Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Shoot a box from the clicked mouse location
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="near"></param>
        /// <param name="far"></param>
        private void ShootBox(Vector3 near, Vector3 far)
            Vector3 camPos = scene.CameraNode.Camera.Translation;

            SynchronizedGeometryNode shootBox = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("ShooterBox" + shooterID++);

            shootBox.Model                = boxModel;
            shootBox.Material             = shootMat;
            shootBox.Physics.Interactable = true;
            shootBox.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            shootBox.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            shootBox.Physics.Mass         = 20f;
            shootBox.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;

            // Calculate the direction to shoot the box based on the near and far point
            Vector3 linVel = far - near;

            // Multiply the direction with the velocity of 20
            linVel *= 60f;

            // Assign the initial velocity to this shooting box
            shootBox.Physics.InitialLinearVelocity = linVel;

            TransformNode shooterTrans = new TransformNode();

            shooterTrans.Translation = near;

Пример #2
        // A static player used mainly as an obstable to
        // bounce the ball back. Typically used in the practice
        // mode.
        public WallPlayer(Level level, string name)
            : base(level)
            Node                        = new SynchronizedGeometryNode(name);
            Node.Model                  = new Box(Tunnel.Width, WallThickness, Tunnel.Height);
            Node.Material.Ambient       = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Diffuse       = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Specular      = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.SpecularPower = 100.0f;

            // TODO Add physics for the wall.
Пример #3
        // A teammate or opponent controlled by someone on the
        // other side of the network.
        // Data to update its paddle should be retrieved from
        // the game server.
        public RemotePlayer(Level level)
            : base(level)
            // Blue...

            Node                        = new SynchronizedGeometryNode();
            Node.Model                  = new Box(30, 30, 30);
            Node.Material.Ambient       = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Diffuse       = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Specular      = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.SpecularPower = 100.0f;
Пример #4
        // This is the player conntrolled by the camera.
        // It should be able to update its paddle according to
        // the ground node of the scene.
        public MainPlayer(Level level, string name)
            : base(level)
            // Green...

            Node                        = new SynchronizedGeometryNode(name);
            Node.Model                  = new Box(30, 30, 30);
            Node.Material.Ambient       = new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Diffuse       = new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Specular      = new Vector4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.SpecularPower = 100.0f;

            // TODO Add physics for the paddle.
Пример #5
        public Ball(Level level, string name)
            _level = level;

            // TODO Set its node (model and transformation).
            Node = new SynchronizedGeometryNode(name);

            Node.Model                  = new Sphere(5, 32, 32);
            Node.Material.Ambient       = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Diffuse       = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.Specular      = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
            Node.Material.SpecularPower = 100.0f;

            // TODO Add physics for the ball.
Пример #6
        public Tunnel(Level level, string name)
            _level = level;

            // TODO Set its node (model and transformation).
            Node                        = new SynchronizedGeometryNode(name);
            Node.Model                  = new Box(Width, Length, Height);
            Node.Material.Ambient       = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f);
            Node.Material.Diffuse       = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f);
            Node.Material.Specular      = new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f);
            Node.Material.SpecularPower = 100.0f;

            // TODO Add physics for the tunnel.

            Node.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            Node.Physics.Interactable = true;
            Node.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
            Node.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            Node.Physics.Mass         = 10;
Пример #7
        private void CreateObject()
            SynchronizedGeometryNode wall = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("wall");

            wall.Model = new Box(WALL_WIDTH, WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_DEPTH);
            wall.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material wallMaterial = new Material();

            wallMaterial.Diffuse  = Color.Gray.ToVector4();
            wallMaterial.Ambient  = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
            wallMaterial.Emissive = Color.Green.ToVector4();
            wall.Material         = wallMaterial;

            TransformNode wallTrans = new TransformNode();

            wallTrans.Translation     = new Vector3(0, 0, -20);
            wall.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            wall.Physics.Interactable = true;
            wall.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
            wall.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            wall.Physics.Mass         = 0;

            TransformNode groundMarkerNode = new TransformNode();



            ball       = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("ball");
            ball.Model = new Sphere(SPHERE_RADIUS, 20, 20);
            ball.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material ballMaterial = new Material();

            ballMaterial.Diffuse = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
            //ballMaterial.Ambient = Color.Maroon.ToVector4();
            //ballMaterial.Emissive = Color.LightCoral.ToVector4();
            ball.Material = ballMaterial;

            TransformNode ballTrans = new TransformNode();

            ballTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 200);

            //ball.Physics = new PhysicsObject(ball);
            ball.Physics.Collidable     = true;
            ball.Physics.Interactable   = true;
            ball.Physics.AngularDamping = Vector3.Zero;
            ball.Physics.LinearDamping  = 0f;

            ball.Physics.Shape      = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Sphere;
            ball.Physics.Mass       = 10;
            ball.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;



            paddleNode       = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("paddle");
            paddleNode.Model = new Box(PADDLE_HEIGHT, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_DEPTH);
            paddleNode.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material paddleMaterial = new Material();

            paddleMaterial.Diffuse       = Color.Orange.ToVector4();
            paddleMaterial.Specular      = Color.White.ToVector4();
            paddleMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;
            paddleNode.Material          = paddleMaterial;

            paddleNode.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            paddleNode.Physics.Interactable = true;
            paddleNode.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            paddleNode.Physics.Mass         = 10;
            paddleNode.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;

