Пример #1
        public static void SetPlanetarySettlementData(StarSystem system, JObject response)
            if (response["stations"] is JArray)
                foreach (JObject Station in response["stations"])
                    if ((bool)Station["has_docking"] is false)
                        Station settlement = new Station
                            name       = (string)Station["name"],
                            EDDBID     = (long)Station["id"],
                            systemname = system.name,
                            hasdocking = false,
                            Model      = StationModel.FromName((string)Station["type"]) ?? StationModel.None,
                            Economies  = new List <Economy> {
                                Economy.FromName((string)Station["primary_economy"]), Economy.None
                            Faction = new Faction
                                name         = (string)Station["controlling_faction"],
                                Allegiance   = Superpower.FromName((string)Station["allegiance"]) ?? Superpower.None,
                                Government   = Government.FromName((string)Station["government"]) ?? Government.None,
                                FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)Station["state"]) ?? FactionState.None
                            distancefromstar = (long?)Station["distance_to_star"],
                            updatedat        = (long?)Station["updated_at"]

Пример #2
        private void updateRecord(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            FactionRecord record = (FactionRecord)((Button)e.Source).DataContext;

            if (record.faction != Properties.CrimeMonitor.blank_faction)
                Button updateButton = (Button)sender;
                updateButton.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
                updateButton.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;

                Thread factionStationThread = new Thread(() =>
                    Superpower Allegiance = Superpower.FromNameOrEdName(record.faction);
                    if (Allegiance == null)
                        crimeMonitor()?.GetFactionData(record, record.system);
                        record.Allegiance = Allegiance;

                    Dispatcher?.Invoke(() =>
                        updateButton.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
                        updateButton.FontWeight = FontWeights.Regular;
                    IsBackground = true
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutSuperpower(int id, Superpower superpower)
            if (id != superpower.Id)

            _db.Entry(superpower).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!SuperpowerExists(id))

Пример #4
        private FactionRecord AddRecord(string faction)
            if (faction == null)

            FactionRecord record     = new FactionRecord(faction);
            Superpower    Allegiance = Superpower.FromNameOrEdName(faction);

            if (Allegiance == null)
                record.Allegiance = Allegiance;

            lock (recordLock)
 public static SuperpowerDto FromEntity(Superpower superpower)
     return(new SuperpowerDto
         Code = superpower.Code,
         Name = superpower.Name
Пример #6
        private static StarSystem ParseStarMapSystem(JObject response, string system)
            StarSystem starSystem = new StarSystem
                name          = (string)response["name"],
                systemAddress = (long?)response["id64"],
                EDSMID        = (long?)response["id"]

            if (response["coords"] is JObject)
                var coords = response["coords"].ToObject <Dictionary <string, decimal?> >();
                starSystem.x = coords["x"];
                starSystem.y = coords["y"];
                starSystem.z = coords["z"];

            if ((bool?)response["requirePermit"] is true)
                starSystem.requirespermit = true;
                starSystem.permitname     = (string)response["permitName"];

            if (response["information"] is JObject information)
                starSystem.Reserve    = ReserveLevel.FromName((string)information["reserve"]) ?? ReserveLevel.None;
                starSystem.population = (long?)information["population"] ?? 0;

                // Populated system data
                if (starSystem.population > 0)
                    Faction controllingFaction = new Faction
                        name       = (string)information["faction"],
                        Allegiance = Superpower.FromName((string)information["allegiance"]) ?? Superpower.None,
                        Government = Government.FromName((string)information["government"]) ?? Government.None,
                    controllingFaction.presences.Add(new FactionPresence()
                        systemName   = starSystem.name,
                        FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)information["factionState"]) ?? FactionState.None,
                    starSystem.Faction = controllingFaction;

                    starSystem.securityLevel = SecurityLevel.FromName((string)information["security"]) ?? SecurityLevel.None;
                    starSystem.Economies     = new List <Economy>()
                        Economy.FromName((string)information["economy"]) ?? Economy.None,
                        Economy.FromName((string)information["secondEconomy"]) ?? Economy.None

            starSystem.lastupdated = DateTime.UtcNow;
Пример #7
 public Account2()
     this.pronouns    = null;
     this.gender      = null;
     this.ethnicities = null;
     this.superPower  = null;
     this.focus       = null;
     this.name        = null;
     this.gradeLvl    = 0;
Пример #8
 public DockedEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, string station, Superpower allegiance, string faction, State factionstate, Economy economy, Government government, SecurityLevel security) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system       = system;
     this.station      = station;
     this.allegiance   = (allegiance == null ? Superpower.None.name : allegiance.name);
     this.faction      = faction;
     this.factionstate = (factionstate == null ? State.None.name : factionstate.name);
     this.economy      = (economy == null ? Economy.None.name : economy.name);
     this.government   = (government == null ? Government.None.name : government.name);
     this.security     = (security == null ? SecurityLevel.Low.name : security.name);
Пример #9
        private static StarSystem ParseEddbSystem(object response)
            JObject    systemJson = ((JObject)response);
            StarSystem StarSystem = new StarSystem {
                name = (string)systemJson["name"]

            if ((bool?)systemJson["is_populated"] != null)
                // We have real data so populate the rest of the data

                // General data
                StarSystem.EDDBID  = (long?)systemJson["id"];
                StarSystem.EDSMID  = (long?)systemJson["edsm_id"];
                StarSystem.x       = (decimal?)systemJson["x"];
                StarSystem.y       = (decimal?)systemJson["y"];
                StarSystem.z       = (decimal?)systemJson["z"];
                StarSystem.Reserve = ReserveLevel.FromName((string)systemJson["reserve_type"]);

                // Populated system data
                StarSystem.population = (long?)systemJson["population"] == null ? 0 : (long?)systemJson["population"];
                // EDDB uses invariant / English localized economies
                StarSystem.Economies[0] = Economy.FromName((string)systemJson["primary_economy"]);
                // At present, EDDB does not provide any information about secondary economies.
                StarSystem.securityLevel = SecurityLevel.FromName((string)systemJson["security"]);

