protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str; string str2; long num; long num2 = 0; //И││шох SqlDataReader reader = null; //И││шох int num3; goto Label_0033; Label_0002: switch (num3) { case 0: if (!reader.Read()) { goto Label_022D; } num3 = 3; goto Label_0002; case 1: goto Label_0186; case 2: new NotClass(this.SID, num).fromStyleLibCopy(num2, this.SID, num); this.sClientJs = "ID=1;\r\n"; num3 = 1; goto Label_0002; case 3: str2 = reader[0].ToString(); num3 = 8; goto Label_0002; case 4: try { num2 = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["ID"]); } catch { } num3 = 5; goto Label_0002; case 5: if (num2 <= 0) { goto Label_0186; } num3 = 2; goto Label_0002; case 6: if (this.SID != 0) { goto Label_0134; } num3 = 7; goto Label_0002; case 7: base.Response.End(); num3 = 9; goto Label_0002; case 8: goto Label_022D; case 9: goto Label_0134; } Label_0033: str2 = ""; this.SID = Convert.ToInt64(base.Request.QueryString["SID"]); num = 0; num = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]); num3 = 6; goto Label_0002; Label_0134: num2 = 0; num3 = 4; goto Label_0002; Label_0186 :; //command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT TOP 1 ExpandContent FROM SurveyExpand WHERE SID=" + this.SID.ToString() + " AND UID=" + num.ToString() + " AND ExpandType=9", connection); reader = new Survey_SetStyle_Layer().GetSurveyExpand(this.SID.ToString(), num.ToString()); num3 = 0; goto Label_0002; Label_022D: reader.Dispose(); this.Result.Value = str2; (Page.FindControl("sid") as HtmlInputHidden).Value = this.SID.ToString(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str; long num; long num2; string str2; string str3; int num3 = 0; //赋初值 int num4; goto Label_003B; Label_0002: switch (num4) { case 0: base.Response.End(); num4 = 1; goto Label_0002; case 1: goto Label_0203; case 2: //command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO SurveyExpand(SID,UID,ExpandContent,ExpandType) VALUES(" + num.ToString() + "," + num2.ToString() + ",'" + str3 + "',9)"; new Survey_SetStyle_Layer().InsertSurveyExpand(num.ToString(), num2.ToString(), str3, "9"); num4 = 10; goto Label_0002; case 3: if (num3 != 0) { goto Label_02CD; } num4 = 2; goto Label_0002; case 4: if (!(str2 != "")) { goto Label_0314; } num4 = 9; goto Label_0002; case 5: if (str2 != null) { goto Label_016B; } num4 = 6; goto Label_0002; case 6: str2 = ""; num4 = 11; goto Label_0002; case 7: if (num != 0) { goto Label_0203; } num4 = 0; goto Label_0002; case 8: goto Label_0314; case 9: { NotClass class3 = new NotClass(num, num2); //class2.checkLimits(Convert.ToString(this.Session["Limits3"]), "rs:newstyle", 2, "样式入库:没有权限", "Limits.aspx"); this.sMessage = class3.saveStyleToLib(num2, str2, str3); num4 = 8; goto Label_0002; } case 10: if ((1 == 0) || (0 == 0)) { goto Label_02CD; } goto Label_016B; case 11: goto Label_016B; } Label_003B: num = 0; num2 = 0; str2 = ""; str3 = ""; num2 = ConvertHelper.ConvertLong(this.Session["UserID"]); //class2.checkLimits(Convert.ToString(this.Session["Limits3"]), "setstyle.aspx", 2, "定义全局样式:没有权限", "Limits.aspx"); num = Convert.ToInt32(base.Request.Form["sid"]); num4 = 7; goto Label_0002; Label_016B: //command = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE SurveyExpand SET ExpandContent='" + str3 + "' WHERE SID=" + num.ToString() + " AND UID=" + num2.ToString() + " AND ExpandType=9", connection); num3 = new Survey_SetStyle_Layer().UpdateSurveyExpand(str3, num.ToString(), num2.ToString()); num4 = 3; goto Label_0002; Label_0203: str3 = base.Request.Form["Result"]; str2 = base.Request.Form["StyleLibName"]; num4 = 5; goto Label_0002; Label_02CD: num4 = 4; goto Label_0002; Label_0314: return; }