Пример #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Vector3 translate = transform.position;
        Vector3 rotation  = UnityEditor.TransformUtils.GetInspectorRotation(this.transform);

        //Setup our always used values
        StringParameters rail_id          = new StringParameters("Id", id);
        BoolParameters   is_closed        = new BoolParameters("IsClosed", isClosed);
        BoolParameters   is_ladder        = new BoolParameters("IsLadder", isLadder);
        BoolParameters   link_dest        = new BoolParameters("IsLinkDest", isLinkDest);
        StringParameters layer            = new StringParameters("LayerConfigName", layerConfigName);
        IntParameters    rail_priority    = new IntParameters("Priority", priority);
        StringParameters rail_type        = new StringParameters("RailType", railType);
        StringParameters unit_config_name = new StringParameters("UnitConfigName", unitConfigName);

        //Declare a variable size array and an index for it
        string[] xml       = new string[CalculateObjXmlSize()];
        int      xml_index = 0;

        //Create our XMl
        xml[xml_index++] = header + rail_id.param_name + ": " + rail_id.value;
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(is_closed);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(is_ladder);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(link_dest);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(layer);
        xml[xml_index++] = six_white_space + "Links: {}";
        //Likely not required, but it exists on all objects in the final game
        xml[xml_index++] = six_white_space + "ModelName: null";
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(rail_priority);

        xml[xml_index++] = six_white_space + "RailPoints:";
        //Add RailPoints
        for (int i = 0; i < rails.Count; i++)
            rails[i].AddRailPoint(ref xml, ref xml_index, isVrail);

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(rail_type);

        //Add rotate, transform, and scale
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Rotate", rotation));
        translate.x      = -translate.x;
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Translate", translate));
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Scale", transform.localScale));

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(unit_config_name);

        //Put XML in a file
        ExportToXmlFile(ref xml);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  This Function is used to Build a xml string on Error occurence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        /// <param name="length">Trap String </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <author>Chandan Srivastava</author>
        public static string Event_FormatString(string EventString)
                string    EventFormatString;
                ArrayList EventArray  = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList MethodArray = new ArrayList();

                string[] ParameterArray = null;

                string        StringParameterName  = null;
                string        StringParameterValue = null;
                string        StringClassName;
                string        StringModuleName;
                string        StringParameters;
                string        RemaningString;
                StringBuilder XmlEventString = new StringBuilder();
                int           x;
                if (EventString != null && EventString.Length > 0)
                    if (EventString.IndexOf("#|") > 0)
                        XmlEventString.Append("<EventLog>");   //EventLog Tag
                        //XmlEventString = "<EventLog>";   //EventLog Tag
                        EventFormatString = EventString;
                        EventArray        = StringSplit(EventFormatString, "#|");

                        for (int i = 0; i <= EventArray.Count - 1; i++)
                            if (EventArray[i] != null && EventArray[i].ToString().Length > 0)
                                XmlEventString.Append("<Event>");   //<Event Tag>
                                MethodArray      = StringSplit(EventArray[i].ToString(), "~!");
                                StringClassName  = MethodArray[0].ToString();
                                StringModuleName = MethodArray[1].ToString();
                                if (MethodArray.Count > 2)
                                    StringParameters = MethodArray[2].ToString();
                                    StringParameters = "";

                                XmlEventString.Append("<ClassName>" + StringClassName + "</ClassName>");  //Class Tag
                                XmlEventString.Append("<MethodName>" + StringModuleName + "</MethodName>");
                                if (StringParameters.Length > 0)
                                    ParameterArray = StringParameters.Split('^');
                                    for (int j = 0; j <= ParameterArray.Length - 1; j++)
                                        if (ParameterArray[j] != null && ParameterArray[j].ToString().Length > 0)
                                            StringParameterValue = "";
                                            StringParameterName  = "";
                                            x = StringParameters.IndexOf("^");
                                            x = ParameterArray[j].ToString().IndexOf("-");
                                            if (x > 0)
                                                StringParameterName = ParameterArray[j].ToString().Substring(0, ParameterArray[j].ToString().IndexOf("-"));
                                                x = ParameterArray[j].ToString().IndexOf("-");
                                                StringParameterValue = ParameterArray[j].ToString().Substring(x + 1);
                                                StringParameterName  = ParameterArray[j].ToString();
                                                StringParameterValue = "";
                                            char[] invalidChars = { '<', '>', '#', '@', '&', ':' };
                                            if (StringParameterValue.IndexOfAny(invalidChars) != -1)
                                                XmlEventString.Append("<" + StringParameterName + ">" + "<![CDATA[" + StringParameterValue + "]]>" + "</" + StringParameterName + ">");
                                                XmlEventString.Append("<" + StringParameterName + ">" + StringParameterValue + "</" + StringParameterName + ">");
                    //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("abc.txt"));
                    System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["XmlTrapString"] = XmlEventString.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #3
    public void AddRailPoint(ref string[] xml, ref int xml_index, bool isVrail)
        Vector3 translate = transform.position;
        Vector3 rotation  = UnityEditor.TransformUtils.GetInspectorRotation(this.transform);

