public IHttpActionResult PostSupplier(SupplierDetail supplierReceived) { var context = new ClipperDBEntities(); context.SupplierDetails.Add(supplierReceived); try { context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { Exception raise = dbEx; foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}", validationErrors.Entry.Entity.ToString(), validationError.ErrorMessage); raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise); } } throw raise; } catch (Exception ex) { // Exception raise = new Exception(HandleException(ex)); Exception raise = ex.InnerException; throw raise; } }
// Author: KyawThiha, Yeo Jia Hui //Create New Supplier public IActionResult CreateNewSupplier() { if (getUserRole().Equals("")) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } //Security if (!(getUserRole() == DeptRole.StoreClerk.ToString() || getUserRole() == DeptRole.StoreSupervisor.ToString() || getUserRole() == DeptRole.StoreManager.ToString())) { return(RedirectToAction(_filterService.Filter(getUserRole()), "Dept")); } var newSupplier = new Supplier(); newSupplier.SupplierDetails = new List <SupplierDetail>(); var stationeries = _dbContext.Stationeries.ToList(); foreach (var stationary in stationeries) { var sDetail = new SupplierDetail(); sDetail.Stationery = stationary; newSupplier.SupplierDetails.Add(sDetail); } Console.WriteLine(newSupplier); ViewData["username"] = HttpContext.Session.GetString("username"); return(View(newSupplier)); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(int id, SupplierDetail supplier) { var context = new ClipperDBEntities(); SupplierDetail SupplierStatus = context.SupplierDetails.Find(id); if (supplier == null) { return(NotFound()); } else if (supplier == null) { ArgumentNullException argumentNullException = new ArgumentNullException(); return(InternalServerError(argumentNullException)); } else { SupplierDetail SupplierUpdate = context.SupplierDetails .Where(e => e.SupplierDetailsID == supplier.SupplierDetailsID).FirstOrDefault(); if (SupplierUpdate != null) { context.Entry(SupplierUpdate).CurrentValues.SetValues(supplier); } } context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(supplier)); }
public IHttpActionResult Post(List <SupplierDetail> supplierDataReceived) { SupplierDetail supplier = new SupplierDetail(); var context = new ClipperDBEntities(); foreach (SupplierDetail supplierData in supplierDataReceived) { context.SupplierDetails.Add(supplierData); } try { context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { Exception raise = dbEx; foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}", validationErrors.Entry.Entity.ToString(), validationError.ErrorMessage); raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise); } } return(InternalServerError(dbEx)); } }
public ActionResult AddSupplier(SupplierTypeModel supplier) { var supplierServiceClient = new ServiceReference1.SupplierServiceClient(); SupplierDetail newSupplier = new SupplierDetail { CompanyName = supplier.CompanyName, ContactName = supplier.ContactName, ContactTitle = supplier.ContactTitle, Country = supplier.Country, Address = supplier.Address, City = supplier.City, Fax = supplier.Fax, Region = supplier.Region, Tel = supplier.Tel, Website = supplier.Website, }; if (supplierServiceClient.AddSupplier(newSupplier)) { Console.WriteLine("supplier a été ajouté"); return(View()); } else { return(View()); } }
//HOW DO WE ADD THE SUPPLIER public async Task <IActionResult> Create(int [] SelectedSuppliers, [Bind("ProductID,SKU,Name,Price,Description")] Product product) { //finds next SKU product.SKU = GenerateNextSKU.GetNextSKU(_context); if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(product); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); //add connections to suppliers //first, find the PRODUCT you just added Product dbProduct = _context.Products.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SKU == product.SKU); //loop through selected departments and add them foreach (int i in SelectedSuppliers) { Supplier dbSupplier = _context.Suppliers.Find(i); SupplierDetail cd = new SupplierDetail(); cd.Product = dbProduct; cd.Supplier = dbSupplier; _context.SupplierDetails.Add(cd); _context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(product)); }
public int AddSupplierDetail(SupplierDetail sd) { using (EntityModel em = new EntityModel()) { em.SupplierDetails.Add(sd); return(em.SaveChanges()); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { SupplierDetail supplierDetail = db.SupplierDetail.Find(id); db.SupplierDetail.Remove(supplierDetail); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "SupplierId,SupplierName,SupplierEmail,SupplierPhone")] SupplierDetail supplierDetail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(supplierDetail).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(supplierDetail)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "SupplierId,SupplierName,SupplierEmail,SupplierPhone")] SupplierDetail supplierDetail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.SupplierDetails.Add(supplierDetail); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(supplierDetail)); }
