Пример #1
    public string load()
        if (File.Exists(path))
            BinaryFormatter binary  = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      fStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);

            SurrogateSelector surrogater = new SurrogateSelector();
            Surrogates.AddSurrogates(ref surrogater);
            binary.SurrogateSelector = surrogater;

            DataValues saver = (DataValues)binary.Deserialize(fStream);

            dateLogic.Hours   = saver.Hours;
            dateLogic.Minutes = saver.Minutes;
            dateLogic.Day     = saver.Day;
            dateLogic.Month   = saver.Month;
            dateLogic.Year    = saver.Year;
            keywords.Keywords = saver.Keywords;
            return("Successfully Loaded your data!\n");
        return("Could not find the data, have you saved before?");
Пример #2
    public string Save()
        //Create a new instance of the BinaryFormatter
        BinaryFormatter binary = new BinaryFormatter();
        //Create a new instance of the SurrogateSelector
        SurrogateSelector surrogate = new SurrogateSelector();
        //Create a new file on the path
        FileStream fStream = File.Create(path);

        //Add out custom surrogates to the Surrogate
        Surrogates.AddSurrogates(ref surrogate);
        //Add the surrogates to the BinaryFormatter
        binary.SurrogateSelector = surrogate;

        //Create a new instance of the DataValues script
        DataValues saver = new DataValues();

        //Set all the values you want to save
        saver.Hours       = dateLogic.Hours;
        saver.Minutes     = dateLogic.Minutes;
        saver.Day         = dateLogic.Day;
        saver.Month       = dateLogic.Month;
        saver.Year        = dateLogic.Year;
        saver.GameObjects = collectObjects.collect();
        saver.Keywords    = keywords.Keywords;

        //Serialize the saverinstance to the fstream
        binary.Serialize(fStream, saver);
        //Close the stream
        return("Successfully saved your data!");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the index of the previous full character.
        /// </summary>
        public static int PrevCharIndex(this ITsString tss, int ich)
            if (ich < 0 || ich >= tss.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ich");

            return(Surrogates.PrevChar(tss.Text, ich));
Пример #4
        private bool IsValidInsertionPoint(int runIndex, int ichRun)
            if (Surrogates.IsTrailSurrogate(Para.Source.ClientRuns[runIndex].Text[ichRun]))
            int prevLogicalChars = Para.Source.ClientRuns.Take(runIndex).Sum(run => run.Length);
            int ichRen           = Para.Source.LogToRen(Para.Source.LogToRen(prevLogicalChars + ichRun));

            for (var box = Para.FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
                var sbox = box as StringBox;
                if (sbox == null)
                if (sbox.IchMin > ichRen)
                    return(true);                    // we've passed any box that might object
                if (sbox.IchMin + sbox.RenderLength >= ichRen)
                    // This one will typically determine it.
                    // Enhance JohnT: remove the VwGraphics argument from IsValidInsertionPoint;
                    // no implementation uses it. As we switch to the new Graphite interface, we may
                    // drop this altogether, and skip diacritics just based on unicode properties.
                    var isValidInsertionPoint = sbox.Segment.IsValidInsertionPoint(sbox.IchMin, null, ichRen);
                    if (isValidInsertionPoint == LgIpValidResult.kipvrBad)
                        return(false);                        // this box is sure it is no good.
                    if (isValidInsertionPoint == LgIpValidResult.kipvrOK)
                        return(true);                        // this box is sure it is fine
                    // otherwise possibly try one more: we may be at a boundary.
            return(true);            // assume OK unless vetoed.
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement the backspace key function (delete one character, or merge two paragraphs).
        /// </summary>
        public void Backspace()
            Invalidate();             // while we still know the old position.
            if (Hookup == null)
            if (StringPosition == 0)
                if (Hookup.ClientRunIndex == 0)
                if (Para.Source.ClientRuns[Hookup.ClientRunIndex - 1] is TextClientRun)
                    // Delete at end of previous run.
                    var prevClientRun = Para.Source.NonEmptyStringClientRunEndingBefore(Hookup.ClientRunIndex);
                    if (prevClientRun == null)
                    // Enhance JohnT: maybe some kind of hookup can merge with previous para or delete an embedded object?
                    Debug.Assert(StringPosition != 0, "should have selected at the END of a non-empty run");
            string oldValue = Hookup.Text;
            int    newPos   = Surrogates.PrevChar(oldValue, StringPosition);        // Enhance JohnT: should we delete back to a base?
            var    start    = new InsertionPoint(Hookup, newPos, false);

            if (!Hookup.CanDelete(start, this))
            Hookup.Delete(start, this);
            StringPosition = newPos;
Пример #6
        public void TestStringCase()
            CaseFunctions cf = new CaseFunctions("en");

