private static Tuple <Token, int> TryParseStringLiteral(string query, int indexToParse) { ContractParserAbbreaviation(query, indexToParse); if (query[indexToParse] != '"' && query[indexToParse] != '\'') { return(null); } if (indexToParse == query.Length - 1) { throw new Exception("Closing quote char not found"); } var indexOfClosingChar = query.IndexOf(query[indexToParse], indexToParse + 1); if (indexOfClosingChar == -1) { throw new Exception("Closing quote char not found"); } Contract.Assume(indexOfClosingChar > indexToParse); var stringLiteralValue = query.Substring(indexToParse + 1, indexOfClosingChar - indexToParse - 1); var stringLiteral = new StringLiteralToken(stringLiteralValue); return(new Tuple <Token, int>(stringLiteral, indexOfClosingChar + 1)); }
public override AbstractSyntaxTreeNode applyToStringLiteralToken(StringLiteralToken operand) { var stString = objectSpace.newString(operand.StringValue); stString.beImmutable(); return(Context.newReducedNode(stString)); }
public static AndConstraint <StringLiteralToken> ShouldBeStringLiteralToken(this QueryToken token, string text) { token.Should().BeOfType <StringLiteralToken>(); StringLiteralToken stringLiteralToken = token.As <StringLiteralToken>(); stringLiteralToken.Text.Should().Be(text); return(new AndConstraint <StringLiteralToken>(stringLiteralToken)); }
public static StringLiteralToken ShouldBeStringLiteralToken(this QueryToken token, string text) { Assert.NotNull(token); StringLiteralToken stringLiteralToken = Assert.IsType <StringLiteralToken>(token); Assert.Equal(text, stringLiteralToken.Text); return(stringLiteralToken); }
void LexerSmokeTestSecond() { var sourceCode = @"fn+let-const*as/while//hello continue:=if->(else=> _==int){""as\nc\rc\tc"" <=p>1.5E-3!=231231231231</p> } "; var expectedTokens = new Token[] { new KeywordToken(Keyword.Fn, (0, 0)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Plus, (0, 2)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.Let, (0, 3)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Minus, (0, 6)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.Const, (0, 7)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Mult, (0, 12)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.As, (0, 13)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Divide, (0, 15)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.While, (0, 16)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.Continue, (1, 0)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Colon, (1, 8)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Assign, (1, 9)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.If, (1, 10)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Arrow, (1, 12)), new OperatorToken(Operator.LeftParen, (1, 14)), new KeywordToken(Keyword.Else, (1, 15)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Assign, (1, 19)), new OperatorToken(Operator.GreaterThan, (1, 20)), new IdentifierToken("_", (1, 22)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Equal, (1, 23)), new IdentifierToken("int", (1, 25)), new OperatorToken(Operator.RightParen, (1, 28)), new OperatorToken(Operator.LeftBrace, (1, 29)), new StringLiteralToken("as\nc\rc\tc", (1, 30)), new OperatorToken(Operator.LessEqual, (2, 0)), new IdentifierToken("p", (2, 2)), new OperatorToken(Operator.GreaterThan, (2, 3)), new DoubleLiteralToken(1.5E-3, (2, 4)), new OperatorToken(Operator.NotEqual, (2, 10)), new UInt64LiteralToken(231231231231, (2, 12)), new OperatorToken(Operator.LessThan, (2, 24)), new OperatorToken(Operator.Divide, (2, 25)), new IdentifierToken("p", (2, 26)), new OperatorToken(Operator.GreaterThan, (2, 27)), new OperatorToken(Operator.RightBrace, (3, 0)), }; var lexer = new Lexer(sourceCode); var tokens = lexer.Parse().ToList(); Assert.Equal(expectedTokens.Length, tokens.Count); for (var i = 0; i < expectedTokens.Length; i++) { var expectedToken = expectedTokens[i]; var actualToken = tokens[i]; AssertJsonEqual(expectedToken, actualToken); } }
public static ArmExpressionAst ParseArmExpressionAst(TokenStream stream) { var peek = stream.Peek(); return(peek switch { OpenParenToken _ => ArmExpressionParser.ParseArmSubexpressionAst(stream), IdentifierToken _ => ArmExpressionParser.ParseDottedNotationExpressionAst(stream), StringLiteralToken _ => ArmExpressionParser.ParseArmStringLiteralExpressionAst(stream), IntegerToken _ => ArmExpressionParser.ParseArmNumericLiteralExpressionAst(stream), _ => throw new InvalidOperationException(), });
public void InnerSearchSetCorrectly() { // Arrange & Act SelectTermToken selectTerm = new SelectTermToken(new NonSystemToken("stuff", null, null), null, null, null, null, null, new StringLiteralToken("searchMe"), null, null); // Assert Assert.NotNull(selectTerm.SearchOption); StringLiteralToken token = Assert.IsType <StringLiteralToken>(selectTerm.SearchOption); Assert.Equal("searchMe", token.Text); }