                // Controlling faction data
                if ((string)systemJson["controlling_minor_faction"] != null)
                    Faction controllingFaction = new Faction()
                        EDDBID       = (long?)systemJson["controlling_minor_faction_id"],
                        name         = (string)systemJson["controlling_minor_faction"],
                        Government   = Government.FromName((string)systemJson["government"]),
                        Allegiance   = Superpower.FromName((string)systemJson["allegiance"]),
                        FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)systemJson["state"])
                    StarSystem.Faction = controllingFaction;

                // Powerplay details
                StarSystem.power      = (string)systemJson["power"] == "None" ? null : (string)systemJson["power"];
                StarSystem.powerstate = (string)systemJson["power_state"];

                StarSystem.updatedat = Dates.fromDateTimeStringToSeconds((string)systemJson["updated_at"]);

            StarSystem.lastupdated = DateTime.UtcNow;

Пример #10
        public void DisplayExample()
            var particleSystem = new ParticleSystem();

            Superpower skyLaunch = CreateSkyLaunch(particleSystem);

            Console.WriteLine("--- Activating Sky Launch ---");

            Superpower iceWall = CreateIceWall(particleSystem);

            Console.WriteLine("--- Activating Ice Wall ---");
Пример #11
        public async Task <ActionResult <Superpower> > PostSuperpower(Superpower superpower)
            if (!SuperpowerExists(superpower.Id))
                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(CreatedAtAction("GetSuperpower", new { id = superpower.Id }, superpower));
Пример #12
        private static Faction ParseStarMapFaction(JObject faction)
            Faction Faction = new Faction
                name         = (string)faction["name"],
                EDSMID       = (long?)faction["id"],
                Allegiance   = Superpower.FromName((string)faction["allegiance"]),
                Government   = Government.FromName((string)faction["government"]),
                isplayer     = (bool)faction["isPlayer"],
                influence    = (decimal?)faction["influence"] * 100, // Convert from a 0-1 range to a percentage
                FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)faction["state"]),
                updatedAt    = (DateTime)Dates.fromTimestamp((long?)faction["lastUpdate"])

Пример #13
 public DockedEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, long systemAddress, long marketId, string station, string state, string model, Superpower allegiance, string faction, SystemState factionstate, Economy economy, Government government, decimal?distancefromstar, List <string> stationservices) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system           = system;
     this.systemAddress    = systemAddress;
     this.marketId         = marketId;
     this.station          = station;
     this.state            = state;
     this.model            = model;
     this.Allegiance       = (allegiance ?? Superpower.None);
     this.faction          = faction;
     this.factionstate     = (factionstate ?? SystemState.None).localizedName;
     this.economy          = (economy ?? Economy.None).localizedName;
     this.government       = (government ?? Government.None).localizedName;
     this.distancefromstar = distancefromstar;
     this.stationservices  = stationservices;
Пример #14
        // Though not necessary at this time, it is possible to implement methods that query the data source
        // based on multiple criteria (e.g. state, government, etc.) by adding multiple criteria to the queryList.

        private static Faction ParseEddbFaction(object response)
            JObject factionJson = ((JObject)response);
            Faction faction     = new Faction
                EDDBID           = (long)factionJson["id"],
                name             = (string)factionJson["name"],
                updatedAt        = (DateTime)factionJson["updated_at"],
                Government       = Government.FromName((string)factionJson["government"]),
                Allegiance       = Superpower.FromName((string)factionJson["allegiance"]),
                FactionState     = FactionState.FromName((string)factionJson["state"]),
                homeSystemEddbId = (long?)factionJson["home_system_id"],
                isplayer         = (bool)factionJson["is_player_faction"]

Пример #15
 public JumpedEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, long systemAddress, decimal x, decimal y, decimal z, decimal distance, decimal fuelused, decimal fuelremaining, Superpower allegiance, string faction, SystemState factionstate, Economy economy, Economy economy2, Government government, SecurityLevel security, long?population) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system        = system;
     this.systemAddress = systemAddress;
     this.x             = x;
     this.y             = y;
     this.z             = z;
     this.distance      = distance;
     this.fuelused      = fuelused;
     this.fuelremaining = fuelremaining;
     this.Allegiance    = (allegiance ?? Superpower.None);
     this.faction       = faction;
     this.factionstate  = (factionstate ?? SystemState.None).localizedName;
     this.Economy       = (economy ?? Economy.None);
     this.Economy2      = (economy2 ?? Economy.None);
     this.government    = (government ?? Government.None).localizedName;
     this.security      = (security ?? SecurityLevel.None).localizedName;
     this.population    = population;
Пример #16
        public void UpdateStations()
            Thread stationUpdateThread = new Thread(() =>
                foreach (FactionRecord record in criminalrecord.ToList())
                    Superpower Allegiance = Superpower.FromNameOrEdName(record.faction);
                    if (Allegiance == null)
                        record.station = GetFactionStation(record.system);
                IsBackground = true

