Пример #1
        internal AbstractFormatEngine(
            TreeData treeData,
            AnalyzerConfigOptions options,
            ChainedFormattingRules formattingRules,
            SyntaxToken token1,
            SyntaxToken token2

            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(treeData.Root.IsInvalidTokenRange(token1, token2));

            this.Options     = options;
            this.TreeData    = treeData;
            _formattingRules = formattingRules;

            _token1 = token1;
            _token2 = token2;

            // get span and common root
            this.SpanToFormat = GetSpanToFormat();
            _commonRoot       = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2) ?? throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
Пример #2
        internal AbstractFormatEngine(
            TreeData treeData,
            AnalyzerConfigOptions options,
            ChainedFormattingRules formattingRules,
            SyntaxToken token1,
            SyntaxToken token2)

            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(treeData.Root.IsInvalidTokenRange(token1, token2));

            this.Options     = options;
            this.TreeData    = treeData;
            _formattingRules = formattingRules;

            _token1 = token1;
            _token2 = token2;

            // get span and common root
            this.SpanToFormat = GetSpanToFormat();
            _commonRoot       = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2);
            if (token1 == default)
                _language = token2.Language;
                _language = token1.Language;
Пример #3
        public IList <TextChange> FormatRange(
            SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(startToken.Kind() is SyntaxKind.None or SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(endToken.Kind() is SyntaxKind.None or SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);

            var smartTokenformattingRules = _formattingRules;
            var common = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);


            // if there are errors, do not touch lines
            // Exception 1: In the case of try-catch-finally block, a try block without a catch/finally block is considered incomplete
            //            but we would like to apply line operation in a completed try block even if there is no catch/finally block
            // Exception 2: Similar behavior for do-while
            if (common.ContainsDiagnostics && !CloseBraceOfTryOrDoBlock(endToken))
                smartTokenformattingRules = ImmutableArray <AbstractFormattingRule> .Empty.Add(
                    new NoLineChangeFormattingRule()).AddRange(_formattingRules);

            var formatter = CSharpSyntaxFormatting.Instance;
            var result    = formatter.GetFormattingResult(
                _root, new[] { TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End) }, _options.FormattingOptions, smartTokenformattingRules, cancellationToken);

            private List <IndentBlockOperation> GetInitialIndentBlockOperations(SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken)
                var span     = TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End);
                var node     = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken).GetParentWithBiggerSpan();
                var previous = default(SyntaxNode);

                // starting from the common node, move up to the parent
                var operations = new List <IndentBlockOperation>();
                var list       = new List <IndentBlockOperation>();

                while (node != null)
                    // get all operations for the nodes that contains the formatting span, but not ones contained by the span
                    node.DescendantNodesAndSelf(n => n != previous && n.Span.IntersectsWith(span) && !span.Contains(n.Span))
                    .Do(n =>
                        _formattingRules.AddIndentBlockOperations(list, n);
                        foreach (var element in list)
                            if (element != null)


                    // found some. use these as initial indentation
                    if (operations.Any(o => o.TextSpan.Contains(span)))

                    previous = node;
                    node     = node.Parent;

                // make sure operations we have has effects over the formatting span
                operations.RemoveAll(o => o == null || !o.TextSpan.IntersectsWith(span));

                // we couldn't find anything
                // return initial location so that we can get base indentation correctly
                if (operations.Count == 0)
                    operations.Add(new IndentBlockOperation(
                                       startToken: _rootNode.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth: true),
                                       endToken: _rootNode.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth: true),
                                       textSpan: _rootNode.FullSpan,
                                       indentationDelta: 0,
                                       option: IndentBlockOption.AbsolutePosition));


            private List<IndentBlockOperation> GetInitialIndentBlockOperations(SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken)
                var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End);
                var node = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken).GetParentWithBiggerSpan();
                var previous = default(SyntaxNode);

                // starting from the common node, move up to the parent
                var operations = new List<IndentBlockOperation>();
                var list = new List<IndentBlockOperation>();
                while (node != null)
                    // get all operations for the nodes that contains the formatting span, but not ones contained by the span
                    node.DescendantNodesAndSelf(n => n != previous && n.Span.IntersectsWith(span) && !span.Contains(n.Span))
                        .Do(n =>
                                this.formattingRules.AddIndentBlockOperations(list, n);
                                foreach (var element in list)
                                    if (element != null)


                    // found some. use these as initial indentation
                    if (operations.Any(o => o.TextSpan.Contains(span)))

                    previous = node;
                    node = node.Parent;

                // make sure operations we have has effects over the formatting span
                operations.RemoveAll(o => o == null || !o.TextSpan.IntersectsWith(span));

                // we couldn't find anything
                // return initial location so that we can get base indentation correctly
                if (operations.Count == 0)
                    operations.Add(new IndentBlockOperation(
                        startToken: this.rootNode.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth: true),
                        endToken: this.rootNode.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth: true),
                        textSpan: this.rootNode.FullSpan,
                        indentationDelta: 0,
                        option: IndentBlockOption.AbsolutePosition));

                    return operations;

                return operations;
Пример #6
 internal SyntaxNode GetNodeWithTokens(SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, SyntaxNode root)
     if (IsEndOfFileToken(endToken))
Пример #7
        private void SetInnermostNodeForSpan(SyntaxNode root, ref TextSpan span, out SyntaxToken token1, out SyntaxToken token2, out SyntaxNode commonNode)
            commonNode = default(SyntaxNode);

