Пример #1
        public ServiceResult Insert(SymptomLog s, bool validateFirst = true)
            using (var context = new TreeMonDbContext(this._connectionKey))
                if (validateFirst)
                    SymptomLog dbU = context.GetAll <SymptomLog>().FirstOrDefault(wu => wu.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(s.Name) && wu.AccountUUID == s.AccountUUID);

                    if (dbU != null)
                        return(ServiceResponse.Error("SymptomLog already exists."));
                s.UUID     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                s.UUIDType = "SymptomLog";

                if (!this.DataAccessAuthorized(s, "POST", false))
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized this action."));

                if (context.Insert <SymptomLog>(s))
                    return(ServiceResponse.OK("", s));
            return(ServiceResponse.Error("An error occurred inserting SymptomLog " + s.Name));
Пример #2
        public void SymptomManager_DeleteSymptomLog()
            SymptomManager m = new SymptomManager(new TreeMonDbContext(connectionKey));
            SymptomLog     s = new SymptomLog()
                AccountId   = "a",
                Name        = "DELETERECORD",
                CreatedBy   = "TESTUSER",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                DoseUUID    = "D"


            //Test the delete flag
            Assert.IsTrue(m.DeleteSymptomLog(s) > 0);
            SymptomLog d = m.GetSymptomLog("DELETERECORD");

            Assert.IsTrue(d.Deleted == true);

            Assert.IsTrue(m.DeleteSymptomLog(s, true) > 0);
            d = m.GetSymptomLog("DELETERECORD");
Пример #3
        public ServiceResult UpdateSymptomLogField(string symptomLogUUID, string fieldName, string fieldValue)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(symptomLogUUID))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a UUID."));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldName))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a field name."));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldValue))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a field value."));

            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            SymptomLog sl = symptomManager.GetSymptomLogBy(symptomLogUUID);

            if (sl == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Could not find the log item."));

            if (CurrentUser.UUID != sl.CreatedBy)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized to change this item."));

            bool success = false;

            fieldName = fieldName.ToLower();

            switch (fieldName)
            case "duration":
                sl.Duration = fieldValue.ConvertTo <float>(out success);
                if (!success)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid field value."));

            case "durationmeasure":
                sl.DurationMeasure = fieldValue;

                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Field " + fieldName + " not supported."));
Пример #4
        public ServiceResult Delete(SymptomLog s)
            if (s == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.UUID))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid account was sent."));

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

Пример #5
        public ServiceResult Delete(SymptomLog s)
            if (s == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.UUID))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid account was sent."));

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, Request.Headers?.Authorization?.Parameter);

Пример #6
        public void SymptomManager_GetSymptomLog()
            SymptomManager m  = new SymptomManager(new TreeMonDbContext(connectionKey));
            ServiceResult  sr = m.InsertLog(new SymptomLog()
                AccountId   = "a",
                Name        = "ALPHA",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow
                DoseUUID = "D"
            }, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(sr.Code, 200, sr.Message);
            SymptomLog s = m.GetSymptomLog("ALPHA");

Пример #7
        public ServiceResult GetSymptomLog(string name = "")
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a name for the SymptomLog."));

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            SymptomLog s = symptomManager.GetSymptomLog(name);

            if (s == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("SymptomLog could not be located for the name " + name));

            return(ServiceResponse.OK("", s));
Пример #8
        public ServiceResult Update(SymptomLog s)
            if (s == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid SymptomLog sent to server."));

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            var dbS = symptomManager.GetSymptomLogBy(s.UUID);

            if (dbS == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("SymptomLog was not found."));

            if (s.Efficacy < -5 || s.Efficacy > 5)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Efficacy is out of range."));

            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            if (CurrentUser.UUID != dbS.CreatedBy)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized to change this item."));

            dbS.Name            = s.Name;
            dbS.Status          = s.Status;
            dbS.Duration        = s.Duration;
            dbS.DurationMeasure = s.DurationMeasure;
            dbS.Efficacy        = s.Efficacy;
            dbS.Severity        = s.Severity;
            dbS.SymptomDate     = s.SymptomDate;

            //test this.make sure date, status, severity, efficacy etc is copied over.

Пример #9
        public void SymptomManager_UpdateSymptomLog()
            SymptomManager m = new SymptomManager(new TreeMonDbContext(connectionKey));

            m.InsertLog(new SymptomLog()
                AccountId = "a",
                Name      = "TESTRECORD",
                DoseUUID  = "D"
            SymptomLog s = m.GetSymptomLog("TESTRECORD");

            s.Name = "UPDATEDRECORD";

            Assert.AreEqual(m.UpdateSymptomLog(s).Code, 200);
            SymptomLog u = m.GetSymptomLog("UPDATEDRECORD");

Пример #10
        public ServiceResult Delete(SymptomLog s, bool purge = false)
            ServiceResult res = ServiceResponse.OK();

            if (s == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("No record sent."));

            if (!this.DataAccessAuthorized(s, "DELETE", false))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized this action."));

            if (purge)
                using (var context = new TreeMonDbContext(this._connectionKey))
                    if (context.Delete <SymptomLog>(s) == 0)
                        return(ServiceResponse.Error(s.Name + " failed to delete. "));

