Пример #1
        public int AddNewGuest(AllGuests myAG)
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                //get the last booking ID from the new booking, really difficult needed to google this hard
                var bookingId =
                        context.Bookings.OrderByDescending(b => b.BookingID).Select(c => c.BookingID).First());
                //CREATE new entry
                var newGuest = new Guest
                    Name = myAG.Name,
                    Address = myAG.Address,
                    NumberOfGuests = myAG.NumberOfGuests,
                    RoomBooked = myAG.RoomBooked,
                    BookingIDFK = bookingId, //get the booking ID from the booking table,  this
                    BookingDate = DateTime.Today.Date
                //   newGuest.CheckIn = DateTime.Now;

                //need to reload the guest just saved to get back the GuestID in case the checkin is immediatly done, instead of being selected from the dgv, cannot use .last as SQL doesn't recognise it
                var lastGuest = context.Guests.OrderByDescending(g => g.GuestID).Select(g => g.GuestID).FirstOrDefault();
                return lastGuest;
Пример #2
        //add a new booking passing roombooking means extra unneeded data is being shunted around.
        //public  void AddNewBookingToDB(int RoomIdfk, DateTime BookingFrom, DateTime BookingTo, Decimal Roomcost) {
        public void AddNewBookingToDB(RoomBooking myRB)
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                // CREATE a new booking
                var newbooking = new Booking();
                newbooking.RoomIDFK = myRB.RoomIdfk;
                newbooking.BookingFrom = myRB.BookingFrom.Date;
                newbooking.BookingTo = myRB.BookingTo.Date;

                //add in the cost of the room extracted from the dictionary
                newbooking.RoomCost = myRB.roomCost;
                //   RoomCost =  (decimal) newbooking.RoomCost;
                //update db

                var BookedConfirmationMessage = Environment.NewLine + "You have booked Room " +
                                                myRB.RoomIdfk + Environment.NewLine + "From " +
                                                myRB.BookingFrom + " To " + Environment.NewLine +
                                                myRB.BookingTo + Environment.NewLine + " For " +
                                                (string.Format("{0:C}", myRB.roomCost));

                //show a confirmation message
Пример #3
 public DataGridView LoadGuestsTable()
     //  using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
     _context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1();
     var allGuests = _context.Guests.Select(g => g);
     Dgv.DataSource = allGuests.ToList();
       //  Dispose();
     return Dgv;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 ///     Load the rooms table to the dgv
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>the dgv</returns>
 public DataGridView LoadRoomsTable()
     //  using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities()) {
     _context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1();
     var allRooms =
         _context.Rooms.OrderBy(r => r.RoomID);
     Dgv.DataSource = allRooms.ToList();
       //  Dispose();
     return Dgv;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Room that is clicked on in the dgv for booking
        ///     Get the free rooms and return all their details
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Room> RoomClickedDetails(List<int> allRoomsFree)
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                var roomDetails =
                    context.Rooms.Where(r => allRoomsFree.Contains(r.RoomID)).ToList();

                //var RoomDetails = from room in context.Rooms
                //    where allRoomsFree.Contains(room.RoomID)
                //    select room;

                return roomDetails;
Пример #6
        //  private RoomBooking myRoomBooking;
        public static DataGridView ListAllBookingsAfterToday()
            DataGridView chooseRoomForBookingDgv = null;
            //list all bookings after today
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                var allBookings =
                    context.Bookings.Where(b => b.BookingFrom >= DateTime.Today.Date)
                        .Select(b => new {b.RoomIDFK, b.BookingFrom, b.BookingTo})
                        .OrderBy(b => b.RoomIDFK)
                        .ThenBy(b => b.BookingFrom);

                chooseRoomForBookingDgv.DataSource = allBookings.ToList();

                return chooseRoomForBookingDgv;
Пример #7
 public void AddBilling(int GuestID, decimal RoomCharge)
     using (var context2 = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
         //select out the last guest ID, whichis the one above
         //  var NewGuestID = context.Guests.Select(g => g.GuestID).ToList().LastOrDefault();
         var saveRoomBilling = new Billing
             GuestIDFK = GuestID,
             BarCharge = 0,
             WiFiCharge = 0,
             TelephoneCharge = 0,
             RoomCharge = RoomCharge
Пример #8
        public bool CheckOutTheGuest(int GuestId)
            var IsGuestCheckOut = false;

            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                //get the current guest
                var currentGuest = context.Guests.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GuestID == GuestId);
                //     var CurrentBooking =
                //         context.Bookings.Where(b => b.RoomIDFK == CurrentGuest.Select(g => g.RoomBooked));