//取得供應商資料 public ActionResult Create(string id) { log.Info("http get mehtod:" + id); SupplierManage supplierService = new SupplierManage(); SupplierDetail singleForm = new SupplierDetail(); supplierService.getSupplierBySupId(id); singleForm.sup = supplierService.supplier; singleForm.contactItem = supplierService.contactList; log.Debug("Supplier ID:" + singleForm.sup.SUPPLIER_ID); return(View(singleForm)); }
// GET: SupplierDetails/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } SupplierDetail supplierDetail = db.SupplierDetail.Find(id); if (supplierDetail == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(supplierDetail)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "SupplierDetailID,SupplierID,ContactNumber,Address,ContactPersonName,DateCreated,DateModified,ModifiedBy")] SupplierDetail supplierDetail) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { supplierDetail.DateModified = DateTime.Now; supplierDetail.ModifiedBy = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session["UserAccountID"]); db.Entry(supplierDetail).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.ModifiedBy = new SelectList(db.UserAccounts, "UserAccountID", "Email", supplierDetail.ModifiedBy); ViewBag.SupplierID = new SelectList(db.Suppliers, "SupplierID", "SupplierEmail", supplierDetail.SupplierID); return(View(supplierDetail)); }
public int UpdateSupplierDetails(SupplierDetail sp) { using (EntityModel em = new EntityModel()) { SupplierDetail spDetail = this.GetSupplierDetail(sp.SupplierCode, sp.ItemCode); spDetail.Price = sp.Price; spDetail.ItemCode = sp.ItemCode; em.Entry(spDetail).State = EntityState.Modified; return(em.SaveChanges()); } }
// GET: SupplierDetails/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } SupplierDetail supplierDetail = db.SupplierDetail.Find(id); if (supplierDetail == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.ModifiedBy = new SelectList(db.UserAccounts, "UserAccountID", "Email", supplierDetail.ModifiedBy); ViewBag.SupplierID = new SelectList(db.Suppliers, "SupplierID", "SupplierEmail", supplierDetail.SupplierID); return(View(supplierDetail)); }
public IHttpActionResult Delete(int id) { var context = new ClipperDBEntities(); SupplierDetail Supplier = context.SupplierDetails.Find(id); if (Supplier == null) { return(NotFound()); } else { context.SupplierDetails.Remove(Supplier); context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(Supplier)); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) { var context = new ClipperDBEntities(); SupplierDetail supplier = context.SupplierDetails.Find(id); if (supplier == null) { return(NotFound()); } else { context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; var supplierFound = context.SupplierDetails.First(e => e.SupplierDetailsID == id); return(Ok(supplierFound)); } }
public static bool ReqUpdateSupplier(SupplierDetail sd) { using (var context = new ContosoContext()) { var supplier = context.Suppliers.Single(s => s.SupplierID == sd.SupplierId); supplier.Address = sd.Address; supplier.City = sd.City; supplier.Fax = sd.Fax; supplier.Phone = sd.Tel; supplier.Region = sd.Region; supplier.CompanyName = sd.CompanyName; supplier.Country = sd.Country; supplier.ContactTitle = sd.ContactName; supplier.HomePage = sd.Website; supplier.ContactName = sd.ContactName; context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } }
private async Task SetModel() { List <Supplier> Suppliers = new List <Supplier>(); List <Models.ExternalData.VwSrmAhmSupplier> VwSrmAhmSuppliers = new List <Models.ExternalData.VwSrmAhmSupplier> (); List <Models.ExternalData.VwSrmDeliveryPrimary> VwSrmDeliveryPrimaries = new List <Models.ExternalData.VwSrmDeliveryPrimary>(); Suppliers = await _context.Supplier .Include(s => s.Status) .Include(s => s.Category) .Include(s => s.Comments) .Include(s => s.Calls) .Include("Calls.CallResponse") .Include(s => s.Escalation) .OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateDate) .ToListAsync(); var supplierNos = Suppliers.Select(s => s.SupplierNo).ToList(); VwSrmAhmSuppliers = await _externalcontext.VwSrmAhmSuppliers .Where(v => supplierNos .Any(s => s == v.AhmSupplierNo)).ToListAsync(); VwSrmDeliveryPrimaries = await _externalcontext.VwSrmDeliveryPrimaries .Where(v => supplierNos .Any(s => s == v.AhmSupplierNo)).ToListAsync(); SupplierDetails = new List <SupplierDetail>(); foreach (Supplier supplier in Suppliers) { SupplierDetail supplierDetail = new SupplierDetail { Supplier = supplier, VwSrmAhmSupplier = VwSrmAhmSuppliers.Where(s => s.AhmSupplierNo == supplier.SupplierNo).FirstOrDefault(), VwSrmDeliveryPrimary = VwSrmDeliveryPrimaries.Where(s => s.AhmSupplierNo == supplier.SupplierNo).FirstOrDefault() }; SupplierDetails.Add(supplierDetail); } }
public static bool ReqAddSupplier(SupplierDetail sd) { using (var context = new ContosoContext()) { var supplier = new Suppliers { SupplierID = sd.SupplierId, ContactName = sd.ContactName, Fax = sd.Fax, City = sd.City, Region = sd.Region, Phone = sd.Tel, Address = sd.Address, ContactTitle = sd.ContactTitle, CompanyName = sd.CompanyName, Country = sd.Country, HomePage = sd.Website }; context.Suppliers.Add(supplier); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } }
public ActionResult Edit(SupplierTypeModel supplier) { var supplierServiceClient = new ServiceReference1.SupplierServiceClient(); SupplierDetail newSupplier = new SupplierDetail { CompanyName = supplier.CompanyName, ContactName = supplier.ContactName, ContactTitle = supplier.ContactTitle, Country = supplier.Country, Address = supplier.Address, City = supplier.City, Fax = supplier.Fax, Region = supplier.Region, Tel = supplier.Tel, Website = supplier.Website, }; newSupplier.SupplierId = (long)Session["SupplierIdModified"]; supplierServiceClient.UpdateSupplier(newSupplier); Session["SupplierIdModified"] = -1; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public bool AddSupplier(SupplierDetail sd) { return(SupplierRequests.ReqAddSupplier(sd)); }
public bool UpdateSupplier(SupplierDetail sd) { return(SupplierRequests.ReqUpdateSupplier(sd)); }
public static string ExcuteData(string data) { try { SupplierDetail DataMain = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SupplierDetail>(data); if (_CurrentID == null) { using (Models.ExecuteDataBase connFunc = new Models.ExecuteDataBase()) { DataTable dt = connFunc.ExecuteDataTable("[YYY_sp_Product_Supplier_Insert]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, "@Name ", SqlDbType.Int, DataMain.Name.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Phone ", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Phone.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Created_By", SqlDbType.Int, Comon.Global.sys_userid, "@Created", SqlDbType.DateTime, Comon.Comon.GetDateTimeNow(), "@Person ", SqlDbType.Int, DataMain.Person.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Email ", SqlDbType.Int, DataMain.Email.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Note ", SqlDbType.Int, DataMain.Note.Replace("'", "").Trim() ); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { return("Tên Hoặc Mã Đã Tồn Tại Vui Lòng Kiểm Tra Lại"); } else { return("1"); } } else { return("1"); } } } else { using (Models.ExecuteDataBase connFunc = new Models.ExecuteDataBase()) { DataTable dt = connFunc.ExecuteDataTable("YYY_sp_Product_Supplier_Update", CommandType.StoredProcedure, "@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Name.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Modified_By", SqlDbType.Int, Comon.Global.sys_userid, "@Modified", SqlDbType.DateTime, Comon.Comon.GetDateTimeNow(), "@currentID ", SqlDbType.Int, _CurrentID, "@Phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Phone.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Person", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Person.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Email ", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Email.Replace("'", "").Trim(), "@Note ", SqlDbType.NVarChar, DataMain.Note.Replace("'", "").Trim() ); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "0") { return("Tên Hoặc Mã Đã Tồn Tại Vui Lòng Kiểm Tra Lại"); } else { return("1"); } } else { return("1"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { return("0"); } }
public IActionResult Edit(Product product, int[] SelectedSuppliers) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { Product dbProduct = _context.Products .Include(s => s.SupplierDetails) .ThenInclude(s => s.Supplier) .FirstOrDefault(s => s.ProductID == product.ProductID); dbProduct.ProductPrice = product.ProductPrice; dbProduct.ProductName = product.ProductName; dbProduct.Description = product.Description; _context.Update(dbProduct); _context.SaveChanges(); //edit department/course relationships //loop through selected departments and find ones that need to be removed List <SupplierDetail> SuppliersToRemove = new List <SupplierDetail>(); foreach (SupplierDetail sd in dbProduct.SupplierDetails) { if (SelectedSuppliers.Contains(sd.Supplier.SupplierID) == false) //list of selected depts does not include this departments id { SuppliersToRemove.Add(sd); } } //remove departments you found in list above - this has to be 2 separate steps because you can't //iterate over a list that you are removing items from foreach (SupplierDetail sd in SuppliersToRemove) { _context.SupplierDetails.Remove(sd); _context.SaveChanges(); } //now add the departments that are new foreach (int i in SelectedSuppliers) { if (dbProduct.SupplierDetails.Any(s => s.Supplier.SupplierID == i) == false) //this supplier has not yet been added { //create a new course department SupplierDetail sd = new SupplierDetail(); //connect the new course department to the department and course sd.Supplier = _context.Suppliers.Find(i); sd.Product = dbProduct; //update the database _context.SupplierDetails.Add(sd); _context.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ProductExists(product.ProductID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewBag.AllSuppliers = GetAllSuppliers(product); return(View(product)); }