Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method evaluates a symbol name and returns its value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of symbol</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Position at start of symbol</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected object EvaluateSymbol(string name, int pos)
            object result = default(double);
            // We found a symbol reference
            SymbolStatus status = SymbolStatus.UndefinedSymbol;

            if (ProcessSymbol != null)
                SymbolEventArgs args = new SymbolEventArgs();
                args.Name   = name;
                args.Result = result;
                args.Status = SymbolStatus.OK;
                ProcessSymbol(this, args);
                result = args.Result;
                status = args.Status;
            if (status == SymbolStatus.UndefinedSymbol)
                throw new EvalException(String.Format(ErrorMessages.ErrUndefinedSymbol, name), name, pos);
            if (status == SymbolStatus.UndefinedVariable)
                throw new EvalException(String.Format(ErrorMessages.ErrDataVariable, name), name, pos);

Пример #2
    public static void Enable(string enabled, string disabled)

        string[] symbols;

        // enabled
        symbols = enabled.Split(';');
        foreach (string symbol in symbols)
            SymbolStatus sym = new SymbolStatus();
            sym.name     = symbol;
            sym.oldValue = CompilerSymbolManager.ActivateSymbol(symbol, true);
            Debug.Log("ENABLE: " + sym.name + "=" + sym.oldValue);

        // disabled
        symbols = disabled.Split(';');
        foreach (string symbol in symbols)
            SymbolStatus sym = new SymbolStatus();
            sym.name     = symbol;
            sym.oldValue = CompilerSymbolManager.ActivateSymbol(symbol, false);
            Debug.Log("DISABLE: " + sym.name + "=" + sym.oldValue);

Пример #3
        public void IsValid()
            const SymbolStatus status      = SymbolStatus.Trading;
            var           quoteAsset       = Asset.USDT;
            var           quantityRange    = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 10.0m, 0.01m);
            var           priceRange       = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 100.0m, 0.01m);
            const decimal minNotionalValue = 0.001m;
            const bool    isIcebergAllowed = true;
            var           orderTypes       = new [] { OrderType.Limit, OrderType.Market };

            var validSymbol   = Symbol.BTC_USDT;
            var invalidSymbol = new Symbol(status, new Asset("...", 0), quoteAsset, quantityRange, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes);

Пример #4
    public static void Enable(string _symbolsString)

        string[] symbols = _symbolsString.Split(';');
        foreach (string symbol in symbols)
            SymbolStatus sym = new SymbolStatus();
            sym.name     = symbol;
            sym.oldValue = CompilerSymbolManager.ActivateSymbol(symbol, true);
            Debug.Log("ENABLE: " + sym.name + "=" + sym.oldValue);

Пример #5
        public void Throws()
            const SymbolStatus status      = SymbolStatus.Trading;
            var           baseAsset        = Asset.BTC;
            var           quoteAsset       = Asset.USDT;
            var           quantityRange    = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 10.0m, 0.01m);
            var           priceRange       = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 100.0m, 0.01m);
            const decimal minNotionalValue = 0.001m;
            const bool    isIcebergAllowed = true;
            var           orderTypes       = new OrderType[] { OrderType.Limit, OrderType.Market };

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("baseAsset", () => new Symbol(status, null, quoteAsset, quantityRange, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("quoteAsset", () => new Symbol(status, baseAsset, null, quantityRange, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("quantity", () => new Symbol(status, baseAsset, quoteAsset, null, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("price", () => new Symbol(status, baseAsset, quoteAsset, quantityRange, null, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("orderTypes", () => new Symbol(status, baseAsset, quoteAsset, quantityRange, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, null));
Пример #6
    public static void Disable(string _symbolsString)


        string[] symbols = _symbolsString.Split(';');
        foreach (string symbol in symbols)
            SymbolStatus sym = new SymbolStatus();
            sym.name     = symbol;
            sym.oldValue = CompilerSymbolManager.ActivateSymbol(symbol, false);
            Debug.Log("DISABLE: " + sym.name + "=" + sym.oldValue);

Пример #7
        private async Task <SymbolStatus> IndexSymbol(IStorageFeed feed, PackageName packageName, IBinaryInfo binaryInfo)
            var symbolStatus = new SymbolStatus(new SymbolName(binaryInfo.Name, binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.Hash));

