Пример #1
        private void label2_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)

            m_Tooltip = new SuperTooltipControl();
            m_Tooltip.AntiAlias = false;
            SuperTooltipInfo info = new SuperTooltipInfo();
            info.HeaderText = "Markup tags available";
            info.BodyText = "<b>b</b> - Bold <br/>" +
                "<b>i</b> - Italic <br/>" +
                "<b>u</b> - Underline <br/>" +
                "<b>p</b> - Paragraph container, <b>width</b> attribute indicates width of block element <br/>" +
                "<b>div</b> - Block-level container, <b>width</b> attribute indicates width of block element<br/>" +
                "<b>span</b> - Inline container, <b>width</b> attribute indicates width of block element. Can be used to create tables<br/>" +
                "<b>br</b> - Line break<br/>" +
                "<b>font</b> - Changes font, color, size. <b>size</b> attribute indicates absolute or relative font size. <b>color</b> attribute to change the color" +
                "You can use relative sizing for example +1 to increase font size by one point or -1 to decrease by one point. <b>face</b> attribute can be employed to set the specific font name to use.<br/>" +
                "<b>h1</b> - Header markup. You can use h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 to represent header sizes<br/>" +
                "<b>a</b> - Denotes hypertext link. <b>href</b> and <b>name</b> attributes are supported<br/>" +
                "<b>expand</b> - Displays the expand part of the button" +
                "<br/>All tags must be lower case and they must be well formed i.e. each tag must be closed with end tag or be an empty tag.";
            info.Color = eTooltipColor.Default;
            Point p = label2.PointToScreen(new Point(0, label2.Height + 1));
            m_Tooltip.ShowTooltip(info, p.X, p.Y, true);
        private void panelEx5_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)

            m_Tooltip = new SuperTooltipControl();
            if (m_DefaultFont != null)
                m_Tooltip.Font = m_DefaultFont;
            if (m_ParentSuperTooltip != null)
                m_Tooltip.MaximumWidth = m_ParentSuperTooltip.MaximumWidth;
                m_Tooltip.MinimumTooltipSize = m_ParentSuperTooltip.MinimumTooltipSize;
                m_Tooltip.AntiAlias = m_ParentSuperTooltip.AntiAlias;
                if (m_ParentSuperTooltip.DefaultFont != null)
                    m_Tooltip.Font = m_ParentSuperTooltip.DefaultFont;
                m_Tooltip.MaximumWidth = MaximumWidth;
            SuperTooltipInfo info=new SuperTooltipInfo();
            Point p = panelEx5.PointToScreen(new Point(0, panelEx5.Height + 1));
            m_Tooltip.ShowTooltip(info, p.X, p.Y, true);