public void LoadSymbols() { try { using (var adsClient = new AdsClient()) { // connection adsClient.Connect(new AmsAddress(_appOptions.Value.AMSNetId, _appOptions.Value.Port)); // get the symbol loader, FLAT mode var symbolLoader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(adsClient, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.Flat)); if (symbolLoader != null) { _symbolCollection = symbolLoader.Symbols; SymbolInfos = new BindableCollection <ISymbol>(_symbolCollection); NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SymbolInfos); } } } catch (ObjectDisposedException exDisposed) { Console.WriteLine("exception\n" + exDisposed.Message); } catch (InvalidOperationException exInvalid) { Console.WriteLine("exception\n" + exInvalid.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Undentified exception\n" + ex.Message); } }
private static void PrintSymbols(AdsClient client) { SymbolLoaderSettings settings = new SymbolLoaderSettings(TwinCAT.SymbolsLoadMode.VirtualTree); ISymbolLoader loader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(client, settings); var symbols = loader.Symbols; PrintSymbols(symbols); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor - establishes connection and creates symbol loader /// </summary> /// <param name="AmsNetId">ADS Client AMS Net Id "x.x.x.x.x.x:port" (</param> public AdsConnection(string AmsNetId) { _client = new TcAdsClient(); // connect ADS client _client.Connect(AmsAddress.Parse(AmsNetId)); if (_client.IsConnected) { // create symbol loader _symbolLoader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(_client, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.VirtualTree)); } }
private void UpdateSymbols(ConnectionState state) { if (state == TwinCAT.ConnectionState.Connected) { var loader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(Client, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.VirtualTree)); TreeViewSymbols = loader.Symbols; var loader2 = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(Client, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.Flat)); FlatViewSymbols = loader2.Symbols; } else { TreeViewSymbols = null; } }
private void UpdateSymbols(AdsState state) { if (state == TwinCAT.Ads.AdsState.Run) { logger.LogDebug($"Update symbols on beckhoff change to {state}"); var loader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(Client, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.Flat)); symbolsSubject.OnNext(loader.Symbols); } else { logger.LogDebug($"Deleting symbols on beckhoff state change to {state}"); symbolsSubject.OnNext(null); } }
public async Task Should_read_symbols_from_server() { using (var serverMock = new Mock(12347, "AdsServerMock")) { serverMock.RegisterReplay(@".\TestFiles\ReadSymbolsPort851.cap"); using (var client = new AdsClient()) { // connect to our mocking server client.Connect(serverMock.ServerAddress.Port); if (client.IsConnected) { var symbolLoader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(client, new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.Flat, TcAds.ValueAccess.ValueAccessMode.Default)); var symbols = await symbolLoader.GetSymbolsAsync(CancellationToken.None); Assert.IsTrue(symbols.Succeeded); } } } }
private void RegisterSubscriptions() { try { // create client _adsClient = new AdsClient(); // connection _adsClient.Connect(new AmsAddress(_appOptions.AMSNetId, _appOptions.Port)); // get the symbol loader _symbolLoader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(_adsClient, SymbolLoaderSettings.Default); if (_symbolLoader == null) { return; } // symbol from appsetting.json if (_appOptions.ValueSymbols.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _appOptions.ValueSymbols.Count; i++) { var currentValueSymbol = _appOptions.ValueSymbols[i]; // GetIValueSymbol var res = GetIValueSymbol(_symbolLoader, currentValueSymbol); if (res != null) { SubscribeIValueSymbol(res); } } } } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex_objectDisposed) { //throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Connect to PLC /// </summary> public void Connect() { // If already connected, disconnect first if (Session != null && Connection.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected) { Disconnect(); } try { Session?.Dispose(); Session = new AdsSession(new AmsAddress(_address), SessionSettings.Default); Connection = (AdsConnection)Session.Connect(); _symbolLoader = SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(Connection, _symbolLoaderSettings); StateInfo stateInfo = Connection.ReadState(); AdsState state = stateInfo.AdsState; if (state == AdsState.Run || state == AdsState.Stop) { Connected = true; GetSymbols(); } else { Disconnect(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); string port = Session == null ? string.Empty : $"Port {Session.Port}: "; OnPlcConnectionError(new PlcConnectionErrorEventArgs($"{port}{ex.Message}")); Disconnect(); } }
public void CopyPasteTestDynamic() { using (TcAdsClient client = new TcAdsClient()) { client.Synchronize = false; // Connect to the target device client.Connect("", 853); // Usage of "dynamic" Type and Symbols (>= .NET4 only) SymbolLoaderSettings settings = new SymbolLoaderSettings(SymbolsLoadMode.DynamicTree); IAdsSymbolLoader dynLoader = (IAdsSymbolLoader)SymbolLoaderFactory.Create(client, settings); // Set the Default setting for Notifications dynLoader.DefaultNotificationSettings = new AdsNotificationSettings(AdsTransMode.OnChange, 200, 2000); // Get the Symbols (Dynamic Symbols) dynamic dynamicSymbols = ((IDynamicSymbolLoader)dynLoader).SymbolsDynamic; dynamic adsPort = dynamicSymbols.TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._AppInfo.AdsPort; // Access Main Symbol with Dynamic Language Runtime support (DLR) // Dynamically created property "Main" // dynamic symMain = dynamicSymbols.Main; // Main is an 'VirtualSymbol' / Organizational unit that doesn't have a value // Calling ReadValue is not allowed // bool test = symMain.HasValue; // dynamic invalid = symMain.ReadValue(); // Reading TaskInfo Value // With calling ReadValue() a 'snapshot' of the Symbols Instance is taken dynamic vTaskInfoArray = dynamicSymbols.TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo.ReadValue(); // Getting the Snapshot time in UTC format DateTime timeStamp1 = vTaskInfoArray.UtcTimeStamp; // Getting TaskInfo Symbol for Task 1 dynamic symTaskInfo1 = dynamicSymbols.TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._TaskInfo[1]; // Getting CycleCount Symbol dynamic symCycleCount = symTaskInfo1.CycleCount; // Take Snapshot value of the ApplicationInfo struct dynamic vAppInfo = dynamicSymbols.TwinCAT_SystemInfoVarList._AppInfo.ReadValue(); // Get the UTC Timestamp of the snapshot DateTime timeStamp2 = vAppInfo.UtcTimeStamp; // Access the ProjectName of the ApplicationInfo Snapshot (type-safe!) string projectNameValue = vAppInfo.ProjectName; // Reading the CycleCount Value uint cycleCountValue = symTaskInfo1.CycleCount.ReadValue(); // Taking a Value Snapshot // Registering for dynamic "ValueChanged" events for the Values // Using Default Notification settings symCycleCount.ValueChanged += new EventHandler <ValueChangedArgs>(CycleCountValueChanged); // Override default notification settings symTaskInfo1.NotificationSettings = new AdsNotificationSettings(AdsTransMode.Cyclic, 500, 0); // Register for ValueChanged event. symTaskInfo1.ValueChanged += new EventHandler <ValueChangedArgs>(TaskInfo1ValueValueChanged); // Struct Type Thread.Sleep(10000); // Sleep main thread for 10 Seconds } Console.WriteLine("CycleCount Changed events received: {0}", cycleCountEvents); Console.WriteLine("taskInfo1 Changed events received: {0}", taskInfo1Events); }