Пример #17
 public LocationEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, decimal x, decimal y, decimal z, long systemAddress, string body, string bodytype, bool docked, string station, string stationtype, long?marketId, Superpower allegiance, string faction, Economy economy, Economy economy2, Government government, SecurityLevel security, long?population, decimal?longitude, decimal?latitude) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system        = system;
     this.x             = x;
     this.y             = y;
     this.z             = z;
     this.systemAddress = systemAddress;
     this.body          = body;
     this.bodytype      = bodytype;
     this.docked        = docked;
     this.station       = station;
     this.stationtype   = stationtype;
     this.marketId      = marketId;
     this.Allegiance    = (allegiance ?? Superpower.None);
     this.faction       = faction;
     this.Economy       = (economy ?? Economy.None);
     this.Economy2      = (economy2 ?? Economy.None);
     this.government    = (government ?? Government.None).localizedName;
     this.security      = (security ?? SecurityLevel.None).localizedName;
     this.population    = population;
     this.longitude     = longitude;
     this.latitude      = latitude;
Пример #18
 public LocationEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, decimal x, decimal y, decimal z, long systemAddress, string body, BodyType bodytype, bool docked, string station, StationModel stationtype, long?marketId, Superpower allegiance, string faction, Economy economy, Economy economy2, Government government, SecurityLevel security, long?population, decimal?longitude, decimal?latitude, List <Faction> factions) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system        = system;
     this.x             = x;
     this.y             = y;
     this.z             = z;
     this.systemAddress = systemAddress;
     this.body          = body;
     this.bodyType      = bodytype;
     this.docked        = docked;
     this.station       = station;
     this.stationModel  = stationtype;
     this.marketId      = marketId;
     this.Allegiance    = allegiance;
     this.faction       = faction;
     this.Economy       = (economy ?? Economy.None);
     this.Economy2      = (economy2 ?? Economy.None);
     this.Government    = government;
     this.securityLevel = security;
     this.population    = population;
     this.longitude     = longitude;
     this.latitude      = latitude;
     this.factions      = factions;
Пример #19
        private void handleSystemDelta(JObject json)
            // Fetch guaranteed information
            string  systemname = (string)json["systemname"];
            decimal x          = (decimal)(double)json["x"];
            decimal y          = (decimal)(double)json["y"];
            decimal z          = (decimal)(double)json["z"];

            // Fetch delta information
            string oldfaction = (string)json["oldfaction"];
            string newfaction = (string)json["newfaction"];

            FactionState oldstate = FactionState.FromName((string)json["oldstate"]);
            FactionState newstate = FactionState.FromName((string)json["newstate"]);

            string oldallegiance = (string)json["oldallegiance"];
            string newallegiance = (string)json["newallegiance"];

            string oldgovernment = (string)json["oldgovernment"];
            string newgovernment = (string)json["newgovernment"];

            string oldeconomy = (string)json["oldeconomy"];
            string neweconomy = (string)json["neweconomy"];

            // EDDP does not report currently changes to secondary economies.

            string oldsecurity = (string)json["oldsecurity"];
            string newsecurity = (string)json["newsecurity"];

            // See if this matches our parameters
            string matchname = match(systemname, null, x, y, z, oldfaction, newfaction, oldstate, newstate);

            if (matchname != null)
                // Fetch the system from our local repository (but don't create it if it doesn't exist)
                StarSystem system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetStarSystem(systemname);
                if (system != null)
                    // Update our local copy of the system
                    if (system.Faction is null)
                        system.Faction = new Faction();
                    if (newfaction != null)
                        system.Faction.name = newfaction;
                    if (newallegiance != null)
                        system.Faction.Allegiance = Superpower.FromName(newallegiance);
                    if (newgovernment != null)
                        system.Faction.Government = Government.FromName(newgovernment);
                    if (newstate != null)
                        system.Faction.FactionState = newstate;
                    if (newsecurity != null)
                        system.securityLevel = SecurityLevel.FromName(newsecurity);
                    if (neweconomy != null)
                        // EDDP uses invariant English economy names and does not report changes to secondary economies.
                        system.Economies = new List <Economy>()
                            Economy.FromName(neweconomy), system.Economies[1]
                    system.lastupdated = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Send an appropriate event
                Event @event = null;
                if (newfaction != null)
                    @event = new SystemFactionChangedEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, matchname, systemname, oldfaction, newfaction);
                else if (newstate != null)
                    @event = new SystemStateChangedEvent(DateTime.UtcNow, matchname, systemname, oldstate, newstate);
                if (@event != null)
Пример #20
 public JumpedEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, decimal x, decimal y, decimal z, decimal fuelused, decimal fuelremaining, Superpower allegiance, string faction, State factionstate, Economy economy, Government government, SecurityLevel security) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system        = system;
     this.x             = x;
     this.y             = y;
     this.z             = z;
     this.fuelused      = fuelused;
     this.fuelremaining = fuelremaining;
     this.allegiance    = (allegiance == null ? Superpower.None.name : allegiance.name);
     this.faction       = faction;
     this.factionstate  = (factionstate == null ? State.None.name : factionstate.name);
     this.economy       = (economy == null ? Economy.None.name : economy.name);
     this.government    = (government == null ? Government.None.name : government.name);
     this.security      = (security == null ? SecurityLevel.None.name : security.name);
Пример #21
 public DockedEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, long systemAddress, long marketId, string station, string state, StationModel stationModel, Superpower Allegiance, string faction, FactionState factionState, List <EconomyShare> Economies, Government Government, decimal?distancefromstar, List <StationService> stationServices) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system           = system;
     this.systemAddress    = systemAddress;
     this.marketId         = marketId;
     this.station          = station;
     this.state            = state;
     this.stationModel     = stationModel ?? StationModel.None;
     this.Allegiance       = Allegiance ?? Superpower.None;
     this.faction          = faction;
     this.factionState     = factionState ?? FactionState.None;
     this.economyShares    = Economies;
     this.Government       = Government ?? Government.None;
     this.distancefromstar = distancefromstar;
     this.stationServices  = stationServices;
Пример #22
        private static Faction ParseStarMapFaction(JObject faction)
            Faction Faction = new Faction
                name         = (string)faction["name"],
                EDSMID       = (long?)faction["id"],
                Allegiance   = Superpower.FromName((string)faction["allegiance"]) ?? Superpower.None,
                Government   = Government.FromName((string)faction["government"]) ?? Government.None,
                isplayer     = (bool)faction["isPlayer"],
                influence    = (decimal?)faction["influence"] * 100, // Convert from a 0-1 range to a percentage
                FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)faction["state"]) ?? FactionState.None,
                updatedAt    = (DateTime)Dates.fromTimestamp((long?)faction["lastUpdate"])

