Пример #1
        protected void btnReserve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // izmantojot noģenerētās klases, piekļūt tabulas Students datiem
            var taStudents = new StudentsTableAdapter();
            var tblStudents
                = new DataModel.DataModelDataSet.StudentsDataTable();
            bool userHasNotReservedBefore = true;

                var testvariable = taStudents.GetData().First(r => r.IDCard == txtStudentID.Text);
                MsgBox("Studentam jau ir rezervēta tēma", this.Page, this);
                userHasNotReservedBefore = false;
            catch { }

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtStudentID.Text))
                valStudentID.IsValid = false;
            if (!IsValid || !userHasNotReservedBefore) // Ja formas lauki nav veiksmīgi validēti,
                SetupView1();                          // tad paliek otrajā solī.
                    // izveido jaunu raksta instanci
                    var newRow = tblStudents.NewStudentsRow();
                    // uzstāda jaunā raksta vērtības
                    newRow.Name    = txtStudentName.Text;
                    newRow.Surname = txtStudentSurname.Text;
                    newRow.IDCard  = txtStudentID.Text;
                    newRow.Level   = Convert.ToInt32(ddlQualifLevel.SelectedValue);
                    newRow.Notes   = "Rezervēts no tīmekļa.";
                    newRow.TopicID = (int)gvTopicSelection.SelectedDataKey["TopicID"];
                    // pievieno raksta instanci lokālajai datu kešatmiņai
                    // aktualizē izmaiņas datu bāzē
                    // aktualizē tēmu saraksta tabulas datus tīmekļā lapā
                    // uzstāda informāciju lietotājam par veiksmīgu pievienošanu
                    lblStatus.Text = "Paldies, tēmas rezervēšana bija veiksmīga!";
                    // inicializē laukus, sagatavojot jaunas tēmas ievadīšanai
                    txtStudentName.Text            = txtStudentSurname.Text = "";
                    gvTopicSelection.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    SetupView0(); // lai pārietu uz pirmo soli
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblStatus.Text = ex.Message;
                    SetupView1(); // lai paliktu otrajā solī
Пример #2
        private void btnAll_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StudentsTableAdapter dstu = new StudentsTableAdapter();
            CoursesTableAdapter  da   = new CoursesTableAdapter();

            catch (Exception ex)
        // create the data tables from lists set up with initial data
        // we won't use these lists or the classes after the data tables are created

        private void CreateRegistrationDataTables()
            // set the shorter table names

            registrationTable = studentRegistrationDataSet.Registration;
            coursesTable      = studentRegistrationDataSet.Courses;
            studentsTable     = studentRegistrationDataSet.Students;
            departmentsTable  = studentRegistrationDataSet.Departments;

            // seed all the table data

            // students data

            List <Student> students = new List <Student>()
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Svetlana", StudentLastName = "Rostov", StudentMajor = "CSIS"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Claire", StudentLastName = "Bloome", StudentMajor = "ACCT"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Sven", StudentLastName = "Baertschi", StudentMajor = "MKTG"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Cesar", StudentLastName = "Chavez", StudentMajor = "FINC"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Debra", StudentLastName = "Manning", StudentMajor = "CSIS"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Fadi", StudentLastName = "Hadari", StudentMajor = "ACCT"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Hanyeng", StudentLastName = "Fen", StudentMajor = "MKTG"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Hugo", StudentLastName = "Victor", StudentMajor = "FINC"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Lance", StudentLastName = "Armstrong", StudentMajor = "MKTG"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Terry", StudentLastName = "Matthews", StudentMajor = "CSIS"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Eugene", StudentLastName = "Fei", StudentMajor = "FINC"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Michael", StudentLastName = "Thorson", StudentMajor = "CSIS"
                new Student {
                    StudentFirstName = "Simon", StudentLastName = "Li", StudentMajor = "CSIS"

