private void Start()
     gfm = FindObjectOfType <GameFeelManager>();
     rb  = GetComponentInParent <Rigidbody2D>();
     cc  = GetComponentInParent <CharacterController2D>();
     ss  = GetComponentInParent <SwordSwing>();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     rb           = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     boxColl      = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     scale        = GetComponentInChildren <ScaleWithVelocity>();
     swordSwing   = GetComponent <SwordSwing>();
     audioManager = FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>();
     gfm          = FindObjectOfType <GameFeelManager>();
Пример #3
 void Start()
     swordSwing = GetComponent <SwordSwing>();
Пример #4
    void Update()

        if (input.holdingMove)
            facingAngle = input.moveAngle;

        // Move sword around with player while held
        if (currSwordSwing)
            currSwordSwing.SetHeldRotation(Mathf.Rad2Deg * facingAngle);

        // Rotate visual around
        visual.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, Mathf.Rad2Deg * facingAngle));

        PlayerInput.ButtonState swordButton = input.swordButton.state;
        lockFacingAngle = false;

        if (!currSwordSwing)         // No sword out

            if (swordButton == PlayerInput.ButtonState.Press && dashAmount == 0)
                // Swing sword
                currSwordSwing           = GameObject.Instantiate(swordSwing, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                currSwordSwing.aimAngle  = facingAngle * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                currSwordSwing.arc       = 170;
                currSwordSwing.swingTime = .18f;
                currSwordSwing.reverse   = false;

                timeHeldAtFull         = 0;
                releasedCurrSwordSwing = false;
        else             // Sword out

            bool releasing = swordButton == PlayerInput.ButtonState.Release;
            bool holding   = swordButton == PlayerInput.ButtonState.Hold || swordButton == PlayerInput.ButtonState.Press;

            if (releasing)
                releasedCurrSwordSwing = true;
            if (releasedCurrSwordSwing)
                holding = false;

            bool couldDash = timeHeldAtFull >= dashButtonHoldTime;

            if (!currSwordSwing.DoneSwinging())
                lockFacingAngle = true;

            if (holding)             // Holding

                if (currSwordSwing.DoneSwinging())
                    timeHeldAtFull += Time.deltaTime;
            else                 // Released

                if (couldDash && input.holdingMove)
                    // Dash
                    input.lockMoveButtons = true;
                    dashAmount            = 1;
                    Invoke("StopDashing", dashTime);

                    dashSwing           = GameObject.Instantiate(swordSwing, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    dashSwing.aimAngle  = facingAngle * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                    dashSwing.arc       = 190;
                    dashSwing.swingTime = dashTime - .1f;
                    dashSwing.reverse   = true;

                // Destroy sword when done with the whole swing
                if (currSwordSwing.DoneSwinging())
                    currSwordSwing = null;
                    timeHeldAtFull = 0;