Пример #1
    void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info)
        SyncStats ss = gameObject.GetComponent <SyncStats> ();

        if (ss != null)
Пример #2
        public void Can_keep_going()
            SyncStats stats = new SyncStats("Test", NoErrorLimboLogs.Instance);

            stats.Update(0, 1024, 1);
            stats.Update(256, 1024, 1);
            stats.Update(512, 1024, 1);
            stats.Update(1024, 1024, 1);
Пример #3
        public void Can_keep_going()
            SyncStats stats = new SyncStats(NoErrorLimboLogs.Instance);

            stats.ReportBlocksDownload(0, 1024);
            stats.ReportBlocksDownload(256, 1024);
            stats.ReportBlocksDownload(512, 1024);
            stats.ReportBlocksDownload(1024, 1024);
Пример #4
        public IActionResult Index()

            var model = new IndexViewModel
                Counters         = new CounterStats(),
                LastStats        = new Dictionary <int, SyncStats>(),
                SyncHistory      = new List <SyncStats>(),
                TownhallCounters = new Dictionary <int, ICollection <TownhallCounter> >()

                var validClans = db.Clans.Select(c => new { c.Tag, c.Group, c.Members, c.InLeague }).ToList();

                var recentSyncs = db.WarSyncs.Where(w => w.Finish < DateTime.UtcNow && w.Verified == true).OrderByDescending(w => w.Start).Take(10).ToList();

                var fromDate   = recentSyncs.Last().Start;
                var loadedWars = (from w in db.Wars
                                  where w.PreparationStartTime >= fromDate && w.Synced == true && w.Friendly == false && (w.TeamSize == Constants.WAR_SIZE1 || w.TeamSize == Constants.WAR_SIZE2)
                                  select new { w.Result, w.PreparationStartTime, w.ClanTag, w.OpponentTag, w.TeamSize }).ToList();

                var loadedValidities = db.ClanValidities.ToList();

                var totalWins       = 0;
                var totalMatches    = 0;
                var totalMismatches = 0;
                var totalNotStarted = 0;

                foreach (var clan in validClans)
                    model.Counters.MemberCount += clan.Members;
                    if (clan.InLeague)

                var lastSync = recentSyncs.FirstOrDefault();

                if (lastSync != null)
                    foreach (var teamSize in new int[] { Constants.WAR_SIZE1, Constants.WAR_SIZE2 })
                        model.LastStats.Add(teamSize, new SyncStats {
                            ID = lastSync.ID, DisplayName = lastSync.DisplayName

                foreach (var currentSync in recentSyncs.OrderBy(w => w.Start))
                    var syncDate = currentSync.Start;

                    var lastSyncWars = (from w in loadedWars
                                        where w.PreparationStartTime >= currentSync.Start && w.PreparationStartTime <= currentSync.Finish
                                        select new { w.Result, w.ClanTag, w.OpponentTag, w.TeamSize }).ToList();

                    var stats = new SyncStats
                        ID          = currentSync.ID,
                        DisplayName = currentSync.DisplayName
                    var syncWins = 0;

                    var validClanTags = (from f in loadedValidities
                                         where f.ValidTo > syncDate && f.ValidFrom < syncDate
                                         select f.Tag).ToList();

                    var validOpponentTags = (from f in loadedValidities
                                             where f.ValidTo > syncDate && f.ValidFrom < syncDate
                                             select f.Tag).ToList();

                    stats.NotStarted = validClanTags.Count;

                    var statusPreparation = false;
                    var statusBattle      = false;

                    foreach (var war in lastSyncWars)
                        if (war.Result == "preparation")
                            statusPreparation = true;
                        if (war.Result == "inWar")
                            statusBattle = true;

                    if (statusBattle)
                        stats.Status = "battle day";
                    else if (statusPreparation)
                        stats.Status = "preparation day";
                        stats.Status = "ended";

                    foreach (var war in lastSyncWars)
                        if (!model.LastStats.TryGetValue(war.TeamSize, out SyncStats lastStat))
                            lastStat = new SyncStats();

                        lastStat.Status = stats.Status;

                        if (validClanTags.Contains(war.ClanTag))
                            if (war.Result == "win")
                            if (validOpponentTags.Contains(war.OpponentTag))
                                if (lastSync.ID == currentSync.ID)
                                if (lastSync.ID == currentSync.ID)

                    if (stats.Status == "ended")
                        totalWins       += syncWins;
                        totalMatches    += stats.AllianceMatches;
                        totalNotStarted += stats.NotStarted;
                        totalMismatches += stats.WarMatches;


                foreach (var lastStat in model.LastStats)
                    if (lastStat.Key == Constants.WAR_SIZE1)
                        model.Counters.TeamSize40Wars = lastStat.Value.AllianceMatches + lastStat.Value.WarMatches;
                        model.Counters.TeamSize50Wars = lastStat.Value.AllianceMatches + lastStat.Value.WarMatches;

                var totalWars = totalMatches + totalMismatches;
                if (totalWars > 0)
                    model.Counters.MatchPercentage = Math.Round(totalMatches * 100.0 / totalWars, 1);
                    model.Counters.WinPercentage   = Math.Round(totalWins * 100.0 / totalWars, 1);

                foreach (var teamSize in new int[] { Constants.WAR_SIZE1, Constants.WAR_SIZE2 })
                    var limitDate  = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-28);
                    var results    = db.WeightResults.Where(r => r.Weight > 3500000 && r.TeamSize == teamSize && r.Timestamp > limitDate).ToList();
                    var divider    = 50000;
                    var thcounters = new Dictionary <int, TownhallCounter>();
                    foreach (var result in results)
                        //rounding +/- 12500
                        var weight = (result.Weight + divider / 2) / divider;
                        if (!thcounters.TryGetValue(weight, out TownhallCounter th))
                            th = new TownhallCounter {
                                Weight = weight
                            thcounters.Add(weight, th);
                        th.TH14 += result.TH14Count;
                        th.TH13 += result.TH13Count;
                        th.TH12 += result.TH12Count;
                        th.TH11 += result.TH11Count;
                        th.TH10 += result.TH10Count;
                        th.TH9  += result.TH9Count;
                        th.TH8  += result.TH8Count;
                        th.TH8  += result.TH7Count;
                    foreach (var th in thcounters.Values)
                        th.Weight = th.Weight * divider / 1000;

                        th.TH14 = Math.Round(th.TH14 / th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH13 = Math.Round(th.TH13 / th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH12 = Math.Round(th.TH12 / th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH11 = Math.Round(th.TH11 /= th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH10 = Math.Round(th.TH10 / th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH9  = Math.Round(th.TH9 /= th.Clans, 1);
                        th.TH8  = Math.Round(th.TH8 /= th.Clans, 1);
                        //Rounding to teamSize with TH10
                        th.TH10 = teamSize - th.TH14 - th.TH13 - th.TH12 - th.TH11 - th.TH9 - th.TH8;

                    if (thcounters.Values.Count() > 0)
                        model.TownhallCounters.Add(teamSize, thcounters.Values.OrderBy(v => v.Weight).ToList());
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogError("Index.Error: {0}", e.ToString());