            //get the SymptomLog from the table with all the data so when its updated it still contains the same data.
            s = this.GetSymptomLogBy(s.UUID);
            if (s == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Symptom not found"));

            s.Deleted = true;
            using (var context = new TreeMonDbContext(this._connectionKey))
                if (context.Update <SymptomLog>(s) == 0)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error(s.Name + " failed to delete. "));
Пример #11
        public void SymptomManager_GetSymptomLogBy()
            SymptomManager m = new SymptomManager(new TreeMonDbContext(connectionKey));

                m.InsertLog(new SymptomLog()
                AccountId   = "a",
                Name        = "TESTRECORD",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow
                DoseUUID = "D"
            }, false)
                .Code, 200);
            SymptomLog s = m.GetSymptomLog("TESTRECORD");

            SymptomLog suid = m.GetSymptomLogBy(s.UUID);

Пример #12
        public ServiceResult Update(SymptomLog s)
            if (s == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid SymptomLog data."));

            if (!this.DataAccessAuthorized(s, "PATCH", false))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized this action."));

            using (var context = new TreeMonDbContext(this._connectionKey))
                if (context.Update <SymptomLog>(s) > 0)
            return(ServiceResponse.Error("System error, SymptomLog was not updated."));
Пример #13
        public ServiceResult SetRating(string uuid, string type, float score)
            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uuid))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must supply a unique identifier."));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must supply a type identifier."));

            type = type.ToUpper().Trim();
            switch (type)
            case "SYMPTOMLOG":
                SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, Request.Headers?.Authorization?.Parameter);
                SymptomLog     sl             = symptomManager.GetSymptomLogBy(uuid);
                if (sl == null)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("Could not find symptom."));

                if (sl.CreatedBy != CurrentUser.UUID)    //|| sl.AccountId != currentUser.AccountId)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized to rate this item."));

                sl.Efficacy = score;

            return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid type:" + type));
Пример #14
        public void Api_PollController_SaveRating_SYMPTOMLOG()
            TreeMonDbContext context = new TreeMonDbContext(connectionKey);
            //User user = TestHelper.GenerateTestUser(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            //string userJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user);

            SessionManager sessionManager = new SessionManager(connectionKey);
            // UserSession us = sessionManager.SaveSession("", user.UUID, userJson, false);
            UserSession us = sessionManager.GetSession(_ownerAuthToken);

            User       user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(us.UserData);
            SymptomLog mdl  = new SymptomLog();

            mdl.AccountUUID = SystemFlag.Default.Account;
            mdl.CreatedBy   = user.UUID;
            mdl.Name        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            mdl.UUID        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            mdl.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            mdl.SymptomDate = DateTime.Now;

            Assert.IsTrue(context.Insert <SymptomLog>(mdl));

            int score = new Random().Next(1, 100000);//this is big for the test to reduce chance of collission when checking the result.

            Task.Run(async() =>
                ServiceResult res = await TestHelper.SentHttpRequest("POST", "api/Ratings/SYMPTOMLOG/" + mdl.UUID + "/Save/" + score.ToString(), "", _ownerAuthToken);
                Assert.AreEqual(res.Code, 200);

                SymptomLog dblog = context.GetAll <SymptomLog>().FirstOrDefault(w => w.UUID == mdl.UUID);
                Assert.AreEqual(mdl.Name, dblog.Name);
                Assert.AreEqual(score, dblog.Efficacy);
Пример #15
        public ServiceResult AddSymptomLog(SymptomLog s)
            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.AccountUUID) || s.AccountUUID == SystemFlag.Default.Account)
                s.AccountUUID = CurrentUser.AccountUUID;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.CreatedBy))
                s.CreatedBy = CurrentUser.UUID;

            SymptomManager symptomManager = new SymptomManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.UUParentID))
                SymptomLog parentLog = symptomManager.GetSymptomLogBy(s.UUParentID);
                if (parentLog == null)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("Invalid log parent id. The UUParentID must belong to a valid Symptom Log entry."));

                s.DoseUUID = parentLog.DoseUUID;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.UUParentIDType))
                    s.UUParentIDType = parentLog.UUIDType;

            s.Active = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.UUIDType))
                s.UUIDType = "SymptomLog";

            //backlog go to dosehistory selsect a dose and in the symptomps list
            //click add . fill in the data and click
            //VERIFY the fields here.
            //rules for parent list symptom creation
            //Name <- may need to create
            //SymptomUUID <- may need to create
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.Name) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.SymptomUUID))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must select a symptom."));
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.Name) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.SymptomUUID) == false)
            {   //get and assign the name
                var res = symptomManager.Get(s.SymptomUUID);
                if (res.Code != 200)

                Symptom symptom = (Symptom)res.Result;

                s.Name = symptom.Name;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.Name) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.SymptomUUID))
            {   //create the symptoms and assign it to the symptomuuid
                Symptom symptom = (Symptom)symptomManager.Search(s.Name)?.FirstOrDefault();

                if (symptom != null)
                    s.SymptomUUID = symptom.UUID;
                    symptom = new Symptom()
                        Name        = s.Name,
                        AccountUUID = s.AccountUUID,
                        Active      = true,
                        CreatedBy   = CurrentUser.UUID,
                        DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Deleted     = false,
                        UUIDType    = "Symptom",
                        Category    = "General"

                    ServiceResult sr = symptomManager.Insert(symptom);
                    if (sr.Code == 500)

                    s.SymptomUUID = symptom.UUID;

            if (s.SymptomDate == null || s.SymptomDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                s.SymptomDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.Status))//Status start middle end. Query StatusMessage table
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a status."));

            if (s.Severity > 5)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Severity must not be greater than 5."));
            if (s.Efficacy > 5)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Efficacy must not be greater than 5."));