            IDictionary <string, object> factionDetail = faction.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            // Active states
            Faction.ActiveStates = new List <FactionState>();
            factionDetail.TryGetValue("ActiveStates", out object activeStatesVal);
            if (activeStatesVal != null)
                var activeStatesList = (List <object>)activeStatesVal;
                foreach (IDictionary <string, object> activeState in activeStatesList)
                    Faction.ActiveStates.Add(FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(activeState, "State") ?? "None"));

            // Pending states
            Faction.PendingStates = new List <FactionTrendingState>();
            factionDetail.TryGetValue("PendingStates", out object pendingStatesVal);
            if (pendingStatesVal != null)
                var pendingStatesList = (List <object>)pendingStatesVal;
                foreach (IDictionary <string, object> pendingState in pendingStatesList)
                    FactionTrendingState pTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                        FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(pendingState, "State") ?? "None"),
                        JsonParsing.getInt(pendingState, "Trend")

            // Recovering states
            Faction.RecoveringStates = new List <FactionTrendingState>();
            factionDetail.TryGetValue("RecoveringStates", out object recoveringStatesVal);
            if (recoveringStatesVal != null)
                var recoveringStatesList = (List <object>)recoveringStatesVal;
                foreach (IDictionary <string, object> recoveringState in recoveringStatesList)
                    FactionTrendingState rTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                        FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(recoveringState, "State") ?? "None"),
                        JsonParsing.getInt(recoveringState, "Trend")

Пример #23
        private Station ParseStarMapStation(JObject station, string system)
                Station Station = new Station
                    systemname       = system,
                    name             = (string)station["name"],
                    marketId         = (long?)station["marketId"],
                    EDSMID           = (long?)station["id"],
                    Model            = StationModel.FromName((string)station["type"]) ?? StationModel.None,
                    distancefromstar = (decimal?)station["distanceToArrival"], // Light seconds

                var faction = station["controllingFaction"]?.ToObject <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                Station.Faction = new Faction()
                    name       = (string)faction?["name"] ?? string.Empty,
                    EDSMID     = (long?)faction?["id"],
                    Allegiance = Superpower.FromName((string)station["allegiance"]) ?? Superpower.None,
                    Government = Government.FromName((string)station["government"]) ?? Government.None,

                List <EconomyShare> economyShares = new List <EconomyShare>()
                    { new EconomyShare(Economy.FromName((string)station["economy"]) ?? Economy.None, 0) },
                    { new EconomyShare(Economy.FromName((string)station["secondEconomy"]) ?? Economy.None, 0) }
                Station.economyShares = economyShares;

                List <StationService> stationServices = new List <StationService>();
                if ((bool?)station["haveMarket"] is true)
                if ((bool?)station["haveShipyard"] is true)
                if ((bool?)station["haveOutfitting"] is true)
                var services = station["otherServices"].ToObject <List <string> >();
                foreach (string service in services)
                // Add always available services for dockable stations
                Station.stationServices = stationServices;

                var    updateTimes = station["updateTime"].ToObject <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                string datetime;
                datetime = JsonParsing.getString(updateTimes, "information");
                long?infoLastUpdated = Dates.fromDateTimeStringToSeconds(datetime);
                datetime = JsonParsing.getString(updateTimes, "market");
                long?marketLastUpdated = Dates.fromDateTimeStringToSeconds(datetime);
                datetime = JsonParsing.getString(updateTimes, "shipyard");
                long?shipyardLastUpdated = Dates.fromDateTimeStringToSeconds(datetime);
                datetime = JsonParsing.getString(updateTimes, "outfitting");
                long?        outfittingLastUpdated = Dates.fromDateTimeStringToSeconds(datetime);
                List <long?> updatedAt             = new List <long?>()
                    infoLastUpdated, marketLastUpdated, shipyardLastUpdated, outfittingLastUpdated
                Station.updatedat            = updatedAt.Max();
                Station.outfittingupdatedat  = outfittingLastUpdated;
                Station.commoditiesupdatedat = marketLastUpdated;
                Station.shipyardupdatedat    = shipyardLastUpdated;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "station", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(station) },
                    { "exception", ex.Message },
                    { "stacktrace", ex.StackTrace }
                Logging.Error("Error parsing EDSM station result.", data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a store from a list of variables
        /// </summary>
        private BuiltinStore buildStore(Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> vars)
            BuiltinStore store = new BuiltinStore();

            // Function to call another script
            store["F"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolve(values[0].AsString, store));
            }, 1);

            // Translation functions
            store["P"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string val         = values[0].AsString;
                string translation = val;
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Faction(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Power(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.StarSystem(val);
            }, 1);

            // Helper functions
            store["OneOf"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[random.Next(values.Count)].AsString, store));

            store["Occasionally"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (random.Next((int)values[0].AsNumber) == 0)
                    return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[1].AsString, store));
            }, 2);

            store["Humanise"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
            }, 1);

            store["Pause"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(@"<break time =""" + values[0].AsNumber + @"ms"" />");
            }, 1);

            // Commander-specific functions
            store["ShipName"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId   = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                string model  = (values.Count == 2 ? values[1].AsString : null);
                Ship ship     = findShip(localId, model);
                string result = (ship == null ? "your ship" : ship.SpokenName());
            }, 0, 2);

            store["ShipCallsign"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                Ship ship   = findShip(localId, null);

                string result;
                if (ship != null)
                    if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != null && EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name != null)
                        // Obtain the first three characters
                        string chars = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").Replace(EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name, "").ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 3);
                        result       = ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + Translations.CallSign(chars);
                        if (ship.SpokenManufacturer() == null)
                            result = "unidentified ship";
                            result = "unidentified " + ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + ship.SpokenModel();
                    result = "unidentified ship";
            }, 0, 1);