        //Setup our always used values
        IntParameters    check_point_index = new IntParameters("CheckPointIndex", checkPointIndex);
        StringParameters obj_id            = new StringParameters("Id", id);
        BoolParameters   link_dest         = new BoolParameters("IsLinkDest", isLinkDest);
        StringParameters layer             = new StringParameters("LayerConfigName", layerConfigName);
        FloatParameters  offset_x          = new FloatParameters("OffsetX", offsetX);
        FloatParameters  offset_y          = new FloatParameters("OffsetY", offsetY);
        FloatParameters  offset_z          = new FloatParameters("OffsetZ", offsetZ);
        StringParameters unit_config_name  = new StringParameters("UnitConfigName", unitConfigName);
        BoolParameters   use_offset        = new BoolParameters("UseOffset", useOffset);

        Vector3 control_one = GetControlPoint1();

        control_one.x = -control_one.x;
        Vector3 control_two = GetControlPoint2();

        control_two.x = -control_two.x;
        Vector3Parameters control_point1 = new Vector3Parameters("", control_one);
        Vector3Parameters control_point2 = new Vector3Parameters("", control_two);

        //Vrail stuff
        IntParameters  check_point_hp = new IntParameters("CheckPointHP", checkPointHp);
        IntParameters  slope_fill_up  = new IntParameters("SlopeFillUp", slopeFillUp);
        BoolParameters use_rotate_dir = new BoolParameters("UseRotateDir", useRotateDir);

        if (isVrail)
            xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + header + check_point_hp.param_name + ": " + check_point_hp.value;
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(check_point_index);
            xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + header + check_point_index.param_name + ": " + check_point_index.value;

        xml[xml_index++] = six_white_space + four_white_space + "ControlPoints:";
        xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + four_white_space + header + control_point1.value;
        xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + four_white_space + header + control_point2.value;

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(obj_id);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(link_dest);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(layer);
        xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + six_white_space + "Links: {}";
        //Likely not required, but it exists on all objects in the final game
        if (isVrail)
            xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + six_white_space + "ModelName: RailPoint";
            xml[xml_index++] = four_white_space + six_white_space + "ModelName:";

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(offset_x);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(offset_y);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(offset_z);

        //Add rotate, transform, and scale
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Rotate", rotation));
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Scale", transform.localScale));
        if (isVrail)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(slope_fill_up);
        translate.x      = -translate.x;
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Translate", translate));

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(unit_config_name);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(use_offset);
        if (isVrail)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(use_rotate_dir);
Пример #4
    string ObjFactory(StringParameters inject)
        string parameter = four_white_space + six_white_space + inject.param_name + ": " + inject.value;

Пример #5
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Quaternion rot = transform.rotation;

        //rot.x = -rot.x;
        //rot.y = -rot.y;
        //rot.z = -rot.z;
        transform.rotation = rot;
        //transform.rotation.Set(-transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, transform.rotation.z, transform.rotation.w);
        Matrix4x4  local        = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
        Quaternion q            = local.rotation;
        Vector3    rotation_rad = threeaxisrot(-2 * (q.y * q.z - q.w * q.x),
                                               q.w * q.w - q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z,
                                               2 * (q.x * q.z + q.w * q.y),
                                               -2 * (q.x * q.y - q.w * q.z),
                                               q.w * q.w + q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y - q.z * q.z);
        Vector3 rotation;

        rotation.x = rotation_rad.x * 180.0f / 3.1415926f;
        rotation.y = rotation_rad.y * 180.0f / 3.1415926f;
        rotation.z = rotation_rad.z * 180.0f / 3.1415926f;
        //rotation.x = -rotation.x;
        if (rotation.x > 180)
            rotation.x -= 360;
        if (rotation.x < -180)
            rotation.x += 360;
        if (rotation.y > 180)
            rotation.y -= 360;
        if (rotation.y < -180)
            rotation.y += 360;
        if (rotation.z > 180)
            rotation.z -= 360;
        if (rotation.z < -180)
            rotation.z += 360;

