Пример #1
        public void ReadFromCAR(Stream stream)
            stream.Position = 0x10;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var wheelPosition = new WheelPosition();

            WheelPositions = new List <WheelPosition> {
                WheelPositions[2], WheelPositions[3], WheelPositions[0], WheelPositions[1]

            Unknown1 = stream.ReadUShort();
            Unknown2 = stream.ReadUShort();
            Unknown3 = stream.ReadUShort();
            Unknown4 = stream.ReadUShort();

            stream.Position += 0x04;
            ushort lodCount = stream.ReadUShort();

            LODs = new List <LOD>(lodCount);

            stream.Position += 0x42;

            for (int i = 1; i <= lodCount; i++)
                var lod = new LOD();
                if (i != lodCount)
                    stream.Position += 40; // gap between LODs
            Shadow = new Shadow();
            if (stream.Position != stream.Length)
                throw new Exception($"{stream.Length - stream.Position} trailing bytes after shadow");
Пример #2
        public void ReadFromCDO(Stream stream)
            ushort vertexCount   = stream.ReadUShort(); // 3B40
            ushort triangleCount = stream.ReadUShort();
            ushort quadCount     = stream.ReadUShort();

            unknown    = stream.ReadUShort();
            lowBoundX  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundY  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundZ  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundW  = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundX = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundY = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundZ = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundW = stream.ReadShort();
            Scale      = stream.ReadUShort();
            unknown2   = stream.ReadSingleByte();
            unknown3   = stream.ReadSingleByte();

            Vertices  = new List <ShadowVertex>(vertexCount);    // 3B5C
            Triangles = new List <ShadowPolygon>(triangleCount); // 3BBC
            Quads     = new List <ShadowPolygon>(quadCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                var vertex = new ShadowVertex();

            for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++)
                var triangle = new ShadowPolygon();
                triangle.ReadFromCDO(stream, false, Vertices);

            for (int i = 0; i < quadCount; i++)
                var quad = new ShadowPolygon();
                quad.ReadFromCDO(stream, true, Vertices);
Пример #3
        public static void Read(Stream file, long startPosition)
            file.Position = startPosition;
            ushort stringCount = file.ReadUShort();

            for (ushort i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
Пример #4
        public static short ReadShort(this Stream stream)
            int longValue = stream.ReadUShort();

            if (longValue > short.MaxValue)
                longValue -= ushort.MaxValue;
Пример #5
        protected override void RawHandler(byte type, Stream data)
            var flag = data.ReadUShort();

            if (flag == 0x22)
            base.RawHandler(type, data);
Пример #6
        public static void Read(string filename)
            using (Stream file = DecompressFile(filename))
                file.Position = 8;
                ushort stringCount = file.ReadUShort();

                for (ushort i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
                    int    length        = (file.ReadUShort() + 1) * 2;
                    byte[] characterData = new byte[length];
                    file.Read(characterData, 0, length);


            unusedStrings = new List <string>(strings);
Пример #7
        public static void Read(Stream file, uint blockStart, uint blockSize)
            file.Position = blockStart;
            ushort stringCount = file.ReadUShort();

            for (ushort i = 0; i < stringCount; i++)
Пример #8
        public void LoadFromGameFile(Stream file)
            ushort flags = file.ReadUShort();

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                colours[i] = (flags & 1) == 1;
                flags      = (ushort)(flags >> 1);
Пример #9
        public MAPSettings(Stream stream)
            CameraOrigin      = stream.ReadIVector3();
            CameraTranslation = stream.ReadIVector3();

            Lights = new Light[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                var lightPosition = stream.ReadIVector3();
                var lightColor    = stream.ReadIVector3();

                Lights[i] = new Light(lightPosition, lightColor);

            stream.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current);

            Zoom        = stream.ReadUShort();
            SpriteScale = stream.ReadUShort();

            AreaLikeTypes    = new int[4];
            AreaLikeTypes[0] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaLikeTypes[1] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaLikeTypes[2] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaLikeTypes[3] = stream.ReadInt();

