public static string ToNative(this Structural1DPropertyExplicit prop)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prop.ApplicationId))

            var gsaSectionDict = new Dictionary <MaterialType, Func <Structural1DPropertyExplicit, int, GsaSection> >
                { MaterialType.Concrete, ToGsaSectionConcrete },
                { MaterialType.Steel, ToGsaSectionSteel },
                { MaterialType.Generic, ToGsaSectionGeneric }

            var keyword  = GsaRecord.GetKeyword <GsaSection>();
            var streamId = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.LookupStream(prop.ApplicationId);
            var index    = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.ResolveIndex(keyword, prop.ApplicationId);

            var materialIndex = 0;
            var materialType  = MaterialType.Generic;

            var materialSteelKeyword = typeof(GSAMaterialSteel).GetGSAKeyword();
            var materialConcKeyword  = typeof(GSAMaterialConcrete).GetGSAKeyword();

            var res = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.LookupIndex(materialSteelKeyword, prop.MaterialRef);

            if (res.HasValue)
                materialIndex = res.Value;
                materialType  = MaterialType.Steel;
                res = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.LookupIndex(materialConcKeyword, prop.MaterialRef);
                if (res.HasValue)
                    materialIndex = res.Value;
                    materialType  = MaterialType.Concrete;
                    //For generic, set index to 1 as a default
                    materialIndex = 1;

            var gsaSection = gsaSectionDict[materialType](prop, materialIndex);

            gsaSection.Index         = index;
            gsaSection.ApplicationId = prop.ApplicationId;
            gsaSection.Name          = prop.Name;

            if (gsaSection.Gwa(out var gwaLines, false))
                Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.Upsert(keyword, index, gwaLines.First(), streamId, prop.ApplicationId, GsaRecord.GetGwaSetCommandType <GsaSection>());

 private static GsaSection ToGsaSectionGeneric(Structural1DPropertyExplicit prop, int materialIndex)
     return(new GsaSection
         Components = new List <GsaSectionComponentBase>()
             CreateSectionComp(Section1dMaterialType.GENERIC, materialIndex, prop.Area, prop.Iyy, prop.Izz, prop.J, prop.Ky, prop.Kz)
Пример #3
        public static SpeckleObject ToSpeckle(this GsaSection dummyObject)
            var newLines = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.GetGwaToSerialise(dummyObject.Keyword);

            var structural1DPropertyExplicits = new List <Structural1DPropertyExplicit>();

            var concreteMaterials = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSAMaterialConcrete>().ToDictionary(o => o.GSAId, o => ((StructuralMaterialConcrete)o.SpeckleObject).ApplicationId);
            var steelMaterials    = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSAMaterialSteel>().ToDictionary(o => o.GSAId, o => ((StructuralMaterialSteel)o.SpeckleObject).ApplicationId);

            //Currently only handles explicit 1D properties
            //Filtering out all but explicit properties:
            //1.  First exclude any GWA lines with the exact string "EXP" - make first pass at filtering them out
            //2.  Call FromGwa for all and perform logic check of values of GsaSection (and subclass) instances
            var keysContainingEXP = newLines.Keys.Where(k => newLines[k].Contains("EXP")).ToList();
            var gsaSectionsExp    = new List <GsaSection>();

            foreach (var k in keysContainingEXP)
                var gsaSection = new GsaSection();
                if (gsaSection.FromGwa(newLines[k]) && FindExpDetails(gsaSection, out var comp, out var pde))
                    var structuralProp = new Structural1DPropertyExplicit()
                        Name          = gsaSection.Name,
                        ApplicationId = gsaSection.ApplicationId,
                        Area          = pde.Area,
                        Iyy           = pde.Iyy,
                        Izz           = pde.Izz,
                        J             = pde.J,
                        Ky            = pde.Ky,
                        Kz            = pde.Kz