                Debug.WriteLine("Indexing symbol {0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName);
                await RequestOrSkip(string.Format("pdb/{0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName),
                                    async() =>
                    Debug.WriteLine("Storing symbol {0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName);
                    var symbolItem = feed.GetSymbol(packageName, symbolStatus.SymbolName);

                    var pdbstrSection = CreatePdbStrSection(binaryInfo);
                    using (var inputStream = binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.File.GetStream())
                        using (var tempStream = new MemoryStream())
                            using (var outputStream = await symbolItem.Put())
                                pdbStoreManager.WriteSrcSrv(inputStream, tempStream, pdbstrSection);
                                tempStream.Position = 0;
                                var symbolFileName  = Path.GetFileName(binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.File.FullPath);
                                fileCompressor.Compress(symbolFileName, tempStream, outputStream);

                symbolStatus.Stored = true;
                Debug.WriteLine("Stored symbol {0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName);
            catch (Exception e)
                support.TrackException(e, new { packageName });
                symbolStatus.Exception = new ExceptionStatus(e);

            if (binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.SourceInfos != null)
                symbolStatus.SourceStatuses = await ProcessThrottled(
                    5, binaryInfo.SymbolInfo.SourceInfos,
                    async s => await IndexSource(feed, packageName, s));

Пример #8
        public void Properties()
            const SymbolStatus status      = SymbolStatus.Trading;
            var           baseAsset        = Asset.BTC;
            var           quoteAsset       = Asset.USDT;
            var           quantityRange    = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 10.0m, 0.01m);
            var           priceRange       = new InclusiveRange(0.01m, 100.0m, 0.01m);
            const decimal minNotionalValue = 0.001m;
            const bool    isIcebergAllowed = true;
            var           orderTypes       = new OrderType[] { OrderType.Limit, OrderType.Market };

            var symbol = new Symbol(status, baseAsset, quoteAsset, quantityRange, priceRange, minNotionalValue, isIcebergAllowed, orderTypes);

            Assert.Equal(status, symbol.Status);
            Assert.Equal(baseAsset, symbol.BaseAsset);
            Assert.Equal(quoteAsset, symbol.QuoteAsset);
            Assert.Equal(quantityRange, symbol.Quantity);
            Assert.Equal(priceRange, symbol.Price);
            Assert.Equal(minNotionalValue, symbol.NotionalMinimumValue);
            Assert.Equal(orderTypes, symbol.OrderTypes);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">The symbol status.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAsset">The symbol base asset.</param>
        /// <param name="quoteAsset">The symbol quote asset.</param>
        /// <param name="quantity">The minimum, maximum, and incremental quantity values.</param>
        /// <param name="price">The minimum, maximum, and incremental price values.</param>
        /// <param name="notionalMinimumValue">The minimum notional value.</param>
        /// <param name="isIcebergAllowed">The flag indicating if iceberg orders are allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="orderTypes">The list of allowed order types.</param>
        public Symbol(SymbolStatus status, Asset baseAsset, Asset quoteAsset, InclusiveRange quantity, InclusiveRange price, decimal notionalMinimumValue, bool isIcebergAllowed, IEnumerable <OrderType> orderTypes)
            Throw.IfNull(baseAsset, nameof(baseAsset));
            Throw.IfNull(quoteAsset, nameof(quoteAsset));
            Throw.IfNull(quantity, nameof(quantity));
            Throw.IfNull(price, nameof(price));
            Throw.IfNull(orderTypes, nameof(orderTypes));

            Status = status;

            BaseAsset  = baseAsset;
            QuoteAsset = quoteAsset;

            Quantity = quantity;
            Price    = price;

            NotionalMinimumValue = notionalMinimumValue;
            IsIcebergAllowed     = isIcebergAllowed;
            OrderTypes           = orderTypes;

            _symbol = $"{baseAsset}{quoteAsset}";
Пример #10
        private async Task <SymbolStatus> DeleteSymbol(IStorageFeed feed, PackageName packageName, SymbolStatus symbolStatus)
            var newSymbolStatus = new SymbolStatus(symbolStatus.SymbolName);

            if (symbolStatus.Stored)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Deleting symbol {0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName);
                    newSymbolStatus.Stored = true;

                    await RequestOrSkip(string.Format("pdb/{0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName),
                                        async() =>
                        var symbolItem = feed.GetSymbol(packageName, symbolStatus.SymbolName);
                        await symbolItem.Delete();

                    newSymbolStatus.Stored = false;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Deleted symbol {0}", symbolStatus.SymbolName);
                catch (Exception e)
                    support.TrackException(e, new { packageName });
                    newSymbolStatus.Exception = new ExceptionStatus(e);

            if (symbolStatus.SourceStatuses != null)
                newSymbolStatus.SourceStatuses = await ProcessThrottled(
                    5, symbolStatus.SourceStatuses,
                    async s => await DeleteSource(feed, packageName, s));

Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="SymbolEventArgs"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The symbol name.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Returns the resulting value.</param>
 /// <param name="status">Returns the resulting status.</param>
 public SymbolEventArgs(string name, Variable result, SymbolStatus status = SymbolStatus.OK)
     Name   = name;
     Result = result;
     Status = status;