public static StripeSource CreateSource(string token, int amount, string redirectUrl)

            var sourceOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Amount   = amount,
                Currency = "gbp",
                Type     = "three_d_secure",
                ThreeDSecureCardOrSourceId = token,
                RedirectReturnUrl          = redirectUrl

            var sourceService = new StripeSourceService();

                StripeSource source = sourceService.Create(sourceOptions);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public StripeSourceServiceTest()
            this.service = new StripeSourceService();

            this.createOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd",
                Mandate  = new StripeSourceMandateOptions
                    MandateAcceptanceDate      = DateTime.Parse("Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00Z"),
                    MandateAcceptanceIp        = "",
                    MandateAcceptanceStatus    = "accepted",
                    MandateAcceptanceUserAgent = "User-Agent",
                    MandateNotificationMethod  = "manual",
                Receiver = new StripeSourceReceiverOptions
                    RefundAttributesMethod = "manual",

            this.updateOptions = new StripeSourceUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new StripeSourceListOptions()
                Limit = 1,
        public attaching_and_detaching_sources()
            var SourceCardCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Token = "tok_visa"

            var CustomerCreateOptions = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions
                Email = "*****@*****.**",

            var sourceService   = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var customerService = new StripeCustomerService(Cache.ApiKey);

            var SourceCard = sourceService.Create(SourceCardCreateOptions);

            Customer = customerService.Create(CustomerCreateOptions);

            var SourceAttachOptions = new StripeSourceAttachOptions
                Source = SourceCard.Id

            SourceAttached = sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);
            SourceDetached = sourceService.Detach(Customer.Id, SourceAttached.Id);
Пример #4
        public sources_fixture()
            SourceCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email      = "*****@*****.**",
                    CityOrTown = "Mayberry",
                    State      = "NC"

            SourceUpdateOptions = new StripeSourceUpdateOptions
                Owner = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email = "*****@*****.**"

            var service = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Source          = service.Create(SourceCreateOptions);
            SourceUpdated   = service.Update(Source.Id, SourceUpdateOptions);
            SourceRetrieved = service.Get(Source.Id);
Пример #5
        public sources_fixture()
            SourceCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.Bitcoin,
                Amount   = 1,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email      = "*****@*****.**",
                    CityOrTown = "Mayberry",
                    State      = "NC"

            SourceUpdateOptions = new StripeSourceUpdateOptions
                Owner = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email = "*****@*****.**"

            var service = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Source          = service.Create(SourceCreateOptions);
            SourceUpdated   = service.Update(Source.Id, SourceUpdateOptions);
            SourceRetrieved = service.Get(Source.Id);
Пример #6
        public creating_three_d_secure_source()
            var sourceCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type              = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Amount            = 1234,
                Currency          = "eur",
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://no.where/webhooks",
                Card              = new StripeCreditCardOptions
                    // Using PAN as we don't have a 3DS test token yet
                    Number          = "4000000000003063",
                    ExpirationMonth = 12,
                    ExpirationYear  = 2020

            var threeDSCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type              = StripeSourceType.ThreeDSecure,
                Amount            = 8675309,
                Currency          = "eur",
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://no.where/webhooks",

            var sourceService   = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var customerService = new StripeCustomerService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Customer = customerService.Create(new StripeCustomerCreateOptions {

            Source = sourceService.Create(sourceCreateOptions);
            threeDSCreateOptions.ThreeDSecureCardOrSourceId = Source.Id;
            ThreeDSecure = sourceService.Create(threeDSCreateOptions);

            SourceCustomer = sourceService.Create(sourceCreateOptions);
            var SourceAttachOptions = new StripeSourceAttachOptions
                Source = SourceCustomer.Id

            sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);

            threeDSCreateOptions.ThreeDSecureCardOrSourceId = SourceCustomer.Id;
            threeDSCreateOptions.ThreeDSecureCustomer       = Customer.Id;
            ThreeDSecureCustomer = sourceService.Create(threeDSCreateOptions);

            // from here, you have to go to the threeDSecure.Redirect.Url and click success

            //var charge = new StripeChargeService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(
            //    new StripeChargeCreateOptions
            //    {
            //        Amount = 8675309,
            //        Currency = "eur",
            //        SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = threeDSecure.Id
            //    }
Пример #7
        public listing_sources_on_customer()
            var sourceService   = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var customerService = new StripeCustomerService(Cache.ApiKey);

            // Create customer
            var CustomerCreateOptions = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            var Customer = customerService.Create(CustomerCreateOptions);

            // Create card source and attach it to customer
            var SourceCardCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Token = "tok_visa"
            var SourceCard = sourceService.Create(SourceCardCreateOptions);

            var SourceAttachOptions = new StripeSourceAttachOptions
                Source = SourceCard.Id

            SourceCard = sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);

            // Create bitcoin source and attach it to customer
            var SourceBitcoinCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.Bitcoin,
                Amount   = 1000,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
            var SourceBitcoin = sourceService.Create(SourceBitcoinCreateOptions);

            SourceAttachOptions.Source = SourceBitcoin.Id;
            SourceBitcoin = sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);

            // List sources on customer
            SourceListAll = sourceService.List(Customer.Id);

            var SourceListOptions = new StripeSourceListOptions
                Type = StripeSourceType.Card

            SourceListCard = sourceService.List(Customer.Id, SourceListOptions);

            SourceListOptions.Type = StripeSourceType.Bitcoin;
            SourceListBitcoin      = sourceService.List(Customer.Id, SourceListOptions);
Пример #8
        public listing_sources_on_customer()
            var sourceService   = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var customerService = new StripeCustomerService(Cache.ApiKey);

