Пример #1
        public void NewEntriesAdded_MultipleFilesSucessiveChanges()
            //This test demonstrates that LiftUpdate files are applied in the order they are created when time stamps are used to order the names up the LIFTUpdate files.
            //Notice that the files names of the LIFT update files are purposely created so that the alphabetical ordering does not match the time stamp ordering.

            //Create a LIFT file with 3 entries which will have updates applied to it.
            WriteFile(_baseLiftFileName, s_LiftData1, _directory);
            //Create a .lift.update file with three entries.  One to replace the second entry in the original LIFT file.
            //The other two are new and should be appended to the original LIFT file.
            WriteFile("LiftChangeFileB" + SynchronicMerger.ExtensionOfIncrementalFiles, s_LiftUpdate1, _directory);

            if (!Platform.IsWindows)
                Thread.Sleep(1000);                             // Wait long enough to ensure different timestamps.  This is a problem for Linux/Mono.
            //Create a .lift.update file with two entries.  One to replace one of the changes from the first LiftUpdate file and one new entry.
            WriteFile("LiftChangeFileA" + SynchronicMerger.ExtensionOfIncrementalFiles, s_LiftUpdate2, _directory);
            FileInfo[] files = SynchronicMerger.GetPendingUpdateFiles(Path.Combine(_directory, _baseLiftFileName));

            XmlDocument doc = MergeAndGetResult(true, _directory, files);

            Console.WriteLine("------------------------BEGIN DEBUG----------------------");
            Console.WriteLine("------------------------END DEBUG----------------------");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, doc.SelectNodes("//entry").Count, "Should have been 6 entries");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='one']").Count, "should have been one entry with id of one");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='two']").Count, "should not have been any entries with id of two");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='twoblatblat']").Count, "should have had one entry with id twoblatblat");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='four']").Count, "should have been no entries with id four");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='fourChangedFirstAddition']").Count, "should have been one entry with id 'forchangedfirstaddition'");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='six']").Count, "should have been one entry with id of 6");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>false if it failed (and it would have already reported the error)</returns>
        private void MergeIncrementFiles()
            //merge the increment files

            if (SynchronicMerger.GetPendingUpdateFiles(_liftFilePath).Length > 0)
                Logger.WriteMinorEvent("++before pending updates: {0}", SynchronicMerger.GetPendingUpdateFiles(_liftFilePath).Length);
                Logger.WriteEvent("Running Synchronic Merger");
                    var merger = new SynchronicMerger();
                catch (BadUpdateFileException error)
                    string contents = File.ReadAllText(error.PathToNewFile);
                    if (contents.Trim().Length == 0)
                            "It looks as though WeSay recently crashed while attempting to save.  It will try again to preserve your work, but you will want to check to make sure nothing was lost.");
                        File.Move(error.PathToNewFile, error.PathToNewFile + ".bad");
                            "WeSay was unable to save some work you did in the previous session.  The work might be recoverable from the file {0}. The next screen will allow you to send a report of this to the developers.",
                            error.PathToNewFile + ".bad");
                    //return false; //!!! remove CJP
                catch (Exception e)
                                                    "Could not finish updating LIFT dictionary file. Will try again later." + Environment.NewLine + " (" + e.Message + ")");
                Logger.WriteMinorEvent("--after pending updates: {0}", SynchronicMerger.GetPendingUpdateFiles(_liftFilePath).Length);
Пример #3
        public void EntryDeleted_DeletionDateAdded()
            //This test demonstrates that a deletion of an entry is applied to a LIFT file.
            //Now 'tomb stoning' is done.  The entry is not actually deleted, but a dateDeleted attribute is added

            //Create a LIFT file with 3 entries which will have updates applied to it.
            WriteFile(_baseLiftFileName, s_LiftData1, _directory);
            //Create a .lift.update file with and entry which is indicating that an entry was deleted (tombstone).
            WriteFile("LiftChangeFile" + SynchronicMerger.ExtensionOfIncrementalFiles, s_LiftUpdateDeleteEntry, _directory);
            FileInfo[]  files = SynchronicMerger.GetPendingUpdateFiles(Path.Combine(_directory, _baseLiftFileName));
            XmlDocument doc   = MergeAndGetResult(true, _directory, files);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, doc.SelectNodes("//entry").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='one']").Count);
            XmlNodeList nodesDeleted = doc.SelectNodes("//entry[@id='two' and @guid='0ae89610-fc01-4bfd-a0d6-1125b7281d22']");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, nodesDeleted.Count);               //ensure there is only one entry with this guid
            XmlNode nodeDeleted = nodesDeleted[0];

            //Make sure the contents of the node was changed to match the deleted entry from the .lift.update file
            Assert.AreEqual("2012-05-08T06:40:44Z", nodeDeleted.Attributes["dateDeleted"].Value);
Пример #4
 public void GetPendingUpdateFiles_SimpleFileNameInsteadOfPath_Throws()
     WriteFile(_baseLiftFileName, "", _directory);
Пример #5
 public void Setup()
     _merger    = new SynchronicMerger();
     _directory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());
Пример #6
		public void Setup()
			_merger = new SynchronicMerger();
			_directory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());