            // Obtain definition objects for various items

            store["ShipDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                Ship result = findShip(localId, null);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 0, 1);

            store["CombatRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                CombatRating result = CombatRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = CombatRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["TradeRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                TradeRating result = TradeRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = TradeRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["ExplorationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                ExplorationRating result = ExplorationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = ExplorationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EmpireRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                EmpireRating result = EmpireRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = EmpireRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["FederationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                FederationRating result = FederationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = FederationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SystemDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                StarSystem result = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[0].AsString, true);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["StationDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (values.Count == 0)
                StarSystem system;
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Current system
                    system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true);
                Station result = system != null && system.stations != null ? system.stations.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == values[0].AsString) : null;
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SuperpowerDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Superpower result = Superpower.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Superpower.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["StateDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                State result = State.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = State.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EconomyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Economy result = Economy.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Economy.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["GovernmentDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Government result = Government.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Government.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SecurityLevelDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                SecurityLevel result = SecurityLevel.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = SecurityLevel.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["MaterialDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Material result = Material.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Material.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            // Variables
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cottle.Value> entry in vars)
                store[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

Пример #25
        private Faction ParseStarMapFaction(JObject faction, string systemName)
                if (faction is null)
                Faction Faction = new Faction
                    name       = (string)faction["name"],
                    EDSMID     = (long?)faction["id"],
                    Allegiance = Superpower.FromName((string)faction["allegiance"]) ?? Superpower.None,
                    Government = Government.FromName((string)faction["government"]) ?? Government.None,
                    isplayer   = (bool?)faction["isPlayer"],
                    updatedAt  = Dates.fromTimestamp((long?)faction["lastUpdate"]) ?? DateTime.MinValue

                Faction.presences.Add(new FactionPresence()
                    systemName   = systemName,
                    influence    = (decimal?)faction["influence"] * 100, // Convert from a 0-1 range to a percentage
                    FactionState = FactionState.FromName((string)faction["state"]) ?? FactionState.None,

                IDictionary <string, object> factionDetail = faction.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();

                // Active states
                factionDetail.TryGetValue("activeStates", out object activeStatesVal);
                if (activeStatesVal != null)
                    var activeStatesList = (JArray)activeStatesVal;
                    foreach (var activeStateToken in activeStatesList)
                        var activeState = activeStateToken.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                        Faction.presences.FirstOrDefault(p => p.systemName == systemName)?
                        .ActiveStates.Add(FactionState.FromName(JsonParsing.getString(activeState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None);

                // Pending states
                factionDetail.TryGetValue("pendingStates", out object pendingStatesVal);
                if (pendingStatesVal != null)
                    var pendingStatesList = ((JArray)pendingStatesVal).ToList();
                    foreach (var pendingStateToken in pendingStatesList)
                        var pendingState = pendingStateToken.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                        FactionTrendingState pTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                            FactionState.FromName(JsonParsing.getString(pendingState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None,
                            JsonParsing.getInt(pendingState, "trend")
                        Faction.presences.FirstOrDefault(p => p.systemName == systemName)?

                // Recovering states
                factionDetail.TryGetValue("recoveringStates", out object recoveringStatesVal);
                if (recoveringStatesVal != null)
                    var recoveringStatesList = (JArray)recoveringStatesVal;
                    foreach (var recoveringStateToken in recoveringStatesList)
                        var recoveringState = recoveringStateToken.ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                        FactionTrendingState rTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                            FactionState.FromName(JsonParsing.getString(recoveringState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None,
                            JsonParsing.getInt(recoveringState, "trend")
                        Faction.presences.FirstOrDefault(p => p.systemName == systemName)?

            catch (Exception ex)
                Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "faction", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(faction) },
                    { "exception", ex.Message },
                    { "stacktrace", ex.StackTrace }
                Logging.Error("Error parsing EDSM faction result.", data);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a store from a list of variables
        /// </summary>
        private BuiltinStore buildStore(Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> vars)
            BuiltinStore store = new BuiltinStore();

            // TODO fetch this from configuration
            bool useICAO = SpeechServiceConfiguration.FromFile().EnableIcao;

            // Function to call another script
            store["F"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolve(values[0].AsString, store, false));
            }, 1);

            // Translation functions
            store["P"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string val         = values[0].AsString;
                string translation = val;
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Body(val, useICAO);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.StarSystem(val, useICAO);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Faction(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Power(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(val);
                    if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0)
                        translation = ship.SpokenModel();
                if (translation == val)
                    Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromEDModel(val);
                    if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0)
                        translation = ship.SpokenModel();
            }, 1);

            // Boolean constants
            store["true"]  = true;
            store["false"] = false;

            // Helper functions
            store["OneOf"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[random.Next(values.Count)].AsString, store, false));

            store["Occasionally"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (random.Next((int)values[0].AsNumber) == 0)
                    return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[1].AsString, store, false));
            }, 2);

            store["Humanise"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
            }, 1);

            store["List"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string output             = String.Empty;
                const string localisedAnd = "and";
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <Cottle.Value, Cottle.Value> value in values[0].Fields)
                        string valueString = value.Value.ToString();
                        if (value.Key == 0)
                            output = valueString;
                        else if (value.Key < (values[0].Fields.Count - 1))
                            output = $"{output}, {valueString}";
                            output = $"{output}, {localisedAnd} {valueString}";
            }, 1);

            store["Pause"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(@"<break time=""" + values[0].AsNumber + @"ms"" />");
            }, 1);

            store["Play"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(@"<audio src=""" + values[0].AsString + @""" />");
            }, 1);

            store["Spacialise"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string Entree = values[0].AsString;
                if (Entree == "")
                string Sortie      = "";
                string UpperSortie = "";
                foreach (char c in Entree)
                    Sortie = Sortie + c + " ";
                UpperSortie = Sortie.ToUpper();
            }, 1);

            store["Emphasize"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    return(@"<emphasis level =""strong"">" + values[0].AsString + @"</emphasis>");
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    return(@"<emphasis level =""" + values[1].AsString + @""">" + values[0].AsString + @"</emphasis>");
                    return("The Emphasize function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SpeechPitch"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string text  = values[0].AsString;
                string pitch = "default";
                if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString))
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    pitch = values[1].AsString;
                    return(@"<prosody pitch=""" + pitch + @""">" + text + "</prosody>");
                    return("The SpeechPitch function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SpeechRate"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string text = values[0].AsString;
                string rate = "default";
                if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString))
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    rate = values[1].AsString;
                    return(@"<prosody rate=""" + rate + @""">" + text + "</prosody>");
                    return("The SpeechRate function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SpeechVolume"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string text   = values[0].AsString;
                string volume = "default";
                if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString))
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    volume = values[1].AsString;
                    return(@"<prosody volume=""" + volume + @""">" + text + "</prosody>");
                    return("The SpeechVolume function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1, 2);