private StringLiteralToken ParseAggregateAs() { if (!TokenIdentifierIs(ExpressionConstants.KeywordAs)) { throw ParseError(ODataErrorStrings.UriQueryExpressionParser_AsExpected(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Position, this.lexer.ExpressionText)); } lexer.NextToken(); var alias = new StringLiteralToken(lexer.CurrentToken.Text); lexer.NextToken(); return(alias); }
internal bool TryMatchStringLiteral(out StringLiteralToken token) { var startPosition = _reader.Position; if (!RegexMatch(RegexList.StringLiteral, out string result)) { token = null; return(false); } result = RemoveQuotes(result); string realValue = ReplaceEscapeChars(result); token = new StringLiteralToken(realValue, startPosition); return(true); }
private IExpression ParseLiteralExpression(ref IToken token) { if (token is NumberLiteralToken) { NumberLiteralToken numberLiteralToken = token as NumberLiteralToken; return(new NumericLiteralExpression(numberLiteralToken.Value)); } else if (token is StringLiteralToken) { StringLiteralToken stringLiteralToken = token as StringLiteralToken; return(new StringLiteralExpression(stringLiteralToken.Value)); } else if (token is BooleanLiteralToken) { BooleanLiteralToken booleanLiteralToken = token as BooleanLiteralToken; return(new BooleanLiteralExpression(booleanLiteralToken.Value)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the primary expressions. /// </summary> /// <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns> private QueryToken ParsePrimary() { QueryToken expr = null; this.RecurseEnter(); switch (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind) { case ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen: expr = this.ParseParenExpression(); break; case ExpressionTokenKind.StringLiteral: expr = new StringLiteralToken(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text); this.lexer.NextToken(); break; default: throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriQueryExpressionParser_ExpressionExpected(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Position, this.lexer.ExpressionText)); } this.RecurseLeave(); return(expr); }
private StringLiteralToken ParseAggregateAs() { if (!TokenIdentifierIs(ExpressionConstants.KeywordAs)) { throw ParseError(ODataErrorStrings.UriQueryExpressionParser_AsExpected(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Position, this.lexer.ExpressionText)); } lexer.NextToken(); var alias = new StringLiteralToken(lexer.CurrentToken.Text); lexer.NextToken(); return alias; }
public WriteQuery(IdentifierToken alias, StringLiteralToken destination, SrcLoc location = null) : base(location) { Alias = alias; Destination = destination; }
public virtual T applyToStringLiteralToken(StringLiteralToken operand) { return(applyToParseTreeNode(operand)); }
public SelectorString(StringLiteralToken xpath, SrcLoc location) : base(location) { Xpath = xpath; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> public ArmStringLiteralExpressionAst(StringLiteralToken token) { this.Token = token ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token)); }
public AttributeSelector(IdentifierToken source, StringLiteralToken xpath, SrcLoc location) : base(location) { Xpath = xpath; Source = source; }
/* * Method: FindNextToken * * Find the next token. Return 'true' if one was found. False, otherwise. */ override internal bool FindNextToken() { int startPosition = _reader.Position; // Dealing with whitespace? if (_reader.SinkMultipleWhiteSpace()) { current = new WhitespaceToken(); return(true); } // Check for one-line comment else if (_reader.Sink("//")) { // Looks like a one-line comment. Follow it to the End-of-line _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); current = new CommentToken(); return(true); } // Check for multi-line comment else if (_reader.Sink("/*")) { _reader.SinkUntil("*/"); // Was the ending */ found? if (_reader.EndOfLines) { // No. There was a /* without a */. Return this a syntax error token. current = new CSharpTokenizer.EndOfFileInsideCommentToken(); return(true); } current = new CommentToken(); return(true); } // Handle chars else if (_reader.Sink("\'")) { while (_reader.CurrentCharacter != '\'') { if (_reader.Sink("\\")) { /* reader.Skip the escape sequence. * This isn't exactly right. We should detect: * * simple-escape-sequence: one of \' \" \\ \0 \a \b \f \n \r \t \v * * hexadecimal-escape-sequence: * \x hex-digit hex-digit[opt] hex-digit[opt] hex-digit[opt] */ } _reader.SinkCharacter(); } if (_reader.SinkCharacter() != '\'') { Debug.Assert(false, "Code defect in tokenizer: Should have yielded a closing tick."); } current = new CSharpTokenizer.CharLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Check for verbatim string else if (_reader.Sink("@\"")) { do { // Inside a verbatim string "" is treated as a special character while (_reader.Sink("\"\"")) { } }while (!