static void Main(string[] args) { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); var service = new Sync(); if (service == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize service"); return; } HostFactory.Run(x => //1 { x.Service<Sync>(s => //2 { s.ConstructUsing(name => service); //3 s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start()); //4 s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop()); //5 }); x.RunAsLocalSystem(); //6 x.SetDescription("M-Files to database syncronization tool"); //7 x.SetDisplayName("Robb"); //8 x.SetServiceName("Robb"); //9 x.UseNLog(); x.AfterInstall(PressKey); x.AfterUninstall(PressKey); }); }
private bool m_willStartSound; // will start sound in updateaftersimulation #endregion Fields #region Constructors public MySoundBlock() : base() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_soundRadius = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); m_volume = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); m_cueId = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<MyCueId>(); m_loopPeriod = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); #endif // XB1 CreateTerminalControls(); m_soundPair = new MySoundPair(); m_soundEmitterIndex = 0; m_soundEmitters = new MyEntity3DSoundEmitter[EMITTERS_NUMBER]; for (int i = 0; i < EMITTERS_NUMBER; i++) { m_soundEmitters[i] = new MyEntity3DSoundEmitter(this); m_soundEmitters[i].Force3D = true; } m_volume.ValueChanged += (x) => VolumeChanged(); m_soundRadius.ValueChanged += (x) => RadiusChanged(); m_cueId.ValueChanged += (x) => SelectionChanged(); }
internal void AddFilesFromSync(IList<string> files, Sync.MobeelizerInputData inputData) { foreach (String guid in files) { if (application.GetDatabase().IsFileExists(guid)) { Log.i(TAG, "Skip existing file from sync: " + guid); continue; } Log.i(TAG, "Add file from sync: " + guid); String path = null; try { path = SavaFile(guid, inputData.GetFile(guid)); } catch (IOException e) { Log.i(TAG, e.Message); path = "/unknown"; } application.GetDatabase().AddFileFromSync(guid, path); } }
/// <summary> /// Конструктор класса /// </summary> /// <param name="app">Ссылка на платформу</param> /// <param name="pBios">Ссылка на подсистему ввода/вывода платформы</param> public MainForm(IApplication app, IEpromIO pBios, IProtocol protocol) { InitializeComponent(); textInserter = new TextInsert(InsertToText); oldValue = new object(); newValue = new object(); oldValue = "0"; newValue = "0"; bios = new BIOS(app, pBios); proto = protocol; currentState = new ObjectCurrentState(); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { DataGridViewRow r = new DataGridViewRow(); if ((i % 2) == 0) r.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; dataGridViewCalibrationTable.Rows.Add(r); } syncker = new Sync(); packetSyncMutex = new Mutex(false); gr = new GraphicCalibration(CreateGraphics(), new Rectangle(12, 38, 422, 267)); gr.CalculateScale(); }
public MyButtonPanel() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_anyoneCanUse = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<bool>(); #endif // XB1 CreateTerminalControls(); m_openedToolbars = new List<MyToolbar>(); }
public MyGravityGeneratorBase() : base() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_gravityAcceleration = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); #endif // XB1 m_gravityAcceleration.ValueChanged += (x) => AccelerationChanged(); }
public MyGravityGeneratorSphere() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_radius = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); #endif // XB1 CreateTerminalControls(); m_radius.ValueChanged += (x) => UpdateFieldShape(); }
private void SetSyncStatus(Sync.Statuses syncStatus) { var server = Model.ServerAccounts.Get(ServerAccountId); if (syncStatus == Sync.Statuses.Syncing) lblServerName.Text = server.ServerLabel + @" (syncing)"; else lblServerName.Text = server.ServerLabel; }
public MyGravityGenerator() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_fieldSize = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<Vector3>(); #endif // XB1 CreateTerminalControls(); m_fieldSize.ValueChanged += (x) => UpdateFieldShape(); }
public MySpaceBall() : base() { #if XB1 // XB1_SYNC_NOREFLECTION m_friction = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); m_virtualMass = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); m_restitution = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<float>(); m_broadcastSync = SyncType.CreateAndAddProp<bool>(); #endif // XB1 CreateTerminalControls(); m_baseIdleSound.Init("BlockArtMass"); m_virtualMass.ValueChanged += (x) => RefreshPhysicsBody(); m_broadcastSync.ValueChanged += (x) => BroadcastChanged(); }
private void BroadCastFeedBack(long frame) { byte[] dataS2C = null; UpdateS2C updateS2C = new UpdateS2C(); updateS2C.battleId = 0; updateS2C.timestamp = frame; if (status == LocalBattleStatus.Start) { NoticeS2C noticeS2C = new NoticeS2C(); noticeS2C.type = NoticeType.BattleBegin; dataS2C = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(noticeS2C); localMessageHandlers[MsgCode.NoticeMessage](dataS2C); status = LocalBattleStatus.Normaly; } for (int i = messageList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (messageList[i].msgCode == MsgCode.UpdateMessage) { UpdateC2S updateC2S = ProtobufUtils.Deserialize <UpdateC2S>(messageList[i].data); updateS2C.ops.Add(updateC2S.operation); } else if (messageList[i].msgCode == MsgCode.NoticeMessage) { NoticeC2S noticeC2S = ProtobufUtils.Deserialize <NoticeC2S>(messageList[i].data); NoticeS2C noticeS2C = new NoticeS2C(); noticeS2C.type = noticeC2S.type; dataS2C = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(noticeS2C); DebugUtils.Log(DebugUtils.Type.LocalBattleMessage, string.Format("Send {0} feed back succeed ", messageList[i].msgCode)); localMessageHandlers[MsgCode.NoticeMessage](dataS2C); // battle end need to stop send updateS2CS if (noticeC2S.type == NoticeType.BattleResultBlueWin || noticeC2S.type == NoticeType.BattleResultRedWin || noticeC2S.type == NoticeType.BattleResultDraw) { status = LocalBattleStatus.End; } } else if (messageList[i].msgCode == MsgCode.SyncMessage) { SyncC2S syncC2S = ProtobufUtils.Deserialize <SyncC2S>(messageList[i].data); Sync s = new Sync(); s.syncState = syncC2S.syncState; s.unitId = syncC2S.uintId; s.continuedWalkNum = syncC2S.continuedWalkNum; s.timestamp = frame; foreach (Position item in syncC2S.positions) { s.positions.Add(item); } Operation operation = new Operation(); operation.sync = s; operation.opType = OperationType.SyncPath; updateS2C.ops.Add(operation); } else if (messageList[i].msgCode == MsgCode.QuitBattleMessage) { QuitBattleC2S quitBattleC2S = ProtobufUtils.Deserialize <QuitBattleC2S>(messageList[i].data); QuitBattleS2C quitBattleS2C = new QuitBattleS2C(); quitBattleS2C.serverIp = ""; quitBattleS2C.serverPort = 0; quitBattleS2C.serverType = ServerType.GameServer; dataS2C = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(quitBattleS2C); DebugUtils.Log(DebugUtils.Type.LocalBattleMessage, string.Format("Send {0} feed back succeed ", messageList[i].msgCode)); localMessageHandlers[MsgCode.QuitBattleMessage](dataS2C); status = LocalBattleStatus.End; return; } else if (messageList[i].msgCode == MsgCode.UploadSituationMessage) { UploadSituationC2S uploadSituationC2S = ProtobufUtils.Deserialize <UploadSituationC2S>(messageList[i].data); UploadSituationS2C uploadSituationS2C = new UploadSituationS2C(); uploadSituationS2C.type = uploadSituationC2S.type; dataS2C = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(uploadSituationS2C); DebugUtils.Log(DebugUtils.Type.LocalBattleMessage, string.Format("Send {0} feed back succeed ", messageList[i].msgCode)); Action <byte[]> callback = null; if (localMessageHandlers.TryGetValue(MsgCode.UploadSituationMessage, out callback)) { callback.Invoke(dataS2C); } } else { DebugUtils.LogError(DebugUtils.Type.LocalBattleMessage, string.Format("Can't handle this local message now message code = {0} ", messageList[i].msgCode)); } messageList.RemoveAt(i); } dataS2C = ProtobufUtils.Serialize(updateS2C); for (int i = 0; i < updateS2C.ops.Count; i++) { DebugUtils.Log(DebugUtils.Type.LocalBattleMessage, string.Format("Frame: Send feed back operation {0}", updateS2C.ops[i].opType)); } localMessageHandlers[MsgCode.UpdateMessage](dataS2C); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(17 ^ Sync.GetHashCode()); }
