public void SetStreamSettingsTcp(ref StreamSettings item, bool bConnectionReuse, string sHeaderType, object oHeaderRequest, object oHeaderResponse) { item.tcpSettings.connectionReuse = bConnectionReuse; item.tcpSettings.header.type = sHeaderType; item.tcpSettings.header.request = oHeaderRequest; item.tcpSettings.header.response = oHeaderResponse; }
/// <summary>Checks the stream identifier against the specified stream type and sets defaults.</summary> public MDBStreamSetting GetStreamSettings(long streamID) { MDBStreamSetting result = StreamSettings.TryGetStruct(streamID); bool update = false; if (result.StreamID != streamID) { result.StreamID = streamID; if (result.Volume == 0) { result.Volume = 1; } update = true; } switch (result.StreamType) { case MDBStreamType.Silence: break; case MDBStreamType.JukeBob: if (result.MinimumTitleCount < 1) { update = true; result.MinimumTitleCount = 5; } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (update) { StreamSettings.Replace(result); } return(result); }
public Twitch(StreamSettings settings) : base(settings) { ApiName = "Twitch"; ApiInfo = new StreamApiInfo() { isFontLogo = false, logo = "Twitch", color = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x69, 0x3D, 0xA5)) }; if (settings is TwitchSettings) { _settings = settings as TwitchSettings; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.OAuthToken)) { SetAuthorizationKey(_settings.OAuthToken); } } _headers.Add("Client-ID", "ca48u330owoiyhvnmmwl7rkai3i6vqs"); _headers.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"); _baseUrl = ""; _allowedActions[StreamCapabilities.UpdateChannel] = true; _allowedActions[StreamCapabilities.DisplayChat] = true; }
/// <summary> /// 底层传输基本配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="sNetWork"></param> /// <param name="sSecurity"></param> /// <param name="bTlsAllowInsecure"></param> /// <param name="sTlsServerName"></param> public void SetStreamSettingsBase(ref StreamSettings item, string sNetWork, string sSecurity, bool bTlsAllowInsecure = false, string sTlsServerName = null) { = sNetWork; = sSecurity; item.tlsSettings.allowInsecure = bTlsAllowInsecure; item.tlsSettings.serverName = sTlsServerName; }
public void OnPost(StreamSettings settings) { if (settings != null) { _manager.Remove(settings.ListeningPort); } }
public void TestSetup() { state = Substitute.For <IStreamState>(); state.Name.Returns(StreamName); state.BufferPool.Returns(pool = Substitute.For <IBufferPool>()); state.Statistics.Returns(stats = Substitute.For <IStatisticsCollector>()); state.Settings.Returns(settings = new StreamSettings()); batcher = new BufferSnapshotBatcher(1); contentFactory = new RequestContentFactory(new BufferPool()); responseAnalyzer = new ResponseAnalyzer(ResponseAnalysisContext.Stream); statusAnalyzer = new StatusAnalyzer(); requestSender = Substitute.For <IGateRequestSender>(); sender = new StreamSender( () => GlobalApiKey, state, batcher, contentFactory, requestSender, responseAnalyzer, statusAnalyzer, new SynchronousConsoleLog()); cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); SetupBuffers(50, 100, 150); SetupResponses(HerculesStatus.Success); }
/// <summary> /// vmess协议服务器配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <param name="v2rayConfig"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int ServerInbound(Config config, ref V2rayConfig v2rayConfig) { try { UsersItem usersItem; if (v2rayConfig.inbound.settings.clients.Count <= 0) { usersItem = new UsersItem(); v2rayConfig.inbound.settings.clients.Add(usersItem); } else { usersItem = v2rayConfig.inbound.settings.clients[0]; } //远程服务器端口 v2rayConfig.inbound.port = config.port(); //远程服务器用户ID =; usersItem.alterId = config.alterId(); = Global.userEMail; //远程服务器底层传输配置 StreamSettings streamSettings = v2rayConfig.inbound.streamSettings; boundStreamSettings(config, "in", ref streamSettings); } catch { } return(0); }
public void SetStreamSettingsQuic(ref StreamSettings item, string security, string key, string sHeaderType, object oHeaderRequest, object oHeaderResponse) { = security; item.quicSettings.key = key; item.quicSettings.header.type = sHeaderType; item.quicSettings.header.request = oHeaderRequest; item.quicSettings.header.response = oHeaderResponse; }
IEnumerable <NewsEntryInfo> GetNewsEntries(ModuleInfo module, StreamSettings settings) { return(NewsRepository.Instance.GetNewsEntries_FirstPage(PortalSettings.PortalId, settings.FeedMaxEntries ?? NewsConfig.Instance.Feed.DefaultMaxEntries, HttpContext.Current.Timestamp, new WeightRange(settings.MinThematicWeight, settings.MaxThematicWeight), new WeightRange(settings.MinStructuralWeight, settings.MaxStructuralWeight), settings.ShowAllNews, settings.IncludeTerms, out int newsEntriesCount)); }