            store["Transmit"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string text = values[0].AsString;
                if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString))
                    return(@"<transmit>" + values[0].AsString + "</transmit>"); // This is a synthetic tag used to signal to the speech service that radio effects should be enabled.
                    return("The Transmit function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1);

            store["StartsWithVowel"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string Entree = values[0].AsString;
                if (Entree == "")

                char[] vowels       = { 'a', 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'e', 'ê', 'é', 'è', 'ë', 'i', 'î', 'ï', 'o', 'ô', 'ö', 'u', 'ù', 'û', 'ü', 'œ', 'y' };
                char firstCharacter = Entree.ToLower().ToCharArray().ElementAt(0);
                Boolean result      = vowels.Contains(firstCharacter);

            }, 1);

            store["Voice"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string text  = values[0].AsString;
                string voice = values[1].AsString;
                if (values.Count == 2)
                    return(@"<voice name=""" + voice + @""">" + text + "</voice>");
                    return("The Voice function is used improperly. Please review the documentation for correct usage.");
            }, 1, 2);

            // Commander-specific functions
            store["ShipName"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId   = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                string model  = (values.Count == 2 ? values[1].AsString : null);
                Ship ship     = findShip(localId, model);
                string result = (ship == null ? "your ship" : ship.SpokenName());
            }, 0, 2);

            store["ShipCallsign"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                Ship ship   = findShip(localId, null);

                string result;
                if (ship != null)
                    if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != null && EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name != null)
                        // Obtain the first three characters
                        string chars = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").Replace(EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name, "").ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 3);
                        result       = ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + Translations.ICAO(chars);
                        if (ship.SpokenManufacturer() == null)
                            result = "unidentified ship";
                            result = "unidentified " + ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + ship.SpokenModel();
                    result = "unidentified ship";
            }, 0, 1);

            // Obtain definition objects for various items

            store["SecondsSince"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                long?date = (long?)values[0].AsNumber;
                if (date == null)
                long?now = (long?)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))).TotalSeconds;

                return(now - date);
            }, 1);

            store["ICAO"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                // Turn a string in to an ICAO definition
                string value = values[0].AsString;
                if (value == null || value == "")

                // Remove anything that isn't alphanumeric
                Logging.Warn("value is " + value);
                value = value.ToUpperInvariant().Replace("[^A-Z0-9]", "");
                Logging.Warn("value is " + value);

                // Translate to ICAO
            }, 1);

            store["ShipDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Ship result = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["CombatRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                CombatRating result = CombatRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = CombatRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["TradeRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                TradeRating result = TradeRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = TradeRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["ExplorationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                ExplorationRating result = ExplorationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = ExplorationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EmpireRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                EmpireRating result = EmpireRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = EmpireRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["FederationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                FederationRating result = FederationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = FederationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SystemDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                StarSystem result = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[0].AsString, true);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["BodyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                StarSystem system;
                if (values.Count == 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[1].AsString))
                    // Current system
                    system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    // Named system
                    system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true);
                Body result = system != null && system.bodies != null ? system.bodies.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == values[0].AsString) : null;
                if (result != null && result.type == "Star" && result.chromaticity == null)
                    // Need to set our internal extras for the star
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1, 2);

            store["StationDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (values.Count == 0)
                StarSystem system;
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Current system
                    system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    // Named system
                    system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true);
                Station result = system != null && system.stations != null ? system.stations.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == values[0].AsString) : null;
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SuperpowerDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Superpower result = Superpower.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Superpower.From(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["StateDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                SystemState result = SystemState.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = SystemState.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EconomyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Economy result = Economy.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Economy.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["GovernmentDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Government result = Government.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Government.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SecurityLevelDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                SecurityLevel result = SecurityLevel.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = SecurityLevel.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["MaterialDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[0].AsString))
                    return(new ReflectionValue(new object()));

                Material result = Material.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Material.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["CommodityMarketDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                CommodityMarketQuote result = null;
                CommodityMarketQuote CommodityDetails(string commodityLocalizedName, Station station)
                    return(station?.commodities?.FirstOrDefault(c => c.localizedName == commodityLocalizedName));

                if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Named commodity, current station
                    Station station = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStation;
                    result          = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station);
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    // Named commodity, named station, current system
                    StarSystem system  = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    string stationName = values[1].AsString;
                    Station station    = system?.stations?.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == stationName);
                    result             = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station);
                else if (values.Count == 3)
                    // Named commodity, named station, named system
                    StarSystem system  = DataProviderService.GetSystemData(values[2].AsString, null, null, null);
                    string stationName = values[1].AsString;
                    Station station    = system?.stations?.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == stationName);
                    result             = CommodityDetails(values[0].AsString, station);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 0, 3);

            store["CargoDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Cottle.Value value = values[0];
                Cargo result       = null;
                string edname      = string.Empty;

                if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String)
                    edname = CommodityDefinition.FromName(value.AsString).edname;
                    result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetCargoWithEDName(edname);
                else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number)
                    result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetCargoWithMissionId((long)value.AsNumber);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["HaulageDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                HaulageAmount result = null;
                result = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor")).GetHaulageWithMissionId((long)values[0].AsNumber);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["BlueprintDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                BlueprintMaterials result = BlueprintMaterials.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["GalnetNewsArticle"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["GalnetNewsArticles"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                List <News> results = null;
                if (values.Count == 0)
                    // Obtain all unread articles
                    results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles();
                else if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Obtain all unread news of a given category
                    results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString);
                else if (values.Count == 2)
                    // Obtain all news of a given category
                    results = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticles(values[0].AsString, values[1].AsBoolean);
                return(results == null ? new ReflectionValue(new List <News>()) : new ReflectionValue(results));
            }, 0, 2);