            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.allLower, cf.StringCase("abc"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.allLower, cf.StringCase(""));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.allLower, cf.StringCase(null));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.title, cf.StringCase("Abc"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.title, cf.StringCase("A"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.mixed, cf.StringCase("AbC"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.mixed, cf.StringCase("ABC"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.mixed, cf.StringCase("aBC"));
            int    surrogateUc    = 0x10400;       // DESERET CAPITAL LETTER LONG I
            int    surrogateLc    = 0x10428;       // DESERET SMALL LETTER LONG I
            string strUcSurrogate = Surrogates.StringFromCodePoint(surrogateUc);
            string strLcSurrogate = Surrogates.StringFromCodePoint(surrogateLc);

            // A single upper case surrogate is treated as title.
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.title, cf.StringCase(strUcSurrogate));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.title, cf.StringCase(strUcSurrogate + "bc"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.mixed, cf.StringCase(strUcSurrogate + "bC"));
            Assert.AreEqual(StringCaseStatus.allLower, cf.StringCase(strLcSurrogate + "bc"));
Пример #7
        public RangeSelection ExpandToWord()
            var            cpe         = LgIcuCharPropEngineClass.Create();
            RangeSelection rangeSel    = new RangeSelection(this, new InsertionPoint(Hookup, StringPosition + 1, AssociatePrevious));
            var            backwardSel = new InsertionPoint(Hookup, StringPosition, AssociatePrevious);
            var            forwardSel  = new InsertionPoint(Hookup, StringPosition, AssociatePrevious);

            while (true)
                if (backwardSel.StringPosition == 0)
                char testChar = backwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[backwardSel.StringPosition];
                int  testInt  = testChar;
                if (Surrogates.IsTrailSurrogate(testChar))
                    testInt = Surrogates.Int32FromSurrogates(backwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[backwardSel.StringPosition], testChar);
                else if (Surrogates.IsLeadSurrogate(testChar))
                    testInt = Surrogates.Int32FromSurrogates(testChar, backwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[backwardSel.StringPosition + 1]);
                if (!cpe.get_IsNumber(testInt) && !cpe.get_IsWordForming(testInt) ||
                    backwardSel.ContainingRun.WritingSystemAt(backwardSel.StringPosition) != ContainingRun.WritingSystemAt(StringPosition))
                rangeSel = new RangeSelection(backwardSel, this);
            backwardSel = rangeSel.Anchor;
            while (true)
                if (forwardSel.StringPosition == forwardSel.ContainingRun.Length)
                    if (backwardSel.StringPosition == forwardSel.StringPosition)
                char testChar = forwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[forwardSel.StringPosition];
                int  testInt  = testChar;
                if (Surrogates.IsLeadSurrogate(testChar))
                    testInt  = Surrogates.Int32FromSurrogates(testChar, forwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[forwardSel.StringPosition]);
                    testChar = (char)testInt;
                else if (Surrogates.IsTrailSurrogate(testChar))
                    testInt  = Surrogates.Int32FromSurrogates(forwardSel.ContainingRun.Text[forwardSel.StringPosition - 1], testChar);
                    testChar = (char)testInt;
                if (!cpe.get_IsNumber(testInt) && !cpe.get_IsWordForming(testInt) ||
                    forwardSel.ContainingRun.WritingSystemAt(forwardSel.StringPosition) != ContainingRun.WritingSystemAt(StringPosition))
                    if (testChar.Equals(" ".ToCharArray()[0]))
                        rangeSel = new RangeSelection(backwardSel, forwardSel);
                rangeSel = new RangeSelection(backwardSel, forwardSel);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Shorten the current line. Currently this is only called when the last thing on the line
        /// is a string box. If possible, replace its segment with a shorter one. If this is not possible,
        /// and it is not the first thing on the line, remove it altogether. If it IS the first thing on
        /// the line, do nothing. We'll live with the bad break, because there is nothing better we know
        /// how to do.
        /// Returns true if successful, which means FinalizeLine should be called again. False if
        /// unsuccessful, to prevent infinite loop.
        /// </summary>
        private bool Backtrack()
            var lastBox = m_lines.Last().LastBox as StringBox;