protected virtual void PeriodicSync() { if (gameObject.activeSelf == false) return; _syncedPos = transform.position; _syncedRot = transform.eulerAngles; Sync s = new Sync(RPCType.Others, "", "_syncedPos"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); s = new Sync(RPCType.Others, "", "_syncedRot"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); }
public static TransCustList GetTransCustListStatistic(Context ctx, Criteria c) { TransCustList items = new TransCustList(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string dateCondition = ""; if (c.DateFrom > DateTime.MinValue) { dateCondition += " AND date(dtrn_date) >= :date_from "; } if (c.DateTo > DateTime.MinValue) { dateCondition += " AND date(dtrn_date) <= :date_to "; } string query = @" SELECT cst_id, sum(case when dtrn_type = 1 " + dateCondition + @" then coalesce(dtrn_net_value,0) + coalesce(dtrn_vat_value,0) else 0 end) as credit, sum(case when dtrn_type = 2 " + dateCondition + @" then coalesce(dtrn_net_value,0) + coalesce(dtrn_vat_value,0) else 0 end) as debit, sum(case when dtrn_type = 1 then coalesce(dtrn_net_value,0) + coalesce(dtrn_vat_value,0) else 0 end) - sum(case when dtrn_type = 2 then coalesce(dtrn_net_value,0) + coalesce(dtrn_vat_value,0) else 0 end) as crdb, rcustomer.cst_desc FROM rtranscust JOIN rcustomer ON = cst_id WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (c.CustId > 0) { query += " AND cst_id = :cst_id "; } if (c.CustName != "") { query += " AND rcustomer.cst_desc like :cst_desc "; } query += @" group by cst_id, rcustomer.cst_desc "; IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); if (c.CustId > 0) { ps.Set("cst_id", c.CustId); } if (c.DateFrom > DateTime.MinValue) { ps.Set("date_from", c.DateFrom.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } if (c.DateTo > DateTime.MinValue) { ps.Set("date_to", c.DateTo.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } if (c.CustName != "") { ps.Set("cst_desc", c.CustName + "%"); } // Log.Debug("rtranscust", query); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { items.Add(TransCust.GetTransCustStat(result)); } ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(items); }
protected override void OnSynced(Sync sync) { switch(sync.member) { case "_syncedPos": _posError = _syncedPos - transform.position; break; case "_syncedRot": _rotError = _syncedRot - transform.eulerAngles; break; } }
public ISyncMethod RegisterSyncMethod(MethodInfo method, SyncType[] argTypes) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncMethod(method, argTypes)); }
protected virtual void OnSynced(Sync sync) { }
public ISyncField RegisterSyncField(FieldInfo field) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncField(field)); }
public ISyncMethod RegisterSyncMethod(Type type, string methodOrPropertyName, SyncType[] argTypes = null) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncMethod(type, methodOrPropertyName, argTypes)); }
public ISyncField RegisterSyncField(Type targetType, string memberPath) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncField(targetType, memberPath)); }
public void RegisterAll(Assembly assembly) { Sync.RegisterAllAttributes(assembly); PersistentDialog.BindAll(assembly); }
public void WatchEnd() { Sync.FieldWatchPostfix(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string ProviderConnectionString; string ClientConnectionString; string tempProviderConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["defaultProviderConnectionString"].ConnectionString; string tempClientConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["defaultClientConnectionString"].ConnectionString; if (Sync.ConnectionStringIsValid(tempProviderConn)) { ProviderConnectionString = tempProviderConn; if (Sync.ConnectionStringIsValid(tempClientConn)) { ClientConnectionString = tempClientConn; Logs.SyncLog.WriteLine("Sync service begun at " + DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine(Sync.Synchronise("ProductsScope", ProviderConnectionString, ClientConnectionString) + Sync.Synchronise("OrdersScope", ProviderConnectionString, ClientConnectionString)); Logs.SyncLog.WriteLine("Sync completed at " + DateTime.Now); } else { Logs.SyncLog.WriteLine("There was an error whilst connecting to the client database. Please check your connection and check that the client connection string, which is specified " + "in the app configuration file, is valid."); } } else { Logs.SyncLog.WriteLine("There was an error whilst connecting to the provider database. Please check your connection and check that the provider connection string, which is specified " + "in the app configuration file, is valid."); } }
public ISyncDelegate RegisterSyncDelegate(Type inType, string nestedType, string methodName, string[] fields, Type[] args = null) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncDelegate(inType, nestedType, methodName, fields, args)); }
public static ItemInfo GetItem(Context ctx, decimal itemID, bool loadImage) { ItemInfo info = new ItemInfo(); using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { /*IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT item_id, * item_cod, * item_desc, * item_long_des, * item_ret_val1, * item_sale_val1 , * item_buy_val1 * FROM items WHERE item_id = :ItemID");*/ IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(@"SELECT id, item_cod, item_desc, item_alter_desc, unit_price, item_qty_left , item_vat, item_ctg_id, item_ctg_disc, item_image FROM ritems WHERE id = :ItemID"); ps.Set("ItemID", itemID.ToString()); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); if (result.Next()) { /*info.ItemId = Convert.ToInt64(result.GetDouble("item_id")); * info.item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"); * info.item_desc = result.GetString("item_desc"); * info.item_long_desc = result.GetString("item_long_des"); * info.item_ret_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_ret_val1")); * info.item_sale_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_sale_val1")); * info.item_buy_val1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_buy_val1"));*/ //info.ItemId = Convert.ToInt64(result.GetDouble("id")); info.ItemId = result.GetInt("id"); info.item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"); info.ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"); info.item_long_desc = result.GetString("item_alter_desc"); info.ItemSaleVal1 = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("unit_price")); info.ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")); info.ItemVatId = result.GetInt("item_vat"); if (loadImage) { byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { info.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); } else { info.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { info.ItemImage = null; } } Log.Debug("item_vat", "item_vat=" + info.ItemVatId); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } return(info); }
private static void Handle_Sync ( Shell Dispatch, string[] args, int index) { Sync Options = new Sync (); var Registry = new Goedel.Registry.Registry (); Options.Portal.Register ("portal", Registry, (int) TagType_Sync.Portal); Options.UDF.Register ("udf", Registry, (int) TagType_Sync.UDF); Options.Verbose.Register ("verbose", Registry, (int) TagType_Sync.Verbose); Options.Report.Register ("report", Registry, (int) TagType_Sync.Report); #pragma warning disable 162 for (int i = index; i< args.Length; i++) { if (!IsFlag (args [i][0] )) { throw new System.Exception ("Unexpected parameter: " + args[i]);} string Rest = args [i].Substring (1); TagType_Sync TagType = (TagType_Sync) Registry.Find (Rest); // here have the cases for what to do with it. switch (TagType) { case TagType_Sync.Portal : { int OptionParams = Options.Portal.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.Portal.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } case TagType_Sync.UDF : { int OptionParams = Options.UDF.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.UDF.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } case TagType_Sync.Verbose : { int OptionParams = Options.Verbose.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.Verbose.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } case TagType_Sync.Report : { int OptionParams = Options.Report.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.Report.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } default : throw new System.Exception ("Internal error"); } } #pragma warning restore 162 Dispatch.Sync (Options); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of <see cref="BitCoinSharp.Threading.Locks.ReentrantLock"/> with the /// given fairness policy. /// </summary> /// <param name="fair"><c>true</c> if this lock will be fair, else <c>false</c> /// </param> public ReentrantLock(bool fair) { _sync = fair ? (Sync) new FairSync() : new NonfairSync(); }
