public ActionResult Settle(SupplyOrderPreviousList model) { model.SettledDate = System.DateTime.Now; model.SettledBy = UserID.ToString(); try { string id = new SupplyOrderRepository().SOSettlement(model); TempData["success"] = "Settled successfully. Supply Order LPO.No. is " + id; TempData["error"] = ""; return(RedirectToAction("PendingSOSettle")); } catch (SqlException sx) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured while connecting to database. Please check your network connection and try again.|" + sx.Message; } catch (NullReferenceException nx) { TempData["error"] = "Some required data was missing. Please try again.|" + nx.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured. Please try again.|" + ex.Message; } return(View("Settle", model.SupplyOrderItemId)); }
public string SOSettlement(SupplyOrderPreviousList objSupplyOrder) { using (IDbConnection connection = OpenConnection(dataConnection)) { string sql = @" UPDATE SupplyOrderItem SET SettledQty = @BalanceQuantity,SettledReason=@SettledReason, SettledDate=@SettledDate,SettledBy=@SettledBy WHERE SupplyOrderItemId = @SupplyOrderItemId;"; var id = connection.Execute(sql, objSupplyOrder); //InsertLoginHistory(dataConnection, objSupplyOrder.CreatedBy, "Update", "LPO", id.ToString(), "0"); return(objSupplyOrder.SupplyOrderNo); } }
public ActionResult Settle(int id = 0) { try { if (id != 0) { SupplyOrderPreviousList supplyorder = new SupplyOrderPreviousList(); supplyorder = new SupplyOrderRepository().GetSOSettlement(id); FillDropdowns(); return(View(supplyorder)); } else { TempData["error"] = "That was an invalid/unknown request. Please try again."; TempData["success"] = ""; } } catch (InvalidOperationException iox) { TempData["error"] = "Sorry, we could not find the requested item. Please try again.|" + iox.Message; } catch (SqlException sx) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured while connecting to database. Please try again after sometime.|" + sx.Message; } catch (NullReferenceException nx) { TempData["error"] = "Some required data was missing. Please try again.|" + nx.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured. Please try again.|" + ex.Message; } TempData["success"] = ""; return(RedirectToAction("PendingSOSettle")); }