            AreaDislikeTypes    = new int[4];
            AreaDislikeTypes[0] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaDislikeTypes[1] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaDislikeTypes[2] = stream.ReadInt();
            AreaDislikeTypes[3] = stream.ReadInt();

            MapTileWidth  = stream.ReadInt();
            MapTileHeight = stream.ReadInt();
            MapTiles      = new int[MapTileWidth, MapTileHeight];

            for (int y = 0; y < MapTileHeight; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < MapTileWidth; ++x)
                    MapTiles[x, y] = stream.ReadInt();
Пример #10
 public TFSHeader(Stream stream)
     Width        = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     RW           = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     Height       = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     RH           = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     PaletteCount = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     RP           = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
     Resl         = stream.ReadUShort();
Пример #11
        public static byte[] ReadNullableUShortLengthPrefixedByteArray(this Stream stream)
            var length = stream.ReadUShort();

            if (length == 0)

Пример #12
        public static string[] ReadStringList(this Stream stream)
            ushort len = stream.ReadUShort();

            string[] data = new string[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                data[i] = stream.ReadString();
Пример #13
        public MAPObjectInstance(Stream stream)
            AnimationState    = new ushort[8];
            AnimationDuration = new ushort[8];

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                AnimationState[i] = stream.ReadUShort();

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                AnimationDuration[i] = stream.ReadUShort();

            X = stream.ReadUShort();
            Y = stream.ReadUShort();

            stream.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
Пример #14
 public override void SendStream(Stream stream,int length)
     var marker = stream.ReadByte() | 0xF0;
     var echoTime = marker == (Target == null ? 0xFE : 0xFD);
     if (echoTime) stream.ReadUShort();
     var type = stream.ReadByte();
     if (type == 0x10)
         var sizePos = stream.Position;
         var size = stream.ReadUShort();
         var flags = stream.ReadByte();
         var idFlow = stream.Read7BitLongValue();
         var stage = stream.Read7BitLongValue();
         if (idFlow == 2 && stage == 1)
             var deltaNAck = stream.Read7BitLongValue();
             var len = (ushort) stream.ReadByte();
             stream.Position += len;
             var amfReader = new AMF0Reader(stream);
             var str = amfReader.ReadShortString(true);
             var num = amfReader.ReadAMFDouble(true);
             var pos = stream.Position;
             var connectionInfo = amfReader.ReadVariant();
             connectionInfo["tcUrl"] = MiddleSession.QueryUrl;
             connectionInfo["app"] = MiddleSession.QueryUrl.Split('/').Last();
             stream.Position = pos;
             var amfWriter = new AMF0Writer(stream);
             amfWriter.WriteObject(connectionInfo, true);
             length = (int) stream.Position;
             len = (ushort) (stream.Position - sizePos-2);
             stream.Position = sizePos;
     stream.Position = 6;
Пример #15
        public static string GetFileExtension(Stream data)
            // Check to see if the file is an archive
            Archive archive = new Archive(data, null);
            if (archive.Format != ArchiveFormat.NULL)
                return archive.FileExtension;

            // Check to see if the file is an image
            Images images = new Images(data, null);
            if (images.Format != GraphicFormat.NULL)
                return images.FileExtension;

            // Check to see if the file is an ADX (special case)
            if (data.Length > 4 && data.ReadUShort(0x00) == 0x0080 &&
                data.Length > data.ReadUShort(0x02).SwapEndian() + 4 &&
                data.ReadString(data.ReadUShort(0x02).SwapEndian() - 0x02, 6, true) == "(c)CRI")
                return ".adx";

            // Unknown
            return String.Empty;
Пример #16
        /// <remarks>Note how the read advances to the FileNameOffset and reads only FileNameLength bytes</remarks>
        public void Read(Stream stream)
            var startOfRecord = stream.Position;