Пример #8
        private void CreateObject()
            SynchronizedGeometryNode sphereNode = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("Sphere");

            sphereNode.Model = new Sphere(3, 20, 20);
            sphereNode.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material sphereMaterial = new Material();

            sphereMaterial.Diffuse  = Color.Red.ToVector4();
            sphereMaterial.Ambient  = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
            sphereMaterial.Emissive = Color.Green.ToVector4();

            sphereNode.Material = sphereMaterial;

            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();

            SynchronizedGeometryNode cylinderNode = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("Cylinder");

            cylinderNode.Model = new Cylinder(3, 3, 8, 20);
            cylinderNode.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material cylinderMat = new Material();

            cylinderMat.Diffuse       = Color.Cyan.ToVector4();
            cylinderMat.Specular      = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
            cylinderMat.SpecularPower = 5;

            cylinderNode.Material = cylinderMat;

            TransformNode parentTrans = new TransformNode();

            parentTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, -2, -10);

            cylinderNode.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            cylinderNode.Physics.Interactable = true;
            cylinderNode.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
            cylinderNode.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Cylinder;
            cylinderNode.Physics.Mass         = 200;

            sphereNode.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            sphereNode.Physics.Interactable = true;
            sphereNode.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
            sphereNode.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Sphere;
            sphereNode.Physics.Mass         = 0;

            transNode.Rotation    = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -MathHelper.PiOver2);
            transNode.Translation = new Vector3(0, 12, 0);


            shootMat               = new Material();
            shootMat.Diffuse       = Color.Pink.ToVector4();
            shootMat.Specular      = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
            shootMat.SpecularPower = 10;

            boxModel = new Box(1);
Пример #9
        private void CreateObjects()
            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array.
            if (useSingleMarker)
                groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "patt.hiro", 16, 16, markerSize, 0.7f);
                groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "NyARToolkitGroundArray.xml",
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "NyARToolkitIDGroundArray.xml",

            //toolbarMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "NyARToolkitIDToolbar1.xml",
            //  NyARToolkitTracker.ComputationMethod.Average);

            SynchronizedGeometryNode wall = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("wall");
            wall.Model = new Box(WALL_WIDTH, WALL_HEIGHT, WALL_DEPTH);
            wall.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material wallMaterial = new Material();
            wallMaterial.Diffuse  = Color.Gray.ToVector4();
            wallMaterial.Ambient  = Color.Blue.ToVector4();
            wallMaterial.Emissive = Color.Green.ToVector4();
            wall.Material         = wallMaterial;

            TransformNode wallTrans = new TransformNode();
            wallTrans.Translation     = new Vector3(0, 0, -20);
            wall.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            wall.Physics.Interactable = true;
            wall.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
            wall.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            wall.Physics.Mass         = 0;


            SynchronizedGeometryNode ball = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("ball");
            ball.Model = new Sphere(SPHERE_RADIUS, 20, 20);
            ball.Model.ShowBoundingBox = true;

            Material ballMaterial = new Material();
            ballMaterial.Diffuse = Color.Yellow.ToVector4();
            //ballMaterial.Ambient = Color.Maroon.ToVector4();
            //ballMaterial.Emissive = Color.LightCoral.ToVector4();
            ball.Material = ballMaterial;

            TransformNode ballTrans = new TransformNode();
            ballTrans.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 200);

            //ball.Physics = new PhysicsObject(ball);
            ball.Physics.Collidable     = true;
            ball.Physics.Interactable   = true;
            ball.Physics.AngularDamping = Vector3.Zero;
            ball.Physics.LinearDamping  = 0f;

            ball.Physics.Shape      = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Sphere;
            ball.Physics.Mass       = 10;
            ball.AddToPhysicsEngine = true;



            paddleNode       = new SynchronizedGeometryNode("paddle");
            paddleNode.Model = new Box(PADDLE_HEIGHT, PADDLE_WIDTH, PADDLE_DEPTH);

            Material paddleMaterial = new Material();
            paddleMaterial.Diffuse       = Color.Orange.ToVector4();
            paddleMaterial.Specular      = Color.White.ToVector4();
            paddleMaterial.SpecularPower = 10;
            paddleNode.Material          = paddleMaterial;

            paddleNode.Physics.Collidable   = true;
            paddleNode.Physics.Interactable = true;
            paddleNode.Physics.Shape        = GoblinXNA.Physics.ShapeType.Box;
            paddleNode.Physics.Mass         = 10;
            paddleNode.AddToPhysicsEngine   = true;
