Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return member description/summary
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetDescription(this MemberInfo member)
            if (member == null)
            string s;

            if (cached_summary.TryGetValue(member, out s))
            SummaryAttribute summary_flag = member.GetAttribute <SummaryAttribute>(false);

            if (summary_flag != null)
                return(cached_summary[member] = summary_flag.summary);
            if (member is Type)
                return(cached_summary[member] = ((Type)member).GetTypeName(true));
            if (member is MethodInfo)
                return(cached_summary[member] = ((MethodInfo)member).GetSignName(true));
Пример #2
        public static string[] BuildHelpLines(ulong guild)
            List <string> arrayList = new List <string>();

            Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); // Get assembly

            var results = from type in asm.GetTypes()
                          where typeof(ModuleBase).IsAssignableFrom(type)
                          select type; // Grab all types that inherit ModuleBase

            string trigger = Program.Instance.triggerMap[guild];

            foreach (Type t in results) // For each type in results
                /* Grab MethodInfo of the type where the method has the attribute SummaryAttribute */
                MethodInfo info = t.GetMethods().Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SummaryAttribute), false).Length > 0).First();

                /* Grab summary attribute */
                SummaryAttribute summary = info.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SummaryAttribute)) as SummaryAttribute;

                /* Grab command attribute */
                CommandAttribute command = info.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CommandAttribute)) as CommandAttribute;

                /* Both objects are non null, valid, so lets grab the attribute text */
                if (summary != null && command != null)
                    if (!Program.IsCommandDisabled(command.Text))
                        arrayList.Add(trigger + command.Text + " - " + summary.Text);

            return(arrayList.ToArray()); // return string[] array
Пример #3
        public void SummaryWorksOnConstructors()
            SummaryAttribute attribute = (SummaryAttribute)Helper.GetAttribute

            Assert.Equal(TestConstants.SummaryText, attribute.Summary);
Пример #4
        public void SummaryWorksOnMethods()
            SummaryAttribute attribute = (SummaryAttribute)Helper.GetAttribute

            Assert.Equal(TestConstants.SummaryText, attribute.Summary);
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var summaryAttributes = typeof(Foo).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SummaryAttribute), false);

        if (summaryAttributes.Length != 0)
            SummaryAttribute summary = (SummaryAttribute)summaryAttributes[0];
Пример #6
        protected string BuildMethodDescription(MethodInfo methodInfo)
            //get the method level attributes
            CommandAttribute cmnAttrib = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CommandAttribute)) as CommandAttribute;
            SummaryAttribute sumAttrib = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SummaryAttribute)) as SummaryAttribute;
            //get method template
            string cmdDescTmpl = _botStrings.getString("common", "method_description");

            return(String.Format(cmdDescTmpl, cmnAttrib.Text, sumAttrib.Text));
Пример #7
        protected string BuildParameterDescription(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo parameterInfo)
            //get parameter name and attribute
            string           paramName  = parameterInfo.Name;
            SummaryAttribute summAttrib = parameterInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SummaryAttribute)) as SummaryAttribute;
            //get parameter template
            string paramTmpl = _botStrings.getString("common", "parameter_description");

            return(String.Format(paramTmpl, paramName, summAttrib.Text));
Пример #8
        private Command HandleCommandGroup(Type type)
            CommandGroupAttribute commandGroupAttribute = type.GetCustomAttribute <CommandGroupAttribute>(false);
            AliasAttribute        aliasAttribute        = type.GetCustomAttribute <AliasAttribute>(false);
            SummaryAttribute      summaryAttribute      = type.GetCustomAttribute <SummaryAttribute>(false);

            // Get all methods that have a CommandAttribute
            IEnumerable <MethodInfo> methods = type.GetMethods()
                                               .Where(m => m.IsDefined(typeof(CommandAttribute), false));
            // Get all nested classes with a CommandGroupAttribute
            IEnumerable <Type> subTypes = type.GetNestedTypes()
                                          .Where(t => t.IsDefined(typeof(CommandGroupAttribute), false));

            // Default command is when a method in a group has a no name meaning its the default method to call
            List <Method> defaultCommandMethods = new List <Method>();

            List <Command> subCommands = new List <Command>();

            foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
                Command subCommand = HandleCommand(method);
                // Check if its the default command
                if (subCommand.Name == null)
                    // Should always be 1 method
                    Command sameCommand = subCommands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == subCommand.Name);
                    if (sameCommand == null)
                        sameCommand.Summary = sameCommand.Summary ?? subCommand.Summary;

            foreach (Type subType in subTypes)

            return(new Command(
                       name: commandGroupAttribute.Name,
                       aliases: aliasAttribute?.Aliases,
                       summary: summaryAttribute?.Summary,
                       subCommands: subCommands,
                       methods: defaultCommandMethods));
Пример #9
        protected string BuildCommandDescription(TypeInfo typeInfo)
            //get the class level attributes
            GroupAttribute   grpAttrib = typeInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(GroupAttribute)) as GroupAttribute;
            SummaryAttribute sumAttrib = typeInfo.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SummaryAttribute)) as SummaryAttribute;
            //get description template
            string cmdDescTmpl = _botStrings.getString("common", "command_description");