            RecordLength              = stream.ReadUInt( );
            MajorVersion              = stream.ReadUShort( );
            MinorVersion              = stream.ReadUShort( );
            FileReferenceNumber       = stream.ReadULong( );
            ParentFileReferenceNumber = stream.ReadULong( );
            Usn             = stream.ReadLong( );
            TimeStamp       = stream.ReadLong( );
            Reason          = ( UsnReason )stream.ReadUInt( );
            SourceInfo      = stream.ReadUInt( );
            SecurityId      = stream.ReadUInt( );
            FileAttributes  = stream.ReadUInt( );
            FileNameLength  = stream.ReadUShort( );
            FileNameOffset  = stream.ReadUShort( );
            stream.Position = startOfRecord + FileNameOffset;
            FileName        = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(FileNameLength));
            stream.Position = startOfRecord + RecordLength;
Пример #17
        private static void ReadCarStatsAndWriteCSV(Stream file, ArcadeCar[] cars, int barsPosition, string csvName)
            file.Position = barsPosition;
            foreach (ArcadeCar car in cars)
                car.MaxSpeed     = file.ReadSingleByte();
                car.Handling     = file.ReadSingleByte();
                car.Acceleration = file.ReadSingleByte();
            foreach (ArcadeCar car in cars)
                car.Power     = file.ReadUShort();
                car.PowerRPM  = file.ReadUShort();
                car.Torque    = file.ReadUShort();
                car.TorqueRPM = file.ReadUShort();
                car.Weight    = file.ReadUShort();

            DumpClassToCSV(csvName, cars);
Пример #18
 public void PrepareForOBJRead(Stream unknownData)
     Vertices  = new List <ShadowVertex>();
     Triangles = new List <ShadowPolygon>();
     Quads     = new List <ShadowPolygon>();
     if (unknownData != null)
         unknown  = unknownData.ReadUShort();
         unknown2 = unknownData.ReadSingleByte();
         unknown3 = unknownData.ReadSingleByte();
Пример #19
        public void ReadFromCDO(Stream stream)
            stream.Position = 0x08;
            Unknown1        = stream.ReadUShort();
            if (Unknown1 == 0)
                stream.Position = 0x18;
                Unknown1        = stream.ReadUShort();

            Unknown2 = stream.ReadUShort();
            Unknown3 = stream.ReadUShort();
            Scale    = stream.ReadUShort();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var wheelPosition = new WheelPosition();

            stream.Position += 0x828;
            ushort lodCount = stream.ReadUShort();

            LODs = new List <LOD>(lodCount);

            stream.Position += 0x1A;

            for (int i = 0; i < lodCount; i++)
                var lod = new LOD();
Пример #20
        public void ReadFromCAR(Stream stream)
            ushort unknown   = stream.ReadUShort(); // always 0?
            ushort quadCount = stream.ReadUShort();

            Scale = stream.ReadUShort();
            ushort unknown2 = stream.ReadUShort(); // always 0?

            lowBoundX  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundY  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundZ  = stream.ReadShort();
            lowBoundW  = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundX = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundY = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundZ = stream.ReadShort();
            highBoundW = stream.ReadShort();

            stream.Position += 8;

            int vertexCount = quadCount * 4;

            Vertices  = new List <ShadowVertex>(vertexCount);
            Triangles = new List <ShadowPolygon>();
            Quads     = new List <ShadowPolygon>(quadCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
                var vertex = new ShadowVertex();

            for (int i = 0; i < quadCount; i++)
                var quad = new ShadowPolygon();
                quad.ReadFromCAR(stream, Vertices, i);
Пример #21
        public static void Read <TStructure>(this List <TStructure> structureList, Stream file) where TStructure : DataStructure, new()
            TStructure structure = new TStructure();

            Console.WriteLine($"Reading {structure.Name} structures from file...");

            byte[] magic = new byte[4];
            if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(magic) != "GTDT")
                Console.WriteLine("Not a GTDT table.");

            uint unknown     = file.ReadUInt();
            uint structCount = file.ReadUShort();
            uint structSize  = file.ReadUShort();

            if (structSize != structure.Size)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected structure size.");

            uint tableSize = file.ReadUInt();

            if (file.Length != tableSize)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected table size.");

            for (int i = 0; i < structCount; i++)
                TStructure newStructure = new TStructure();
Пример #22
        protected static IColumnSpec[] ReadColumnSpecs(int colCount, string keyspace, string table, bool globalTablesSpec, Stream stream)
            IColumnSpec[] columnSpecs = new IColumnSpec[colCount];
            for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < colCount; ++colIdx)
                string colKeyspace = keyspace;
                string colTable    = table;
                if (!globalTablesSpec)
                    colKeyspace = stream.ReadString();
                    colTable    = stream.ReadString();