            while (lastBox != null)
                // We want to call FindLineBreak again with the same arguments we used to create the segment
                // of lastBox, except that ichLimBacktrack should prevent including the last character.
                // (We expect that is is NOT a white-space-only segment, since we were not able to break after it.)
                int ichMin = lastBox.IchMin;
                int ichLim = ichMin + lastBox.Segment.get_Lim(ichMin);
                //int dxWidthLast = lastBox.Segment.get_Width(ichMin, m_layoutInfo.VwGraphics);
                int ichLimBacktrack = ichLim - 1;
                // skip back one if we're splitting a surrogate.
                if (ichLimBacktrack > 0)
                    string charsAtLim = Fetch(ichLimBacktrack - 1, ichLimBacktrack + 1);
                    if (Surrogates.IsTrailSurrogate(charsAtLim[1]) && Surrogates.IsLeadSurrogate(charsAtLim[0]))
                int runIndex = m_renderRunIndex;                 // what would have beem m_renderRunIndex when making lastBox's segment.
                while (runIndex > 0 && ichMin < m_renderRuns[runIndex].RenderStart)
                var              renderer  = m_layoutInfo.GetRenderer(m_renderRuns[runIndex].Ws);
                int              ichRunLim = GetLimitOfRunWithSameRenderer(renderer, runIndex);
                ILgSegment       seg;
                int              dichLim, dxWidth;
                LgEndSegmentType est;
                bool             mustGetSomeSeg = m_currentLine.FirstBox == lastBox;
                var              twsh           = LgTrailingWsHandling.ktwshAll;
                bool             runRtl         = m_layoutInfo.RendererFactory.RightToLeft(m_renderRuns[runIndex].Ws);
                bool             paraRtl        = m_para.Style.RightToLeft;
                if (runRtl != paraRtl)
                    twsh = LgTrailingWsHandling.ktwshNoWs;
                var spaceLeftOnCurrentLine = m_spaceLeftOnCurrentLine + lastBox.Width;

                renderer.FindBreakPoint(m_layoutInfo.VwGraphics, m_para.Source, null, ichMin,
                                        ichRunLim, ichLimBacktrack, false, mustGetSomeSeg, spaceLeftOnCurrentLine,
                                        mustGetSomeSeg ? LgLineBreak.klbClipBreak : LgLineBreak.klbWordBreak, twsh,
                                        false, out seg, out dichLim, out dxWidth, out est, null);
                if (seg == null)
                    // can't make any shorter segment here.
                    // Can we backtrack further by getting rid of this box altogether?
                    Box boxBefore = m_lines.Last().BoxBefore(lastBox);
                    if (boxBefore is StringBox)
                        lastBox = (StringBox)boxBefore;
                    // Currently backtracking should not need to remove a non-string box, because we always allow
                    // breaking after them. So if boxBefore is not a string box, we can break after it.
                    m_ichRendered            = ichMin;
                    m_spaceLeftOnCurrentLine = spaceLeftOnCurrentLine;
                    m_renderRunIndex         = AdvanceRenderRunIndexToIch(m_ichRendered, m_renderRunIndex);

                AddBoxToLine(seg, ichMin, dichLim, est, spaceLeftOnCurrentLine);
                ILgSegment whiteSpaceSeg;
                if (twsh == LgTrailingWsHandling.ktwshNoWs)
                    // Add a white space segment if possible.
                    renderer.FindBreakPoint(m_layoutInfo.VwGraphics, m_para.Source, null, m_ichRendered,
                                            ichRunLim, ichRunLim, false, true, m_spaceLeftOnCurrentLine, LgLineBreak.klbWordBreak,
                                            LgLineBreak.klbWordBreak, LgTrailingWsHandling.ktwshOnlyWs,
                                            false, out whiteSpaceSeg, out dichLim, out dxWidth, out est, null);
                    if (seg != null)
                        AddBoxToLine(whiteSpaceSeg, m_ichRendered, dichLim, est, m_spaceLeftOnCurrentLine);
                m_renderRunIndex = AdvanceRenderRunIndexToIch(m_ichRendered, m_renderRunIndex);
            return(false);            // no better break available, use the line as it is.