                //if they havn't checked in, they can't check out
                if (currentGuest.CheckIn == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("You havn't checked in yet");
                    return true;

                //make sure only to get one entry, well there should only be one anyway
                var goodbyeGuest = currentGuest;
                goodbyeGuest.CheckOut = DateTime.Now;
                //turn the checkout bool to true
                IsGuestCheckOut = true;
            return IsGuestCheckOut;
Пример #9
        public DateTime GetDateToCheckIn(int GuestId)
            DateTime guestBookingDateFrom;
            //You can only check in on the day of the booking naturally or after that day
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                //get the check in date
                //  var GuestCheckIn = context.Guests.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GuestID == this.GuestID);
                guestBookingDateFrom = (DateTime) context.Guests.Where(g => g.GuestID == GuestId)
                    .Select(g => g.Booking.BookingFrom)

                //if the booking from is the same or after todays date ......
            return guestBookingDateFrom;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the last Booking ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int LastBookingId()
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1()) {
                //get all the bookings after today
                var lastBookedRooms = context.Bookings.Select(b => b.BookingID).LastOrDefault();

                return lastBookedRooms;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get the rooms that are free
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of the free rooms</returns>
        public List<int> GetFreeRooms()
            List<int> allRoomsFreeId;
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1()) {
                //get all the bookings after today
                var allBookedRooms =
                    context.Bookings.Where(b => b.BookingFrom >= DateTime.Today)
                        .Select(b => new { b.RoomIDFK, b.BookingFrom, b.BookingTo })
                        .OrderBy(b => b.RoomIDFK)
                        .ThenBy(b => b.BookingFrom);

                //get all the rooms in total
                var allRooms = context.Rooms.Select(r => r.RoomID);

                //make a list of all the room numbers (maybe i could leave it as allrooms but whatever)
                allRoomsFreeId = new List<int>(allRooms.ToList());

                //loop through all the booked rooms
                foreach (var bookedRoom in allBookedRooms) {
                    //find if the booking dates are inside the room dates and remove the rooms from the list if they conflict
                    if (DoTheDatesOverlap(BookingFrom, BookingTo, bookedRoom.BookingFrom, bookedRoom.BookingTo)) {
                        if (allRoomsFreeId.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(bookedRoom.RoomIDFK))) {
                            //remove rooms from the list of all rooms that are in conflict
            return allRoomsFreeId;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks to see if the room is free before booking it
        /// </summary>
        public void BookRoomClick()
            //Book rooms between dates
            _isRoomConflict = false; //set the conflict
            //get all the dates for that room to compare them with the dates entered
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1()) {
                var roomBookingConflict =
                    context.Bookings.Where(b => b.RoomIDFK == RoomIdfk && b.BookingFrom >= DateTime.Today.Date)
                        .Select(b => new { b.BookingFrom, b.BookingTo })

                foreach (var bdate in roomBookingConflict) {
                    //if the new booked start date is bigger than the existing start date and less than the existing end date or the new booked end date is bigger than existing start date and before the existing end date - conflict!
                    if (BookingFrom.Date >= bdate.BookingFrom && BookingFrom.Date < bdate.BookingTo ||
                        BookingTo.Date >= bdate.BookingFrom && BookingTo.Date < bdate.BookingTo) {
                        //throw a message
                        MessageBox.Show("The room is already booked between " + BookingFrom.Date + " and " +

                        //exit out if there is a conflict
                        _isRoomConflict = true;
                } //end the foreach

                //add new booking if there is no conflict
                if (_isRoomConflict == false) {
                    //must book the room before you book the guest
Пример #13
        public void LoadBilling(int guestId)
            //delete below?
            if (guestId < 1)
                //if there is a bill coming back then load it, this will become redundant when all the guests have bills
                using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                    var loadGuestBill =
                        context.Billings.Where(b => b.GuestIDFK == guestId)
                            .Select(b => new {b.GuestIDFK, b.BarCharge, b.WiFiCharge, b.TelephoneCharge, b.RoomCharge})

                    //there is a billing list for this person
                    BarCharge = loadGuestBill.BarCharge.Value;
                    WifiCharge = loadGuestBill.WiFiCharge.Value;
                    PhoneCharge = loadGuestBill.TelephoneCharge.Value;
                    RoomCharge = loadGuestBill.RoomCharge.Value;

                    ExpensesTotalText = BarCharge + WifiCharge + PhoneCharge + RoomCharge;

            catch (Exception e)