                string     colName      = stream.ReadString();
                ColumnType colType      = (ColumnType)stream.ReadUShort();
                string     colCustom    = null;
                ColumnType colKeyType   = ColumnType.Custom;
                ColumnType colValueType = ColumnType.Custom;
                switch (colType)
                case ColumnType.Custom:
                    colCustom = stream.ReadString();

                case ColumnType.List:
                case ColumnType.Set:
                    colValueType = (ColumnType)stream.ReadUShort();

                case ColumnType.Map:
                    colKeyType   = (ColumnType)stream.ReadUShort();
                    colValueType = (ColumnType)stream.ReadUShort();

                columnSpecs[colIdx] = new ColumnSpec(colIdx, colKeyspace, colTable, colName, colType, colCustom, colKeyType, colValueType);
Пример #23
        public List <byte> LoadFromGameFile(Stream file)
            var coloursWithAlpha = new List <byte>();

            for (byte i = 0; i < ColourCount; i++)
                colours[i] = file.ReadUShort();
                if (colours[i] != 0xFFFF && (colours[i] & AlphaBit) != 0)
Пример #24
        public static string ReadString(this Stream stream)
            ushort len = stream.ReadUShort();

            if (0 != len)
                byte[] bufStr = new byte[len];
                string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bufStr);

Пример #25
        public static Dictionary <string, string[]> ReadStringMultimap(this Stream stream)
            ushort len = stream.ReadUShort();
            Dictionary <string, string[]> data = new Dictionary <string, string[]>(len);

            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                string   key   = stream.ReadString();
                string[] value = stream.ReadStringList();
                data.Add(key, value);

Пример #26
 public static string ReadUTF8String(this Stream ms, bool isReverse = true)
         ushort len = ms.ReadUShort(isReverse);
         byte[] arr = new byte[len];
         ms.Read(arr, 0, len);
Пример #27
        public static async Task <MinecraftHandshake> Read(Stream stream)
            var handshake = new MinecraftHandshake();

            handshake.ProtocolVersion = await stream.ReadVarInt();

            handshake.ServerAddress = await stream.ReadVarString();

            handshake.Port = await stream.ReadUShort();

            handshake.NextState = (State)await stream.ReadVarInt();

Пример #28
        public void Read(Stream stream, DbEnvironment env, IFormatToken previous)
            Logger.Instance?.WriteLine($"<- {Type}");
            var remainingLength = stream.ReadUShort();

            using (var ts = new ReadablePartialStream(stream, remainingLength))
                for (var i = 0; i < previous.Formats.Length; i++)
                    var customFormatInfo = ts.ReadByteLengthPrefixedString(env.Encoding);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customFormatInfo))
                        Logger.Instance?.WriteLine($"  <- Fmt: {customFormatInfo}");
Пример #29
        public string ReadName(Stream stream, uint carNumber, byte colourCount)
            if (stream == null)

            stream.Position = ((carNumber + 1) * 8) + 4;
            ushort index = stream.ReadUShort();

            stream.Position = index + (colourCount * 3);
            byte stringLength = (byte)stream.ReadByte();

            byte[] stringBytes = new byte[stringLength];
            return(Encoding.Default.GetString(stringBytes).TrimEnd('\0').Replace(((char)0x7F).ToString(), "[R]"));
Пример #30
        private static List <byte[]> ReadMainStructs(Stream file)
            ushort structCount = file.ReadUShort();

            file.ReadUInt(); // always zero?
            uint structSize = file.ReadUInt();

            var structs = new List <byte[]>(structCount);

            for (ushort i = 0; i < structCount; i++)
                var buffer = new byte[structSize];
Пример #31
        private static object ReadTDS_UINTN(Stream stream, FormatItem format, DbEnvironment env)
            switch (stream.ReadByte())
            case 0: return(DBNull.Value);

            case 1: return((byte)stream.ReadByte());

            case 2: return(stream.ReadUShort());

            case 4: return(stream.ReadUInt());

            case 8: return(stream.ReadULong());

