public async void SetStoryItem(InstaStoryItem storyItem) { Visibility = Visibility.Visible; await Task.Delay(420); StoryVM.SetStoryItem(storyItem, MainLV?.FindScrollViewer()); }
private void ConvertStoryVM(ref Story story, StoryVM storyVM) { storyVM.Slug = SlugUtil.GenerateSlug(storyVM.StoryName); story.StoryName = storyVM.StoryName; story.StoryProgress = storyVM.StoryProgress; story.StoryStatus = storyVM.StoryStatus; story.StoryDescription = storyVM.StoryDescription; story.AuthorId = storyVM.Author.AuthorId; story.Author = db.Authors.Find(storyVM.Author.AuthorId); story.CreatedDate = storyVM.CreatedDate; story.LastEditedDate = storyVM.LastEditedDate; story.UserId = storyVM.UserId; story.Score = storyVM.Score; story.RateCount = storyVM.RateCount; story.Image = storyVM.Image; story.Slug = storyVM.Slug; var slugCount = db.Stories.Count(s => s.Slug.StartsWith(storyVM.Slug)); if (slugCount > 0) { story.Slug += slugCount; } }
public int AddStory(StoryVM storyVM) { Story story = new Story { StoryId = storyVM.StoryId, CategoryId = storyVM.CategoryId, IntimacyId = storyVM.IntimacyId, Title = storyVM.Title, Content = storyVM.Content, HashtagWord = storyVM.HashtagWord, Picture = storyVM.Picture, NoView = storyVM.NoView, ApproveStatus = "P", UserId = storyVM.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(storyVM.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(storyVM.IntimacyId), Hashtags = storyVM.Hashtags }; _ctx.Stories.Add(story); _ctx.SaveChanges(); AddHashtagByStory(story); return(_ctx.Stories.Max(s => s.StoryId)); }
public bool UpdateStory(StoryVM storyVM) { Story story = new Story { StoryId = storyVM.StoryId, CategoryId = storyVM.CategoryId, IntimacyId = storyVM.IntimacyId, Title = storyVM.Title, Content = storyVM.Content, HashtagWord = storyVM.HashtagWord, Picture = storyVM.Picture, NoView = storyVM.NoView, ApproveStatus = "P", UserId = storyVM.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(storyVM.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(storyVM.IntimacyId), Hashtags = storyVM.Hashtags }; _stories.RemoveAll(s => s.StoryId == story.StoryId); _stories.Add(story); return(true); }
public int AddStory(StoryVM storyVM) { if (_stories.Count <= 0) { storyVM.StoryId = 1; } else { storyVM.StoryId = _stories.Max(c => c.StoryId) + 1; } Story story = new Story { StoryId = storyVM.StoryId, CategoryId = storyVM.CategoryId, IntimacyId = storyVM.IntimacyId, Title = storyVM.Title, Content = storyVM.Content, HashtagWord = storyVM.HashtagWord, Picture = storyVM.Picture, NoView = storyVM.NoView, ApproveStatus = "P", UserId = storyVM.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(storyVM.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(storyVM.IntimacyId), Hashtags = storyVM.Hashtags }; _stories.Add(story); return(story.StoryId); }
public bool UpdateStory(StoryVM storyVM) { Story story = new Story { StoryId = storyVM.StoryId, CategoryId = storyVM.CategoryId, IntimacyId = storyVM.IntimacyId, Title = storyVM.Title, Content = storyVM.Content, HashtagWord = storyVM.HashtagWord, Picture = storyVM.Picture, NoView = storyVM.NoView, ApproveStatus = "P", UserId = storyVM.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(storyVM.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(storyVM.IntimacyId), Hashtags = storyVM.Hashtags }; _ctx.Entry(story).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; story.Hashtags.Clear(); _ctx.SaveChanges(); return(AddHashtagByStory(story)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostStory(StoryVM storyVM) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } Story story = new Story(); ConvertStoryVM(ref story, storyVM); foreach (var genreVM in storyVM.Genres) { Genre genre = await db.Genres.FindAsync(genreVM.GenreId); story.Genres.Add(genre); } db.Stories.Add(story); await db.