public int CompareTo(StringPiece other) { var a = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(ToArray()); var b = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(other.ToArray()); return(string.Compare(a, b, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }
private IEnumerable <byte[]> GetBytesData() { using (var it = _levelDb.CreateIterator()) { for (it.SeekToFirst(); it.IsValid(); it.Next()) { var piece = new StringPiece(it.Key()); KeyPrefix prefix; ObjectStoreDataKey store; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(piece, out prefix) || prefix.Type != KeyType.ObjectStoreData || !ObjectStoreDataKey.Decode(piece.Reset(), out store)) { continue; } var dataSlice = new StringPiece(it.Value()); long version; if (!dataSlice.DecodeVarInt(out version)) { continue; } yield return(dataSlice.ToSwappedArray()); } } }
public static int CompareSuffix(StringPiece sliceA, StringPiece sliceB, bool onlyCompareIndexKeys) { bool ok; int result = CompareEncodedIdbKeys(sliceA, sliceB, out ok); if (!ok || result != 0 || onlyCompareIndexKeys) { return(result); } // sequence number [optional] long sequenceNumberA = -1; long sequenceNumberB = -1; if (!sliceA.Empty && !sliceA.DecodeVarInt(out sequenceNumberA) || !sliceB.Empty && !sliceB.DecodeVarInt(out sequenceNumberB)) { return(0); } if (sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty) { return(CompareSizes(sliceA.Left, sliceB.Left)); } // primary key [optional] result = CompareEncodedIdbKeys(sliceA, sliceB, out ok); if (!ok || result != 0) { return(result); } return(CompareInts(sequenceNumberA, sequenceNumberB)); }
private static bool ExtractEncodedIdbKey(StringPiece slice, out string result) { var start = slice.Fork(); if (!ConsumeEncodedIdbKey(slice)) { result = null; return(false); } result = start.Slice(start.Left - slice.Left).ToString(); return(true); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out ObjectStoreNamesKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; byte typeByte; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix) || !slice.DecodeByte(out typeByte)) { result = default(ObjectStoreNamesKey); return(false); } result = new ObjectStoreNamesKey(); return(slice.DecodeStringWithLength(out result._objectStoreName)); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out DatabaseFreeListKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; byte typeByte; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix) || !slice.DecodeByte(out typeByte)) { result = default(DatabaseFreeListKey); return(false); } result = new DatabaseFreeListKey(); return(slice.DecodeVarInt(out result.DatabaseId)); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out IndexFreeListKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; byte typeByte; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix) || !slice.DecodeByte(out typeByte)) { result = default(IndexFreeListKey); return(false); } result = new IndexFreeListKey(); return(slice.DecodeVarInt(out result.ObjectStoreId) && slice.DecodeVarInt(out result.IndexId)); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out DatabaseNameKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; byte typeByte; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix) || !slice.DecodeByte(out typeByte)) { result = default(DatabaseNameKey); return(false); } result = new DatabaseNameKey(); return(slice.DecodeStringWithLength(out result.Origin) && slice.DecodeStringWithLength(out result.DatabaseName)); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out ObjectStoreDataKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix)) { result = default(ObjectStoreDataKey); return(false); } result = new ObjectStoreDataKey(); if (!ExtractEncodedIdbKey(slice, out result.EncodedUserKey)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void Speak(string id, float remain = 3f) { int randomFace = Random.Range(0, 3); ChangeFace((unitychanFace)randomFace, 2f); StringPiece temp = StringManager.instance.getStringByID(id); balloon.Call(temp.korean, remain, 0.3f, 0.3f); if (temp.voice == null) { Debug.LogError("로딩되지 않은 목소리파일 사용 : " + temp.voiceFile); } else { sound.clip = temp.voice; } sound.Play(); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out ObjectStoreMetaDataKey result) { KeyPrefix prefix; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(slice, out prefix)) { result = default(ObjectStoreMetaDataKey); return(false); } if (slice.Empty) { result = default(ObjectStoreMetaDataKey); return(false); } slice.Next(); result = new ObjectStoreMetaDataKey(); return(slice.DecodeVarInt(out result.ObjectStoreId) && slice.DecodeByte(out result.MetaDataTypeValue)); }