                MessageBox.Show("Can't load Billing", string.Format("An error occurred: '{0}'", e));
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        ///     This does Update and New entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The total to the label</returns>
        public string SaveExpenses()
            //save the expenses to the DB and return the Total
            if (GuestIDFK == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("You must chose a Guest first");
                return "Invalid";
            //get a list of all guestID to check against
            var id = new List<int?>();

            //put the guestids into the list
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                id = context.Billings.Select(b => b.GuestIDFK).ToList();
            if (id.Contains(GuestIDFK))
                using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                    //get the entry that matches the guestid
                    var update = context.Billings.Where(b => b.GuestIDFK == GuestIDFK);
                    //get the first or only entry
                    var bill = update.FirstOrDefault();
                    //pass the data across
                    bill.BarCharge = BarCharge;
                    bill.WiFiCharge = WifiCharge;
                    bill.TelephoneCharge = PhoneCharge;
                    bill.RoomCharge = RoomCharge;
                    bill.GuestIDFK = GuestIDFK;
                    //save changes
                //ELSE ADD NEW GUEST
                using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                    var NewBilling = new Billing();
                    NewBilling.BarCharge = BarCharge;
                    NewBilling.WiFiCharge = WifiCharge;
                    NewBilling.TelephoneCharge = PhoneCharge;
                    NewBilling.RoomCharge = RoomCharge;
                    NewBilling.GuestIDFK = GuestIDFK;
                    //update db
            var total = Convert.ToString(BarCharge + WifiCharge + PhoneCharge + RoomCharge);
            return total;
Пример #15
 public void CheckTheGuestIn(int GuestId)
     using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
         var guest = context.Guests.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GuestID == GuestId);
         guest.CheckIn = DateTime.Now;
Пример #16
        public string LoadGuestBooking(int GuestId )
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1()) {
                //get the current guest
                var currentGuestBooking =
                    context.Guests.Where(g => g.GuestID == GuestId).Select(g => g.BookingIDFK).SingleOrDefault();

                var currentBooking = context.Bookings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.BookingID == currentGuestBooking);

                return "From " + currentBooking.BookingFrom.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + " to " +
                                   currentBooking.BookingTo.Value.Date.ToShortDateString() + " In room " +
Пример #17
        public DataGridView LoadDatesForBookedRoomsv(int RoomNumber)
            //Get all guests who havn't checked out  && g.CheckIn > DateTime.Today.Date
            var mydgv = new DataGridView();
            var Dates = new List<DateTime>();
            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                var loadRoomDates = from b in context.Bookings
                    where b.Room.RoomID == RoomNumber
                    //room number
                    orderby b.BookingFrom
                    select new
                        //when you change the  navigation it makes a new connection booking instead of removing or replacinig the old connection booking in the model
                        Booking_From = b.BookingFrom,
                        Booking_To = b.BookingTo
                mydgv.DataSource = loadRoomDates.ToList();

                // loadRoomDates.ToList();
                return mydgv;
Пример #18
 public DataGridView LoadAllGuestsToDgv()
     //Get all guests who havn't checked out  && g.CheckIn > DateTime.Today.Date
     var mydgv = new DataGridView();
     using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
         var loadGuests = from g in context.Guests
             where g.CheckOut == null
             //so there are people there
             orderby g.Booking.BookingFrom
                     ID = g.GuestID,
                     Guests = g.NumberOfGuests,
                     Room = g.RoomBooked,
                     //when you change the  navigation it makes a new connection booking instead of removing or replacinig the old connection booking in the model
                    From = g.Booking.BookingFrom,
                    To = g.Booking.BookingTo,
                     Check_In = g.CheckIn
         mydgv.DataSource = loadGuests.ToList();
         return mydgv;
Пример #19
        public DataGridView GetFreeRoomsAndStuff(List<int> allRoomsFree)
            var ChooseRoomForBookingDgv = new DataGridView();

            using (var context = new Sunshine_HotelEntities1())
                //get all the bookings, get all the booked rooms, subtract one from the other and you are left with free rooms.
                //then match the free rooms by the dates booked and the guest numbers to get the best rooms
                //leftover rooms are by logic free, get the rest of their details such as beds THIS IS FOR THE DGV ONLY
                var freeRoomsAndBedsForDgv =
                    context.Rooms.Where(r => allRoomsFree.Contains(r.RoomID))
                        .Select(r => new {Room = r.RoomID, Singlebeds = r.NumSingleBeds, Doublebeds = r.NumDoubleBeds});

                //output the other details to the dgv
                ChooseRoomForBookingDgv.DataSource = freeRoomsAndBedsForDgv.ToList();

                // AllDataForBooking.DataSource = freeRoomsAndBedsForDgv.ToList();

            return ChooseRoomForBookingDgv;