            store["GalnetNewsMarkRead"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString);
                if (result != null)
            }, 1);

            store["GalnetNewsMarkUnread"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString);
                if (result != null)
            }, 1);

            store["GalnetNewsDelete"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                News result = GalnetSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetArticle(values[0].AsString);
                if (result != null)
            }, 1);

            store["Distance"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return((decimal)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(values[0].AsNumber - values[3].AsNumber), 2)
                                                     + Math.Pow((double)(values[1].AsNumber - values[4].AsNumber), 2)
                                                     + Math.Pow((double)(values[2].AsNumber - values[5].AsNumber), 2)), 2));
            }, 6);

            store["Log"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
            }, 1);

            store["SetState"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string name        = values[0].AsString.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "_");
                Cottle.Value value = values[1];
                if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Boolean)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsBoolean;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsNumber;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsString;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                // Ignore other possibilities
            }, 2);

            // Variables
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cottle.Value> entry in vars)
                store[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a store from a list of variables
        /// </summary>
        private BuiltinStore buildStore(Dictionary <string, Cottle.Value> vars)
            BuiltinStore store = new BuiltinStore();

            // Function to call another script
            store["F"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolve(values[0].AsString, store, false));
            }, 1);

            // Translation functions
            store["P"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string val         = values[0].AsString;
                string translation = val;
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Faction(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.Power(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    translation = Translations.StarSystem(val);
                if (translation == val)
                    Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(val);
                    if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0)
                        translation = ship.SpokenModel();
                if (translation == val)
                    Ship ship = ShipDefinitions.FromEDModel(val);
                    if (ship != null && ship.EDID > 0)
                        translation = ship.SpokenModel();
            }, 1);

            // Boolean constants
            store["true"]  = true;
            store["false"] = false;

            // Helper functions
            store["OneOf"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[random.Next(values.Count)].AsString, store, false));

            store["Occasionally"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (random.Next((int)values[0].AsNumber) == 0)
                    return(new ScriptResolver(scripts).resolveScript(values[1].AsString, store, false));
            }, 2);

            store["Humanise"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
            }, 1);

            store["Pause"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return(@"<break time =""" + values[0].AsNumber + @"ms"" />");
            }, 1);

            // Commander-specific functions
            store["ShipName"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId   = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                string model  = (values.Count == 2 ? values[1].AsString : null);
                Ship ship     = findShip(localId, model);
                string result = (ship == null ? "your ship" : ship.SpokenName());
            }, 0, 2);

            store["ShipCallsign"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                int?localId = (values.Count == 0 ? (int?)null : (int)values[0].AsNumber);
                Ship ship   = findShip(localId, null);

                string result;
                if (ship != null)
                    if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != null && EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name != null)
                        // Obtain the first three characters
                        string chars = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]").Replace(EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.name, "").ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 3);
                        result       = ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + Translations.CallSign(chars);
                        if (ship.SpokenManufacturer() == null)
                            result = "unidentified ship";
                            result = "unidentified " + ship.SpokenManufacturer() + " " + ship.SpokenModel();
                    result = "unidentified ship";
            }, 0, 1);

            // Obtain definition objects for various items

            store["SecondsSince"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                long?date = (long?)values[0].AsNumber;
                if (date == null)
                long now = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

                return(now - date);
            }, 1);

            store["ShipDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Ship result = ShipDefinitions.FromModel(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["CombatRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                CombatRating result = CombatRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = CombatRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["TradeRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                TradeRating result = TradeRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = TradeRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["ExplorationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                ExplorationRating result = ExplorationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = ExplorationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EmpireRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                EmpireRating result = EmpireRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = EmpireRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["FederationRatingDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                FederationRating result = FederationRating.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = FederationRating.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SystemDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                StarSystem result = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[0].AsString, true);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["BodyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                StarSystem system;
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Current system
                    system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    // Named system
                    system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true);
                Body result = system != null && system.bodies != null ? system.bodies.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == values[0].AsString) : null;
                if (result != null && result.type == "Star" && result.chromaticity == null)
                    // Need to set our internal extras for the star
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1, 2);

            store["StationDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                if (values.Count == 0)
                StarSystem system;
                if (values.Count == 1)
                    // Current system
                    system = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
                    // Named system
                    system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(values[1].AsString, true);
                Station result = system != null && system.stations != null ? system.stations.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name == values[0].AsString) : null;
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1, 2);

            store["SuperpowerDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Superpower result = Superpower.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Superpower.From(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["StateDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                State result = State.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = State.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["EconomyDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Economy result = Economy.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Economy.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["GovernmentDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Government result = Government.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Government.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["SecurityLevelDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                SecurityLevel result = SecurityLevel.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = SecurityLevel.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["MaterialDetails"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                Material result = Material.FromName(values[0].AsString);
                if (result == null)
                    result = Material.FromEDName(values[0].AsString);
                return(result == null ? new ReflectionValue(new object()) : new ReflectionValue(result));
            }, 1);

            store["Distance"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                return((decimal)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(values[0].AsNumber - values[3].AsNumber), 2)
                                                     + Math.Pow((double)(values[1].AsNumber - values[4].AsNumber), 2)
                                                     + Math.Pow((double)(values[2].AsNumber - values[5].AsNumber), 2)), 2));
            }, 6);

            store["SetState"] = new NativeFunction((values) =>
                string name        = values[0].AsString.ToLowerInvariant().Replace(" ", "_");
                Cottle.Value value = values[1];
                if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Boolean)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsBoolean;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.Number)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsNumber;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                else if (value.Type == Cottle.ValueContent.String)
                    EDDI.Instance.State[name] = value.AsString;
                    store["state"]            = buildState();
                // Ignore other possibilities
            }, 2);

            // Variables
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Cottle.Value> entry in vars)
                store[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