_reader.EndOfLines && _reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"'); // Can't end a file inside a string if (_reader.EndOfLines) { current = new EndOfFileInsideStringToken(); return(true); } // reader.Skip the ending quote. current = new StringLiteralToken(); current.InnerText = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition).Substring(1); return(true); } // Check for a quoted string. else if (_reader.Sink("\"")) { while (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '\\' || _reader.MatchRegularStringLiteral()) { // See if we have an escape sequence. if (_reader.SinkCharacter() == '\\') { // This is probably an escape character. if (_reader.SinkStringEscape()) { // This isn't nearly right. We just do barely enough to make a string // with an embedded escape sequence return _some_ string whose start and // end match the real bounds of the string. } else { // This is a compiler error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new CSharpTokenizer.UnrecognizedStringEscapeToken(); return(true); } } } // Is it a newline? if (TokenChar.IsNewLine(_reader.CurrentCharacter)) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.NewlineInsideStringToken(); return(true); } // Create the token. if (_reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"') { Debug.Assert(false, "Defect in tokenizer: Should have yielded a terminating quote."); } current = new StringLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Identifier or keyword? else if ( // From 2.4.2 Identifiers: A '@' can be used to prefix an identifier so that a keyword can be used as an identifier. _reader.CurrentCharacter == '@' || _reader.MatchNextIdentifierStart() ) { if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '@') { _reader.SinkCharacter(); } // Now, the next character must be an identifier start. if (!_reader.SinkIdentifierStart()) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return(true); } // Sink the rest of the identifier. while (_reader.SinkIdentifierPart()) { } string identifierOrKeyword = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); switch (identifierOrKeyword) { default: if (Array.IndexOf(s_keywordList, identifierOrKeyword) >= 0) { current = new KeywordToken(); return(true); } // If the identifier starts with '@' then we need to strip it off. // The '@' is for escaping so that we can have an identifier called // the same thing as a reserved keyword (i.e. class, if, foreach, etc) string identifier = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); if (identifier.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { identifier = identifier.Substring(1); } // Create the token. current = new IdentifierToken(); current.InnerText = identifier; return(true); case "false": case "true": current = new BooleanLiteralToken(); return(true); case "null": current = new CSharpTokenizer.NullLiteralToken(); return(true); } } // Open scope else if (_reader.Sink("{")) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.OpenScopeToken(); return(true); } // Close scope else if (_reader.Sink("}")) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.CloseScopeToken(); return(true); } // Hexidecimal integer literal else if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("0x")) { // Sink the hex digits. if (!_reader.SinkMultipleHexDigits()) { current = new ExpectedValidHexDigitToken(); return(true); } // Skip the L, U, l, u, ul, etc. _reader.SinkLongIntegerSuffix(); current = new HexIntegerLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Decimal integer literal else if (_reader.SinkMultipleDecimalDigits()) { // reader.Skip the L, U, l, u, ul, etc. _reader.SinkLongIntegerSuffix(); current = new DecimalIntegerLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Check for single-digit operators and punctuators else if (_reader.SinkOperatorOrPunctuator()) { current = new OperatorOrPunctuatorToken(); return(true); } // Preprocessor line else if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '#') { if (_reader.Sink("#if")) { current = new OpenConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else if (_reader.Sink("#endif")) { current = new CloseConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else { current = new PreprocessorToken(); } _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); return(true); } // We didn't recognize the token, so this is a syntax error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new UnrecognizedToken(); return(true); }