                    //No support for any other material type at this stage
                    if (comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.CONCRETE || comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.STEEL)
                        var materialIndex = comp.MaterialIndex ?? 0;
                        var materialDict  = (comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.CONCRETE) ? concreteMaterials : steelMaterials;
                        structuralProp.MaterialRef = (materialIndex > 0 && materialDict.ContainsKey(materialIndex)) ? materialDict[materialIndex] : null;


            var props = structural1DPropertyExplicits.Select(pe => new GSA1DPropertyExplicit()
                Value = pe

            return((props.Count() > 0) ? new SpeckleObject() : new SpeckleNull());
 private static GsaSection ToGsaSectionConcrete(Structural1DPropertyExplicit prop, int materialIndex)
     return(new GsaSection
         Components = new List <GsaSectionComponentBase>()
             CreateSectionComp(Section1dMaterialType.CONCRETE, materialIndex, prop.Area, prop.Iyy, prop.Izz, prop.J, prop.Ky, prop.Kz),
             //If any of the below have no properties being set, it's because they basically contain fixed values at this stage
             new SectionConc(),
             new SectionLink(),
             new SectionCover(),
             new SectionTmpl()
 private static GsaSection ToGsaSectionSteel(Structural1DPropertyExplicit prop, int materialIndex)
     return(new GsaSection
         Components = new List <GsaSectionComponentBase>()
             CreateSectionComp(Section1dMaterialType.STEEL, materialIndex, prop.Area, prop.Iyy, prop.Izz, prop.J, prop.Ky, prop.Kz),
             new SectionSteel()
                 PlasElas = 1,
                 NetGross = 1,
                 Exposed = 1,
                 Beta = 0.4,
                 Locked = false,
                 Type = SectionSteelSectionType.Undefined,
                 Plate = SectionSteelPlateType.Undefined
Пример #6
        public static SpeckleObject ToSpeckle(this GsaSection dummyObject)
            var settings         = Initialiser.AppResources.Settings;
            var element1dResults = settings.ResultTypes != null && settings.ResultTypes.Any(rt => rt.ToString().ToLower().Contains("1d"));

            if (settings.TargetLayer == GSATargetLayer.Analysis && settings.StreamSendConfig == StreamContentConfig.TabularResultsOnly && !element1dResults)
                return(new SpeckleNull());

            var kw       = GsaRecord.GetKeyword <GsaSection>();
            var newLines = Initialiser.AppResources.Cache.GetGwaToSerialise(kw);

            int numAdded = 0;

            var structural1DPropertyExplicits = new List <Structural1DPropertyExplicit>();

            var concreteMaterials = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSAMaterialConcrete>().ToDictionary(o => o.GSAId, o => ((StructuralMaterialConcrete)o.SpeckleObject).ApplicationId);
            var steelMaterials    = Initialiser.GsaKit.GSASenderObjects.Get <GSAMaterialSteel>().ToDictionary(o => o.GSAId, o => ((StructuralMaterialSteel)o.SpeckleObject).ApplicationId);

            //Currently only handles explicit 1D properties
            //Filtering out all but explicit properties:
            //1.  First exclude any GWA lines with the exact string "EXP" - make first pass at filtering them out
            //2.  Call FromGwa for all and perform logic check of values of GsaSection (and subclass) instances
            var indicesContainingEXP = newLines.Keys.Where(k => newLines[k].Contains("EXP")).ToList();
            var gsaSectionsExp       = new List <GsaSection>();

            foreach (var i in indicesContainingEXP)
                var obj = Helper.ToSpeckleTryCatch(dummyObject.Keyword, i, () =>
                    var gsaSection = new GsaSection();
                    if (gsaSection.FromGwa(newLines[i]) && FindExpDetails(gsaSection, out var comp, out var pde))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gsaSection.ApplicationId))
                            gsaSection.ApplicationId = SpeckleStructuralGSA.Helper.FormatApplicationId(kw, i);
                        var structuralProp = new Structural1DPropertyExplicit()
                            Name          = gsaSection.Name,
                            ApplicationId = gsaSection.ApplicationId,
                            Area          = pde.Area,
                            Iyy           = pde.Iyy,
                            Izz           = pde.Izz,
                            J             = pde.J,
                            Ky            = pde.Ky,
                            Kz            = pde.Kz

                        //No support for any other material type at this stage
                        if (comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.CONCRETE || comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.STEEL)
                            var materialIndex          = comp.MaterialIndex ?? 0;
                            var materialDict           = (comp.MaterialType == Section1dMaterialType.CONCRETE) ? concreteMaterials : steelMaterials;
                            structuralProp.MaterialRef = (materialIndex > 0 && materialDict.ContainsKey(materialIndex)) ? materialDict[materialIndex] : null;
                    return(new SpeckleNull());