            GetTokens(root, span, out token1, out token2);

            span = GetSpanFromTokens(span, token1, token2);

            if (token1.RawKind == 0 || token2.RawKind == 0)

            commonNode = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2);
        public IList<TextChange> FormatRange(
            Workspace workspace, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);

            var smartTokenformattingRules = _formattingRules;
            var common = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);
            if (common.ContainsDiagnostics)
                // if there is errors, do not touch lines
                smartTokenformattingRules = (new NoLineChangeFormattingRule()).Concat(_formattingRules);

            return Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(_root, new TextSpan[] { TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End) }, workspace, _optionSet, smartTokenformattingRules, cancellationToken);
Пример #9
        public IList <TextChange> FormatRange(
            Workspace workspace, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);

            var smartTokenformattingRules = _formattingRules;
            var common = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);

            if (common.ContainsDiagnostics)
                // if there is errors, do not touch lines
                smartTokenformattingRules = (new NoLineChangeFormattingRule()).Concat(_formattingRules);

            return(Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(_root, new TextSpan[] { TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End) }, workspace, _optionSet, smartTokenformattingRules, cancellationToken));
Пример #10
        public IList<TextChange> FormatRange(
            Workspace workspace, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);

            var smartTokenformattingRules = _formattingRules;
            var common = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);

            // if there are errors, do not touch lines
            // Exception: In the case of try-catch-finally block, a try block without a catch/finally block is considered incomplete
            //            but we would like to apply line operation in a completed try block even if there is no catch/finally block
            if (common.ContainsDiagnostics && !CloseBraceOfTryBlock(endToken))
                smartTokenformattingRules = (new NoLineChangeFormattingRule()).Concat(_formattingRules);

            return Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(_root, new TextSpan[] { TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End) }, workspace, _optionSet, smartTokenformattingRules, cancellationToken);
Пример #11
        internal AbstractFormatEngine(
            TreeData treeData,
            OptionSet optionSet,
            ChainedFormattingRules formattingRules,
            SyntaxToken token1,
            SyntaxToken token2,
            TaskExecutor executor)

            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(treeData.Root.IsInvalidTokenRange(token1, token2));

            this.OptionSet   = optionSet;
            this.TreeData    = treeData;
            _formattingRules = formattingRules;

            _token1 = token1;
            _token2 = token2;

            // get span and common root
            this.SpanToFormat = GetSpanToFormat();
            _commonRoot       = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2);
            if (token1 == default)
                _language = token2.Language;
                _language = token1.Language;

            // set synchronous task executor if it is enabled (explicitly or as part of debug mode) or if there is not
            // many things to format
            var synchronousExecutorAllowed =
                !optionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.AllowConcurrent) ||
                optionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.DebugMode, _language);
            var useSynchronousExecutor = synchronousExecutorAllowed || SpanToFormat.Length < ConcurrentThreshold;

            TaskExecutor = useSynchronousExecutor ? TaskExecutor.Synchronous : executor;
Пример #12
        internal AbstractFormatEngine(
            TreeData treeData,
            SyntaxFormattingOptions options,
            ChainedFormattingRules formattingRules,
            SyntaxToken startToken,
            SyntaxToken endToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(treeData.Root.IsInvalidTokenRange(startToken, endToken));

            this.Options     = options;
            this.TreeData    = treeData;
            _formattingRules = formattingRules;

            _startToken = startToken;
            _endToken   = endToken;

            // get span and common root
            this.SpanToFormat = GetSpanToFormat();
            _commonRoot       = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken) ?? throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;
Пример #13
        public IList <TextChange> FormatRange(
            Workspace workspace, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || startToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);
            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None || endToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken);

            var smartTokenformattingRules = _formattingRules;
            var common = startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);

            // if there are errors, do not touch lines
            // Exception 1: In the case of try-catch-finally block, a try block without a catch/finally block is considered incomplete
            //            but we would like to apply line operation in a completed try block even if there is no catch/finally block
            // Exception 2: Similar behavior for do-while
            if (common.ContainsDiagnostics && !CloseBraceOfTryOrDoBlock(endToken))
                smartTokenformattingRules = (new NoLineChangeFormattingRule()).Concat(_formattingRules);

            return(Formatter.GetFormattedTextChanges(_root, new TextSpan[] { TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End) }, workspace, _optionSet, smartTokenformattingRules, cancellationToken));
Пример #14
        internal AbstractFormatEngine(
            TreeData treeData,
            OptionSet optionSet,
            ChainedFormattingRules formattingRules,
            SyntaxToken token1,
            SyntaxToken token2,
            TaskExecutor executor)

            Contract.ThrowIfTrue(treeData.Root.IsInvalidTokenRange(token1, token2));

            this.OptionSet       = optionSet;
            this.TreeData        = treeData;
            this.formattingRules = formattingRules;

            this.token1 = token1;
            this.token2 = token2;

            // get span and common root
            this.SpanToFormat = GetSpanToFormat();
            this.commonRoot   = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2);
            if (token1 == default(SyntaxToken))
                this.language = token2.Language;
                this.language = token1.Language;

            // set synchronous task executor if it is debug mode or if there is not many things to format
            this.TaskExecutor = optionSet.GetOption(FormattingOptions.DebugMode, this.language) ? TaskExecutor.Synchronous :
                                (SpanToFormat.Length < ConcurrentThreshold) ? TaskExecutor.Synchronous : executor;
 internal SyntaxNode GetNodeWithTokens(SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, SyntaxNode root)
     if (IsEndOfFileToken(endToken))
         return root;
         return startToken.GetCommonRoot(endToken);
        private void SetInnermostNodeForSpan(SyntaxNode root, ref TextSpan span, out SyntaxToken token1, out SyntaxToken token2, out SyntaxNode commonNode)
            commonNode = default(SyntaxNode);

            GetTokens(root, span, out token1, out token2);

            span = GetSpanFromTokens(span, token1, token2);

            if (token1.RawKind == 0 || token2.RawKind == 0)

            commonNode = token1.GetCommonRoot(token2);