private static void AssertAreEqualInternal(Token expectedToken, Token actualToken, int index = -1) { if ((expectedToken == null) && (actualToken == null)) { return; } if (expectedToken == null) { Assert.Fail(LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage("expected is null, but actual is not null", index)); } if (actualToken == null) { Assert.Fail(LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage("expected is not null, but actual is null", index)); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.GetType(), actualToken.GetType(), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual type does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.StartPosition.Position, actualToken.Extent.StartPosition.Position, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual Start Position does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.StartPosition.LineNumber, actualToken.Extent.StartPosition.LineNumber, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual Start Line does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.StartPosition.ColumnNumber, actualToken.Extent.StartPosition.ColumnNumber, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual Start Column does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.EndPosition.Position, actualToken.Extent.EndPosition.Position, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual End Position does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.EndPosition.LineNumber, actualToken.Extent.EndPosition.LineNumber, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual End Line does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.EndPosition.ColumnNumber, actualToken.Extent.EndPosition.ColumnNumber, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual End Column does not match expected value", index)); Assert.AreEqual(expectedToken.Extent.Text, actualToken.Extent.Text, LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual Text does not match expected value", index)); switch (expectedToken) { case AliasIdentifierToken token: Assert.IsTrue( AliasIdentifierToken.AreEqual((AliasIdentifierToken)expectedToken, (AliasIdentifierToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case AttributeCloseToken token: Assert.IsTrue( AttributeCloseToken.AreEqual((AttributeCloseToken)expectedToken, (AttributeCloseToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case AttributeOpenToken token: Assert.IsTrue( AttributeOpenToken.AreEqual((AttributeOpenToken)expectedToken, (AttributeOpenToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case BlockCloseToken token: Assert.IsTrue( BlockCloseToken.AreEqual((BlockCloseToken)expectedToken, (BlockCloseToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case BlockOpenToken token: Assert.IsTrue( BlockOpenToken.AreEqual((BlockOpenToken)expectedToken, (BlockOpenToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case BooleanLiteralToken token: Assert.IsTrue( BooleanLiteralToken.AreEqual((BooleanLiteralToken)expectedToken, (BooleanLiteralToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case ColonToken token: Assert.IsTrue( ColonToken.AreEqual((ColonToken)expectedToken, (ColonToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case CommaToken token: Assert.IsTrue( CommaToken.AreEqual((CommaToken)expectedToken, (CommaToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case CommentToken token: Assert.IsTrue( CommentToken.AreEqual((CommentToken)expectedToken, (CommentToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case DotOperatorToken token: Assert.IsTrue( DotOperatorToken.AreEqual((DotOperatorToken)expectedToken, (DotOperatorToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case EqualsOperatorToken token: Assert.IsTrue( EqualsOperatorToken.AreEqual((EqualsOperatorToken)expectedToken, (EqualsOperatorToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case IdentifierToken token: Assert.IsTrue( IdentifierToken.AreEqual((IdentifierToken)expectedToken, (IdentifierToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case IntegerLiteralToken token: Assert.IsTrue( IntegerLiteralToken.AreEqual((IntegerLiteralToken)expectedToken, (IntegerLiteralToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case NullLiteralToken token: Assert.IsTrue( NullLiteralToken.AreEqual((NullLiteralToken)expectedToken, (NullLiteralToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case ParenthesisCloseToken token: Assert.IsTrue( ParenthesisCloseToken.AreEqual((ParenthesisCloseToken)expectedToken, (ParenthesisCloseToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case ParenthesisOpenToken token: Assert.IsTrue( ParenthesisOpenToken.AreEqual((ParenthesisOpenToken)expectedToken, (ParenthesisOpenToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case PragmaToken token: Assert.IsTrue( PragmaToken.AreEqual((PragmaToken)expectedToken, (PragmaToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case RealLiteralToken token: Assert.IsTrue( RealLiteralToken.AreEqual((RealLiteralToken)expectedToken, (RealLiteralToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case StatementEndToken token: Assert.IsTrue( StatementEndToken.AreEqual((StatementEndToken)expectedToken, (StatementEndToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case StringLiteralToken token: Assert.IsTrue( StringLiteralToken.AreEqual((StringLiteralToken)expectedToken, (StringLiteralToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; case WhitespaceToken token: Assert.IsTrue( WhitespaceToken.AreEqual((WhitespaceToken)expectedToken, (WhitespaceToken)actualToken), LexerHelper.GetAssertErrorMessage($"actual token does not match expected token", index) ); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"Cannot compare type '{expectedToken.GetType().Name}'"); } }