public void ThenIChooseTheDetailsOptionFromTheDesiredService(string button) { Sync.ExplicitWait(1); AppointmentManagerPages.MyServicesPage.ButtonsFromSecondRowService(button).Click(); }
public ISyncDelegate RegisterSyncDelegate(Type type, string nestedType, string method) { return(Sync.RegisterSyncDelegate(type, nestedType, method)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ReentrantLock class, if the parameter is /// true then the lock is in Fair mode, otherwise it is in Non-Fair mode. /// </summary> public ReentrantLock(bool fair) : base() { if (fair) { this.sync = new FairSync(); } else { this.sync = new NotFairSync(); } }
public void ThenTheApoointmentStateShouldBeUpdatedTo(string status) { Sync.ExplicitWait(1); AppointmentManagerPages.MyServicesPage.AppointmentStatusFirstRow.Text.Should().Be(status); }
public void MSASEMAIL_S02_TC01_VoiceAttachment_VerifyAllRelativeElements() { Site.Assume.AreNotEqual <string>("12.1", Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site), "The UmAttDuration element is not supported when the ActiveSyncProtocolVersion is 12.1."); #region Call SendMail command to send a mail with an electronic voice mail attachment string emailSubject = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "subject"); string firstVoiceFilePath = "testVoice.mp3"; string secondVoiceFilePath = "secondTestVoice.mp3"; Sync mailResult = this.SendVoiceMail(emailSubject, firstVoiceFilePath, secondVoiceFilePath); #endregion #region Verify requirements foreach (Response.AttachmentsAttachment attachment in mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items) { Site.Assert.IsNotNull(attachment, "The attachment should not be null."); Site.Assert.IsNotNull(attachment.UmAttOrder, "The order of electronic voice mail attachment should not be null."); } // According to MS-OXCMAIL and MS-OXOUM, the order of attachments is the reverse of the order in which the attachments were added, so the most recent attachment is Email.Attachments.Attachment[1]. Site.Assert.IsNull(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[0]).UmAttDuration, "The duration of the next recent electronic voice mail attachment should be null since this element specifies the duration of the most recent electronic voice mail attachment."); Site.Assert.IsNotNull(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[1]).UmAttDuration, "The duration of the most recent electronic voice mail attachment should not be null."); // If the server response contains Attachment element and UmAttDuration is a child element of the most recent attachment, then MS-ASEMAIL_R799 can be verified // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R799"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R799 Site.CaptureRequirement( 799, @"[In UmAttDuration] The email2:UmAttDuration element is an optional child element of the airsyncbase:Attachment element (section that specifies the duration of the most recent electronic voice mail attachment in seconds."); // If the server response contains UmAttDuration and UmAttOrder element, the response must contains a MessageClass element which element value that begins with the prefix of "IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail", "IPM.Note.RPMSG.Microsoft.Voicemail", or "IPM.Note.Microsoft.Missed.Voice", then MS-ASEMAIL_R804 and MS-ASEMAIL_R811 can be verified. string messageClass = mailResult.Email.MessageClass; bool verifyR804AndR811 = messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) || messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Note.RPMSG.Microsoft.Voicemail", StringComparison.CurrentCulture) || messageClass.StartsWith("IPM.Note.Microsoft.Missed.Voice", StringComparison.CurrentCulture); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R804"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R804 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( verifyR804AndR811, 804, @"[In UmAttDuration] This element[email2:UmAttDuration] MUST only be included for messages with a MessageClass element (section value that begins with the prefix of ""IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail"", ""IPM.Note.RPMSG.Microsoft.Voicemail"", or ""IPM.Note.Microsoft.Missed.Voice""."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R811"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R811 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( verifyR804AndR811, 811, @"[In UmAttOrder] This element[email2:UmAttOrder] MUST only be included for messages with a MessageClass element (section value that begins with the prefix of ""IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail"", ""IPM.Note.RPMSG.Microsoft.Voicemail"", or ""IPM.Note.Microsoft.Missed.Voice""."); // If UmAttDuration element is not null means server set the element value then MS-ASEMAIL_R803 is verified. // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R803"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R803 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( ((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[1]).UmAttDuration, 803, @"[In UmAttDuration] This value is set by the server [and is read-only for the client]."); // The display name of the attachment should not be null Site.Assert.IsNotNull(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[0]).DisplayName, "The name of the attachment file should not be null."); // If the value of UmAttOrder for the most recent attachment is 1, and for the next recent is larger than the most recent one, it indicates the UmAttOrder identifies the order of electronic voice mail attachments, then MS-ASEMAIL_R805 can be captured. // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R805"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R805 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( int.Parse(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[1]).UmAttOrder) == 1 && int.Parse(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[0]).UmAttOrder) > 1, 805, @"[In UmAttOrder] The email2:UmAttOrder element is an optional child element of the airsyncbase:Attachment element (section that identifies the order of electronic voice mail attachments."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R808"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R808 Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <string>( "1", ((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[1]).UmAttOrder, 808, @"[In UmAttOrder] This value is set by the server [and is read-only for the client]."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R809"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R809 Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>( 1, int.Parse(((Response.AttachmentsAttachment)mailResult.Email.Attachments.Items[1]).UmAttOrder), 809, @"[In UmAttOrder] The most recent voice mail attachment in an e-mail item MUST have an email2:UmAttOrder value of 1."); if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(829, this.Site)) { // If UmCallerID element is not null, then MS-ASEMAIL_R829 can be verified // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R829"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R829 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( mailResult.Email.UmCallerID, 829, @"[In Appendix B: Product Behavior] Implementation does send this element[email2:UmCallerID] to the client regardless of the client's current VoIP capabilities, in order to enable future VoIP scenarios. (Exchange Server 2007 SP1 and above follow this behavior.)"); } // If UmCallerID element is not null, that means UmCallerID is a telephone number and is sent from the server, then MS-ASEMAIL_R812, MS-ASEMAIL_933 can be verified // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R812"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R812 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( mailResult.Email.UmCallerID, 812, @"[In UmCallerID] The email2:UmCallerID element is an optional element that specifies the callback telephone number of the person who called or left an electronic voice message."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASEMAIL_R933"); // Verify MS-ASEMAIL requirement: MS-ASEMAIL_R933 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( mailResult.Email.UmCallerID, 933, @"[In UmCallerID] This element[UmCallID] is sent from the server to the client."); #endregion }
public MorePaymentPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IAccountingService accountingService, IDialogService dialogService ) : base(navigationService, dialogService) { Title = "选择支付方式"; _navigationService = navigationService; _dialogService = dialogService; _accountingService = accountingService; //加载配置 this.Load = AccountLoader.Load(async() => { var results = await Sync.RunResult(async() => { var result = await _accountingService.GetPaymentMethodsAsync((int)BillType, this.ForceRefresh); //绑定Accounts var options = new List <AccountingModel>(); switch (BillType) { case BillTypeEnum.SaleBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.SaleReservationBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.ReturnBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.ReturnReservationBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.CashReceiptBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.PaymentReceiptBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.AdvanceReceiptBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.AdvancePaymentBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.PurchaseBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { var p = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).FirstOrDefault(); return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = p != null ? p.CollectionAmount : 0, Balance = (int)AccountingCodeEnum.AdvancePayment == a.AccountCodeTypeId ? AdvancePayment.Balance : 0, ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.PurchaseReturnBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Any(), Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.CostExpenditureBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, Name = a.Name, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; case BillTypeEnum.FinancialIncomeBill: { options = result?.Select(a => { return(new AccountingModel() { Default = a.IsDefault, AccountingOptionId = a.Id, AccountCodeTypeId = a.AccountCodeTypeId, Name = a.Name, Selected = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountCodeTypeId == a.Number).FirstOrDefault()?.Selected ?? false, CollectionAmount = PaymentMethods.Selectes.Where(s => s.AccountingOptionId == a.Id).Select(s => s.CollectionAmount).FirstOrDefault(), ParentId = a.ParentId, Number = a.Number }); }).ToList(); } break; } return(options); }); //初始 Accounts = results.Result; //RootNodes var rootNodes = ProcessXamlItemGroups(GroupData(results.Result)); //foreach (var node in rootNodes) //{ // //StackLayout // var xamlItemGroup = (XamlItemGroup)node.BindingContext; //} this.RootNodes = rootNodes; MessagingCenter.Send(rootNodes, Constants.MorePayments); return(rootNodes.ToList()); }); this.BindBusyCommand(Load); }
public void BuyItem(BuyItem rpc) { money -= rpc.item.price * rpc.amount; for (int i = 0; i < rpc.amount; i++) AddItem(rpc.item); var s = new Sync(RPCType.Others, "", "money"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); }
public void Sync_CopyUpdatesFrom(string tableName, List <DatabaseColumn> originalColumns, DbDataReader syncReader, SyncLogMessageCallback onMessage, Queue <object> leftovers) { List <DatabaseColumn> usableColumns = new List <DatabaseColumn>(); usableColumns.AddRange(originalColumns); DatabaseColumn idColumn = Sync.GetIdColumn(usableColumns); usableColumns.Remove(idColumn); SQLiteConnection connection = GetConnectionForTable(tableName); SQLiteCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("UPDATE {0} SET ", tableName); for (int i = 0; i < usableColumns.Count; i++) { cmd.Parameters.Add(usableColumns[i].ParameterName, usableColumns[i].DbType); sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", usableColumns[i].ColumnName, usableColumns[i].ParameterName); if (i != usableColumns.Count - 1) { sb.AppendFormat(", "); } } int updatesDone = 0; int nextProgress = 1; cmd.Parameters.Add(idColumn.ParameterName, idColumn.DbType); sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE {0} = {1}", idColumn.ColumnName, idColumn.ParameterName); cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString(); while (syncReader.Read()) { foreach (DatabaseColumn column in usableColumns) { if (column.DbType == DbType.Binary) { byte[] buffer = syncReader.GetByteArray(column.Ordingal); if (buffer != null) { cmd.Parameters[column.ParameterName].Value = buffer; } } else { object o = syncReader.GetValue(column.Ordingal); cmd.Parameters[column.ParameterName].Value = o; } } cmd.Parameters[idColumn.ParameterName].Value = syncReader.GetValue(idColumn.Ordingal); int result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); switch (result) { case 0: leftovers.Enqueue(cmd.Parameters[idColumn.ParameterName].Value); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("update ok: {0} {1}", tableName, syncReader.GetValue(idColumn.Ordingal)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("update failed: {0} {1}", tableName, syncReader.GetValue(idColumn.Ordingal)); break; } if (updatesDone++ == nextProgress) { onMessage.Invoke(String.Format("{0} Zeilen in {1} aktualisiert.", nextProgress, tableName)); nextProgress *= 2; } } cmd.Dispose(); syncReader.Dispose(); }
public void SerializedPlayer(SerializedPlayer rpc) { if (isLocal) return; if ( <= 1) return; Deserialize(; //Deserialize only set the field _weapon, not the property weapon. so, we should call this property manually. weapon = weapon; //Weapon Sync; Sync s = new Sync(RPCType.Others | RPCType.Buffered, "", "weapon"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); //same as weapon accessory = accessory; s = new Sync(RPCType.Others | RPCType.Buffered, "", "accessory"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); //itemStack Sync s = new Sync(RPCType.Others | RPCType.Buffered, "", "itemStacks"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); //itemStack Sync s = new Sync(RPCType.Others | RPCType.Buffered, "", "gotQuest"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); //money Sync s = new Sync(RPCType.Others | RPCType.Buffered, "", "money"); s.signallerID = networkID; s.sender = userName; Sync(s); }
public void UpdateDatabaseSyncStatus(int databaseId, Sync.Statuses status) { if (!ActiveDatabase || ActiveDatabaseId != databaseId) return; var database = Model.Databases.Get(databaseId); var databaseMeta = Model.DatabasesMeta.Get(database.DatabaseMetaId); if (status == Sync.Statuses.Syncing) lblDatabaseName.Text = databaseMeta.Name + @" (syncing)"; else if (status == Sync.Statuses.Offline) lblDatabaseName.Text = databaseMeta.Name + @" (offline)"; else lblDatabaseName.Text = databaseMeta.Name; }
public void Dispose() { IsInitSuccess = false; Sync.Dispose(); }
public LoadIngamePlayerOrObserverUILogic(Widget widget, World world) { var ingameRoot = widget.Get("INGAME_ROOT"); var worldRoot = ingameRoot.Get("WORLD_ROOT"); var menuRoot = ingameRoot.Get("MENU_ROOT"); var playerRoot = worldRoot.Get("PLAYER_ROOT"); if (world.LocalPlayer == null) { Game.LoadWidget(world, "OBSERVER_WIDGETS", playerRoot, new WidgetArgs()); } else { var playerWidgets = Game.LoadWidget(world, "PLAYER_WIDGETS", playerRoot, new WidgetArgs()); var sidebarTicker = playerWidgets.Get <LogicTickerWidget>("SIDEBAR_TICKER"); var objectives = world.LocalPlayer.PlayerActor.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <MissionObjectivesInfo>(); sidebarTicker.OnTick = () => { // Switch to observer mode after win/loss if (world.LocalPlayer.WinState != WinState.Undefined && !loadingObserverWidgets) { loadingObserverWidgets = true; Game.RunAfterDelay(objectives != null ? objectives.GameOverDelay : 0, () => { if (!Game.IsCurrentWorld(world)) { return; } playerRoot.RemoveChildren(); Game.LoadWidget(world, "OBSERVER_WIDGETS", playerRoot, new WidgetArgs()); }); } }; } Game.LoadWidget(world, "CHAT_PANEL", worldRoot, new WidgetArgs()); world.GameOver += () => { Ui.CloseWindow(); menuRoot.RemoveChildren(); if (world.LocalPlayer != null) { var scriptContext = world.WorldActor.TraitOrDefault <LuaScript>(); var missionData = world.WorldActor.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault <MissionDataInfo>(); if (missionData != null && !(scriptContext != null && scriptContext.FatalErrorOccurred)) { var video = world.LocalPlayer.WinState == WinState.Won ? missionData.WinVideo : missionData.LossVideo; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(video)) { Media.PlayFMVFullscreen(world, video, () => { }); } } } var optionsButton = playerRoot.GetOrNull <MenuButtonWidget>("OPTIONS_BUTTON"); if (optionsButton != null) { Sync.CheckSyncUnchanged(world, optionsButton.OnClick); } }; }