protected IEnumerable <INewsEntry> GetNewsEntries(int portalId, StreamSettings settings) { return(NewsRepository.Instance.GetNewsEntries_FirstPage( portalId, settings.PageSize, DateTime.Now, new WeightRange(settings.MinThematicWeight, settings.MaxThematicWeight), new WeightRange(settings.MinStructuralWeight, settings.MaxStructuralWeight), settings.ShowAllNews, settings.IncludeTerms, out int newsEntriesCount )); }
public StartCommand() { Type = CommandType.Start; Key = "start"; Settings = new StreamSettings { ListeningPort = 9999 }; }
protected IEnumerable <INewsEntry> GetNewsEntries(StreamSettings settings, int newsCount, int portalId) { // TODO: Cache the result? return(NewsRepository.Instance.GetNewsEntries_FirstPage( portalId, newsCount, DateTime.Now, new WeightRange(settings.MinThematicWeight, settings.MaxThematicWeight), new WeightRange(settings.MinStructuralWeight, settings.MaxStructuralWeight), settings.ShowAllNews, settings.IncludeTerms, out int newsEntriesCount )); }
public PageResult OnGet(int?port) { if (port.HasValue) { var streamSimulator = _manager.Get(port.Value); StreamSettings = streamSimulator?.Settings; } return(Page()); }
public void OnPost(StreamSettings settings) { if (settings != null) { var stream = _manager.Add(settings); stream.Start(); } Redirect("/Index"); }
public StreamModuleViewModel(ModuleInfo module, StreamSettings settings, ViewModelContext context, int newsEntryThematicWeight, int newsEntryStructuralWeight, IList <Term> newsEntryTerms) { Module = module; Settings = settings; Context = context; NewsEntry_ThematicWeight = newsEntryThematicWeight; NewsEntry_StructuralWeight = newsEntryStructuralWeight; NewsEntry_Terms = newsEntryTerms; }
public static bool IsNewsEntryWillBePassedByModule( StreamSettings settings, int thematicWeight, int structuralWeight, IList <Term> terms) { return((settings.ShowAllNews || ModelHelper.IsTermsOverlaps(terms, settings.IncludeTerms)) && ModelHelper.IsVisible(thematicWeight, structuralWeight, settings.MinThematicWeight, settings.MaxThematicWeight, settings.MinStructuralWeight, settings.MaxStructuralWeight )); }
public void SetStreamSettingsKcp(ref StreamSettings item, int mtu, int tti, int uplinkCapacity, int downlinkCapacity, bool congestion, int readBufferSize, int writeBufferSize, string sHeaderType, object oHeaderRequest, object oHeaderResponse) { item.kcpSettings.mtu = mtu; item.kcpSettings.tti = tti; item.kcpSettings.uplinkCapacity = uplinkCapacity; item.kcpSettings.downlinkCapacity = downlinkCapacity; item.kcpSettings.congestion = congestion; item.kcpSettings.readBufferSize = readBufferSize; item.kcpSettings.writeBufferSize = writeBufferSize; item.kcpSettings.header.type = sHeaderType; item.kcpSettings.header.request = oHeaderRequest; item.kcpSettings.header.response = oHeaderResponse; }
public ActionResult <string> Get(int id) { var settings = new StreamSettings { ListeningPort = 9999, AllowSubscribe = true, HeartbeatIntervalMs = 5000, SendReplyCommands = true, }; _manager.Add(settings); return("Ok"); }
private async Task InitializeAfterFirstPatchAsync() { _resourceService.Start(); Targets.Start(); Sources.Start(); SceneEditing.Start(); StreamSettings.Start(); await Vpn.StartAsync(); Streamer.Start(); Settings.Start(); About.Start(); _stateLoggerService.Start(); Audio.Start(); }
private void InitializeBracketApiList() { Type[] apis = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where((t) => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(StreamApi))).ToArray(); ApiList = new ObservableCollection <string>(); foreach (var type in apis) { StreamSettings s = new StreamSettings(); StreamApi a = Activator.CreateInstance(type, s) as StreamApi; ApiList.Add(a.ApiName); if (type == Configuration.Instance.Stream?.GetType()) { SelectedApi = ApiList.Count - 1; } } }
private void streamWindow(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = new StreamSettings(); feeble = new Feeble.Feeble(); settings.ffmpegLocation = ffmpegLocation.Text; settings.recordingRegionType = RecordingRegionType.window; settings.windowTitle = swWindowTitle.Text; settings.twitchBroadcastURL = swBroadcastUrl.Text; settings.twitchStreamKey = swStreamKey.Text; settings.videoBitrate = 500; settings.audioDevice = swAudioDevice.SelectedValue.ToString(); settings.drawMouse = swDrawMouse.Checked; var temp = Task.Run(() => feeble.Stream(settings)); }