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //db.SaveChanges(); storyVM.Update(story); return(CreatedAtRoute("NameApi", new { slug = storyVM.Slug }, storyVM)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int storyId) { StoryVM model = _repo.GetStoryVMById(storyId); model.SetCategoryItems(_repo.GetCategoryList()); model.SetIntimacyItems(_repo.GetIntimacyList()); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult CreateStory() { StoryVM story = new StoryVM(); story.Created = DateTime.Now; story.Modified = DateTime.Now; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Add() { StoryVM model = new StoryVM(); model.UserId = CurrentUser.User.Id; model.SetCategoryItems(_repo.GetCategoryList()); model.SetIntimacyItems(_repo.GetIntimacyList()); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Delete(StoryVM model) { if (_repo.DeleteStory(model.StoryId)) { return(RedirectToAction("List", "Story")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Story", "Cannot delete story"); return(View(model)); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetStory(int id) { Story story = db.Stories.Find(id); if (story == null) { return(NotFound()); } StoryVM storyVM = new StoryVM(story); return(Ok(storyVM)); }
// GET: api/Stories public IQueryable <StoryVM> GetStories() { List <StoryVM> storyVMs = new List <StoryVM>(); StoryVM storyVM; foreach (var story in db.Stories.Where(s => s.StoryStatus == 1)) { storyVM = new StoryVM(story); storyVMs.Add(storyVM); } return(storyVMs.AsQueryable()); }
public async void SetStoryItem(InstaStoryItem storyItem) { ShowGrid(true); Visibility = Visibility.Visible; InsightsButton.Visibility = UserHelper.IsBusiness ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; await Task.Delay(420); StoryVM.SetStoryItem(storyItem, MainLV?.FindScrollViewer()); if (UserHelper.IsBusiness) { StoryInsightUc.SetItem(storyItem); } }
// GET: api/Stories/name/N public IQueryable <StoryVM> GetStoryByName(string slug) { IQueryable <Story> stories = db.Stories.Where(s => s.Slug.Equals(slug)); List <StoryVM> storyVMs = new List <StoryVM>(); StoryVM storyVM; foreach (var story in stories) { storyVM = new StoryVM(story); storyVMs.Add(storyVM); } return(storyVMs.AsQueryable()); }
public ActionResult Add(StoryVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (_repo.AddStory(model) > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Story", "Cannot add new story"); } } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Edit(StoryVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (_repo.UpdateStory(model)) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Story", "Cannot edit story"); } } return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutStory(int id, StoryVM storyVM) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != storyVM.StoryId) { return(BadRequest()); } Story story = db.Stories.Find(id); ConvertStoryVM(ref story, storyVM); foreach (var genreVM in storyVM.Genres) { Genre genre = await db.Genres.FindAsync(genreVM.GenreId); story.Genres.Add(genre); } db.Entry(story).State = EntityState.Modified; try { //db.SaveChanges(); await db.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!StoryExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } storyVM.Update(story); return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> AddStory(StoryVM story) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(PartialView("_AjaxValidation", "Required story fields were not filled in.")); } if (story.Type == Core.Enums.StoryType.GivingAdvice && !userService.IsInRole(StandardRoles.Coach)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Type", "You cannot give an advice because you are not a coach."); return(PartialView("_AjaxValidation", "You are not allowed to create this type of story.")); } var user = await userProfileUOW.UserProfiles.GetUserProfileAsync(userService.GetUserId()); if (user.BannedUntil > DateTime.Now) { ModelState.AddModelError("UserBanned", "You have been banned so you cannot post a story."); return(PartialView("_AjaxValidation", "Could not post story.")); } var storyModel = Mapper.Map <Story>(story); if (storyModel.GroupId.HasValue) { var group = await storyUOW.Groups.GetGroupByIdAsync(storyModel.GroupId.Value); storyModel.Group = group; } storyModel.State = Core.Models.ModelState.Added; storyModel.Date = DateTime.Now; storyModel.UserId = userService.GetUserId(); storyUOW.Stories.InsertOrUpdate(storyModel); var hashtags = storyService.ExtractHashtags(storyModel); await storyUOW.Hashtags.UpdateHashtags(hashtags); await storyUOW.CompleteAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); //return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteStory(int id) { Story story = db.Stories.Find(id); if (story == null) { return(NotFound()); } //db.Stories.Remove(story); story.StoryStatus = -1; story.Chapters.ForEach(c => c.ChapterStatus = -1); db.Entry(story).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); StoryVM storyVM = new StoryVM(story); return(Ok(storyVM)); }