Пример #32
        public void Read(Stream stream, DbEnvironment env, IFormatToken previousFormatToken)
            Logger.Instance?.WriteLine($"<- {Type}");
            var remainingLength = stream.ReadUShort();

            using (var ts = new ReadablePartialStream(stream, remainingLength))
                var formats     = new List <FormatItem>();
                var columnCount = ts.ReadUShort();

                for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                    formats.Add(FormatItem.ReadForRow(ts, env.Encoding, Type));

                Formats = formats.ToArray();
Пример #33
        /* Get the offsets, lengths, and filenames of all the files */
        public override ArchiveFileList GetFileList(ref Stream data)
                /* Get the offset of each section of the NARC file */
                uint offset_fatb = data.ReadUShort(0xC);
                uint offset_fntb = offset_fatb + data.ReadUInt(offset_fatb + 0x4);
                uint offset_fimg = offset_fntb + data.ReadUInt(offset_fntb + 0x4);

                /* Stuff for filenames */
                bool containsFilenames = (data.ReadUInt(offset_fntb + 0x8) == 8);
                uint offset_filename   = offset_fntb + 0x10;

                /* Get the number of files */
                uint files = data.ReadUInt(offset_fatb + 0x8);

                /* Create the array of files now */
                ArchiveFileList fileList = new ArchiveFileList(files);

                /* Now we can get the file offsets, lengths, and filenames */
                for (uint i = 0; i < files; i++)
                    /* Get the offset & length */
                    uint offset = data.ReadUInt(offset_fatb + 0x0C + (i * 0x8));
                    uint length = data.ReadUInt(offset_fatb + 0x10 + (i * 0x8)) - offset;

                    /* Get the filename, if the NARC contains filenames */
                    string filename = String.Empty;
                    if (containsFilenames)
                        /* Ok, since the NARC contains filenames, let's go grab it now */
                        byte filename_length = data.ReadByte(offset_filename);
                        filename             = data.ReadString(offset_filename + 1, filename_length);
                        offset_filename     += (uint)(filename_length + 1);

                    fileList.Entries[i] = new ArchiveFileList.Entry(
                        offset + offset_fimg + 0x8, // Offset
                        length,  // Length
                        filename // Filename

                return fileList;
                /* Something went wrong, so return nothing */
                return null;
Пример #34
        private static Exception CreateExceptionFromError(Stream stream)
            ErrorCodes code = (ErrorCodes) stream.ReadInt();
            string msg = stream.ReadString();

            switch (code)
                case ErrorCodes.Unavailable:
                        ConsistencyLevel cl = (ConsistencyLevel) stream.ReadUShort();
                        int required = stream.ReadInt();
                        int alive = stream.ReadInt();
                        return new UnavailableException(msg, cl, required, alive);

                case ErrorCodes.WriteTimeout:
                        ConsistencyLevel cl = (ConsistencyLevel) stream.ReadUShort();
                        int received = stream.ReadInt();
                        int blockFor = stream.ReadInt();
                        string writeType = stream.ReadString();
                        return new WriteTimeOutException(msg, cl, received, blockFor, writeType);

                case ErrorCodes.ReadTimeout:
                        ConsistencyLevel cl = (ConsistencyLevel) stream.ReadUShort();
                        int received = stream.ReadInt();
                        int blockFor = stream.ReadInt();
                        bool dataPresent = 0 != stream.ReadByte();
                        return new ReadTimeOutException(msg, cl, received, blockFor, dataPresent);

                case ErrorCodes.Syntax:
                    return new SyntaxException(msg);

                case ErrorCodes.Unauthorized:
                    return new UnauthorizedException(msg);

                case ErrorCodes.Invalid:
                    return new InvalidException(msg);

                case ErrorCodes.AlreadyExists:
                        string keyspace = stream.ReadString();
                        string table = stream.ReadString();
                        return new AlreadyExistsException(msg, keyspace, table);

                case ErrorCodes.Unprepared:
                        byte[] unknownId = stream.ReadShortBytes();
                        return new UnpreparedException(msg, unknownId);

                    return new CassandraException(code, msg);
Пример #35
 protected override void RawHandler(byte type, Stream data)
     var flag = data.ReadUShort();
     if (flag == 0x22) return;
Пример #36
        /* To simplify the process greatly, we are going to convert
         * the GVM to a new format */
        public override MemoryStream TranslateData(ref Stream stream)
                /* Get the number of files, and format type in the stream */
                ushort files = stream.ReadUShort(0xA).SwapEndian();
                byte formatType = stream.ReadByte(0x9);