/// <summary> /// Binds a StringLiteral token. /// </summary> /// <param name="stringLiteralToken">The StringLiteral token to bind.</param> /// <returns>The bound StringLiteral token.</returns> protected virtual QueryNode BindStringLiteral(StringLiteralToken stringLiteralToken) { return(new SearchTermNode(stringLiteralToken.Text)); }
/// <summary> /// Binds a StringLiteral token. /// </summary> /// <param name="stringLiteralToken">The StringLiteral token to bind.</param> /// <returns>The bound StringLiteral token.</returns> protected virtual QueryNode BindStringLiteral(StringLiteralToken stringLiteralToken) { return new SearchTermNode(stringLiteralToken.Text); }
/* * Method: FindNextToken * * Find the next token. Return 'true' if one was found. False, otherwise. */ override internal bool FindNextToken() { int startPosition = _reader.Position; // VB docs claim whitespace is Unicode category Zs. However, // this category does not contain tabs. Assuming a less restrictive // definition for whitespace... if (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { while (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { } // Now, we need to check for the line continuation character. if (_reader.SinkLineContinuationCharacter()) // Line continuation is '_' { // Save the current position because we may need to come back here. int savePosition = _reader.Position - 1; // Skip all whitespace after the '_' while (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { } // Now, skip all the newlines. // Need at least one newline for this to count as line continuation. int count = 0; while (_reader.SinkNewLine()) { ++count; } if (count > 0) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.LineContinuationToken(); return(true); } // Otherwise, fall back to plain old whitespace. _reader.Position = savePosition; } current = new WhitespaceToken(); return(true); } // Line terminators are separate from whitespace and are significant. else if (_reader.SinkNewLine()) { // We want one token per line terminator. current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.LineTerminatorToken(); return(true); } // Check for a comment--either those that start with ' or rem. else if (_reader.SinkLineCommentStart()) { // Skip to the first EOL. _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); current = new CommentToken(); return(true); } // Identifier or keyword? else if ( // VB allows escaping of identifiers by surrounding them with [] // In other words, // Date is a keyword but, // [Date] is an identifier. _reader.CurrentCharacter == '[' || _reader.MatchNextIdentifierStart() ) { bool escapedIdentifier = false; if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '[') { escapedIdentifier = true; _reader.SinkCharacter(); // Now, the next character must be an identifier start. if (!_reader.SinkIdentifierStart()) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return(true); } } // Sink the rest of the identifier. while (_reader.SinkIdentifierPart()) { } // If this was an escaped identifier the we need to get the terminating ']'. if (escapedIdentifier) { if (!_reader.Sink("]")) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return(true); } } else { // Escaped identifiers are not allowed to have trailing type character. _reader.SinkTypeCharacter(); // Type character is optional. } // An identifier that is only a '_' is illegal because it is // ambiguous with line continuation string identifierOrKeyword = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); if (identifierOrKeyword == "_" || identifierOrKeyword == "[_]" || identifierOrKeyword == "[]") { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return(true); } // Make an upper-case version in order to check whether this may be a keyword. string upper = identifierOrKeyword.ToUpperInvariant(); switch (upper) { default: if (Array.IndexOf(s_keywordList, upper) >= 0) { current = new KeywordToken(); return(true); } // Create the token. current = new IdentifierToken(); // Trim off the [] if this is an escaped identifier. if (escapedIdentifier) { current.InnerText = identifierOrKeyword.Substring(1, identifierOrKeyword.Length - 2); } return(true); case "FALSE": case "TRUE": current = new BooleanLiteralToken(); return(true); } } // Is it a hex integer? else if (_reader.SinkHexIntegerPrefix()) { if (!