public async Task ExecuteAsync(Parameter parameter) { if (!IsInitSuccess) { return; } if (parameter.Parameters.Length > MaxParameterCount) { ShellOut.Error("Too many arguments."); return; } await Sync.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); MorseCore morseCore = GpioMorseTranslator.GetCore(); string morse = string.Empty; try { if (OnExecuteFunc != null) { if (OnExecuteFunc.Invoke(parameter)) { return; } } switch (parameter.ParameterCount) { case 1 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellOut.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellOut.Info(">>> " + morse); return; case 2 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[1]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellOut.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellOut.Info(">>> " + morse); GpioMorseTranslator?translator = PiGpioController.GetMorseTranslator(); if (translator == null || !translator.IsTranslatorOnline) { ShellOut.Error("Morse translator might be offline."); return; } if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters[1], out int relayNumber)) { ShellOut.Error("Relay number argument is invalid."); return; } if (!PinController.IsValidPin(PiGpioController.AvailablePins.OutputPins[relayNumber])) { ShellOut.Error("The specified pin is invalid."); return; } await translator.RelayMorseCycle(morse, PiGpioController.AvailablePins.OutputPins[relayNumber]); ShellOut.Info("Completed!"); return; default: ShellOut.Error("Command seems to be in incorrect syntax."); return; } } catch (Exception e) { ShellOut.Exception(e); return; } finally { Sync.Release(); } }
protected override void ShowPage() { #region 临时帐号发帖 //int realuserid = -1; //bool tempaccountspost = false; //string tempusername = DNTRequest.GetString("tempusername"); //if (!Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(tempusername) && tempusername != username) //{ // realuserid = Users.CheckTempUserInfo(tempusername, DNTRequest.GetString("temppassword"), DNTRequest.GetInt("question", 0), DNTRequest.GetString("answer")); // if (realuserid == -1) // { // AddErrLine("临时帐号登录失败,无法继续发帖。"); // return; // } // else // { // userid = realuserid; // username = tempusername; // tempaccountspost = true; // } //} #endregion if (userid > 0) { userinfo = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid); } #region 判断是否是灌水 AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); if (admininfo != null) { disablepost = admininfo.Disablepostctrl; } if (!UserAuthority.CheckPostTimeSpan(usergroupinfo, admininfo, oluserinfo, userinfo, ref msg)) { if (continuereply != "") { AddErrLine("<b>回帖成功</b><br />由于" + msg + "后刷新继续"); } else { AddErrLine(msg); } return; } #endregion //获取主题帖信息 PostInfo postinfo = GetPostAndTopic(admininfo); if (IsErr()) { return; } forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); smileyoff = 1 - forum.Allowsmilies; bbcodeoff = (forum.Allowbbcode == 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1) ? 0 : 1; allowimg = forum.Allowimgcode; needaudit = UserAuthority.NeedAudit(forum, useradminid, topic, userid, disablepost, usergroupinfo); #region 附件信息绑定 //得到用户可以上传的文件类型 string attachmentTypeSelect = Attachments.GetAllowAttachmentType(usergroupinfo, forum); attachextensions = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(attachmentTypeSelect); attachextensionsnosize = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeString(attachmentTypeSelect); //得到今天允许用户上传的附件总大小(字节) int MaxTodaySize = (userid > 0 ? MaxTodaySize = Attachments.GetUploadFileSizeByuserid(userid) : 0); attachsize = usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday - MaxTodaySize;//今天可上传得大小 //是否有上传附件的权限 canpostattach = UserAuthority.PostAttachAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg); if (canpostattach && (userinfo != null && userinfo.Uid > 0) && apb != null && config.Enablealbum == 1 && (UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(userinfo.Groupid).Maxspacephotosize - apb.GetPhotoSizeByUserid(userid) > 0)) { caninsertalbum = true; albumlist = apb.GetSpaceAlbumByUserId(userid); } #endregion if (!Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(forum.Password) && Utils.MD5(forum.Password) != ForumUtils.GetCookie("forum" + forumid + "password")) { AddErrLine("本版块被管理员设置了密码"); SetBackLink(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0)); return; } #region 访问和发帖权限校验 if (!UserAuthority.VisitAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); needlogin = true; return; } if (!UserAuthority.PostReply(forum, userid, usergroupinfo, topic)) { AddErrLine(topic.Closed == 1 ? "主题已关闭无法回复" : "您没有发表回复的权限"); needlogin = (topic.Closed == 1 ? false : true); return; } if (!UserAuthority.CheckPostTimeSpan(usergroupinfo, admininfo, oluserinfo, userinfo, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); return; } #endregion // 如果是受灌水限制用户, 则判断是否是灌水 if (admininfo != null) { disablepost = admininfo.Disablepostctrl; } if (forum.Templateid > 0) { templatepath = Templates.GetTemplateItem(forum.Templateid).Directory; } AddLinkCss(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "templates/" + templatepath + "/editor.css", "css"); customeditbuttons = Caches.GetCustomEditButtonList(); //如果是提交... if (ispost) { string backlink = (DNTRequest.GetInt("topicid", -1) > 0 ? string.Format("postreply.aspx?topicid={0}&restore=1&forumpage=" + forumpageid, topicid) : string.Format("postreply.aspx?postid={0}&restore=1&forumpage=" + forumpageid, postid)); if (!DNTRequest.GetString("quote").Equals("")) { backlink = string.Format("{0}"e={1}", backlink, DNTRequest.GetString("quote")); } SetBackLink(backlink); #region 验证提交信息 //常规项验证 NormalValidate(admininfo, postmessage, userinfo); if (IsErr()) { return; } #endregion //是否有上传附件的权限 canpostattach = UserAuthority.PostAttachAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg); // 产生新帖子 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DNTRequest.GetFormString("toreplay_user").Trim())) { postmessage = DNTRequest.GetFormString("toreplay_user").Trim() + "\n\n" + postmessage; } postinfo = CreatePostInfo(postmessage); //获取被回复帖子的作者uid int replyUserid = postid > 0 ? Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid).Posterid : postinfo.Posterid; postid = postinfo.Pid; if (IsErr()) { return; } #region 当回复成功后,发送通知 if (postinfo.Pid > 0 && DNTRequest.GetString("postreplynotice") == "on") { Notices.SendPostReplyNotice(postinfo, topic, replyUserid); } #endregion //向第三方应用同步数据 Sync.Reply(postid.ToString(), topic.Tid.ToString(), topic.Title, postinfo.Poster, postinfo.Posterid.ToString(), topic.Fid.ToString(), ""); //更新主题相关信息 //UpdateTopicInfo(postmessage); #region 处理附件 //处理附件 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); AttachmentInfo[] attachmentinfo = null; string attachId = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachid"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachId)) { attachmentinfo = Attachments.GetNoUsedAttachmentArray(userid, attachId); Attachments.UpdateAttachment(attachmentinfo, topic.Tid, postinfo.Pid, postinfo, ref sb, userid, config, usergroupinfo); } //加入相册 if (config.Enablealbum == 1 && apb != null) { sb.Append(apb.CreateAttachment(attachmentinfo, usergroupid, userid, username)); } #endregion OnlineUsers.UpdateAction(olid, UserAction.PostReply.ActionID, forumid, forum.Name, topicid, topictitle); #region 设置提示信息和跳转链接 //辩论地址 if (topic.Special == 4) { SetUrl(Urls.ShowDebateAspxRewrite(topicid)); } else if (infloat == 0)//此处加是否弹窗提交判断是因为在IE6下弹窗提交会造成gettopicinfo, getpostlist(位于showtopic页面)被提交了两次 { SetUrl(string.Format("showtopic.aspx?forumpage={0}&topicid={1}&page=end&jump=pid#{2}", forumpageid, topicid, postid)); } if (DNTRequest.GetFormString("continuereply") == "on") { SetUrl("postreply.aspx?topicid=" + topicid + "&forumpage=" + forumpageid + "&continuereply=yes"); } if (sb.Length > 0) { UpdateUserCredits(Forums.GetValues(forum.Replycredits)); SetMetaRefresh(5); SetShowBackLink(true); if (infloat == 1) { AddErrLine(sb.ToString()); return; } else { AddMsgLine("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=2 align=\"left\"><span class=\"bold\"><nobr>发表回复成功,但图片/附件上传出现问题:</nobr></span><br /></td></tr></table>"); } } else { SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); //上面已经进行用户组判断 if (postinfo.Invisible == 1) { AddMsgLine(string.Format("发表回复成功, 但需要经过审核才可以显示. {0}<br /><br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0) + "\">点击这里返回 {1}</a>)", (DNTRequest.GetFormString("continuereply") == "on" ? "继续回复" : "返回该主题"), forum.Name)); } else { UpdateUserCredits(Forums.GetValues(forum.Replycredits)); MsgForward("postreply_succeed"); AddMsgLine(string.Format("发表回复成功, {0}<br />(<a href=\"" + base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0) + "\">点击这里返回 {1}</a>)<br />", (DNTRequest.GetFormString("continuereply") == "on" ? "继续回复" : "返回该主题"), forum.Name)); } } #endregion // 删除主题游客缓存 if (topic.Replies < (config.Ppp + 10)) { ForumUtils.DeleteTopicCacheFile(topicid); } //发送邮件通知 if (DNTRequest.GetString("emailnotify") == "on" && topic.Posterid != -1 && topic.Posterid != userid) { SendNotifyEmail(Users.GetShortUserInfo(topic.Posterid).Email.Trim(), postinfo, Utils.GetRootUrl(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath) + string.Format("showtopic.aspx?topicid={0}&page=end&jump=pid#{1}", topicid, postid)); } } }