                /* Now let's see what information is contained inside the metadata */
                bool containsFilename    = (formatType & (1 << 3)) > 0;
                bool containsPixelFormat = (formatType & (1 << 2)) > 0;
                bool containsDimensions  = (formatType & (1 << 1)) > 0;
                bool containsGlobalIndex = (formatType & (1 << 0)) > 0;

                /* Let's figure out the metadata size */
                int size_filename = 0, size_pixelFormat = 0, size_dimensions = 0, size_globalIndex = 0;
                if (containsFilename)    size_filename = 28;
                if (containsPixelFormat) size_pixelFormat = 2;
                if (containsDimensions)  size_dimensions = 2;
                if (containsGlobalIndex) size_globalIndex = 4;
                int metaDataSize = 2 + size_filename + size_pixelFormat + size_dimensions + size_globalIndex;

                /* Now create the header */
                MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream();

                /* Ok, try to find out data */
                uint sourceOffset = stream.ReadUInt(0x4) + 0x8;

                /* Write each file in the header */
                uint offset = 0x2 + ((uint)files * 0x24);
                for (int i = 0; i < files; i++)
                    /* Ok, get the size of the GVR file */
                    uint length = stream.ReadUInt(sourceOffset + 0x4) + 8;

                    /* Make sure this is a valid file length */
                    if (sourceOffset + length > stream.Length)
                        length -= 16; // For some reason some GVR files are like this.
                    if (sourceOffset + length > stream.Length)
                        throw new Exception();

                    /* Write the offset, file length, and filename */
                    data.Write(offset);      // Offset
                    data.Write(length + 16); // Length

                    if (containsFilename)
                        data.Write(stream.ReadString(0xE + (i * metaDataSize), 28), 28); // Filename
                        data.Position += 28;

                    /* Add the GBIX header */
                    data.Position = offset;

                    /* Copy the global index */
                    if (containsGlobalIndex)
                        data.Write(stream.ReadUInt(0xE + size_filename + size_pixelFormat + size_dimensions + (i * metaDataSize)));
                        data.Position += 4;

                    /* Write out the 0x0 in the header */
                    data.Write(new byte[] { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 });

                    /* Now copy the file */
                    data.Write(stream, sourceOffset, length);
                    data.Position = 0x26 + (i * 0x24);

                    sourceOffset += length.RoundUp(16);

                    /* Increment the offset */
                    offset += length + 16;

                return data;
                /* Something went wrong, so send as blank stream */
                return new MemoryStream();
Пример #37
        /* Get the offsets, lengths, and filenames of all the files */
        public override ArchiveFileList GetFileList(ref Stream data)
                /* Get the number of files */
                ushort files = data.ReadUShort(0x0);

                /* Create the array of files now */
                ArchiveFileList fileList = new ArchiveFileList(files);

                /* Now we can get the file offsets, lengths, and filenames */
                for (int i = 0; i < files; i++)
                    /* Get the filename */
                    string filename = data.ReadString(0xA + (i * 0x24), 28);

                    fileList.Entries[i] = new ArchiveFileList.Entry(
                        data.ReadUInt(0x2 + (i * 0x24)), // Offset
                        data.ReadUInt(0x6 + (i * 0x24)), // Length
                        (filename == String.Empty ? String.Empty : filename + (filename.IsAllUpperCase() ? ".GVR" : ".gvr")) // Filename