public ActionResult AddStory(StoryVM storyVM) { StoryManager sm = new StoryManager(); int UserID = (int)Session["ActiveUser"]; if (storyVM != null) { if (Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/files")) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~/files")); } string path = (Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/files"), storyVM.file.FileName)); storyVM.file.SaveAs(path); sm.InsertStory(path, storyVM.StoryComment, UserID); return(RedirectToAction("HomePage")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Approve(StoryVM model, string Save, string Denied) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Save)) { _repo.ApproveStory(model.StoryId, model.Feedback); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Feedback)) { _repo.DenyStory(model.StoryId, model.Feedback); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Feedback", "Feedback is require"); return(RedirectToAction("ViewStory", new { id = model.StoryId })); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
//get stories public PartialViewResult _Stories(short id) { var stories = db.Stories.Where(r => r.IsAboutId == id).ToList(); List <StoryVM> model = new List <StoryVM>(); foreach (Story story in stories) { List <Tag> tags = (from st in db.StoryTags join t in db.Tags on st.TagId equals t.TagId where st.StoryId == story.StoryId select t ) .ToList() ; StoryVM toAdd = new StoryVM { Story = story, Tags = tags }; model.Add(toAdd); } return(PartialView(model)); }
public Story ConvertVMToStory(StoryVM storyVM) { Story story = new Story { StoryId = storyVM.StoryId, CategoryId = storyVM.CategoryId, IntimacyId = storyVM.IntimacyId, Title = storyVM.Title, Content = storyVM.Content, HashtagWord = storyVM.HashtagWord, Picture = storyVM.Picture, NoView = storyVM.NoView, ApproveStatus = storyVM.ApproveStatus, UserId = storyVM.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(storyVM.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(storyVM.IntimacyId), Hashtags = storyVM.Hashtags }; return(story); }
public StoryVM ConvertStoryToVM(Story story) { StoryVM storyVM = new StoryVM { StoryId = story.StoryId, CategoryId = story.CategoryId, IntimacyId = story.IntimacyId, Title = story.Title, Content = story.Content, HashtagWord = story.HashtagWord, Picture = story.Picture, NoView = story.NoView, ApproveStatus = story.ApproveStatus, UserId = story.UserId, Category = GetCategoryById(story.CategoryId), Intimacy = GetIntimacyById(story.IntimacyId), User = GetUserById(story.UserId), Hashtags = story.Hashtags }; return(storyVM); }
public async Task <ActionResult> EditStory(int storyId, StoryVM story) { var existentStory = await storyUOW.Stories.GetStoryById(storyId); if (existentStory == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("storyId", "The story that you want to edit does not exist."); return(PartialView("_AjaxValidation", "")); } if (existentStory.UserId != userService.GetUserId()) { ModelState.AddModelError("storyId", "You do not have the rights to edit that story."); return(PartialView("_AjaxValidation", "")); } if (existentStory.Type != story.Type) { existentStory.Type = story.Type; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(story.Title) && existentStory.Title != story.Title) { existentStory.Title = story.Title; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(story.Content) && existentStory.Content != story.Content) { existentStory.Content = story.Content; } existentStory.State = Core.Models.ModelState.Modified; storyUOW.Stories.InsertOrUpdate(existentStory); await storyUOW.CompleteAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult DeleteStory(StoryVM story) { StoryDAL.DeleteStory(Mapper.Map <StoryDM>(story)); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Delete(int storyId) { StoryVM model = _repo.GetStoryVMById(storyId); return(View(model)); }