/* * Description: * 每个用户UID 15秒内只能调用一次该接口,否则无法更新成功 */ public override bool Run(CommandParameter commandParam, ref string result) { if (commandParam.AppInfo.ApplicationType == (int)ApplicationType.DESKTOP) { if (commandParam.LocalUid < 1) { result = Util.CreateErrorMessage(ErrorType.API_EC_SESSIONKEY, commandParam.ParamList); return(false); } if (Discuz.Forum.Users.GetShortUserInfo(commandParam.LocalUid).Adminid != 1) { result = Util.CreateErrorMessage(ErrorType.API_EC_PERMISSION_DENIED, commandParam.ParamList); return(false); } } if (!commandParam.CheckRequiredParams("uids,additional_values")) { result = Util.CreateErrorMessage(ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM, commandParam.ParamList); return(false); } string[] values = commandParam.GetDNTParam("additional_values").ToString().Split(','); string[] uids = commandParam.GetDNTParam("uids").ToString().Split(','); if (!Utils.IsNumericArray(uids) || !Utils.IsNumericArray(values) || uids.Length > 100) { result = Util.CreateErrorMessage(ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM, commandParam.ParamList); return(false); } if (values.Length != 8) { result = Util.CreateErrorMessage(ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM, commandParam.ParamList); return(false); } List <float> list = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { list.Add(Utils.StrToFloat(values[i], 0)); } foreach (string uId in uids) { int id = TypeConverter.StrToInt(uId); if (id == 0) { continue; } if (!CommandCacheQueue <SetExtCreditItem> .EnQueue(new SetExtCreditItem(id, DateTime.Now.Ticks))) { continue; } CreditsFacade.UpdateUserExtCredits(id, list.ToArray(), true); CreditsFacade.UpdateUserCredits(id); //向第三方应用同步积分 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i] != 0.0) { Sync.UpdateCredits(TypeConverter.StrToInt(uId), i + 1, list[i].ToString(), commandParam.AppInfo.APIKey); } } } if (commandParam.Format == FormatType.JSON) { result = "true"; } else { SetExtCreditsResponse secr = new SetExtCreditsResponse(); secr.Successfull = 1; result = SerializationHelper.Serialize(secr); } return(true); }
public OrderHeaderSyncTable(Sync sync) { table = sync.GetTable <OrderHeader>(); }
public static void Sync(Uri source, Uri dest, Sync.Mode mode, string logfile, string excludePaths = "", bool verbose = false) { Services.Sync.Files(source, dest, mode, logfile, excludePaths, verbose); }
public ClickSync(Finish finish, Sync sync) { _finish = finish; _sync = sync; }
public void Sync(Sync sync) { if(isServer) { sync.receiver = sync.sender; var tokens = sync.member.Split(new[] { '.' }); object instance = null; FieldInfo field = null; PropertyInfo property = null; foreach (var token in tokens) { if (field == null && property == null) { instance = this; field = GetType().GetField(token); property = GetType().GetProperty(token); } else { if (field != null) { instance = field.GetValue(instance); field = field.FieldType.GetField(token); property = field.FieldType.GetProperty(token); } else { instance = property.GetValue(instance, null); field = property.PropertyType.GetField(token); property = property.PropertyType.GetProperty(token); } } } if (field != null) { var value = field.GetValue(instance); var autoSerializable = value as IAutoSerializable; if (autoSerializable != null) = autoSerializable; else = (Body)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("TeraTaleNet.Serializable" + field.FieldType.Name + ", TeraTaleNet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"), field.GetValue(instance)); Send(sync); } else { var value = property.GetValue(instance, null); var autoSerializable = value as IAutoSerializable; if (autoSerializable != null) = autoSerializable; else = (Body)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("TeraTaleNet.Serializable" + property.PropertyType.Name + ", TeraTaleNet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"), property.GetValue(instance, null)); Send(sync); } } else { var tokens = sync.member.Split(new[] { '.' }); object instance = null; FieldInfo field = null; PropertyInfo property = null; foreach (var token in tokens) { if (field == null && property == null) { instance = this; field = GetType().GetField(token); property = GetType().GetProperty(token); } else { if (field != null) { instance = field.GetValue(instance); field = field.FieldType.GetField(token); property = field.FieldType.GetProperty(token); } else { instance = property.GetValue(instance, null); field = property.PropertyType.GetField(token); property = property.PropertyType.GetProperty(token); } } } if(field != null) { var value = field.GetValue(instance); var autoSerializable = value as IAutoSerializable; if (autoSerializable != null) field.SetValue(instance,; else field.SetValue(instance,"value").GetValue(; OnSynced(sync); } else { var value = property.GetValue(instance, null); var autoSerializable = value as IAutoSerializable; if (autoSerializable != null) property.SetValue(instance,, null); else property.SetValue(instance,"value").GetValue(, null); OnSynced(sync); } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to verify requirements related to Sync command. /// </summary> /// <param name="syncResult">The Sync result returned from the server.</param> private void VerifySyncCommandResponse(Sync syncResult) { // If the schema validation is successful, then following requirements can be captured. Site.Assert.IsTrue(this.activeSyncClient.ValidationResult, "Schema validation should be successful."); if (syncResult.Email.Subject != null) { // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R74"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R74 // The ConversationId element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationId, 74, @"[In ConversationId (Sync)] The email2:ConversationId element ([MS-ASEMAIL] section is a required child element of the airsync:ApplicationData element ([MS-ASCMD] section in a Sync command response ([MS-ASCMD] section that specifies the conversation ID of a conversation."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R76"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R76 // The ConversationId element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationId, 76, @"[In ConversationId (Sync)] The value of this [email2:ConversationId] element is a byte array, as specified in [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.6.1."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R195"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R195 // The ConversationId element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationId, 195, @"[In Higher-Layer Triggered Events] The conversation ID is specified by the email2:ConversationId element ([MS-ASEMAIL] section that is included in the Email class."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R79"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R79 // The ConversationIndex element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationIndex, 79, @"[In ConversationIndex] The email2:ConversationIndex element ([MS-ASEMAIL] section is a required child element of the airsync:ApplicationData element ([MS-ASCMD] section in a Sync command response ([MS-ASCMD] section that specifies the conversation index for an e-mail message."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R196"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R196 // The ConversationIndex element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationIndex, 196, @"[In Higher-Layer Triggered Events] The conversation index is specified by the email2:ConversationIndex element ([MS-ASEMAIL] section that is included in the Email class."