            // Create customer
            var CustomerCreateOptions = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
            var Customer = customerService.Create(CustomerCreateOptions);

            // Create card source and attach it to customer
            var SourceCardCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Token = "tok_visa"
            var SourceCard = sourceService.Create(SourceCardCreateOptions);

            var SourceAttachOptions = new StripeSourceAttachOptions
                Source = SourceCard.Id

            SourceCard = sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);

            // Create ACH Credit Transfer source and attach it to customer
            var SourceACHCreditCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
            var SourceACHCredit = sourceService.Create(SourceACHCreditCreateOptions);

            SourceAttachOptions.Source = SourceACHCredit.Id;
            SourceACHCredit            = sourceService.Attach(Customer.Id, SourceAttachOptions);

            // List sources on customer
            SourceListAll = sourceService.List(Customer.Id);

            var SourceListOptions = new StripeSourceListOptions
                Type = StripeSourceType.Card

            SourceListCard = sourceService.List(Customer.Id, SourceListOptions);

            SourceListOptions.Type = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer;
            SourceListACHCredit    = sourceService.List(Customer.Id, SourceListOptions);
Пример #9
        public creating_reusable_card_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Usage = StripeSourceUsage.Reusable,
                Token = "tok_visa",

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
Пример #10
        public creating_and_updating_card_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type              = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Amount            = 100,
                Currency          = "usd",
                Token             = Cache.GetToken().Id,
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://no.where/webhooks"

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
Пример #11
        public creating_and_updating_ideal_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type      = StripeSourceType.Ideal,
                IdealBank = "ing",
                IdealStatementDescriptor = "finished",
                Amount            = 1,
                Currency          = "eur",
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://no.where/webhooks"

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
Пример #12
        public creating_and_updating_sofort_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type                      = StripeSourceType.Sofort,
                SofortCountry             = "DE",
                SofortStatementDescriptor = "soforty!",
                Amount                    = 500,
                Currency                  = "eur",
                RedirectReturnUrl         = "http://no.where/webhooks"

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
        public creating_and_updating_bancontact_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.Bancontact,
                Amount   = 500,
                Currency = "eur",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner {
                    Name = "Joe Biden"
                RedirectReturnUrl             = "http://no.where/webhooks",
                BancontactStatementDescriptor = "test statement descriptor"

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
Пример #14
        public StripeSource CreateSource(int amount, string owner)
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = "ideal",
                Amount   = amount,
                Currency = "eur",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner {
                    Name = owner
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://Home/Index",

            var source = new StripeSourceService();

        public creating_and_updating_bitcoin_source()
            var options = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.Bitcoin,
                Amount   = 100101,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Name  = "Satoshi Nakamoto",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**"
                RedirectReturnUrl = "http://no.where/webhooks"

            Source = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey).Create(options);
        public creating_ach_credit_transfers_sources_and_listing_transactions()
            var SourceCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd",
                Owner    = new StripeSourceOwner
                    Email = "*****@*****.**"

            var sourceService            = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);
            var sourceTransactionService = new StripeSourceTransactionService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Source       = sourceService.Create(SourceCreateOptions);
            Transactions = sourceTransactionService.List(Source.Id);
Пример #17
        private StripeSource createStripeSource(string cardNo, int?expirationYear, int?expirationMonth, string ccv, string cardHolderFullName, bool isReusable)
            StripeSource source = new StripeSource();

                var tokenOptions = new StripeTokenCreateOptions()
                    Card = new StripeCreditCardOptions()
                        Number          = cardNo,
                        ExpirationYear  = expirationYear,
                        ExpirationMonth = expirationMonth,
                        Cvc             = ccv
                var         tokenService = new StripeTokenService(secretKey);
                StripeToken stripeToken  = tokenService.Create(tokenOptions);
                string      usage        = "reusable";
                if (!isReusable)
                    usage = "single_use";
                var sourceOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions()
                    Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                    Owner = new StripeSourceOwner()
                        Name = cardHolderFullName
                    Token = stripeToken.Id,
                    Usage = usage
                var sourceService = new StripeSourceService(secretKey);
                //CREATE A SOURCE
                source = sourceService.Create(sourceOptions);
            catch (StripeException e)
                throw new StripeException(e.HttpStatusCode, e.StripeError, e.Message);
Пример #18
        public creating_charge_with_card_source()
            var sourceCardCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Token = "tok_visa",

            var sourceService = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);

            SourceCard = sourceService.Create(sourceCardCreateOptions);

            var chargeCreateOptions = new StripeChargeCreateOptions
                Amount   = 400,
                Currency = "usd",
                SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = SourceCard.Id,
            var chargeService = new StripeChargeService(Cache.ApiKey);

            Charge = chargeService.Create(chargeCreateOptions);
Пример #19
        public creating_and_updating_card_source()
            SourceCardCreateOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type  = StripeSourceType.Card,
                Token = "tok_visa"

            SourceCardUpdateOptions = new StripeSourceUpdateOptions
                Card = new StripeSourceCardUpdateOptions
                    ExpirationMonth = 12,
                    ExpirationYear  = 2028

            var service = new StripeSourceService(Cache.ApiKey);

            SourceCard        = service.Create(SourceCardCreateOptions);
            SourceCardUpdated = service.Update(SourceCard.Id, SourceCardUpdateOptions);
Пример #20
        public StripeSourceServiceTest()
            this.service = new StripeSourceService();

            this.createOptions = new StripeSourceCreateOptions
                Type     = StripeSourceType.AchCreditTransfer,
                Currency = "usd"

            this.updateOptions = new StripeSourceUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new StripeSourceListOptions()
                Limit = 1,