Пример #1
    public SymEntry EnsureSymbolType(SymEntry sym, System.Type tExpected, FileRange location)
        if (sym == null)
            return null;
        Type tSym = sym.GetType();
        if (tSym == tExpected)
            return sym;

        if (tSym.IsSubclassOf(tExpected))
            return sym;
        bool fMatch = SymbolEngine.TypeEntry.IsAssignable(sym.GetType(), tExpected);
        if (fMatch)
            return sym;

        ThrowError(SymbolError.BadSymbolType(sym, tExpected, location));
            "Symbol '" + sym.Name + "' must be of type '" + tExpected.ToString() + "', not '" +
            sym.GetType().ToString() + "'");
        return sym;
Пример #2
 // We only need Lookup() during the resolve phase (because that's the only time
 // we need to convert text into symbols)
 // After that, we can just use the symbols directly    
 // Lookup an entry in a specific scope
 // If it doesn't exist, then return null if !fMustExist and throw if fMustExist
 public SymEntry LookupSymbol(Scope scope, Identifier id, bool fMustExist)
     SymEntry  s = scope.LookupSymbol(id.Text);
     if (fMustExist && s == null)
     return s;
Пример #3
 public virtual void EnsureAssignable(
     System.Type tFrom, 
     System.Type tTo, 
     FileRange location
     bool fOk = TypeEntry.IsAssignable(tFrom, tTo);
     if (!fOk)
         ThrowError(SymbolError.TypeMismatch(tFrom, tTo, location));        
Пример #4
    // Lookup a symbol in the current context.
    // The context includes the lexical scope stack, super scopes, 
    // and using directives        
    // If it doesn't exist, then return null if !fMustExist and throw exception if fMustExist
    public virtual SymEntry LookupSymbolWithContext(Identifier id, bool fMustExist)
        string strName = id.Text;
        // Search through stack of lexical scopes
        SymEntry sym = null;
        Scope t = m_CurrentContext;
        while(t != null)
            sym = LookupSymbol(t, id, false); // <-- smart lookup, go through ILookupController
            if (sym != null) 
                return sym;
            t = t.m_LexicalParent;            

        // Don't need this any more with ILookupControllers
        #if false
        // Check using directives if not found in the current scope stack
        // Do this by traversing the scope stack and looking for UserNamespaceEntry
        // (we can never be in an imported namespace, so that's ok)
        t = m_CurrentContext;
        while (t != null)
            AST.NamespaceDecl node = t.Node as AST.NamespaceDecl;            
            if (node != null)
                sym = node.LookupSymbolInUsingDirectives(this, id);
                if (sym != null)
                    return sym;

            t = t.m_LexicalParent;

        // Symbol  not found
        if (fMustExist) 
        return null;
Пример #5
 // Get rid of this function
 public SymEntry LookupSymbol(Scope scope, string st, bool fMustExist)
     SymEntry s = scope.LookupSymbol(st);        
     bool f= false;
     if (f) {
         System.Xml.XmlWriter o = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StreamWriter("dump.xml"));
         scope.Dump(o, true);
     if (fMustExist && s == null)
         FileRange range = new FileRange();
         range.Filename = "<not specified>";
         Identifier id = new Identifier(st, range);
     return s;
Пример #6
 internal static int ERResolve(SymbolError.Code e)
     return ((int) e) + 3000;
Пример #7
 internal ErrorException(SymbolError.Code e, FileRange location, string stMessage) 
     : this(ERResolve(e), location, stMessage) { }
Пример #8
 // @dogfood - if a parameter is of type 'code', then that gets confused with
 // the ErrorException get_Code Property from our base class.
 // For now, use a fully-qualified name. But we should fix this.
 //internal SymbolErrorException(Code c, FileRange location, string s) : 
 internal SymbolErrorException(SymbolError.Code c, FileRange location, string s) : 
     base (c, location, s)
     // All Symbol errors will come through this body.
Пример #9
 static public void ThrowError(SymbolError.SymbolErrorException e)
Пример #10
 // Shortcut helper functions.
 static public void PrintError(SymbolError.SymbolErrorException e)
Пример #11
// Create the scopes for an imported types
    Scope CreateImportedContext(System.Type tImport)
        // Traverse namespaces to find scope
        Scope scope = m_scopeGlobal;
        string s = tImport.ToString();
        // In a type's string name, the '.' separates namespaces,
        // the '+' separates for nested classes.        
        // Valid form:
        // i.i.i+i+i+i
        int iStart  = 0;
        int i       = s.IndexOf('.');            
        // Search past namespaces
        while(i != -1) 
            string stNamespace = s.Substring(iStart, i - iStart);
            SymEntry sym = LookupSymbol(scope, stNamespace, false);
            if (sym == null) 
                ImportedNamespaceEntry nsImported = new ImportedNamespaceEntry(
                    s.Substring(0, i)
                scope = nsImported.ChildScope;
                // If the symbol already exists, must be a namespace                    
                if (sym is NamespaceEntry) 
                    scope = ((NamespaceEntry) sym).ChildScope;
                    ThrowError(SymbolError.IllegalAssembly(tImport.Assembly, "Illegal type: " + s));
            iStart = i + 1;
            i = s.IndexOf('.', iStart);
        // If we're not a nested type, then we can return the scope now
        if (tImport.DeclaringType == null)                   
            Debug.Assert(s.Substring(iStart) == tImport.Name);
            return scope;
        // Containing class should have already been added.
        Debug.Assert(TryLookupCLRType(tImport.DeclaringType) != null);
        // Else we have to traverse the class scopes to find out containing scope.        
        // n.n. c1+c2
        i = s.IndexOf('+', iStart);   
        while (i != -1)
            string stClass = s.Substring(iStart, i - iStart);
            TypeEntry tBlue = (TypeEntry) LookupSymbol(scope, stClass, true);
            scope = tBlue.MemberScope;
            Debug.Assert(scope != null);
            iStart = i + 1;
            i = s.IndexOf('+', iStart);        
        Debug.Assert(s.Substring(iStart) == tImport.Name);
        return scope;