            //build string with tempate
            return(String.Format(cmdDescTmpl, grpAttrib.Prefix, sumAttrib.Text));
Пример #10
        public async Task Help()
            EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();

            MethodInfo[] mi = GetType().GetMethods();
            for (int o = 0; o < mi.Length - 5; o++)
                CommandAttribute myAttribute1 = mi[o].GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType <CommandAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                SummaryAttribute myAttribute2 = mi[o].GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType <SummaryAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
                eb.AddField(myAttribute1.Text, myAttribute2.Text);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, eb);
Пример #11
        private Command HandleCommand(MethodInfo methodInfo)
            if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
                throw new MethodNotStaticException(methodInfo);
            if (methodInfo.ContainsGenericParameters)
                throw new GenericParametersException(methodInfo);

            CommandAttribute commandAttribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute <CommandAttribute>(false);
            AliasAttribute   aliasAttribute   = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute <AliasAttribute>(false);
            SummaryAttribute summaryAttribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute <SummaryAttribute>(false);

            return(new Command(
                       name: commandAttribute.Name,
                       aliases: aliasAttribute?.Aliases,
                       summary: summaryAttribute?.Summary,
                       subCommands: new List <Command>(),
                       methodInfo: methodInfo));
Пример #12
        public async Task Commandlist(params string[] parameters)
            string dm = "​\nList of Commands\n"
                        + "━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"
                        + "\n\n";

            Type type = typeof(Tools);

            foreach (var method in type.GetMethods())
                var attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(method);

                foreach (var attrib in attrs)
                    if (attrib is CommandAttribute)
                        CommandAttribute a = (CommandAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += "!!" + a.Text + "\n";

                    if (attrib is AliasAttribute)
                        AliasAttribute a = (AliasAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += "aliases: ";
                        foreach (var alias in a.Aliases)
                            dm += "!!" + alias + ", ";
                        dm = dm.Remove(dm.Count() - 2);

                        dm += "\n";

                    if (attrib is SummaryAttribute)
                        SummaryAttribute a = (SummaryAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += a.Text + "\n";

                    if (attrib is RequireOwnerAttribute)
                        RequireOwnerAttribute a = (RequireOwnerAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += "Permitted users - Bot owner" + "\n";

                    if (attrib is RequireUserPermissionAttribute)
                        RequireUserPermissionAttribute a = (RequireUserPermissionAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += "Permitted users - ";
                        if (a.GuildPermission.Value == GuildPermission.Administrator)
                            dm += "Server Admins";

                        dm += "\n";

                    if (attrib is RequireRoleAttribute)
                        RequireRoleAttribute a = (RequireRoleAttribute)attrib;
                        dm += "Permitted users - " + a.name + "\n";

                dm += "\n​";
            dm += "\n\n​";
            await DmSplit(dm);
            await CommandStatus("DM Sent.", "Command List");
Пример #13
        public Task HelpAsync()
            //List<CommandInfo> commandInfos = new List<CommandInfo>();

            //foreach (ModuleInfo item in CommandHandler._commands.Modules)
            //	commandInfos.AddRange(item.GetExecutableCommandsAsync(Context, null).GetAwaiter().GetResult());

            //List<CommandDescription> Commands = new List<CommandDescription>();

            //foreach (CommandInfo info in commandInfos)
            //	info.Attributes

            MemberInfo[] Methodinfos = typeof(BasicModule).GetMethods();

            Methodinfos = Methodinfos.Concat(typeof(BotServerManagmentModule).GetMethods()).ToArray();
            Methodinfos = Methodinfos.Concat(typeof(ListSortModule).GetMethods()).ToArray();
            Methodinfos = Methodinfos.Concat(typeof(MiscCommandsModlue).GetMethods()).ToArray();

            Methodinfos = Methodinfos.Where(x => ((MethodBase)x).IsPublic).ToArray();

            List <CommandDescription> Commands = new List <CommandDescription>();

            foreach (MethodInfo info in Methodinfos)
                GroupAttribute GroupName = (GroupAttribute)info.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(GroupAttribute));

                CommandAttribute CommandName    = (CommandAttribute)info.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CommandAttribute));
                SummaryAttribute CommandSummary = (SummaryAttribute)info.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SummaryAttribute));

                if (!(CommandName is null) && !(CommandSummary is null))
                    Commands.Add(new CommandDescription {
                        Groupname = GroupName?.Prefix ?? string.Empty, CommandName = CommandName.Text, CommandSummary = CommandSummary.Text

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                    Name = "AutorName",
                    Url  = "https://www.emoji.co.uk/files/twitter-emojis/symbols-twitter/11121-negative-squared-latin-capital-letter-a.png"
                Color    = Color.Purple,
                ImageUrl = Properties.AshSettings.Default.ProfilePicture,
                Title    = "Hilfe",
                Fields   = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>()

            foreach (CommandDescription description in Commands)
                builder.AddField($"{description.Groupname} {description.CommandName}", description.CommandSummary, false);

            return(ReplyAsync(embed: builder.Build()));