/// <summary> /// vmess协议服务器配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <param name="v2rayConfig"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int outbound(Config config, ref V2rayConfig v2rayConfig) { try { VnextItem vnextItem; if (v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext.Count <= 0) { vnextItem = new VnextItem(); v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext.Add(vnextItem); } else { vnextItem = v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext[0]; } //远程服务器地址和端口 vnextItem.address = config.address(); vnextItem.port = config.port(); UsersItem usersItem; if (vnextItem.users.Count <= 0) { usersItem = new UsersItem(); vnextItem.users.Add(usersItem); } else { usersItem = vnextItem.users[0]; } //远程服务器用户ID =; usersItem.alterId = config.alterId(); =; //Mux v2rayConfig.outbound.mux.enabled = config.muxEnabled; //远程服务器底层传输配置 StreamSettings streamSettings = v2rayConfig.outbound.streamSettings; boundStreamSettings(config, "out", ref streamSettings); } catch { } return(0); }
public Twitch(StreamSettings settings) : base(settings) { ApiName = "Twitch"; // Logo = // ControlColor = new Color() if (settings is TwitchSettings) { _settings = settings as TwitchSettings; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.OAuthToken)) { SetAuthorizationKey(_settings.OAuthToken); } } _headers.Add("Client-ID", "ca48u330owoiyhvnmmwl7rkai3i6vqs"); _headers.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"); _baseUrl = ""; _allowedActions[StreamCapabilities.UpdateChannel] = true; _allowedActions[StreamCapabilities.DisplayChat] = true; }
private void streamDesktop(object sender, EventArgs e) { var settings = new StreamSettings(); feeble = new Feeble.Feeble(); settings.ffmpegLocation = ffmpegLocation.Text; settings.recordingRegionType = RecordingRegionType.desktop; settings.twitchBroadcastURL = sdBroadcastUrl.Text; settings.twitchStreamKey = sdStreamKey.Text; settings.videoBitrate = 500; settings.audioDevice = sdAudioDevice.SelectedValue.ToString(); settings.drawCaptureRegion = sdDrawRegion.Checked; settings.drawMouse = sdDrawMouse.Checked; if (sdVerRes.Text != "") { settings.verticalResolution = int.Parse(sdVerRes.Text); } if (sdHozRes.Text != "") { settings.horizontalResolution = int.Parse(sdHozRes.Text); } if (sdXOffSet.Text != "") { settings.offSetX = int.Parse(sdXOffSet.Text); } if (sdYOffset.Text != "") { settings.offSetY = int.Parse(sdYOffset.Text); } var temp = Task.Run(() => feeble.Stream(settings)); }
/// <summary> /// vmess协议远程服务器底层传输配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <param name="iobound"></param> /// <param name="streamSettings"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int boundStreamSettings(Config config, string iobound, ref StreamSettings streamSettings) { try { //远程服务器底层传输配置 =; = config.streamSecurity(); //streamSettings switch ( { //kcp基本配置暂时是默认值,用户能自己设置伪装类型 case "kcp": KcpSettings kcpSettings = new KcpSettings(); kcpSettings.mtu = config.kcpItem.mtu; kcpSettings.tti = config.kcpItem.tti; if (iobound.Equals("out")) { kcpSettings.uplinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.uplinkCapacity; kcpSettings.downlinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.downlinkCapacity; } else if (iobound.Equals("in")) { kcpSettings.uplinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.downlinkCapacity;; kcpSettings.downlinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.downlinkCapacity; } else { kcpSettings.uplinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.uplinkCapacity; kcpSettings.downlinkCapacity = config.kcpItem.downlinkCapacity; } kcpSettings.congestion = config.kcpItem.congestion; kcpSettings.readBufferSize = config.kcpItem.readBufferSize; kcpSettings.writeBufferSize = config.kcpItem.writeBufferSize; kcpSettings.header = new Header(); kcpSettings.header.type = config.headerType(); streamSettings.kcpSettings = kcpSettings; break; //ws case "ws": WsSettings wsSettings = new WsSettings(); wsSettings.connectionReuse = true; string host2 = config.requestHost().Replace(" ", ""); string path = config.path().Replace(" ", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host2)) { wsSettings.headers = new Headers(); wsSettings.headers.Host = host2; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { wsSettings.path = path; } streamSettings.wsSettings = wsSettings; TlsSettings tlsSettings = new TlsSettings(); tlsSettings.allowInsecure = config.allowInsecure(); streamSettings.tlsSettings = tlsSettings; break; //h2 case "h2": HttpSettings httpSettings = new HttpSettings(); string host3 = config.requestHost().Replace(" ", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host3)) { = Utils.String2List(host3); } httpSettings.path = config.path().Replace(" ", ""); streamSettings.httpSettings = httpSettings; TlsSettings tlsSettings2 = new TlsSettings(); tlsSettings2.allowInsecure = config.allowInsecure(); streamSettings.tlsSettings = tlsSettings2; break; default: //tcp带http伪装 if (config.headerType().Equals(Global.TcpHeaderHttp)) { TcpSettings tcpSettings = new TcpSettings(); tcpSettings.connectionReuse = true; tcpSettings.header = new Header(); tcpSettings.header.type = config.headerType(); //request填入自定义Host string request = Utils.GetEmbedText(Global.v2raySampleHttprequestFileName); string[] arrHost = config.requestHost().Replace(" ", "").Split(','); string host = string.Join("\",\"", arrHost); request = request.Replace("$requestHost$", string.Format("\"{0}\"", host)); //request = request.Replace("$requestHost$", string.Format("\"{0}\"", config.requestHost())); string response = Utils.GetEmbedText(Global.v2raySampleHttpresponseFileName); tcpSettings.header.request = Utils.FromJson <object>(request); tcpSettings.header.response = Utils.FromJson <object>(response); streamSettings.tcpSettings = tcpSettings; } break; } } catch { } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// vmess协议服务器配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> /// <param name="v2rayConfig"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int outbound(Config config, ref V2rayConfig v2rayConfig) { try { if (config.configType() == (int)EConfigType.Vmess) { VnextItem vnextItem; if (v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext.Count <= 0) { vnextItem = new VnextItem(); v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext.Add(vnextItem); } else { vnextItem = v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext[0]; } //远程服务器地址和端口 vnextItem.address = config.address(); vnextItem.port = config.port(); UsersItem usersItem; if (vnextItem.users.Count <= 0) { usersItem = new UsersItem(); vnextItem.users.Add(usersItem); } else { usersItem = vnextItem.users[0]; } //远程服务器用户ID =; usersItem.alterId = config.alterId(); = Global.userEMail; =; //Mux v2rayConfig.outbound.mux.enabled = config.muxEnabled; //远程服务器底层传输配置 StreamSettings streamSettings = v2rayConfig.outbound.streamSettings; boundStreamSettings(config, "out", ref streamSettings); v2rayConfig.outbound.protocol = "vmess"; v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.servers = null; } else if (config.configType() == (int)EConfigType.Shadowsocks) { ServersItem serversItem; if (v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.servers.Count <= 0) { serversItem = new ServersItem(); v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.servers.Add(serversItem); } else { serversItem = v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.servers[0]; } //远程服务器地址和端口 serversItem.address = config.address(); serversItem.port = config.port(); serversItem.password =; serversItem.method =; serversItem.ota = false; serversItem.level = 1; v2rayConfig.outbound.mux.enabled = false; v2rayConfig.outbound.protocol = "shadowsocks"; v2rayConfig.outbound.settings.vnext = null; } } catch { } return(0); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void ConfigureStream(string stream, StreamSettings settings) { }
private static void boundStreamSettings(VMess server, ref StreamSettings streamSettings) { try { = server.TransferProtocol; var host = server.Host; if (server.TLSSecure) { = "tls"; var tlsSettings = new TlsSettings { allowInsecure = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.AllowInsecure }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host)) { tlsSettings.serverName = host; } streamSettings.tlsSettings = tlsSettings; } else { = ""; } switch (server.TransferProtocol) { case "kcp": var kcpSettings = new KcpSettings { mtu = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.mtu, tti = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.tti, uplinkCapacity = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.uplinkCapacity, downlinkCapacity = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.downlinkCapacity, congestion = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.congestion, readBufferSize = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.readBufferSize, writeBufferSize = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.writeBufferSize, header = new Header { type = server.FakeType }, seed = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server.Path) ? server.Path : null }; streamSettings.kcpSettings = kcpSettings; break; case "ws": var path = server.Path; var wsSettings = new WsSettings { connectionReuse = true, headers = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host) ? new Headers { Host = host } : null, path = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) ? path : null }; streamSettings.wsSettings = wsSettings; break; case "h2": var httpSettings = new HttpSettings { host = new List <string> { string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server.Host) ? server.Hostname : server.Host }, path = server.Path }; streamSettings.httpSettings = httpSettings; break; case "quic": var quicSettings = new QuicSettings { security = host, key = server.Path, header = new Header { type = server.FakeType } }; if (server.TLSSecure) { streamSettings.tlsSettings.serverName = server.Hostname; } streamSettings.quicSettings = quicSettings; break; case "xtls": = server.TransferProtocol; var xtlsSettings = new TlsSettings { allowInsecure = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.AllowInsecure }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host)) { xtlsSettings.serverName = host; } streamSettings.xtlsSettings = xtlsSettings; break; default: if (server.FakeType == "http") { var tcpSettings = new TcpSettings { connectionReuse = true, header = new Header { type = server.FakeType, request = new TCPRequest { path = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server.Path) ? "/" : server.Path, headers = new TCPRequestHeaders { Host = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server.Host) ? server.Hostname : server.Host } } } }; streamSettings.tcpSettings = tcpSettings; } break; } } catch { // ignored } }
private static StreamSettings boundStreamSettings(VMessServer server) { // var streamSettings = new StreamSettings { network = server.TransferProtocol, security = server.TLSSecureType }; if (server.TLSSecureType != "none") { var tlsSettings = new TlsSettings { allowInsecure = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.AllowInsecure, serverName = server.ServerName.ValueOrDefault() ?? server.Host.SplitOrDefault()?[0] }; switch (server.TLSSecureType) { case "tls": streamSettings.tlsSettings = tlsSettings; break; case "xtls": streamSettings.xtlsSettings = tlsSettings; break; } } switch (server.TransferProtocol) { case "tcp": streamSettings.tcpSettings = new TcpSettings { header = new { type = server.FakeType, request = server.FakeType switch { "none" => null, "http" => new { path = server.Path.SplitOrDefault(), headers = new { Host = server.Host.SplitOrDefault() } }, _ => throw new MessageException($"Invalid tcp type {server.FakeType}") } } }; break; case "ws": streamSettings.wsSettings = new WsSettings { path = server.Path.ValueOrDefault(), headers = new { Host = server.Host.ValueOrDefault() } }; break; case "kcp": streamSettings.kcpSettings = new KcpSettings { mtu = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.mtu, tti = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.tti, uplinkCapacity = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.uplinkCapacity, downlinkCapacity = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.downlinkCapacity, congestion = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.congestion, readBufferSize = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.readBufferSize, writeBufferSize = Global.Settings.V2RayConfig.KcpConfig.writeBufferSize, header = new { type = server.FakeType }, seed = server.Path.ValueOrDefault() }; break; case "h2": streamSettings.httpSettings = new HttpSettings { host = server.Host.SplitOrDefault(), path = server.Path.ValueOrDefault() }; break; case "quic": streamSettings.quicSettings = new QuicSettings { security = server.QUICSecure, key = server.QUICSecret, header = new { type = server.FakeType } }; break; case "grpc": streamSettings.grpcSettings = new GrpcSettings { serviceName = server.Path, multiMode = server.FakeType == "multi" }; break; default: throw new MessageException($"transfer protocol \"{server.TransferProtocol}\" not implemented yet"); } return(streamSettings); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void ConfigureStream(string stream, StreamSettings streamSettings) => ObtainStream(stream).Settings = streamSettings ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(streamSettings));