private static int CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(StringPiece slice1, StringPiece slice2, out bool ok) { long len1, len2; if (!slice1.DecodeVarInt(out len1) || !slice2.DecodeVarInt(out len2) || len1 < 0 || len2 < 0) { ok = false; return(0); } var size1 = (int)len1 * 2; var size2 = (int)len2 * 2; if (slice1.Left < size1 || slice2.Left < size2) { ok = false; return(0); } // Extract the binary data, and advance the passed slices. ok = true; return(slice1.Slice(size1).CompareTo(slice2.Slice(size2))); }
public static bool Decode(StringPiece slice, out KeyPrefix prefix) { if (slice.Empty) { prefix = default(KeyPrefix); return(false); } var firstByte = slice.Next(); var databaseIdBytes = ((firstByte >> 5) & 0x7) + 1; var objectStoreIdBytes = ((firstByte >> 2) & 0x7) + 1; var indexIdBytes = (firstByte & 0x3) + 1; if (databaseIdBytes + objectStoreIdBytes + indexIdBytes > slice.Left) { prefix = default(KeyPrefix); return(false); } prefix = new KeyPrefix(); return(slice.Slice(databaseIdBytes).DecodeInt(out prefix.DatabaseId) && slice.Slice(objectStoreIdBytes).DecodeInt(out prefix.ObjectStoreId) && slice.Slice(indexIdBytes).DecodeInt(out prefix.IndexId)); }
public void Split(IReadOnlyDictionary <string, StringPieces> strings) { var parts = new Dictionary <string, StringPiece>(); var maxFreq = 0; var minPartLen = Options.MinPartLen; var maxPartLen = Options.MaxPartLen; for (var fs = minPartLen; fs <= maxPartLen; fs++) { foreach (var s in strings.Keys) { for (var i = 0; i <= s.Length - fs; i++) { var part = s.Substring(i, fs); if (!parts.TryGetValue(part, out var p)) { parts.Add(part, p = new FrequencySplitterPiece(part)); } var f = ((FrequencySplitterPiece)p).Frequency++; if (f > maxFreq) { maxFreq = f; } } } } foreach (var kv in strings) { var i = 0; var s = kv.Key; var pieces = new List <StringPiece>(); while (i < s.Length) { StringPiece best = null; double bestWeight = 0; for (var j = Math.Min(s.Length - i, maxPartLen); j >= minPartLen; j--) { var part = s.Substring(i, j); var freq = (FrequencySplitterPiece)parts[part]; if (freq.Frequency == 1) { continue; } var w = Options.FrequencyWeight * freq.Frequency / maxFreq + Options.UsageWeight * freq.Usage / maxFreq + Options.LengthWeight * part.Length / maxPartLen; if (w > bestWeight) { best = freq; bestWeight = w; } } if (best == null) { var part = s.Substring(i); if (!parts.TryGetValue(part, out best)) { parts.Add(part, best = new FrequencySplitterPiece(part) { Frequency = 1 }); } } ((FrequencySplitterPiece)best).Usage++; pieces.Add(best); i += best.Value.Length; } kv.Value.Set(pieces.ToArray()); // save memory by converting to array } }
public static int CompareSuffix(StringPiece sliceA, StringPiece sliceB) { bool ok; return(CompareEncodedIdbKeys(sliceA, sliceB, out ok)); }
public static int Compare(StringPiece a, StringPiece b) { IndexNamesKey keyA, keyB; return(Decode(a, out keyA) && Decode(b, out keyB) ? keyA.CompareTo(keyB) : 0); }
public static int Compare(StringPiece a, StringPiece b) { DatabaseFreeListKey keyA, keyB; return(Decode(a, out keyA) && Decode(b, out keyB) ? keyA.CompareTo(keyB) : 0); }
private static int CompareEncodedIdbKeys(StringPiece sliceA, StringPiece sliceB, out bool ok) { ok = true; var typeA = sliceA.Next(); var typeB = sliceB.Next(); { var x = CompareTypes(KeyTypeByteToKeyType(typeA), KeyTypeByteToKeyType(typeB)); if (x != 0) { return(x); } } switch (typeA) { case KIndexedDbKeyNullTypeByte: case KIndexedDbKeyMinKeyTypeByte: // Null type or max type; no payload to compare. return(0); case KIndexedDbKeyArrayTypeByte: { long lengthA, lengthB; if (!sliceA.DecodeVarInt(out lengthA) || !sliceB.DecodeVarInt(out lengthB)) { ok = false; return(0); } for (long i = 0; i < lengthA && i < lengthB; ++i) { var result = CompareEncodedIdbKeys(sliceA, sliceB, out ok); if (!ok || result != 0) { return(result); } } return((int)(lengthA - lengthB)); } case KIndexedDbKeyBinaryTypeByte: return(CompareEncodedBinary(sliceA, sliceB, out ok)); case KIndexedDbKeyStringTypeByte: return(CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(sliceA, sliceB, out ok)); case KIndexedDbKeyDateTypeByte: case KIndexedDbKeyNumberTypeByte: { double d, e; if (!sliceA.DecodeDouble(out d) || !sliceB.DecodeDouble(out e)) { ok = false; return(0); } return(d < e ? -1 : (d > e ? 1 : 0)); } } return(0); }