                return fileList;
                /* Something went wrong, so return nothing */
                return null;
        private bool FeedDataAudioMPEG4Generic(Stream pData, uint dataLength, uint processedLength, uint totalLength, uint absoluteTimestamp)
            //1. Take care of chunked content first
            //this will update pData and dataLength if necessary
            if (dataLength != totalLength)
                //2. This is chunked content. Test if this is the first chunk from the
                if (processedLength == 0)
                    //3. This is the first chunk of the packet.
                    //Empty the old buffer and store this new chunk
                    pData.CopyDataTo(_audioBuffer,(int) dataLength);
                    return true;
                    //4. This is not the first chunk. Test to see if this is
                    //the last chunk or not
                    if (dataLength + processedLength < totalLength)
                        //5. This is not the last chunk of the packet.
                        //Test and see if we have any previous data inside the buffer
                        //if we don't, that means we didn't catch the beginning
                        //of the packet so we discard everything
                        if (_audioBuffer.GetAvaliableByteCounts() == 0) return true;

                        //6. Store the data
                        pData.CopyDataTo(_audioBuffer, (int) dataLength);
                        //7. Done
                        return true;
                        //8. This is the last chunk of the packet.
                        //Test and see if we have any previous data inside the buffer
                        //if we don't, that means we didn't catch the beginning
                        //of the packet so we discard everything
                        if (_audioBuffer.GetAvaliableByteCounts() == 0) return true;
                        //9. Store the data
                        pData.CopyDataTo(_audioBuffer, (int)dataLength);

                        //10. Get the buffer and its length
                        pData = _audioBuffer;
                        dataLength = (uint) _audioBuffer.GetAvaliableByteCounts();

                        //11. Do a final test and see if we have all the data
                        if (dataLength != totalLength)
                            FATAL("Invalid data length");
                            return false;

            var inStreamType = InStream.Type;

            if ((inStreamType == ST_IN_NET_RTMP)
            || (inStreamType == ST_IN_NET_RTP)
            || (inStreamType == ST_IN_NET_LIVEFLV))
                //2. Do we have enough data to read the RTMP header?
                if (dataLength <= 2)
                    WARN("Bogus AAC packet");
                    return true;
                var firstByte = pData.ReadByte();
                var secondByte = pData.ReadByte();
                //3. Take care of the RTMP headers if necessary
                if (inStreamType == ST_IN_NET_RTMP
                        || inStreamType == ST_IN_NET_LIVEFLV)
                    //3. Is this a RTMP codec setup? If so, ignore it
                    if (secondByte != 1)
                        return true;

                //4. Skip the RTMP header
                dataLength -= 2;

            //4. Do we have enough data to detect the ADTS header presence?
            if (dataLength <= 2)
                WARN("Bogus AAC packet");
                return true;

            //4. The packet might start with an ADTS header. Remove it if necessary
            var adtsHeaderLength = 0;

            var temp = pData.ReadUShort();
            if ((temp >> 3) == 0x1fff)
                adtsHeaderLength = 7;

0                   1                   2                   3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X|  CC   |M|     PT      |       sequence number         |
|                           timestamp                           |
|           synchronization source (SSRC) identifier            |
|            contributing source (CSRC) identifiers             |
|                             ....                              |

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- .. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|AU-headers-length|AU-header|AU-header|      |AU-header|padding|
|                 |   (1)   |   (2)   |      |   (n)   | bits  |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- .. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

            //5. counter
            _audioData.Buffers[0].Write(2, AudioCounter++);
            //6. Timestamp
            _audioData.Buffers[0].Write(4, absoluteTimestamp*Capabilities.Samplerate/1000);
            var auHeader = (dataLength - adtsHeaderLength) << 3;
            Array.Resize(ref _audioData.Buffers[1], 2);
            _audioData.Buffers[1].Write(0, (ushort)auHeader);
            //7. put the actual buffer
            _audioData.Buffers[2] = new byte[dataLength - adtsHeaderLength];
            pData.Position += adtsHeaderLength;
            pData.Read(_audioData.Buffers[2], 0, _audioData.Buffers[2].Length);
            if (!Connectivity.FeedAudioData(ref _audioData, absoluteTimestamp))
                FATAL("Unable to feed data");
                return false;
            return true;