_reader.SinkMultipleHexDigits()) { current = new ExpectedValidHexDigitToken(); return(true); } // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkIntegerSuffix(); current = new HexIntegerLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Is it an octal integer? else if (_reader.SinkOctalIntegerPrefix()) { if (!_reader.SinkMultipleOctalDigits()) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.ExpectedValidOctalDigitToken(); return(true); } // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkIntegerSuffix(); current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.OctalIntegerLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Is it a decimal integer? else if (_reader.SinkMultipleDecimalDigits()) { // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkDecimalIntegerSuffix(); current = new DecimalIntegerLiteralToken(); return(true); } // Preprocessor line else if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '#') { if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("#if")) { current = new OpenConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("#end if")) { current = new CloseConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else { current = new PreprocessorToken(); } _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); return(true); } // Is it a separator? else if (_reader.SinkSeparatorCharacter()) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.SeparatorToken(); return(true); } // Is it an operator? else if (_reader.SinkOperator()) { current = new OperatorToken(); return(true); } // A string? else if (_reader.Sink("\"")) { do { // Inside a verbatim string "" is treated as a special character while (_reader.Sink("\"\"")) { } }while (!_reader.EndOfLines && _reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"'); // Can't end a file inside a string if (_reader.EndOfLines) { current = new EndOfFileInsideStringToken(); return(true); } current = new StringLiteralToken(); return(true); } // We didn't recognize the token, so this is a syntax error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new UnrecognizedToken(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the primary expressions. /// </summary> /// <returns>The lexical token representing the expression.</returns> private QueryToken ParsePrimary() { QueryToken expr = null; this.RecurseEnter(); switch (this.lexer.CurrentToken.Kind) { case ExpressionTokenKind.OpenParen: expr = this.ParseParenExpression(); break; case ExpressionTokenKind.StringLiteral: expr = new StringLiteralToken(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Text); this.lexer.NextToken(); break; default: throw new ODataException(ODataErrorStrings.UriQueryExpressionParser_ExpressionExpected(this.lexer.CurrentToken.Position, this.lexer.ExpressionText)); } this.RecurseLeave(); return expr; }
/* * Method: FindNextToken * * Find the next token. Return 'true' if one was found. False, otherwise. */ internal override bool FindNextToken() { int startPosition = _reader.Position; // VB docs claim whitespace is Unicode category Zs. However, // this category does not contain tabs. Assuming a less restrictive // definition for whitespace... if (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { while (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { } // Now, we need to check for the line continuation character. if (_reader.SinkLineContinuationCharacter()) // Line continuation is '_' { // Save the current position because we may need to come back here. int savePosition = _reader.Position - 1; // Skip all whitespace after the '_' while (_reader.SinkWhiteSpace()) { } // Now, skip all the newlines. // Need at least one newline for this to count as line continuation. int count = 0; while (_reader.SinkNewLine()) { ++count; } if (count > 0) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.LineContinuationToken(); return true; } // Otherwise, fall back to plain old whitespace. _reader.Position = savePosition; } current = new WhitespaceToken(); return true; } // Line terminators are separate from whitespace and are significant. else if (_reader.SinkNewLine()) { // We want one token per line terminator. current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.LineTerminatorToken(); return true; } // Check for a comment--either those that start with ' or rem. else if (_reader.SinkLineCommentStart()) { // Skip to the first EOL. _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); current = new CommentToken(); return true; } // Identifier or keyword? else if ( // VB allows escaping of identifiers by surrounding them with [] // In other words, // Date is a keyword but, // [Date] is an identifier. _reader.CurrentCharacter == '[' || _reader.MatchNextIdentifierStart() ) { bool escapedIdentifier = false; if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '[') { escapedIdentifier = true; _reader.SinkCharacter(); // Now, the next character must be an identifier start. if (!