        //Stolen from https://forum.unity.com/threads/rotation-order.13469/ lol

        /*Vector3 rotation = threeaxisrot(-2 * (q.x * q.y - q.w * q.z),
         *      q.w * q.w - q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y - q.z * q.z,
         *      2 * (q.y * q.z + q.w * q.x),
         *      -2 * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y),
         *      q.w * q.w - q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z);
         * //Angle returned in radians, gotta convert to degrees
         * rotation.Set(rotation.x * ToDeg, rotation.y * ToDeg, rotation.z * ToDeg);
         * //transform.Rotate(0, 0, -z_angle, Space.Self);
         * //transform.Rotate(0, -y_angle, 0, Space.Self);
         * //transform.Rotate(x_angle, 0, 0, Space.Self);
         * //Vector3 test = rot_test.eulerAngles;
         * rotation.x = -rotation.x;*/

        Vector3 translate = transform.position;

        translate.x = -translate.x;

        Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;

        //Setup our always used values
        StringParameters obj_id           = new StringParameters("Id", id);
        BoolParameters   link_dest        = new BoolParameters("IsLinkDest", isLinkDest);
        StringParameters layer            = new StringParameters("LayerConfigName", layerConfigName);
        StringParameters unit_config_name = new StringParameters("UnitConfigName", unitConfigName);

        //Declare a variable size array and an index for it
        string[] xml       = new string[CalculateObjXmlSize()];
        int      xml_index = 0;

        //Create our XMl
        xml[xml_index++] = header + obj_id.param_name + ": " + obj_id.value;
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(link_dest);
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(layer);
        AddLinks(ref xml, ref xml_index);
        //Likely not required, but it exists on all objects in the final game
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new StringParameters("ModelName", "null"));

        //Add rotate, transform, and scale
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Rotate", rotation));

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Translate", translate));

        if (isZone)
            scale.x /= 10;
            scale.y /= 10;
            scale.z /= 10;
        if (setScaleToOne)
            scale.x = 1;
            scale.y = 1;
            scale.z = 1;
        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(new Vector3Parameters("Scale", scale));

        xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(unit_config_name);

        //Add Unique Params
        for (int i = 0; i < intParams.Length; i++)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(intParams[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < boolParams.Length; i++)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(boolParams[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < stringParams.Length; i++)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(stringParams[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < floatParams.Length; i++)
            xml[xml_index++] = ObjFactory(floatParams[i]);

        //Put YAML in a file
        ExportToXmlFile(ref xml);
Пример #6
 public static string Cut(this StringParameters parameters)
Пример #7
        private async void Log(DateTime dateTimeStamp, LogLevels level, Type logInitiator, string loggedFrom, string message)
            //Always verify the log level before adding a log entry.
            if (level >= _logLevel)
                string methodName;

                switch (level)
                    case LogLevels.All:
                        methodName = "Log";
                    case LogLevels.Info:
                        methodName = "LogInfo";
                    case LogLevels.Warn:
                        methodName = "LogWarn";
                    case LogLevels.Error:
                        methodName = "LogError";
                    case LogLevels.Fatal:
                        methodName = "LogFatal";
                        methodName = "LogDebug";

                StringParameters dsp = null;
                if (level == LogLevels.All)
                    dsp = new StringParameters();
                    dsp.Add(new StringParameter(PARAM_NAME_LEVEL, level.ToString()));

                logBase log = new logBase(dateTimeStamp, logInitiator.FullName, loggedFrom, message);

                FacadeResponse<string> fr;

                fr = await JsonFacade.SendRequest<string>(string.Format("{0}{1}", _baseAddress, methodName),
                                                          log, HTTPVerbs.POST, dsp);
        public async Task<bool> ValidateUserAsync(string username, string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_validationAddress))
                return false;

            bool status = false;

            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", _apiAccessKey));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("password", password));

            //Status results = JsonFacade.Instance.DownloadData<Status>(
            //                            _validationAddress + "/Standard",
            //                            parameters, 
            //                            out err);

            FacadeResponse<Status> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.RequestData<Status>(_validationAddress + "/Standard", parameters);
            if (fr.Data != null)
                status = fr.Data.status;

            return status;
        public async Task<bool> ValidateUserAsync(string username, string rpxProviderName, bool createAccountIfNeeded)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_validationAddress))
                return false;

            ErrorDetail err;
            bool status = false;

            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", _apiAccessKey));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("rpxProviderName", rpxProviderName));

            //Status results = JsonFacade.Instance.DownloadData<Status>(
            //                            _validationAddress + "/OAuth",
            //                            parameters,
            //                            out err);