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R81"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R81 // The ConversationIndex element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationIndex, 81, @"[In ConversationIndex] The value of this element [email2:ConversationIndex] is a byte array, as specified in [MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.6.1."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R93"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R93 // The ConversationIndex element is not null, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsNotNull( syncResult.Email.ConversationIndex, 93, @"[In ConversationIndex] The content of the email2:ConversationIndex element is transferred as a byte array within the WBXML tags."); this.VerifyStringDataType(); if (syncResult.Email.BodyPart != null) { // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R46"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R46 // The schema has been validated, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirement( 46, @"[In BodyPart] The airsyncbase:BodyPart element is a container ([MS-ASDTYPE] section 2.2) element."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCON_R47"); // Verify MS-ASCON requirement: MS-ASCON_R47 // The schema has been validated, so this requirement can be captured. Site.CaptureRequirement( 47, @"[In BodyPart] It [airsyncbase:BodyPart element] has the following child elements: airsyncbase:Status ([MS-ASAIRS] section airsyncbase:Type ([MS-ASAIRS] section airsyncbase:EstimatedDataSize ([MS-ASAIRS] section airsyncbase:Truncated ([MS-ASAIRS] section airsyncbase:Data ([MS-ASAIRS] section airsyncbase:Preview ([MS-ASAIRS] section"); this.VerifyContainerDataType(); } } }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { SharedInitialization.Initialize(); InitializeUWP.Initialize(); taskInstance.Canceled += TaskInstance_Canceled; var deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); try { RawNotification notification = (RawNotification)taskInstance.TriggerDetails; long accountId = UWPPushExtension.GetAccountIdFromRawNotification(notification); if (accountId == 0) { return; } AccountDataItem account = (await AccountsManager.GetAllAccounts()).FirstOrDefault(i => i.AccountId == accountId); if (account == null) { return; } var cancellationToken = _cancellationTokenSource.Token; try { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var result = await Sync.SyncAccountAsync(account); // If succeeded if (result != null && result.Error == null) { // Flag as updated by background task so foreground app can update data AccountDataStore.SetUpdatedByBackgroundTask(); } // Need to wait for the tile/toast tasks to finish before we release the deferral if (result != null && result.SaveChangesTask != null) { await result.SaveChangesTask.WaitForAllTasksAsync(); } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } // Wait for the calendar integration to complete await AppointmentsExtension.Current?.GetTaskForAllCompleted(); } catch (Exception ex) { TelemetryExtension.Current?.TrackException(ex); } finally { deferral.Complete(); } }
public void ThenTheTheNewServiceNameServiceTestExist(string name) { Sync.ExplicitWait(1); AppointmentManagerPages.MyServicesPage.ServiceNameSecondRow(name).Exists().Should().BeTrue(); }
private static void Usage () { Console.WriteLine ("brief"); Console.WriteLine (""); { #pragma warning disable 219 Reset Dummy = new Reset (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}reset ", UsageFlag); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Delete all test profiles"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Device Dummy = new Device (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}device ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceID.Usage (null, "id", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceDescription.Usage (null, "dd", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Default.Usage ("default", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Create new device profile"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Personal Dummy = new Personal (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}personal ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage (null, "portal", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Description.Usage (null, "pd", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Next.Usage ("next", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceNew.Usage ("new", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceUDF.Usage ("dudf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceID.Usage ("did", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceDescription.Usage ("dd", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Create new personal profile"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Register Dummy = new Register (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}register ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage (null, "udf", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage (null, "portal", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Register the specified profile at a new portal"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Sync Dummy = new Sync (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}sync ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Synchronize local copies of Mesh profiles with the server"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Escrow Dummy = new Escrow (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}escrow ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Quorum.Usage ("quorum", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Shares.Usage ("shares", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Create a set of key escrow shares"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Export Dummy = new Export (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}export ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.File.Usage (null, "file", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Export the specified profile data to the specified file"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Import Dummy = new Import (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}import ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.File.Usage (null, "file", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Import the specified profile data to the specified file"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 List Dummy = new List (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}list ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" List all profiles on the local machine"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Dump Dummy = new Dump (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}dump ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Describe the specified profile"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Pending Dummy = new Pending (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}pending ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Get list of pending connection requests"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Connect Dummy = new Connect (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}connect ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage (null, "portal", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.PIN.Usage ("pin", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceNew.Usage ("new", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceUDF.Usage ("dudf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceID.Usage ("did", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceDescription.Usage ("dd", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Connect to an existing profile registered at a portal"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Accept Dummy = new Accept (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}accept ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.DeviceUDF.Usage (null, "udf", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Accept a pending connection"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Complete Dummy = new Complete (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}complete ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Complete