/* * Stops Enemies and the Sun From executing(Basically Pausing them) if you send a false boolean * Resumes Enemies and Sun if you send a true boolean */ private void PauseOrResumeEnemiesAndSun(bool value) { //The current Way of getting enemies is terrible so I'm doing it this way Enemy[] enemiesArray = FindObjectsOfType <Enemy>(); SunScript sunScript = FindObjectOfType <SunScript>(); //For each Enemy for (int i = 0; i < enemiesArray.Length; i++) { //Pause it or resume it enemiesArray[i].enabled = value; enemiesArray[i].ThisAnimator.enabled = value; //Pause all enemies sounds AudioSource[] audioSources = enemiesArray[i].GetAudioSources(); if (audioSources.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < audioSources.Length; j++) { if (value) { audioSources[j].UnPause(); } else { audioSources[j].Pause(); } } } } //For the Sun sunScript.enabled = value; }
public void SetupSimulation(EarthScript earth, SunScript sun) { this.earth = earth; this.sun = sun; gameObject.name = speciesName; foreach (var organ in GetComponents <BasicSpeciesOrganScript>()) { organ.SetBasicSpeciesScript(this); } SetupSpecificSimulation(); jobController = GetComponent <BasicJobController>(); }
void Awake() { // Register the singleton if (Instance != null) { Debug.LogError("Multiple instances of BeatsEngine!"); } Instance = this; audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); sunScript = sun.GetComponent <SunScript>(); terrainGeneration = GetComponent <TerrainGeneration>(); }
public void OnFinishedLoadingAllScene() { earth = GameObject.Find("Earth").GetComponent <EarthScript>(); sun = GameObject.Find("Sun").GetComponent <SunScript>(); SpeciesManager.Instance.GetSpeciesMotor().enabled = true; SpeciesManager.Instance.GetSpeciesMotor().SetupSimulation(earth, sun); earth.SetUpEarth(earthSize, simulationSpeed); sun.SetupSun(earth); SpeciesManager.Instance.GetSpeciesMotor().StartSimulation(); User.Instance.StartSimulation(); simulationInitialised = true; earth.StartSimulation(); }
public void SetupSimulation(EarthScript earth, SunScript sun) { this.earth = earth; canvasUI = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); graphWindow = canvasUI.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <GraphWindow>(); graphWindow.gameObject.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { GameObject newCountPrefab = Instantiate(populaitonCountPrefab, GetPopulationCountParent()); newCountPrefab.GetComponent <SpeciesPopulaitonCount>().SetSpecies(transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BasicSpeciesScript>(), i); } foreach (var speciesHolder in GetAllSpeciesHolders()) { speciesHolder.Destroy(); } for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { allSpecies.Add(transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BasicSpeciesScript>()); transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BasicSpeciesScript>().speciesIndex = i; } for (int i = 0; i < GetAllSpecies().Count; i++) { if (GetAllSpecies()[i].GetComponent <AnimalSpecies>() != null) { animalSpecies.Add(GetAllSpecies()[i].GetComponent <AnimalSpecies>()); GetAllSpecies()[i].specificSpeciesIndex = animalSpecies.Count - 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < GetAllSpecies().Count; i++) { if (GetAllSpecies()[i].GetComponent <PlantSpecies>() != null) { plantSpecies.Add(GetAllSpecies()[i].GetComponent <PlantSpecies>()); GetAllSpecies()[i].specificSpeciesIndex = plantSpecies.Count - 1; } } foreach (var species in GetAllSpecies()) { species.SetupSimulation(earth, sun); } }
void PlaceSun() { this.sun = Instantiate(sunPrefab, sunSpawnPoint, Quaternion.identity); sunScript = this.sun.transform.GetComponent <SunScript>(); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }