private void ShowDetailsManual(AMotivationDetailRow ARow) { string FeesPayable = string.Empty; string FeesReceivable = string.Empty; if (ARow != null) { FMainDS.AMotivationDetailFee.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}={1} and {2}='{3}' and {4}='{5}'", AMotivationDetailFeeTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ARow.LedgerNumber, AMotivationDetailFeeTable.GetMotivationGroupCodeDBName(), ARow.MotivationGroupCode, AMotivationDetailFeeTable.GetMotivationDetailCodeDBName(), ARow.MotivationDetailCode); foreach (DataRowView rv in FMainDS.AMotivationDetailFee.DefaultView) { AMotivationDetailFeeRow detailFeeRow = (AMotivationDetailFeeRow)rv.Row; if (StringHelper.StrSplit(clbDetailFeesPayable.GetAllStringList(), ",").Contains(detailFeeRow.FeeCode)) { FeesPayable = StringHelper.AddCSV(FeesPayable, detailFeeRow.FeeCode); } else { FeesReceivable = StringHelper.AddCSV(FeesReceivable, detailFeeRow.FeeCode); } } } // set the ORDER column to true if row is checked clbDetailFeesPayable.CheckedColumn = "ORDER"; clbDetailFeesReceivable.CheckedColumn = "ORDER"; clbDetailFeesPayable.SetCheckedStringList(FeesPayable); clbDetailFeesReceivable.SetCheckedStringList(FeesReceivable); // set the CHECKED column to true if row is checked clbDetailFeesPayable.CheckedColumn = "CHECKED"; clbDetailFeesReceivable.CheckedColumn = "CHECKED"; clbDetailFeesPayable.SetCheckedStringList(FeesPayable); clbDetailFeesReceivable.SetCheckedStringList(FeesReceivable); if (FTaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled) { if (ARow.IsTaxDeductibleAccountNull()) { cmbDeductibleAccountCode.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { cmbDeductibleAccountCode.SetSelectedString(ARow.TaxDeductibleAccount); } } }
/// <summary> /// need to tell the client that there are detail reports available /// </summary> /// <returns>void</returns> protected void InitDetailReports() { int Counter = 0; String detailReportCSV; // remove all param_detail_report_ parameters first while (Parameters.Exists("param_detail_report_" + Counter.ToString()) == true) { Parameters.RemoveVariable("param_detail_report_" + Counter.ToString()); Counter++; } Counter = 0; if ((CurrentReport != null) && (CurrentReport.rptGrpDetailReport != null)) { foreach (TRptDetailReport detailReport in CurrentReport.rptGrpDetailReport) { detailReportCSV = ""; detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, detailReport.strId, ","); detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, detailReport.strAction, ","); detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, detailReport.strQuery, ","); if (detailReport.rptGrpParameter != null) { foreach (TRptParameter parameter in detailReport.rptGrpParameter) { detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, parameter.strName, ","); detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, parameter.strValue, ","); } } Parameters.Add("param_detail_report_" + Counter.ToString(), detailReportCSV); Counter++; } } // add a detail report for each partnerkey column // use columnFormat, because looking at the format "eInteger:partnerkey:" of the values of a row is not so easy for (int ColCounter = 0; ColCounter <= Parameters.Get("MaxDisplayColumns").ToInt() - 1; ColCounter++) { if (Parameters.Get("ColumnFormat", ColCounter).ToString().ToLower() == "partnerkey") { detailReportCSV = ""; detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, "Open \"" + Parameters.Get("ColumnCaption", ColCounter).ToString() + "\" in Partner Edit Screen", ","); detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, "PartnerEditScreen", ","); detailReportCSV = StringHelper.AddCSV(detailReportCSV, ColCounter.ToString(), ","); Parameters.Add("param_detail_report_" + Counter.ToString(), detailReportCSV); Counter++; } } }
/// <summary> /// format the XML into CSV so that it can be opened as a spreadsheet; /// this only works for quite simple files; /// hierarchical structures are flattened (using childOf column) /// </summary> public static string Xml2CsvString(XmlDocument ADoc) { // first write the header of the csv file List <string> AllAttributes = new List <string>(); List <XmlNode> AllNodes = new List <XmlNode>(); GetAllAttributesAndNodes(ADoc.DocumentElement, ref AllAttributes, ref AllNodes); string separator = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("CSVSeparator", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator); string headerLine = ""; foreach (string attrName in AllAttributes) { if (headerLine.Length > 0) { headerLine += separator; } headerLine += "\"" + attrName + "\""; } string result = headerLine + Environment.NewLine; foreach (XmlNode node in AllNodes) { string line = ""; foreach (string attrName in AllAttributes) { if (attrName == "childOf") { line = StringHelper.AddCSV(line, TXMLParser.GetAttribute(node.ParentNode, "name"), separator); } else { line = StringHelper.AddCSV(line, TXMLParser.GetAttribute(node, attrName), separator); } } result += line + Environment.NewLine; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve an XML attribute. Empty if attribute is not present. /// Check the parent nodes, if the current node does not have that attribute /// </summary> /// <param name="cur">the current node</param> /// <param name="attrib">the name of the attribute</param> /// <param name="AInheritAttributes">return all the values of the parent nodes as well</param> /// <returns>the value of the attribute, or the CSV list of attribute values of the parents and the node, /// or an empty string if the attribute is not existing /// </returns> public static string GetAttributeRecursive(XmlNode cur, string attrib, bool AInheritAttributes) { string ReturnValue = ""; bool HasAttrib = HasAttribute(cur, attrib); if ((!HasAttrib || AInheritAttributes) && (cur.ParentNode != null)) { ReturnValue = GetAttributeRecursive(cur.ParentNode, attrib, AInheritAttributes); } if (HasAttrib) { ReturnValue = StringHelper.AddCSV(ReturnValue, GetAttribute(cur, attrib)); } return(ReturnValue); }
private static void MarkTransactionMatched( BankImportTDS AMainDS, BankImportTDSAEpTransactionRow transactionRow, BankImportTDSAGiftDetailRow giftDetail) { giftDetail.AlreadyMatched = true; if (giftDetail.RecipientDescription.Length == 0) { giftDetail.RecipientDescription = giftDetail.MotivationGroupCode + "/" + giftDetail.MotivationDetailCode; } transactionRow.MatchAction = Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.MFinanceConstants.BANK_STMT_STATUS_MATCHED; transactionRow.GiftLedgerNumber = giftDetail.LedgerNumber; transactionRow.GiftBatchNumber = giftDetail.BatchNumber; transactionRow.GiftTransactionNumber = giftDetail.GiftTransactionNumber; transactionRow.GiftDetailNumbers = StringHelper.AddCSV(transactionRow.GiftDetailNumbers, giftDetail.DetailNumber.ToString(), ","); transactionRow.DonorKey = giftDetail.DonorKey; }
/// <summary> /// This function returns the comma separated list of all row, /// identified by their codes (using FKeyColumns) /// /// </summary> /// <returns>String</returns> public String GetAllStringList() { String ReturnValue; ReturnValue = ""; if (FDataView != null) { foreach (DataRowView Row in FDataView) { // notice: the value in the string list might be in pairs, comma separated; addCSV will put quotes around it // eg. motivation group and detail foreach (String KeyColumn in FKeyColumns) { ReturnValue = StringHelper.AddCSV(ReturnValue, Row[KeyColumn].ToString()); } } } return(ReturnValue); }
private void ShowDetailsManual(SUserRow ARow) { string currentPermissions = String.Empty; if (ARow != null) { FMainDS.SUserModuleAccessPermission.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("{0}='{1}'", SUserModuleAccessPermissionTable.GetUserIdDBName(), ARow.UserId); foreach (DataRowView rv in FMainDS.SUserModuleAccessPermission.DefaultView) { SUserModuleAccessPermissionRow permission = (SUserModuleAccessPermissionRow)rv.Row; if (permission.CanAccess) { currentPermissions = StringHelper.AddCSV(currentPermissions, permission.ModuleId); } } // If a password has been saved for a user it can be changed using btnChangePassword. // If a password has not been saved then it can be added using txtDetailPasswordHash. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ARow.PasswordHash) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ARow.PasswordSalt) && (ARow.RowState != DataRowState.Unchanged))) { btnChangePassword.Enabled = false; txtDetailPasswordHash.Enabled = true; } else { btnChangePassword.Enabled = true; txtDetailPasswordHash.Enabled = false; } } clbUserGroup.SetCheckedStringList(currentPermissions); }
/// load data from csv files and sql statements public static bool LoadData(string ADatabaseName, string AUsername, string APassword, string ALoadSQLFileName) { StreamReader sr = null; DBAccess.GDBAccessObj = new TDataBase(TDBType.MySQL); try { DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.EstablishDBConnection(TDBType.MySQL, "localhost", "", ADatabaseName, AUsername, APassword, ""); sr = new StreamReader(ALoadSQLFileName); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); return(false); } TDBTransaction Transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.BeginTransaction(); // one command per line. // file is in postgresql syntax // either COPY FROM or INSERT while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith("INSERT")) { DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.ExecuteNonQuery(line, Transaction); } else if (line.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith("COPY")) { // pgsql: COPY p_language FROM 'c:/p_language.csv' WITH DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS '?' CSV QUOTE AS '"' ESCAPE AS '"'; // mysql: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'c:/p_language.csv' INTO TABLE p_language FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '"'; // need to fix the NULL value from ? to NULL string DataFilename = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("'") + 1); DataFilename = DataFilename.Substring(0, DataFilename.IndexOf("'")); string TableName = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("COPY ") + 5); TableName = TableName.Substring(0, TableName.IndexOf(" ")); StreamReader sData = new StreamReader(DataFilename); StreamWriter sDataWriter = new StreamWriter(DataFilename + ".local"); bool firstRow = true; while (!sData.EndOfStream) { string CSVDataQuestionMark = sData.ReadLine().Trim(); string CSVDataNULL = string.Empty; while (CSVDataQuestionMark.Length > 0) { bool quotedValue = CSVDataQuestionMark.StartsWith("\""); string value = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref CSVDataQuestionMark, ","); if (value == "?") { value = "NULL"; } // if true or false is written in quotes, do not convert to integer. needed for a_account_property if ((!quotedValue && (value == "false")) || (value == "no")) { value = "0"; } if ((!quotedValue && (value == "true")) || (value == "yes")) { value = "1"; } CSVDataNULL = StringHelper.AddCSV(CSVDataNULL, value); } if (CSVDataNULL.Length > 0) { if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; } else { sDataWriter.WriteLine(); } sDataWriter.Write(CSVDataNULL); } } sData.Close(); sDataWriter.Close(); // see also string stmt = String.Format( "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '{0}' INTO TABLE {1} FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '" + Environment.NewLine + "';", DataFilename + ".local", TableName); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.ExecuteNonQuery(stmt, Transaction); } } sr.Close(); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.CommitTransaction(); DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.CloseDBConnection(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// export all GL Transactions in the given year, towards the specified cost centres /// </summary> public static void ExportGLTransactions(string AOutputPath, char ACSVSeparator, string ANewLine, Int32 ALedgerNumber, Int32 AFinancialYear, string ACostCentres, string AIgnoreAccounts, string AIgnoreReferences, ref List <string> ACostCentresInvolved, ref List <string> AAccountsInvolved) { string filename = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AOutputPath, "transaction.csv")); Console.WriteLine("Writing file: " + filename); TDBTransaction Transaction = new TDBTransaction(); ATransactionTable transactions = new ATransactionTable(); ATransAnalAttribTable TransAnalAttrib = new ATransAnalAttribTable(); ATransactionTable allTransactionsInJournal = new ATransactionTable(); AGiftBatchTable giftbatches = new AGiftBatchTable(); AAccountTable accounts = new AAccountTable(); DBAccess.ReadTransaction(ref Transaction, delegate { TDataBase db = Transaction.DataBaseObj; string sql = String.Format("SELECT T.*, B.{4} AS a_transaction_date_d " + "FROM PUB_{8} AS B, PUB_{7} AS T " + "WHERE B.{9} = {10} AND B.{15} = {16} AND B.{11}='{12}' " + "AND T.{9} = B.{9} AND T.{0} = B.{0} " + "AND T.{13} IN ({14}) " + "AND NOT T.{17} IN ({19}) " + "AND NOT T.{20} IN ({21}) " + "ORDER BY {0}, {1}, {2}", ATransactionTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetTransactionNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetTransactionAmountDBName(), ABatchTable.GetDateEffectiveDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetNarrativeDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetReferenceDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetTableDBName(), ABatchTable.GetTableDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ALedgerNumber, ABatchTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), MFinanceConstants.BATCH_POSTED, ATransactionTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName(), "'" + ACostCentres.Replace(",", "','") + "'", ABatchTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), AFinancialYear, ATransactionTable.GetAccountCodeDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetDebitCreditIndicatorDBName(), "'" + AIgnoreAccounts.Replace(",", "','") + "'", ATransactionTable.GetReferenceDBName(), "'" + AIgnoreReferences.Replace(",", "','") + "'"); transactions = (ATransactionTable)db.SelectDT(transactions, sql, Transaction, null, 0, 0); // get the analysis attributes sql = String.Format("SELECT A.* from PUB_{1} AS B, PUB_{13} AS T, PUB_{0} AS A " + "WHERE B.{2} = {3} AND B.{4} = {5} AND B.{6}='{7}' " + "AND T.{2} = B.{2} AND T.{8} = B.{8} " + "AND T.{9} IN ({10}) " + "AND A.{2} = T.{2} AND A.{8} = T.{8} AND A.{11} = T.{11} AND A.{12} = T.{12}", ATransAnalAttribTable.GetTableDBName(), ABatchTable.GetTableDBName(), ABatchTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ALedgerNumber, ABatchTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), AFinancialYear, ABatchTable.GetBatchStatusDBName(), MFinanceConstants.BATCH_POSTED, ATransactionTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName(), "'" + ACostCentres.Replace(",", "','") + "'", ATransactionTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetTransactionNumberDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetTableDBName(), ABatchTable.GetBatchYearDBName()); db.SelectDT(TransAnalAttrib, sql, Transaction, null, 0, 0); TransAnalAttrib.DefaultView.Sort = ATransAnalAttribTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + "," + ATransAnalAttribTable.GetJournalNumberDBName() + "," + ATransAnalAttribTable.GetTransactionNumberDBName(); // get a list of all batches involved List <Int64> batches = new List <Int64>(); StringBuilder batchnumbers = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ATransactionRow r in transactions.Rows) { if (!batches.Contains(r.BatchNumber)) { batches.Add(r.BatchNumber); batchnumbers.Append(r.BatchNumber.ToString() + ","); } } // get the other transactions in the same journal for finding the opposite cc/acc involved // for performance reasons, get all transactions of the whole batch sql = String.Format("SELECT DISTINCT TJ.* " + "FROM PUB_{0} AS TJ " + "WHERE TJ.{1} = {2} AND TJ.{3} IN ({4})", ATransactionTable.GetTableDBName(), ATransactionTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ALedgerNumber, ATransactionTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(), batchnumbers.ToString() + "-1"); allTransactionsInJournal = (ATransactionTable)db.SelectDT(allTransactionsInJournal, sql, Transaction, null, 0, 0); allTransactionsInJournal.DefaultView.Sort = ATransactionTable.GetBatchNumberDBName() + "," + ATransactionTable.GetJournalNumberDBName(); // get all names of gift batches sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM PUB_{0} " + "WHERE {1} = {2} " + "AND {3} = {4}", AGiftBatchTable.GetTableDBName(), AGiftBatchTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ALedgerNumber, AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchYearDBName(), AFinancialYear); db.SelectDT(giftbatches, sql, Transaction, null, 0, 0); giftbatches.DefaultView.Sort = AGiftBatchTable.GetBatchNumberDBName(); sql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM PUB_{0} " + "WHERE {1} = {2}", AAccountTable.GetTableDBName(), AAccountTable.GetLedgerNumberDBName(), ALedgerNumber); db.SelectDT(accounts, sql, Transaction, null, 0, 0); accounts.DefaultView.Sort = AAccountTable.GetAccountCodeDBName(); }); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int rowCounter = 0; foreach (ATransactionRow row in transactions.Rows) { if (row.DebitCreditIndicator) { row.TransactionAmount *= -1.0m; } StringBuilder attributes = new StringBuilder(); DataRowView[] RelatedTransactions = allTransactionsInJournal.DefaultView.FindRows(new object[] { row.BatchNumber, row.JournalNumber }); ATransactionRow[] OtherTransactions = GetOtherTransactions(row, RelatedTransactions); string OtherCostCentres = string.Empty; string OtherAccountCodes = string.Empty; if (OtherTransactions.Length < 30) { foreach (ATransactionRow r in OtherTransactions) { OtherCostCentres = StringHelper.AddCSV(OtherCostCentres, r.CostCentreCode); OtherAccountCodes = StringHelper.AddCSV(OtherAccountCodes, r.AccountCode); } } if (!ACostCentresInvolved.Contains(row.CostCentreCode)) { ACostCentresInvolved.Add(row.CostCentreCode); } if (!AAccountsInvolved.Contains(row.AccountCode)) { AAccountsInvolved.Add(row.AccountCode); } // we are using gift batch for receiving payments string Narrative = row.Narrative; if (Narrative.StartsWith("GB - Gift Batch ") && row.Reference.StartsWith("GB")) { // find the account and set the account description into the narrative try { DataRowView[] acc = accounts.DefaultView.FindRows(row.AccountCode); Narrative = ((AAccountRow)acc[0].Row).AccountCodeLongDesc; } catch (Exception) { } try { DataRowView[] gb = giftbatches.DefaultView.FindRows(Convert.ToInt32(row.Reference.Substring(2))); Narrative += " " + ((AGiftBatchRow)gb[0].Row).BatchDescription; } catch (Exception) { } } sb.Append(StringHelper.StrMerge( new string[] { "B" + row.BatchNumber.ToString() + "_J" + row.JournalNumber.ToString() + "_T" + row.TransactionNumber.ToString(), row.CostCentreCode, row.AccountCode, row.TransactionDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), OtherCostCentres, OtherAccountCodes, Narrative, row.Reference, String.Format("{0:N}", row.TransactionAmount), attributes.ToString() }, ACSVSeparator)); sb.Append(ANewLine); rowCounter++; if (rowCounter % 500 == 0) { TLogging.Log("Processing transactions " + rowCounter.ToString()); } } TLogging.Log("Processing transactions " + rowCounter.ToString()); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252)); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); }
private void InitializeManualCode() { DataTable CultureTable = new DataTable(); CultureTable.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(string)); CultureTable.Columns.Add("Display", typeof(string)); foreach (CultureInfo ci in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures)) { if (!ci.IsNeutralCulture) { DataRow row = CultureTable.NewRow(); row[0] = ci.Name; row[1] = ci.EnglishName; CultureTable.Rows.Add(row); } } CultureTable.DefaultView.Sort = "Display"; cmbCulture.DisplayMember = "Display"; cmbCulture.ValueMember = "Value"; cmbCulture.DataSource = CultureTable.DefaultView; // load languages from names of language sub directories string[] LanguageDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(TAppSettingsManager.ApplicationDirectory); string LanguagesAvailable = "en-EN"; foreach (String directory in LanguageDirectories) { if (File.Exists(directory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "OpenPetra.resources.dll")) { LanguagesAvailable = StringHelper.AddCSV( LanguagesAvailable, directory.Substring( directory.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1)); } } cmbLanguage.SetDataSourceStringList(LanguagesAvailable); // for the moment default to english, because translations are not fully supported, and the layout does not adjust string LanguageCode = "en-EN"; string CultureCode = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name; TRemote.MSysMan.Maintenance.WebConnectors.GetLanguageAndCulture(ref LanguageCode, ref CultureCode); cmbCulture.SetSelectedString(CultureCode); cmbLanguage.SetSelectedString(LanguageCode); llbLaunchpadLink.Click += LaunchpadLinkClicked; // Get the number of recent partners that the user has set, if not found take 10 as default value. nudNumberOfPartners.Value = TUserDefaults.GetInt16Default(MSysManConstants.USERDEFAULT_NUMBEROFRECENTPARTNERS, 10); nudNumberOfPartners.Maximum = 10; // Other preferences chkEscClosesScreen.Checked = TUserDefaults.GetBooleanDefault(TUserDefaults.NamedDefaults.USERDEFAULT_ESC_CLOSES_SCREEN, true); chkSaveWindowProperties.Checked = TUserDefaults.GetBooleanDefault(TUserDefaults.NamedDefaults.USERDEFAULT_SAVE_WINDOW_POS_AND_SIZE, true); WasSaveWindowPropertiesInitiallyChecked = chkSaveWindowProperties.Checked; }
// // This will be called if the Fast Reports Wrapper loaded OK. // Returns True if the data apparently loaded OK and the report should be printed. private bool LoadReportData(TRptCalculator ACalc) { Shared.MReporting.TParameterList parameters = ACalc.GetParameters(); String LedgerFilter = "a_ledger_number_i=" + parameters.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32(); String AccountCodeFilter = ""; // Account Filter, as range or list: String GlmAccountCodeFilter = ""; DataTable Balances = new DataTable(); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_linked_partner_cc", ""); // I may want to use this later, for auto_email, but usually it's unused. if (parameters.Get("param_rgrAccounts").ToString() == "AccountList") { String Filter = "'" + parameters.Get("param_account_codes") + "'"; Filter = Filter.Replace(",", "','"); AccountCodeFilter = "AND a_account_code_c in (" + Filter + ")"; GlmAccountCodeFilter = " AND glm.a_account_code_c in (" + Filter + ")"; } if (parameters.Get("param_rgrAccounts").ToString() == "AccountRange") { AccountCodeFilter = "AND a_account_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_start") + "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_end") + "'"; GlmAccountCodeFilter = " AND glm.a_account_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_start") + "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_account_code_end") + "'"; } String CostCentreFilter = ""; // Cost Centre Filter, as range or list: String GlmCostCentreFilter = ""; if (parameters.Get("param_rgrCostCentres").ToString() == "CostCentreList") { String Filter = "'" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_codes") + "'"; Filter = Filter.Replace(",", "','"); CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + Filter + ")"; GlmCostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c in (" + Filter + ")"; } if (parameters.Get("param_rgrCostCentres").ToString() == "CostCentreRange") { CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start") + "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end") + "'"; GlmCostCentreFilter = " AND glm.a_cost_centre_code_c BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_start") + "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_cost_centre_code_end") + "'"; } String TranctDateFilter = "a_transaction_date_d BETWEEN '" + parameters.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + parameters.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; String ReferenceFilter = ""; String AnalysisTypeFilter = ""; String GroupField = "a_account_code_c, a_cost_centre_code_c"; String Sortby = parameters.Get("param_sortby").ToString(); if (Sortby == "Cost Centre") { GroupField = "a_cost_centre_code_c, a_account_code_c"; } if (Sortby == "Reference") { GroupField = "a_reference_c"; String FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_reference_start").ToString(); if (FilterItem != "") { ReferenceFilter = " AND a_reference_c >='" + FilterItem + "'"; } FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_reference_end").ToString(); if (FilterItem != "") { ReferenceFilter += " AND a_reference_c <='" + FilterItem + "'"; } } if (Sortby == "Analysis Type") { GroupField = "a_analysis_type_code_c"; String FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_analyis_type_start").ToString(); if (FilterItem != "") { AnalysisTypeFilter = " AND a_analysis_type_code_c >='" + FilterItem + "'"; } FilterItem = parameters.Get("param_analyis_type_end").ToString(); if (FilterItem != "") { AnalysisTypeFilter += " AND a_analysis_type_code_c <='" + FilterItem + "'"; } } parameters.Add("param_groupfield", GroupField); String Csv = ""; Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "ALedger/SELECT * FROM a_ledger WHERE " + LedgerFilter); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "AAccount/SELECT * FROM a_account WHERE " + LedgerFilter + AccountCodeFilter + " AND a_posting_status_l=true AND a_account_active_flag_l=true"); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "ACostCentre/SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " + LedgerFilter + CostCentreFilter + " AND a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l=true AND a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true"); Boolean InternationalCurrencySelected = parameters.Get("param_currency").ToString().StartsWith("Int"); String AmountField = InternationalCurrencySelected ? "a_amount_in_intl_currency_n" : "a_amount_in_base_currency_n"; if (Sortby == "Analysis Type") // To sort by analysis type, I need a different (and more horible) query: { Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "Transactions/" + "SELECT a_transaction.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," + "a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," + "a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d AS TransactionDate," + "a_transaction." + AmountField + " AS Amount," + "a_transaction.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS Debit," + "a_transaction.a_narrative_c AS Narrative," + "a_transaction.a_reference_c AS Reference," + "a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_type_code_c AS AnalysisTypeCode," + "a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_description_c AS AnalysisTypeDescr," + "a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_attribute_value_c AS AnalysisValue" + " FROM a_transaction, a_trans_anal_attrib, a_analysis_type" + " WHERE a_transaction." + LedgerFilter + " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_ledger_number_i = a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i " + " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_batch_number_i = a_transaction.a_batch_number_i" + " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_journal_number_i = a_transaction.a_journal_number_i" + " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_transaction_number_i = a_transaction.a_transaction_number_i" + " AND a_trans_anal_attrib.a_analysis_type_code_c = a_analysis_type.a_analysis_type_code_c" + AnalysisTypeFilter + AccountCodeFilter + CostCentreFilter + " AND " + TranctDateFilter + " AND a_transaction_status_l=true AND NOT (a_system_generated_l=true AND a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%')" + " ORDER BY " + GroupField + ", a_transaction_date_d"); } else { Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "Transactions/" + "SELECT a_transaction.a_account_code_c AS AccountCode," + "a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c AS CostCentreCode," + "a_transaction.a_transaction_date_d AS TransactionDate," + "a_transaction." + AmountField + " AS Amount," + "a_journal.a_transaction_currency_c AS Currency," + "a_transaction.a_debit_credit_indicator_l AS Debit," + "a_transaction.a_narrative_c AS Narrative," + "a_transaction.a_reference_c AS Reference," + "'' AS AnalysisTypeCode," + "'' AS AnalysisTypeDescr," + "'' AS AnalysisValue" + " FROM a_transaction, a_journal WHERE " + " a_transaction." + LedgerFilter + " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_journal.a_ledger_number_i " + " AND a_transaction.a_batch_number_i = a_journal.a_batch_number_i " + " AND a_transaction.a_journal_number_i = a_journal.a_journal_number_i " + AccountCodeFilter + CostCentreFilter + " AND " + TranctDateFilter + ReferenceFilter + " AND a_transaction_status_l=true AND NOT (a_system_generated_l=true AND a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%')" + " ORDER BY " + GroupField + ", a_transaction_date_d"); } GLReportingTDS ReportDs = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv); if ((this.IsDisposed) || // If the user has pressed Esc the form is closed! (TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.DataTableGenerationWasCancelled())) { return(false); } // // I want to include opening and closing balances for each Cost Centre / Account, in the selected currency. // Following a revision in Oct 2014, this table is the master table, and the transactions are the slave. Int32 Year = parameters.Get("param_year_i").ToInt32(); Balances = TRemote.MFinance.Reporting.WebConnectors.GetPeriodBalances( LedgerFilter, GlmAccountCodeFilter, GlmCostCentreFilter, Year, Sortby, ReportDs.Tables["Transactions"], parameters.Get("param_start_period_i").ToInt32(), parameters.Get("param_end_period_i").ToInt32(), InternationalCurrencySelected ); if ((this.IsDisposed) || (Balances == null)) { return(false); } // My report doesn't need a ledger row - only the name of the ledger. And I need the currency formatter.. { ALedgerRow Row = ReportDs.ALedger[0]; ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", Row.LedgerName); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_currency_formatter", "0,0.000"); } if (TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.DataTableGenerationWasCancelled()) { return(false); } // // If I need to show Analysis Attributes, I need to get the rows that pertain to the Transactions I've selected above. if (ReportDs.ATransaction.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView BatchSorted = new DataView(ReportDs.ATransaction); BatchSorted.Sort = "a_batch_number_i"; ATransactionRow Row = (ATransactionRow)BatchSorted[0].Row; Int32 FirstBatch = Row.BatchNumber; Row = (ATransactionRow)BatchSorted[BatchSorted.Count - 1].Row; Int32 LastBatch = Row.BatchNumber; Csv = ""; Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "ATransAnalAttrib/SELECT * FROM a_trans_anal_attrib WHERE " + LedgerFilter + " AND a_batch_number_i >= " + FirstBatch + " AND a_batch_number_i <= " + LastBatch); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "AAnalysisType/SELECT * FROM a_analysis_type"); ReportDs.Merge(TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv)); } if (TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.DataTableGenerationWasCancelled()) { return(false); } FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ATransAnalAttrib, "a_trans_anal_attrib"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAnalysisType, "a_analysis_type"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAccount, "a_account"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ACostCentre, "a_costCentre"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.Tables["Transactions"], "Transactions"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(Balances, "balances"); // // For Account Detail reports that must be sent on email, one page at a time, // I'm calling the FastReports plugin multiple times, // and then I'm going to return false, which will prevent the default action using this dataset. if ((parameters.Get("param_sortby").ToString() == "Cost Centre") && (parameters.Get("param_auto_email").ToBool()) && !parameters.Get("param_design_template").ToBool() ) { FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.AutoEmailReports(ACalc, FLedgerNumber, CostCentreFilter); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// This returns the resultlist as lines for a CSV file /// </summary> /// <param name="AParameters"></param> /// <param name="separator">if this has the value FIND_BEST_SEPARATOR, /// then first the parameters will be checked for CSV_separator, and if that parameter does not exist, /// then the CurrentCulture is checked, for the local language settings</param> /// <param name="ADebugging">if true, thent the currency and date values are written encoded, not localized</param> /// <param name="AExportOnlyLowestLevel">if true, only the lowest level of AParameters are exported (level with higest depth) /// otherwise all levels in AParameter are exported</param> /// <returns>the lines to be written to the CSV file</returns> public List <string> WriteCSVInternal(TParameterList AParameters, string separator = "FIND_BEST_SEPARATOR", Boolean ADebugging = false, Boolean AExportOnlyLowestLevel = false) { List <string> lines = new List <string>(); int i; string strLine; ArrayList sortedList; bool display; bool useIndented; TParameterList FormattedParameters; TResultList FormattedResult; // myEncoding: Encoding; // bytes: array of byte; if (separator == "FIND_BEST_SEPARATOR") { if (AParameters.Exists("CSV_separator")) { separator = AParameters.Get("CSV_separator").ToString(); if (separator.ToUpper() == "TAB") { separator = new String((char)9, 1); } else if (separator.ToUpper() == "SPACE") { separator = " "; } } else { separator = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator; } } if (ADebugging == false) { FormattedParameters = AParameters.ConvertToFormattedStrings("CSV"); FormattedResult = ConvertToFormattedStrings(FormattedParameters, "CSV"); } else { FormattedParameters = AParameters; FormattedResult = this; } // write headings strLine = ""; // for debugging: // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "masterRow", separator); // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "childRow", separator); // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "depth", separator); strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "id", separator); if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT1, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, FormattedParameters.Get("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT1, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).ToString(), separator); } if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT2, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, FormattedParameters.Get("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT2, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).ToString(), separator); } if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERCOLUMN, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "header 1", separator); strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "header 0", separator); } useIndented = false; for (i = 0; i <= FormattedParameters.Get("lowestLevel").ToInt(); i++) { if (FormattedParameters.Exists("indented", ReportingConsts.ALLCOLUMNS, i, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { useIndented = true; } } MaxDisplayColumns = AParameters.Get("MaxDisplayColumns").ToInt32(); for (i = 0; i < MaxDisplayColumns; i++) { if ((!FormattedParameters.Get("ColumnCaption", i, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).IsNil())) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, (FormattedParameters.Get("ColumnCaption", i, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).ToString() + ' ' + FormattedParameters.Get("ColumnCaption2", i, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).ToString(false) + ' ' + FormattedParameters.Get("ColumnCaption3", i, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit).ToString( false)).Trim(), separator); if (useIndented) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "", separator); } } } lines.Add(strLine); FormattedResult.SortChildren(); sortedList = new ArrayList(); FormattedResult.CreateSortedListByMaster(sortedList, 0); int LowestLevel = -1; if (AExportOnlyLowestLevel) { // find the highest level foreach (TResult element in sortedList) { if (element.depth > LowestLevel) { LowestLevel = element.depth; } } } // write each row to CSV file foreach (TResult element in sortedList) { if (AExportOnlyLowestLevel && (element.depth < LowestLevel)) { continue; } if (element.display) { strLine = ""; // for debugging // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.masterRow.ToString(), separator); // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.childRow.ToString(), separator); // strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.depth.ToString(), separator); strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.code, separator); if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT1, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { if (ADebugging) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.descr[0].EncodeToString(), separator); } else { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.descr[0].ToString(), separator); } } if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERPAGELEFT2, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { if (ADebugging) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.descr[1].EncodeToString(), separator); } else { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.descr[1].ToString(), separator); } } if (FormattedParameters.Exists("ControlSource", ReportingConsts.HEADERCOLUMN, -1, eParameterFit.eBestFit)) { if (ADebugging) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.header[1].EncodeToString(), separator); strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.header[0].EncodeToString(), separator); } else { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.header[1].ToString(), separator); strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.header[0].ToString(), separator); } } /* TODO: try to export in the right codepage, to print umlaut and other special characters correctly * if element.childRow = 7 then * begin * myEncoding := System.Text.Encoding.get_ASCII; * TLogging.Log(Encoding.Default.EncodingName); * TLogging.Log(element.column[0].ToString()); * SetLength(bytes, Encoding.Default.GetByteCount(element.column[0].ToString())); * bytes := Encoding.Default.GetBytes(element.column[0].ToString()); * TLogging.Log(myEncoding.GetChars(bytes)); * // this will still not help with Excel * end; */ display = false; for (i = 0; i <= MaxDisplayColumns - 1; i += 1) { if (FormattedParameters.Get("indented", i, element.depth, eParameterFit.eAllColumnFit).ToBool() == true) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "", separator); } if (((element.column[i] != null) && (!element.column[i].IsNil())) || (ADebugging)) { display = true; if (ADebugging) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.column[i].EncodeToString(), separator); } else { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, element.column[i].ToString().Trim(), separator); } } else { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "", separator); } if ((FormattedParameters.Get("indented", i, element.depth, eParameterFit.eAllColumnFit).ToBool() != true) && useIndented) { strLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(strLine, "", separator); } } if (display) { lines.Add(strLine); } } } sortedList = null; return(lines); }