a pending connection request"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Password Dummy = new Password (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}password ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Add a web application profile to a personal profile"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 AddPassword Dummy = new AddPassword (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}pwadd ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Site.Usage (null, "site", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Username.Usage (null, "user", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Password.Usage (null, "password", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Add password entry"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 GetPassword Dummy = new GetPassword (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}pwget ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Site.Usage (null, "site", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Lookup password entry"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 DeletePassword Dummy = new DeletePassword (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}pwdelete ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Site.Usage (null, "site", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Delete password entry"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 DumpPassword Dummy = new DumpPassword (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}pwdump ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.JSON.Usage (null, "json", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Describe password entry"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 Mail Dummy = new Mail (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}mail ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.address.Usage (null, "address", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Add a mail application profile to a personal profile"); } { #pragma warning disable 219 SSH Dummy = new SSH (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}ssh ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Host.Usage (null, "host", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Client.Usage (null, "client", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Add a ssh application profile to a personal profile"); } } // Usage
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of <see cref="Spring.Threading.Locks.ReentrantLock"/> with the /// given fairness policy. /// </summary> /// <param name="fair"><see lang="true"/> if this lock will be fair, else <see lang="false"/> /// </param> public ReentrantLock(bool fair) { sync = (fair) ? (Sync)new FairSync() : new NonfairSync(); }
public void SetServerSyncStatus(int serverId, Sync.Statuses status) { foreach (var control in panelContentContainer.Controls) { var serverControl = (HomePageServer) control; if (serverControl.ServerAccountId != serverId) continue; serverControl.SyncStatus = status; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog opfd = new OpenFileDialog(); string source=""; string destination=""; opfd.Title = "Select the source of the files"; if (opfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK || opfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(opfd.FileName); source =file.DirectoryName ; } opfd.Title = "Select the destination of the files"; if (opfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK || opfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(opfd.FileName); destination = file.DirectoryName; } Sync sync = new Sync(); sync.Synchronize(source, destination); }
private TFF syncFolders(string directory, Sync option, string bkSubDir) { System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(directory); ArrayList dirList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList dbList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList buffer = new ArrayList(); if (!dir.Exists) //Create directory, if DNE { try { dir.Create(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error creating folder " + dir.Name); return TFF.FAIL; } } foreach (System.IO.DirectoryInfo y in dir.GetDirectories()) //Fill dirList with directories in "directory" { dirList.Add(y.Name); } for (int x = 0; x < bandIDDataGridView.RowCount; x++) ////Fill DBList with bands in database { dbList.Add(Convert.ToString(bandIDDataGridView.Rows[x].Cells["dataGridViewTextBoxColumn2"].Value).Trim()); } foreach (string a in dbList) //Find any folders in dir that match files in database { foreach (string b in dirList) { if (a == b) { buffer.Add(a); } } } foreach (string c in buffer) //Remove any folders added to buffer { dbList.Remove(c); dirList.Remove(c); } if (option == Sync.MKCHANGE) { if (syncFoldersHelper(dbList, dirList, directory, bkSubDir)) return TFF.TRUE; else return TFF.FAIL; } else if (option == Sync.PROMPT) { string temp = "Quartz Client folders have been changed "; temp += "outside of the program. Would you like to allow quartz to "; temp += "overwrite these changes?"; if (dbList.Count > 0 || dirList.Count > 0) { promptResult = prompt(temp); if (promptResult) { if (syncFoldersHelper(dbList, dirList, directory, bkSubDir)) return TFF.TRUE; else return TFF.FAIL; } } else { return TFF.FALSE; //Nothing in folder } } else if (dbList.Count == 0 && dirList.Count == 0) { return TFF.TRUE; } else { return TFF.FALSE; } return TFF.FAIL; }
public void ThenIDeleteTheNewCreatedService(string button) { Sync.ExplicitWait(2); AppointmentManagerPages.MyServicesPage.DeteleButtonSecondRow.Click(); Sync.ExplicitWait(1); }
public virtual void Sync ( Sync Options ) { char UsageFlag = '-'; { #pragma warning disable 219 Sync Dummy = new Sync (); #pragma warning restore 219 Console.Write ("{0}sync ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Portal.Usage ("portal", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.UDF.Usage ("udf", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Report.Usage ("report", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Synchronize local copies of Mesh profiles with the server"); } Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "String", "Portal", Options.Portal); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "String", "UDF", Options.UDF); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "Flag", "Verbose", Options.Verbose); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "Flag", "Report", Options.Report); Console.WriteLine ("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public void WhenITickUser() { Sync.ExplicitWait(1); AppointmentManagerPages.ServicesPage.MailLinkSecondRow.Click(); }
public void ThenICanTEditOthersUserProfile() { Sync.ExplicitWait(1); AppointmentManagerPages.MyProfilePage.EditProfileButton.Displayed.Should().BeFalse(); }
/// <summary> /// Verify the rights-managed requirements about Sync response. /// </summary> /// <param name="sync">The wrapper class of Sync response.</param> private void VerifySyncResponse(Sync sync) { if (sync != null) { Site.Assert.IsNotNull(sync.Email, "The expected rights-managed e-mail message should not be null."); if (sync.Email.RightsManagementLicense != null) { // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASRM_R208"); // Verify MS-ASRM requirement: MS-ASRM_R208 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( this.activeSyncClient.ValidationResult, 208, @"[In Sending Rights-Managed E-Mail Messages to the Client] To respond to a Sync command request message that includes the RightsManagementSupport element, the server includes the RightsManagementLicense element and its child elements in the Sync command response message."); // Add the debug information Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASRM_R209"); // Verify MS-ASRM requirement: MS-ASRM_R209 Site.CaptureRequirementIfIsTrue( this.activeSyncClient.ValidationResult, 209, @"[In Sending Rights-Managed E-Mail Messages to the Client] In a Sync command response, the RightsManagementLicense element is included as a child of the sync:ApplicationData element ([MS-ASCMD] section"); this.VerifyRightsManagementLicense(sync.Email.RightsManagementLicense); } } }
private void manageFolders(Sync option) { if (syncFolders(deClientDir, option, deBkupClientDir) != TFF.FAIL) { if (syncFolders(dePublishDir, Sync.MKCHANGE, deBkupPublishDir ) == TFF.FAIL) { // MessageBox.Show("Failed: " + dePublishDir); } } else { // MessageBox.Show("Failed: " + deClientDir); } }