_reader.SinkIdentifierStart()) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return true; } } // Sink the rest of the identifier. while (_reader.SinkIdentifierPart()) { } // If this was an escaped identifier the we need to get the terminating ']'. if (escapedIdentifier) { if (!_reader.Sink("]")) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return true; } } else { // Escaped identifiers are not allowed to have trailing type character. _reader.SinkTypeCharacter(); // Type character is optional. } // An identifier that is only a '_' is illegal because it is // ambiguous with line continuation string identifierOrKeyword = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); if (identifierOrKeyword == "_" || identifierOrKeyword == "[_]" || identifierOrKeyword == "[]") { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return true; } // Make an upper-case version in order to check whether this may be a keyword. string upper = identifierOrKeyword.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); switch (upper) { default: if (Array.IndexOf(s_keywordList, upper) >= 0) { current = new KeywordToken(); return true; } // Create the token. current = new IdentifierToken(); // Trim off the [] if this is an escaped identifier. if (escapedIdentifier) { current.InnerText = identifierOrKeyword.Substring(1, identifierOrKeyword.Length - 2); } return true; case "FALSE": case "TRUE": current = new BooleanLiteralToken(); return true; } } // Is it a hex integer? else if (_reader.SinkHexIntegerPrefix()) { if (!_reader.SinkMultipleHexDigits()) { current = new ExpectedValidHexDigitToken(); return true; } // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkIntegerSuffix(); current = new HexIntegerLiteralToken(); return true; } // Is it an octal integer? else if (_reader.SinkOctalIntegerPrefix()) { if (!_reader.SinkMultipleOctalDigits()) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.ExpectedValidOctalDigitToken(); return true; } // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkIntegerSuffix(); current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.OctalIntegerLiteralToken(); return true; } // Is it a decimal integer? else if (_reader.SinkMultipleDecimalDigits()) { // Sink a suffix if there is one. _reader.SinkDecimalIntegerSuffix(); current = new DecimalIntegerLiteralToken(); return true; } // Preprocessor line else if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '#') { if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("#if")) { current = new OpenConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("#end if")) { current = new CloseConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else { current = new PreprocessorToken(); } _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); return true; } // Is it a separator? else if (_reader.SinkSeparatorCharacter()) { current = new VisualBasicTokenizer.SeparatorToken(); return true; } // Is it an operator? else if (_reader.SinkOperator()) { current = new OperatorToken(); return true; } // A string? else if (_reader.Sink("\"")) { do { // Inside a verbatim string "" is treated as a special character while (_reader.Sink("\"\"")) { } } while (!_reader.EndOfLines && _reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"'); // Can't end a file inside a string if (_reader.EndOfLines) { current = new EndOfFileInsideStringToken(); return true; } current = new StringLiteralToken(); return true; } // We didn't recognize the token, so this is a syntax error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new UnrecognizedToken(); return true; }
/* * Method: FindNextToken * * Find the next token. Return 'true' if one was found. False, otherwise. */ override internal bool FindNextToken() { int startPosition = _reader.Position; // Dealing with whitespace? if (_reader.SinkMultipleWhiteSpace()) { current = new WhitespaceToken(); return true; } // Check for one-line comment else if (_reader.Sink("//")) { // Looks like a one-line comment. Follow it to the End-of-line _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); current = new CommentToken(); return true; } // Check for multi-line comment else if (_reader.Sink("/*")) { _reader.SinkUntil("*/"); // Was the ending */ found? if (_reader.EndOfLines) { // No. There was a /* without a */. Return this a syntax error token. current = new CSharpTokenizer.EndOfFileInsideCommentToken(); return true; } current = new CommentToken(); return true; } // Handle chars else if (_reader.Sink("\'")) { while (_reader.CurrentCharacter != '\'') { if (_reader.Sink("\\")) { /* reader.Skip the escape sequence. This isn't exactly right. We should detect: simple-escape-sequence: one of \' \" \\ \0 \a \b \f \n \r \t \v hexadecimal-escape-sequence: \x hex-digit hex-digit[opt] hex-digit[opt] hex-digit[opt] */ } _reader.SinkCharacter(); } if (_reader.SinkCharacter() != '\'') { Debug.Assert(false, "Code defect in tokenizer: Should have yielded a closing tick."); } current = new CSharpTokenizer.CharLiteralToken(); return true; } // Check for verbatim string else if (_reader.Sink("@\"")) { do { // Inside a verbatim string "" is treated as a special character while (_reader.Sink("\"\"")) { } } while (!