// // New methods using the Fast-reports DLL: private Boolean LoadReportData(TRptCalculator ACalc) { Shared.MReporting.TParameterList pm = ACalc.GetParameters(); pm.Add("param_current_period", uco_GeneralSettings.GetCurrentPeiod()); // 0 = Full Report. Currently the only option for this report. pm.Add("param_run_number", 0); String Csv = ""; // // My "a_transaction" table forms the lower half of the HOSA: // All transactions for all the "Expense" accounts for the selected Cost Centre within the selected dates or periods. String LedgerFilter = "a_ledger_number_i=" + pm.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32(); String TranctDateFilter = ""; // Optional Date Filter, as periods or dates String CostCentreCodes = pm.Get("param_cost_centre_codes").ToString(); if (CostCentreCodes == String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please select one or more Cost Centres."), "HOSA"); return(false); } CostCentreCodes = CostCentreCodes.Replace('"', '\''); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_cost_centre_codes", CostCentreCodes); if (pm.Get("param_period").ToBool() == true) { DataTable AccountingPeriodTbl = (AAccountingPeriodTable)TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList, pm.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32()); Int32 PeriodStart = pm.Get("param_start_period_i").ToInt32(); Int32 PeriodEnd = pm.Get("param_end_period_i").ToInt32(); AccountingPeriodTbl.DefaultView.RowFilter = LedgerFilter + " AND a_accounting_period_number_i=" + PeriodStart; DateTime DateStart = Convert.ToDateTime(AccountingPeriodTbl.DefaultView[0].Row["a_period_start_date_d"]); pm.Add("param_start_date", DateStart); AccountingPeriodTbl.DefaultView.RowFilter = LedgerFilter + " AND a_accounting_period_number_i=" + PeriodEnd; DateTime DateEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(AccountingPeriodTbl.DefaultView[0].Row["a_period_end_date_d"]); pm.Add("param_end_date", DateEnd); String PeriodTitle = " (" + DateStart.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " - " + DateEnd.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + ")"; if (PeriodEnd > PeriodStart) { PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0} - {1}", PeriodStart, PeriodEnd) + PeriodTitle; } else { PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0}", PeriodStart) + PeriodTitle; } pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle); } else { String PeriodTitle = " " + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " - " + pm.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle); } TranctDateFilter = "a_transaction_date_d>='" + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND a_transaction_date_d<='" + pm.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; String TranctCostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre_code_c IN (" + CostCentreCodes + ") "; Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "AAccount/SELECT * FROM a_account WHERE " + LedgerFilter + " AND a_posting_status_l=true AND a_account_active_flag_l=true"); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "ACostCentre/SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " + LedgerFilter + " AND a_cost_centre_code_c IN (" + CostCentreCodes + ") AND a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l=true AND a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true"); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "ATransaction/SELECT * FROM a_transaction WHERE " + LedgerFilter + TranctCostCentreFilter + " AND " + TranctDateFilter + " AND NOT (a_system_generated_l = true AND (a_narrative_c LIKE 'Gifts received - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'GB - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%'))" + " ORDER BY a_account_code_c, a_transaction_date_d"); GLReportingTDS ReportDs = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv); ArrayList reportParam = ACalc.GetParameters().Elems; Dictionary <String, TVariant> paramsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, TVariant>(); foreach (Shared.MReporting.TParameter p in reportParam) { if ("param") && ( != "param_calculation")) { paramsDictionary.Add(, p.value); } } DataTable ReportTable = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("HOSA", paramsDictionary); if (this.IsDisposed) { return(false); } if (ReportTable == null) { FPetraUtilsObject.WriteToStatusBar("Report Cancelled."); return(false); } FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportTable, "Gifts"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAccount, "a_account"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ACostCentre, "a_costCentre"); FPetraUtilsObject.FFastReportsPlugin.RegisterData(ReportDs.ATransaction, "a_transaction"); // // My report doesn't need a ledger row - only the name of the ledger. And I need the currency formatter.. String LedgerName = TRemote.MFinance.Reporting.WebConnectors.GetLedgerName(FLedgerNumber); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_ledger_name", LedgerName); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_currency_formatter", "0,0.000"); Boolean HasData = (ReportDs.ATransaction.Rows.Count > 0) || (ReportTable.Rows.Count > 0); if (!HasData) { MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("No Transactions found for selected Cost Centres."), "HOSA"); } return(HasData); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { new TAppSettingsManager(false); try { string filename = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("extfile"); string newCSVFilename = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".csv"; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(newCSVFilename); string newCSVLine = String.Empty; bool recordData = false; bool cleanFileEnd = false; while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("\"APPL-FORM\"")) { recordData = false; } if (line.Trim() == "\"END\"") { sw.WriteLine(newCSVLine); newCSVLine = string.Empty; recordData = false; } if (recordData) { while (line.Length > 0) { try { newCSVLine = StringHelper.AddCSV(newCSVLine, StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref line, " ")); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { // we have the case that a string contains new line characters, so the ending quote cannot be found in the current line line += " " + sr.ReadLine(); } } } if (line.Trim() == "\"PARTNER\"") { recordData = true; } if (line.Trim() == "\"END\" \"FORMS\"") { recordData = true; } if (line.Trim() == "0 \"FINISH\"") { cleanFileEnd = true; } } if (!cleanFileEnd) { Console.WriteLine("Your file " + filename + " is broken, it does not have the correct finish line. Please export again"); } Console.WriteLine("File " + newCSVFilename + " has been written."); sw.Close(); sr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// Data loader for HOSA data, /// Made static so it can be called from Stewardship Reports /// </summary> public static Boolean LoadReportDataStaticInner(Form ParentForm, TFrmPetraReportingUtils UtilsObject, FastReportsWrapper ReportingEngine, TRptCalculator ACalc) { Shared.MReporting.TParameterList pm = ACalc.GetParameters(); String Csv = ""; // // My "a_transaction" table forms the lower half of the HOSA: // All transactions for all the "Expense" accounts for the selected Cost Centre within the selected dates or periods. String LedgerFilter = "a_ledger_number_i=" + pm.Get("param_ledger_number_i").ToInt32(); String TranctDateFilter = ""; // Optional Date Filter, as periods or dates String CostCentreCodes = pm.Get("param_cost_centre_codes").ToString(); if (CostCentreCodes == String.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("Please select one or more Cost Centres."), "HOSA"); return(false); } String CostCentreFilter = ""; if (CostCentreCodes == "ALL") { CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_type_c='Foreign' "; } else { CostCentreCodes = CostCentreCodes.Replace('"', '\''); ACalc.AddStringParameter("param_cost_centre_codes", CostCentreCodes); CostCentreFilter = " AND a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c IN (" + CostCentreCodes + ") "; } if (pm.Get("param_period").ToBool() == true) { Int32 PeriodStart = pm.Get("param_start_period_i").ToInt32(); Int32 PeriodEnd = pm.Get("param_end_period_i").ToInt32(); DateTime DateStart = pm.Get("param_start_date").ToDate(); DateTime DateEnd = pm.Get("param_end_date").ToDate(); ALedgerTable LedgerDetailsTable = (ALedgerTable)TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable( TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.LedgerDetails); ALedgerRow LedgerRow = LedgerDetailsTable[0]; Boolean IsClosed = (!pm.Get("param_current_financial_year").ToBool() || (PeriodEnd < LedgerRow.CurrentPeriod)); ACalc.AddParameter("param_period_closed", IsClosed); Boolean IsCurrent = (pm.Get("param_current_financial_year").ToBool() && (PeriodEnd == LedgerRow.CurrentPeriod)); ACalc.AddParameter("param_period_current", IsCurrent); String PeriodTitle = " (" + DateStart.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " - " + DateEnd.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + ")"; if (PeriodEnd > PeriodStart) { PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0} - {1}", PeriodStart, PeriodEnd) + PeriodTitle; } else { PeriodTitle = String.Format("{0}", PeriodStart) + PeriodTitle; } pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle); } else { String PeriodTitle = " " + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " - " + pm.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); pm.Add("param_date_title", PeriodTitle); } TranctDateFilter = "a_transaction_date_d>='" + pm.Get("param_start_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND a_transaction_date_d<='" + pm.Get("param_end_date").DateToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "AAccount/SELECT * FROM a_account WHERE " + LedgerFilter + " AND a_posting_status_l=true AND a_account_active_flag_l=true"); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV(Csv, "ACostCentre/SELECT * FROM a_cost_centre WHERE " + LedgerFilter + CostCentreFilter + " AND a_posting_cost_centre_flag_l=true AND a_cost_centre_active_flag_l=true"); Csv = StringHelper.AddCSV( Csv, "ATransaction/SELECT a_transaction.* FROM a_transaction, a_cost_centre WHERE a_transaction." + LedgerFilter + " AND " + TranctDateFilter + " AND NOT (a_system_generated_l = true AND (a_narrative_c LIKE 'Gifts received - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'GB - Gift Batch%' OR a_narrative_c LIKE 'Year end re-allocation%'))" + " AND a_transaction.a_ledger_number_i = a_cost_centre.a_ledger_number_i " + " AND a_transaction.a_cost_centre_code_c = a_cost_centre.a_cost_centre_code_c " + CostCentreFilter + " ORDER BY a_account_code_c, a_transaction_date_d"); GLReportingTDS ReportDs = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportingDataSet(Csv); ArrayList reportParam = ACalc.GetParameters().Elems; Dictionary <String, TVariant> paramsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, TVariant>(); foreach (Shared.MReporting.TParameter p in reportParam) { if ("param") && ( != "param_calculation")) { paramsDictionary.Add(, p.value); } } DataTable GiftsTable = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("HOSA", paramsDictionary); DataTable KeyMinGiftsTable = TRemote.MReporting.WebConnectors.GetReportDataTable("FieldGifts", paramsDictionary); // // I'm going to get rid of any Cost Centres that saw no activity in the requested period: for (Int32 Idx = ReportDs.ACostCentre.Rows.Count - 1; Idx >= 0; Idx--) { ACostCentreRow Row = ReportDs.ACostCentre[Idx]; ReportDs.ATransaction.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("a_cost_centre_code_c='{0}'", Row.CostCentreCode); GiftsTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("CostCentre='{0}'", Row.CostCentreCode); if ((ReportDs.ATransaction.DefaultView.Count == 0) && (GiftsTable.DefaultView.Count == 0)) { ReportDs.ACostCentre.Rows.Remove(Row); } } if (ParentForm.IsDisposed) { return(false); } if (GiftsTable == null) { UtilsObject.WriteToStatusBar("Report Cancelled."); return(false); } ReportingEngine.RegisterData(GiftsTable, "Gifts"); ReportingEngine.RegisterData(KeyMinGiftsTable, "FieldGifts"); ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.AAccount, "a_account"); ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.ACostCentre, "a_costCentre"); ReportingEngine.RegisterData(ReportDs.ATransaction, "a_transaction"); Boolean HasData = (ReportDs.ATransaction.Rows.Count > 0) || (GiftsTable.Rows.Count > 0); if (!HasData) { MessageBox.Show(Catalog.GetString("No Transactions found for selected Cost Centres."), "HOSA"); } return(HasData); }