    File.WriteAllBytes (
                        strOutputFileName ,
                        abytRoundTripBytes );
                    FileInfo fiRoundTripFile = new FileInfo ( strOutputFileName );
                    Console.WriteLine (
                        @"    Round Trip Output File Size            = {0}" ,
                        NumberFormatters.Integer ( fiRoundTripFile.Length ) );

                    if ( fiInputFile.Length == fiRoundTripFile.Length )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    Input and output file sizes match." );
                    }   // TRUE (expected outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Length == fiRoundTripFile.Length )
                        Console.WriteLine ( $"{Environment.NewLine}    Input and output file sizes DIFFER." );
                    }   // FALSE (unexpected outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Length == fiRoundTripFile.Length )

                    //	--------------------------------------------------------
                    //	Exercise new Base64 round trip converters.
                    //	--------------------------------------------------------

                    byte [ ] abytBase64Characters = WizardWrx.Core.ByteArrayBase64Converters.Base64EncodeBinaryFile ( strInputFileName );
                    byte [ ] abytDecodedBase64Characters = WizardWrx.Core.ByteArrayBase64Converters.Base64DecodeByteArray ( abytBase64Characters );

                    Compare2ArraysByte4Byte (
                        abytInputBytes ,
                        abytDecodedBase64Characters );
                }   // TRUE (anticipated outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Exists )
					Console.WriteLine ( @"FATAL ERROR: The specified input file cannot be found." );
				}   // FALSE (unanticipated outcome) block, if ( fiInputFile.Exists )
			catch ( Exception exAllKinds )
				Program.s_smTheApp.AppExceptionLogger.ReportException ( exAllKinds );

			Console.WriteLine (
				@"{0}Exercise_Base64_ToAndFrom Done{0}" ,
				Environment.NewLine );
		}   // internal static void Exercise_Base64_ToAndFrom
Пример #3
        };  // static readonly bool [ ] _afBlankAsDefault

        internal static void Go( )
            int intTestNumber = 0;

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports ONLY positional
            //  arguments. This is the simplest kind, and the least useful.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic SimpleParser.
                CmdLneArgsBasic SimpleParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic( );
                    "Supports positional arguments only, and does case sensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic object SimpleParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports positional
            //  arguments and switches. This is probably the most useful
            //  implementation.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic SwitchParser.
                CmdLneArgsBasic SwitchParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic(s_achrSwitchSetAllUC);
                    "Supports positional arguments and switches, and does case sensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic SwitchParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports positional
            //  arguments and switches, including an invalid switch.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around InvalidSwitchParser SwitchParser.
                    CmdLneArgsBasic InvalidSwitchParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic(s_achrSwitchesWithDupicates);

                        "Supports positional arguments and switches, and does case sensitive parsing",
                        ref intTestNumber);
                catch (Exception exAll)
                            "{0}: {1}",
                            ExceptionLogger.GetTheSingleInstance().ReportException(exAll))); // Log the error with the event viewer and the trace listener(s), if any.
            }                                                                                // CmdLneArgsBasic InvalidSwitchParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports positional
            //  arguments and switches, including an invalid switch.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around IntegerSwitchParser SwitchParser.
                    CmdLneArgsBasic IntegerSwitchParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic(s_achrSwitchSetAllUC);

                        "Supports positional arguments and switches, and does case sensitive parsing",
                        ref intTestNumber);
                        "    Querying switch Q with a default value of -1 returns {0}",
                        "    Querying switch R with a default value of -1 returns {0}",
                catch (Exception exAll)
                        "Exception caught while constructing InvalidSwitchParser{2}    Message = {0}{2}    Method = {1}{2}",
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic IntegerSwitchParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports positional
            //  arguments and switches. This is probably the most useful
            //  implementation for die-hard Windows programmers, because its
            //  parsing rules are case inssensitive.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic CaseInsensitiveSwitchParser.
                CmdLneArgsBasic CaseInsensitiveSwitchParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic(
                    "Supports positional arguments and switches, and does case INsensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic SwitchParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports all three kinds
            //  of arguments. This is the most versatile parser, period.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser.
                CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser1 = new CmdLneArgsBasic(
                    "Supports named and positional arguments and switches, and does case sensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);

                    "     GetArgByMultipleAliases, NAMED_ARG_UC_2 first = {0}",
                        new string []

                //  ---------------------------------------------------------
                //  Swap preferences, and repeat.
                //  ---------------------------------------------------------

                    "     GetArgByMultipleAliases, NAMED_ARG_UC_3 first = {0}",
                        new string []
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Test a CmdLneArgsBasic object that supports all three kinds
            //  of arguments, and implements case insensitive parsing. This
            //  is the most versatile parser for die-hard Window
            //  programmers.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedWinCmdParser.
                CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedWinCmdParser = new CmdLneArgsBasic(
                    "Supports named and positional arguments and switches, and does case INsensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);
            }               // CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedWinCmdParser goes out of scope.

            //  ------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Finally, test a CmdLineArgs object that supports all three
            //  kinds of arguments, and takes its lists of supported named
            //  arguments and switches from dictionaries of names and
            //  defaults. By making this object do  case sensitive parsing
            //  we get the default for the third named argument, as was the
            //  case in the next to last test above.
            //  ------------------------------------------------------------

            {               // Set scope boundaries around CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser2.
                Dictionary <string, string> dctNamedArgsWithDefaults = CreateNamedArgListWithDefaults( );
                Dictionary <char, string>   dctSwitchesWithDefaults  = CreateSwitchListWithDefaults( );

                CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser2 = new CmdLneArgsBasic(
                    "Supports named and positional arguments and switches WITH DEFAULTS, and does case sensitive parsing",
                    ref intTestNumber);
            }           // CmdLneArgsBasic FullyLoadedParser2 goes out of scope.
        }               // internal static void Go