Пример #28
        public Faction ParseFaction(object response)
                IDictionary <string, object> factionJson = Deserializtion.DeserializeData(response.ToString());
                Faction faction = new Faction
                    EDDBID     = (long)factionJson["eddb_id"],
                    name       = (string)factionJson["name"],
                    updatedAt  = (DateTime)factionJson["updated_at"],
                    Government = Government.FromName((string)factionJson["government"]),
                    Allegiance = Superpower.FromName((string)factionJson["allegiance"]),

                foreach (object presence in (List <object>)factionJson["faction_presence"])
                    IDictionary <string, object> presenceJson = (IDictionary <string, object>)presence;
                    FactionPresence factionPresence           = new FactionPresence()
                        systemName   = JsonParsing.getString(presenceJson, "system_name"),
                        influence    = (JsonParsing.getOptionalDecimal(presenceJson, "influence") ?? 0) * 100, // Convert from a 0-1 range to a percentage
                        FactionState = FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(presenceJson, "state")) ?? FactionState.None,

                    // These properties may not be present in the json, so we pass them after initializing our FactionPresence object.
                    factionPresence.Happiness = Happiness.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(presenceJson, "happiness")) ?? Happiness.None;
                    presenceJson.TryGetValue("updated_at", out object updatedVal);
                    factionPresence.updatedAt = (DateTime?)updatedVal ?? DateTime.MinValue;

                    // Active states
                    presenceJson.TryGetValue("active_states", out object activeStatesVal);
                    if (activeStatesVal != null)
                        var activeStatesList = (List <object>)activeStatesVal;
                        foreach (IDictionary <string, object> activeState in activeStatesList)
                            factionPresence.ActiveStates.Add(FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(activeState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None);

                    // Pending states
                    presenceJson.TryGetValue("pending_states", out object pendingStatesVal);
                    if (pendingStatesVal != null)
                        var pendingStatesList = (List <object>)pendingStatesVal;
                        foreach (IDictionary <string, object> pendingState in pendingStatesList)
                            FactionTrendingState pTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                                FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(pendingState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None,
                                JsonParsing.getInt(pendingState, "trend")

                    // Recovering states
                    presenceJson.TryGetValue("recovering_states", out object recoveringStatesVal);
                    if (recoveringStatesVal != null)
                        var recoveringStatesList = (List <object>)recoveringStatesVal;
                        foreach (IDictionary <string, object> recoveringState in recoveringStatesList)
                            FactionTrendingState rTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                                FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(recoveringState, "state")) ?? FactionState.None,
                                JsonParsing.getInt(recoveringState, "trend")


            catch (Exception ex)
                Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "input", response },
                    { "exception", ex }
                Logging.Error("Failed to parse BGS faction data.", data);
Пример #29
 public LocationEvent(DateTime timestamp, string system, decimal x, decimal y, decimal z, string body, string bodytype, bool docked, Superpower allegiance, string faction, State factionstate, Economy economy, Government government, SecurityLevel security) : base(timestamp, NAME)
     this.system       = system;
     this.x            = x;
     this.y            = y;
     this.z            = z;
     this.body         = body;
     this.bodytype     = bodytype;
     this.docked       = docked;
     this.allegiance   = (allegiance == null ? Superpower.None.name : allegiance.name);
     this.faction      = faction;
     this.factionstate = (factionstate == null ? State.None.name : factionstate.name);
     this.economy      = (economy == null ? Economy.None.name : economy.name);
     this.government   = (government == null ? Government.None.name : government.name);
     this.security     = (security == null ? SecurityLevel.Low.name : security.name);
Пример #30
        private static Faction ParseFaction(object response)
            IDictionary <string, object> factionJson = Deserializtion.DeserializeData(response.ToString());
            Faction faction = new Faction
                EDDBID     = (long)factionJson["eddb_id"],
                name       = (string)factionJson["name"],
                updatedAt  = (DateTime)factionJson["updated_at"],
                Government = Government.FromName((string)factionJson["government"]),
                Allegiance = Superpower.FromName((string)factionJson["allegiance"]),

            foreach (object presence in (List <object>)factionJson["faction_presence"])
                IDictionary <string, object> presenceJson = (IDictionary <string, object>)presence;
                FactionPresence factionPresence           = new FactionPresence()
                    systemName   = (string)presenceJson["system_name"],
                    influence    = (decimal?)(double?)presenceJson["influence"] * 100, // Convert from a 0-1 range to a percentage
                    FactionState = FactionState.FromEDName((string)presenceJson["state"]) ?? FactionState.None,
                    Happiness    = Happiness.FromEDName((string)presenceJson["happiness"]) ?? Happiness.None,
                    updatedAt    = (DateTime)presenceJson["updated_at"],

                // Active states
                presenceJson.TryGetValue("active_states", out object activeStatesVal);
                if (activeStatesVal != null)
                    var activeStatesList = (List <object>)activeStatesVal;
                    foreach (IDictionary <string, object> activeState in activeStatesList)
                        factionPresence.ActiveStates.Add(FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(activeState, "state") ?? "None"));

                // Pending states
                presenceJson.TryGetValue("pending_states", out object pendingStatesVal);
                if (pendingStatesVal != null)
                    var pendingStatesList = (List <object>)pendingStatesVal;
                    foreach (IDictionary <string, object> pendingState in pendingStatesList)
                        FactionTrendingState pTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                            FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(pendingState, "state") ?? "None"),
                            JsonParsing.getInt(pendingState, "trend")

                // Recovering states
                presenceJson.TryGetValue("recovering_states", out object recoveringStatesVal);
                if (recoveringStatesVal != null)
                    var recoveringStatesList = (List <object>)recoveringStatesVal;
                    foreach (IDictionary <string, object> recoveringState in recoveringStatesList)
                        FactionTrendingState rTrendingState = new FactionTrendingState(
                            FactionState.FromEDName(JsonParsing.getString(recoveringState, "state") ?? "None"),
                            JsonParsing.getInt(recoveringState, "trend")

