Пример #1
        static void AddRemoveClientTest(RemoteHubSwitch remoteHubSwitch2)
            //adding a new client to Redis
            string redisConnectionString = "localhost";                                                    //define redis connection string

            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverRedis <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), redisConnectionString, Received)); //create one new client to redis and add it to the clients list
            clientNames.Add(clients[4].ClientId, "New Redis Client");                                      //name the client as New Redis Client
            clients[4].Start();                                                                            //start the new created client

            //adding a new client and a connected adapter in pair to Switch 2
            TcpListener tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, 60005);     //open one tcp listener

            tcpListener.Start();                                                 //start tcp listener
            Task <TcpClient> acceptingTask = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync(); //waiting for connection

            TcpClient[] tcpClients = new TcpClient[]                             //prepare 2 tcp links, connected in pair
                new TcpClient("localhost", 60005),
            tcpListener.Stop();                                                                                                         //stop listener
            NetworkStream[]        streamsOfTcpClients    = Array.ConvertAll(tcpClients, i => i.GetStream());                           //get network streams from tcp links.
            StreamAdapter <byte[]> streamAdapterOnSwitch2 = new StreamAdapter <byte[]>(streamsOfTcpClients[0], streamsOfTcpClients[0]); //create adapter from one stream

            adapterNamesForSwitch2[streamAdapterOnSwitch2] = "To New Stream Client";                                                    //name the new created adapter as To New Stream Client
            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverStream <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), streamsOfTcpClients[1], streamsOfTcpClients[1], Received));    //create one client based on the other stream which is connected to the stream adapter.
            clientNames.Add(clients[5].ClientId, "New Stream Client");                                                                  //name the client as New Stream Client
            clients[5].Start();                                                                                                         //start the new created client
            remoteHubSwitch2.AddAdapter(streamAdapterOnSwitch2);                                                                        //add the switch adapter to Switch 2
            Console.WriteLine("Please wait a while for clients (New Stream Client & New Redis Client) discovery.");

            //Sending test messages
            Task sending = Task.Run(async() => await SendTestMessages());


            //removing the new added clients
            foreach (var stream in streamsOfTcpClients)
            foreach (var tcpClient in tcpClients)

            Console.WriteLine("Please wait a while for clients (New Stream Client & New Redis Client) removal.");

            //Sending test messages
            sending = Task.Run(async() => await SendTestMessages());
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Redis part
            string redisConnectionString = "localhost";                                                      //define redis connection string

            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverRedis <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), redisConnectionString, Received));   //create one client to redis and add it to the clients list
            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverRedis <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), redisConnectionString, Received));   //create one more client to redis and add it to the clients list
            clientNames.Add(clients[0].ClientId, "Client 0");                                                //name the 1st client as Client 0
            clientNames.Add(clients[1].ClientId, "Client 1");                                                //name the 2nd client as Client 1
            clients[0].Start();                                                                              //start the 1st client
            clients[1].Start();                                                                              //start the 2nd client
            RedisAdapter <byte[]> redisAdapterOnRedisHub = new RedisAdapter <byte[]>(redisConnectionString); //create an adapter connected to redis for later using in Switch 2