            // departments data

            List <Department> departments = new List <Department>()
                new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "CSIS", DepartmentName = "Computing Studies"
                new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "ACCT", DepartmentName = "Accounting"
                new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "MKTG", DepartmentName = "Marketing"
                new Department {
                    DepartmentId = "FINC", DepartmentName = "Finance"

            // courses data

            List <Course> courses = new List <Course>()
                new Course {
                    CourseId = 101, CourseDepartmentId = "CSIS", CourseName = "Programming I"
                new Course {
                    CourseId = 102, CourseDepartmentId = "CSIS", CourseName = "Programming II"
                new Course {
                    CourseId = 101, CourseDepartmentId = "ACCT", CourseName = "Accounting I"
                new Course {
                    CourseId = 102, CourseDepartmentId = "ACCT", CourseName = "Accounting II"
                new Course {
                    CourseId = 101, CourseDepartmentId = "FINC", CourseName = "Corporate Finance"

            // registration data - note consists of a registration object, and a student id.
            // if the students table is set up with a different autoincrement that starting at 1, this won't work

            List <Registration> registrations = new List <Registration>()
                new Registration {
                    RegisteredCourse = courses[0], StudentId = 1
                new Registration {
                    RegisteredCourse = courses[0], StudentId = 2
                new Registration {
                    RegisteredCourse = courses[1], StudentId = 1
                new Registration {
                    RegisteredCourse = courses[4], StudentId = 1

            // for each table, Fill the dataset table with data from the database (should be zero).
            //     this also instantiates sql commands


            // make sure student id starts at 1
            ReseedTable(studentsTableAdapter.Connection, studentsTable.TableName, studentsTable.Count());

            // remove any data that is in the data tables.
            // assumes that the tables have been set up properly using the sql project in this solution

            DeleteData(registrationTableAdapter.Adapter, registrationTable);
            DeleteData(coursesTableAdapter.Adapter, coursesTable);
            DeleteData(studentsTableAdapter.Adapter, studentsTable);
            DeleteData(departmentsTableAdapter.Adapter, departmentsTable);

            //    for each object in the lists above that corresponds to the data table, insert a record
            //    then Update, and re Fill the data table

            // add Students using adapter insert, then update and fill
            // then bind the datasource to the table
            // this is already done for you

            foreach (Student s in students)
                // an alternative to using the Insert method

                //StudentRegistrationDataSet.StudentsRow row = studentRegistrationDataSet.Students.NewStudentsRow();
                //row.StudentFirstName = s.StudentFirstName;
                //row.StudentLastName = s.StudentLastName;
                //row.StudentMajor = s.StudentMajor;

                studentsTableAdapter.Insert(s.StudentFirstName, s.StudentLastName, s.StudentMajor);

            dataGridViewStudents.DataSource = studentsTable;

            // add Departments, then update and fill, and bind datasource
            // your code here

            foreach (Department d in departments)
                departmentsTableAdapter.Insert(d.DepartmentId, d.DepartmentName);

            dataGridViewDepartments.DataSource = departmentsTable;

            // add Courses, then update and fill, and bind datasource
            // your code here

            foreach (Course c in courses)
                coursesTableAdapter.Insert(c.CourseId, c.CourseDepartmentId, c.CourseName);

            dataGridViewCourses.DataSource = coursesTable;

            // sort the courses in gridview
            // hint: use the Sort() method on column 0, ascending
            // your code here

            dataGridViewCourses.Sort(dataGridViewCourses.Columns[0], ListSortDirection.Ascending);

            // add Registration last. add the registrations then update and fill again
            // finally, set DataSource to the table

            foreach (Registration r in registrations)
                registrationTableAdapter.Insert(r.StudentId, r.RegisteredCourse.CourseId, r.RegisteredCourse.CourseDepartmentId);

            dataGridViewRegistration.DataSource = registrationTable;
            //registrationTableAdapter.Fill(registrationTable); // instantiates sql commands

            // your code here
Пример #4
        public void UpdateData()
            StudentsTableAdapter adapter = new StudentsTableAdapter();