private static bool ConsumeEncodedIdbKey(StringPiece slice) { var type = slice.Next(); switch (type) { case KIndexedDbKeyNullTypeByte: case KIndexedDbKeyMinKeyTypeByte: return(true); case KIndexedDbKeyArrayTypeByte: { long length; if (!slice.DecodeVarInt(out length)) { return(false); } while (length-- != 0) { if (!ConsumeEncodedIdbKey(slice)) { return(false); } } return(true); } case KIndexedDbKeyBinaryTypeByte: { long length; if (!slice.DecodeVarInt(out length) || length < 0) { return(false); } if (slice.Left < length) { return(false); } slice.Skip(length); return(true); } case KIndexedDbKeyStringTypeByte: { long length; if (!slice.DecodeVarInt(out length) || length < 0) { return(false); } if (slice.Left < length * 2) { return(false); } slice.Skip(length * 2); return(true); } case KIndexedDbKeyDateTypeByte: case KIndexedDbKeyNumberTypeByte: if (slice.Left < sizeof(double)) { return(false); } slice.Skip(sizeof(double)); return(true); } return(false); }
// private static int Compare(StringPiece a, StringPiece b, bool onlyCompareIndexKeys) { var sliceA = a.Fork(); var sliceB = b.Fork(); KeyPrefix prefixA, prefixB; if (!KeyPrefix.Decode(sliceA, out prefixA) || !KeyPrefix.Decode(sliceB, out prefixB)) { return(0); } { var x = prefixA.CompareTo(prefixB); if (x != 0) { return(x); } } switch (prefixA.Type) { case KeyType.GlobalMetadata: { if (sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty) { return(0); } var typeByteA = sliceA.Next(); var typeByteB = sliceB.Next(); { var x = typeByteA - typeByteB; if (x != 0) { return(x); } } if (typeByteA < KMaxSimpleGlobalMetaDataTypeByte) { return(0); } // Compare<> is used (which re-decodes the prefix) rather than an // specialized CompareSuffix<> because metadata is relatively uncommon // in the database. switch (typeByteA) { case KDatabaseFreeListTypeByte: return(DatabaseFreeListKey.Compare(a, b)); case KDatabaseNameTypeByte: return(DatabaseNameKey.Compare(a, b)); } break; } case KeyType.DatabaseMetadata: { if (sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty) { return(0); } var typeByteA = sliceA.Next(); var typeByteB = sliceB.Next(); { var x = typeByteA - typeByteB; if (x != 0) { return(x); } } if (typeByteA < (int)MetaDataType.MaxSimpleMetadataType) { return(0); } switch (typeByteA) { case KObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte: return(ObjectStoreMetaDataKey.Compare(a, b)); case KIndexMetaDataTypeByte: return(IndexMetaDataKey.Compare(a, b)); case KObjectStoreNamesTypeByte: return(ObjectStoreNamesKey.Compare(a, b)); case KObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte: return(ObjectStoreFreeListKey.Compare(a, b)); case KIndexFreeListTypeByte: return(IndexFreeListKey.Compare(a, b)); case KIndexNamesKeyTypeByte: return(IndexNamesKey.Compare(a, b)); } break; } case KeyType.ObjectStoreData: return(sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty ? CompareSizes(sliceA.Left, sliceB.Left) : ObjectStoreDataKey.CompareSuffix(sliceA, sliceB)); case KeyType.ExistsEntry: return(sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty ? CompareSizes(sliceA.Left, sliceB.Left) : ExistsEntryKey.CompareSuffix(sliceA, sliceB)); case KeyType.BlobEntry: return(sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty ? CompareSizes(sliceA.Left, sliceB.Left) : BlobEntryKey.CompareSuffix(sliceA, sliceB)); case KeyType.IndexData: return(sliceA.Empty || sliceB.Empty ? CompareSizes(sliceA.Left, sliceB.Left) : IndexDataKey.CompareSuffix(sliceA, sliceB, onlyCompareIndexKeys)); case KeyType.InvalidType: break; } return(0); }
public static int Compare(StringPiece a, StringPiece b) { ObjectStoreMetaDataKey keyA, keyB; return(Decode(a, out keyA) && Decode(b, out keyB) ? keyA.CompareTo(keyB) : 0); }