_reader.EndOfLines && _reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"'); // Can't end a file inside a string if (_reader.EndOfLines) { current = new EndOfFileInsideStringToken(); return true; } // reader.Skip the ending quote. current = new StringLiteralToken(); current.InnerText = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition).Substring(1); return true; } // Check for a quoted string. else if (_reader.Sink("\"")) { while (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '\\' || _reader.MatchRegularStringLiteral()) { // See if we have an escape sequence. if (_reader.SinkCharacter() == '\\') { // This is probably an escape character. if (_reader.SinkStringEscape()) { // This isn't nearly right. We just do barely enough to make a string // with an embedded escape sequence return _some_ string whose start and // end match the real bounds of the string. } else { // This is a compiler error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new CSharpTokenizer.UnrecognizedStringEscapeToken(); return true; } } } // Is it a newline? if (TokenChar.IsNewLine(_reader.CurrentCharacter)) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.NewlineInsideStringToken(); return true; } // Create the token. if (_reader.SinkCharacter() != '\"') { Debug.Assert(false, "Defect in tokenizer: Should have yielded a terminating quote."); } current = new StringLiteralToken(); return true; } // Identifier or keyword? else if ( // From 2.4.2 Identifiers: A '@' can be used to prefix an identifier so that a keyword can be used as an identifier. _reader.CurrentCharacter == '@' || _reader.MatchNextIdentifierStart() ) { if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '@') { _reader.SinkCharacter(); } // Now, the next character must be an identifier start. if (!_reader.SinkIdentifierStart()) { current = new ExpectedIdentifierToken(); return true; } // Sink the rest of the identifier. while (_reader.SinkIdentifierPart()) { } string identifierOrKeyword = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); switch (identifierOrKeyword) { default: if (Array.IndexOf(s_keywordList, identifierOrKeyword) >= 0) { current = new KeywordToken(); return true; } // If the identifier starts with '@' then we need to strip it off. // The '@' is for escaping so that we can have an identifier called // the same thing as a reserved keyword (i.e. class, if, foreach, etc) string identifier = _reader.GetCurrentMatchedString(startPosition); if (identifier.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { identifier = identifier.Substring(1); } // Create the token. current = new IdentifierToken(); current.InnerText = identifier; return true; case "false": case "true": current = new BooleanLiteralToken(); return true; case "null": current = new CSharpTokenizer.NullLiteralToken(); return true; } } // Open scope else if (_reader.Sink("{")) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.OpenScopeToken(); return true; } // Close scope else if (_reader.Sink("}")) { current = new CSharpTokenizer.CloseScopeToken(); return true; } // Hexidecimal integer literal else if (_reader.SinkIgnoreCase("0x")) { // Sink the hex digits. if (!_reader.SinkMultipleHexDigits()) { current = new ExpectedValidHexDigitToken(); return true; } // Skip the L, U, l, u, ul, etc. _reader.SinkLongIntegerSuffix(); current = new HexIntegerLiteralToken(); return true; } // Decimal integer literal else if (_reader.SinkMultipleDecimalDigits()) { // reader.Skip the L, U, l, u, ul, etc. _reader.SinkLongIntegerSuffix(); current = new DecimalIntegerLiteralToken(); return true; } // Check for single-digit operators and punctuators else if (_reader.SinkOperatorOrPunctuator()) { current = new OperatorOrPunctuatorToken(); return true; } // Preprocessor line else if (_reader.CurrentCharacter == '#') { if (_reader.Sink("#if")) { current = new OpenConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else if (_reader.Sink("#endif")) { current = new CloseConditionalDirectiveToken(); } else { current = new PreprocessorToken(); } _reader.SinkToEndOfLine(); return true; } // We didn't recognize the token, so this is a syntax error. _reader.SinkCharacter(); current = new UnrecognizedToken(); return true; }