            //Switch1 part
            TcpListener[] tcpListeners = new TcpListener[] //open 3 tcp listeners
                new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, 60002),
                new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, 60003),
                new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, 60004)
            foreach (var tcpListener in tcpListeners) //start tcp listeners
            Task <TcpClient>[] acceptingTasks = Array.ConvertAll(tcpListeners, i => i.AcceptTcpClientAsync()); //waiting for connection for each server
            TcpClient[]        tcpClients     = new TcpClient[]                                                //prepare 6 tcp links, connection relation: 0<->3, 1<->4, 2<->5
                new TcpClient("localhost", 60002),
                new TcpClient("localhost", 60003),
                new TcpClient("localhost", 60004),
            foreach (var tcpListener in tcpListeners) //stop all listeners
            NetworkStream[]          streamsOfTcpClients     = Array.ConvertAll(tcpClients, i => i.GetStream()); //get network streams from tcp links.
            StreamAdapter <byte[]>[] streamAdaptersOnSwitch1 = new StreamAdapter <byte[]>[]                      //create adapters from first 3 tcp links.
                new StreamAdapter <byte[]>(streamsOfTcpClients[0], streamsOfTcpClients[0]),
                new StreamAdapter <byte[]>(streamsOfTcpClients[1], streamsOfTcpClients[1]),
                new StreamAdapter <byte[]>(streamsOfTcpClients[2], streamsOfTcpClients[2])
            adapterNamesForSwitch1[streamAdaptersOnSwitch1[0]] = "To Client 2";                                                         //name the 1st adapter as To Client 2
            adapterNamesForSwitch1[streamAdaptersOnSwitch1[1]] = "To Client 3";                                                         //name the 2nd adapter as To Client 3
            adapterNamesForSwitch1[streamAdaptersOnSwitch1[2]] = "To Switch 2";                                                         //name the 3rd adapter as To Switch 2 for later using in Switch 2
            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverStream <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), streamsOfTcpClients[3], streamsOfTcpClients[3], Received));    //create one client based on the 3rd stream which is connected to the 1st stream adapter.
            clients.Add(new RemoteHubOverStream <string>(Guid.NewGuid(), streamsOfTcpClients[4], streamsOfTcpClients[4], Received));    //create one more client based on the 4th stream which is connected to the 2nd stream adapter.
            clientNames.Add(clients[2].ClientId, "Client 2");                                                                           //name the new created client as Client 2
            clientNames.Add(clients[3].ClientId, "Client 3");                                                                           //name the 2nd new created client as Client 3
            clients[2].Start();                                                                                                         //start the new created client
            clients[3].Start();                                                                                                         //start the 2nd new created client
            StreamAdapter <byte[]> streamAdapterOnSwitch2 = new StreamAdapter <byte[]>(streamsOfTcpClients[5], streamsOfTcpClients[5]); //create one adapter based on the 5th stream which is connected to the 3rd stream adapter.
            RemoteHubSwitch        remoteHubSwitch1       = new RemoteHubSwitch();                                                      //create the 1st Switch

            remoteHubSwitch1.RemoteClientAdded   += RemoteHubSwitch1_RemoteClientAdded;
            remoteHubSwitch1.RemoteClientChanged += RemoteHubSwitch1_RemoteClientChanged;
            remoteHubSwitch1.RemoteClientRemoved += RemoteHubSwitch1_RemoteClientRemoved;
            //remoteHubSwitch1.MessageRouted += RemoteHubSwitch1_MessageRouted;
            //remoteHubSwitch1.MessageRoutingFailed += RemoteHubSwitch1_MessageRoutingFailed;
            remoteHubSwitch1.AddAdapters(streamAdaptersOnSwitch1); //add the new created adapter to the 1st Switch

            //Switch2 part
            adapterNamesForSwitch2[redisAdapterOnRedisHub] = "To Redis";    //name the redis adapter for switch 2 as To Redis
            adapterNamesForSwitch2[streamAdapterOnSwitch2] = "To Switch 1"; //name the stream adapter for switch 2 as To Switch 1
            RemoteHubSwitch remoteHubSwitch2 = new RemoteHubSwitch();       //create the 2nd Switch

            remoteHubSwitch2.RemoteClientAdded   += RemoteHubSwitch2_RemoteClientAdded;
            remoteHubSwitch2.RemoteClientChanged += RemoteHubSwitch2_RemoteClientChanged;
            remoteHubSwitch2.RemoteClientRemoved += RemoteHubSwitch2_RemoteClientRemoved;
            //remoteHubSwitch2.MessageRouted += RemoteHubSwitch2_MessageRouted;
            //remoteHubSwitch2.MessageRoutingFailed += RemoteHubSwitch2_MessageRoutingFailed;
            remoteHubSwitch2.AddAdapter(redisAdapterOnRedisHub); //add the redis adapter to Switch 2
            remoteHubSwitch2.AddAdapter(streamAdapterOnSwitch2); //add the switch adapter to Switch 2


            //ConnectAndDisconnectSwitchTest(remoteHubSwitch1, streamAdaptersOnSwitch1[2]);
            //VirtualHostTest(remoteHubSwitch1, streamAdaptersOnSwitch1[2], clients[2]);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");

            foreach (var client in clients) //stop all clients

            remoteHubSwitch1.RemoveAllAdapters(true); //remove all adapters attached in Switch 1
            remoteHubSwitch2.RemoveAllAdapters(true); //remove all adapters attached in Switch 2

            foreach (var adapter in streamAdaptersOnSwitch1)
            foreach (var stream in streamsOfTcpClients)
            foreach (var tcpClient in tcpClients)