            FacadeResponse<Status> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.RequestData<Status>(_validationAddress + "/OAuth", parameters);

            if (fr.Data != null)
                status = fr.Data.status;

            return status;
        public async Task<string> ResetPassword(string username)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_resetPasswordAddress))
                return null;

            string retVal = string.Empty;

            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", _apiAccessKey));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("daysToExpire", "1"));

                //StringResult results = JsonFacade.Instance.UploadData<StringResult>(_resetPasswordAddress,
                //                                                                    null,
                //                                                                    out err,
                //                                                                    HTTPVerbs.PUT,
                //                                                                    parameters);

                FacadeResponse<StringResult> fr;

                fr = await JsonFacade.SendRequest<StringResult>(_resetPasswordAddress,
                                                          null, HTTPVerbs.PUT, parameters);
                if (fr.Data != null)
                    retVal = fr.Data.result;
            catch (Exception)
                retVal = null;
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a user only if the resetInfo provided is valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resetInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<string> GetUserAsync(object resetInfo)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_getUserByResetAddress))
                return null;
            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", "moto"));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("resetInfo", resetInfo.ToString()));

            //StringResult results = JsonFacade.Instance.DownloadData<StringResult>(_getUserByResetAddress,
            //                                                                      parameters,
            //                                                                      out err);

            FacadeResponse<StringResult> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.RequestData<StringResult>(_getUserByResetAddress, parameters);
            string retVal = string.Empty;
            if (fr.Data != null)
                retVal = fr.Data.result;

            return retVal;
        public async Task<MembershipUser> GetUserAsync(string username, bool userIsOnline)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_getUserAddress))
                return null;
            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", "moto"));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));

            //personMembership results = JsonFacade.Instance.DownloadData<personMembership>(_getUserAddress,
            //                                                                            parameters,
            //                                                                            out err);

            FacadeResponse<personMembership> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.RequestData<personMembership>(_getUserAddress, parameters);
            MembershipUser mUser = null;

            if (fr.Data != null)
                mUser = new MembershipUser("AthenaMembershipProvider", fr.Data.userID, fr.Data.personID, fr.Data.userID,
                                            fr.Data.passwordQuestion, fr.Data.comment, fr.Data.isApproved, fr.Data.isLockedOut,
                                            fr.Data.creationDate, fr.Data.lastLoginDate,
                                            fr.Data.lastActivityDate, fr.Data.lastPasswordChangedDate,

            return mUser;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a user with only the basic information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="email">Email is the same as username.  This can be left blank.</param>
        /// <param name="passwordQuestion"></param>
        /// <param name="passwordAnswer"></param>
        /// <param name="isApproved">This value is ignored</param>
        /// <param name="providerUserKey">This value is ignored.  However it is filled in when a user is successfully created.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<MembershipUser> CreateUserAsync(string username, string password, 
                                                          string email, string passwordQuestion, 
                                                          string passwordAnswer, bool isApproved, 
                                                          object providerUserKey)
            //All users are rejected unless the request is successful.
            MembershipCreateStatus status;
            status = MembershipCreateStatus.UserRejected;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_createUserAddress))
                return null;

            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", _apiAccessKey));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("password", password));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("passwordQuestion", passwordQuestion));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("passwordAnswer", passwordAnswer));

            FacadeResponse<personMembership> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.SendRequest<personMembership>(_createUserAddress,
                                                      null, HTTPVerbs.POST, parameters);
            MembershipUser mUser = null;
            if (fr.Data != null)
                mUser = new MembershipUser("AthenaMembershipProvider", fr.Data.userID, fr.Data.personID, fr.Data.userID,
                                            fr.Data.passwordQuestion, fr.Data.comment, fr.Data.isApproved, fr.Data.isLockedOut,
                                            fr.Data.creationDate, fr.Data.lastLoginDate,
                                            fr.Data.lastActivityDate, fr.Data.lastPasswordChangedDate,
                status = (MembershipCreateStatus)fr.Data.membershipCreateStatus;

            return mUser;
        public async Task<bool> ChangePasswordAsync(string resetInfo, string username, string newPassword, bool reset)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_changePasswordAddress))
                return false;

            bool status = false;

            StringParameters parameters = new StringParameters();
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("accessKey", _apiAccessKey));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("resetInfo", resetInfo));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("username", username));
            parameters.Add(new StringParameter("newPassword", newPassword));
            FacadeResponse<Status> fr;

            fr = await JsonFacade.SendRequest<Status>(_changePasswordAddress,
                                                      null, HTTPVerbs.PUT, parameters);

            if (fr.Data.status != null)
                status = fr.Data.status;

            return status;