Пример #1
        StoredLearningSession CreateAttemptIfRequired(bool transitionToComplete)
            // NotStarted --> Active or Completed or Final
            if (Assignment.IsELearning)
                // create an attempt for this learner assignment
                StoredLearningSession learningSession = StoredLearningSession.CreateAttempt(Assignment.Store.PackageStore, LearnerId, LearnerAssignmentId, Assignment.RootActivityId,

                // start the assignment, forcing selection of a first activity

                // if NotStarted --> Completed or Final, transition to the Completed state
                if (transitionToComplete)
                    // transition to Completed

                // save changes to <learningSession>

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates attempt on given organization and returns attempt identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgID">Long integer value represents organization identifier to create attempt on.</param>
        /// <returns>Long integer value, representing attempt identifier of created attempt.</returns>
        public long CreateAttempt(long orgID)
            ActivityPackageItemIdentifier organizationID = new ActivityPackageItemIdentifier(orgID);

            StoredLearningSession session = StoredLearningSession.CreateAttempt(this.PStore, this.CurrentUserIdentifier, organizationID, LoggingOptions.LogAll);

            long attemptID = session.AttemptId.GetKey();

    protected void CreateAttemptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // the hidden "Create Attempt" button was auto-clicked by script on page load...

        // prevent script from clicking "Create Attempt" again
        AutoPostScript.Visible = false;

        // hide the "please wait" panel
        PleaseWait.Visible = false;

        // the OrganizationId hidden form element contains the ID of the organization to attempt --
        // try to create a new attempt based on that ID; an organization is a root-level activity,
        // so OrganizationId is actually an ActivityPackageItemIdentifier
            // set <currentUser> to information about the current user; we
            // need the current user's UserItemIdentifier
            LStoreUserInfo currentUser = GetCurrentUserInfo();

            // set <organizationId> from the OrganizationId hidden form element as described above
            ActivityPackageItemIdentifier organizationId = new ActivityPackageItemIdentifier(
                Convert.ToInt64(OrganizationId.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            // create an attempt on <organizationId>
            StoredLearningSession session = StoredLearningSession.CreateAttempt(PStore,
                                                                                currentUser.Id, organizationId, LoggingOptions.LogAll);

            // the operation was successful, and there are no messages to display to the user, so
            // update the AttemptId hidden form element with the ID of the newly-created attempt,
            // update the parent page, and close the dialog
            AttemptId.Value = Convert.ToString(session.AttemptId.GetKey(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            UpdateParentPageScript.Visible = true;
            CloseDialogScript.Visible      = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // an unexpected error occurred -- display a generic message that
            // doesn't include the exception message (since that message may
            // include sensitive information), and write the exception message
            // to the event log
            ErrorIntro.Visible   = true;
            ErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            ErrorMessage.Controls.Add(new System.Web.UI.LiteralControl(
                                          Server.HtmlEncode("A serious error occurred.  Please contact your system administrator.  More information has been written to the server event log.")));
                     "An exception occurred while creating an attempt:\n\n{0}\n\n", ex.ToString());
            Buttons.Visible = true;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates attempt on given organization and returns attempt identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgID">Long integer value represents organization identifier to create attempt on.</param>
        /// <returns>Long integer value, representing attempt identifier of created attempt.</returns>
        protected AttemptItemIdentifier CreateAttempt(long orgID, int topicId)
            ActivityPackageItemIdentifier organizationID = new ActivityPackageItemIdentifier(orgID);

            StoredLearningSession session = StoredLearningSession.CreateAttempt(this.PStore, this.GetCurrentUserIdentifier(), organizationID, LoggingOptions.LogAll);
            // TODO: add IudicoTopicRef
            LearningStoreJob            job = LStore.CreateJob();
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add(Schema.AttemptItem.IudicoThemeRef, topicId);
            job.UpdateItem(session.AttemptId, dic);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates attempt on given organization and returns attempt identifier.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgId">Long integer value represents organization identifier to create attempt on.</param>
        /// <param name="curriculumChapterTopicId">Int32 value representing id of curriculum chapter topic.</param>
        /// <param name="topicType"><see cref="TopicTypeEnum"/> value defines part of topic.</param>
        /// <returns>Long integer value, representing attempt identifier of created attempt.</returns>
        protected AttemptItemIdentifier CreateAttempt(long orgId, int curriculumChapterTopicId, TopicTypeEnum topicType)
            var organizationId = new ActivityPackageItemIdentifier(orgId);

            StoredLearningSession session = StoredLearningSession.CreateAttempt(
                this.PStore, this.GetCurrentUserIdentifier(), organizationId, LoggingOptions.LogAll);
            LearningStoreJob job = this.LStore.CreateJob();
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { Schema.AttemptItem.IudicoCurriculumChapterTopicRef, curriculumChapterTopicId },
                { Schema.AttemptItem.IudicoTopicType, topicType }

            job.UpdateItem(session.AttemptId, dic);
