public void AnyVeroExists()
     try {
         var customerIds = StoreManagerApplication.GetCustomerIdsByName("Vero");
         Assert.True(customerIds.Any(), "Nobody with the name 'Vero' was found in the database");
     } catch (Exception) {
        private void SearchCustomersByName()
            // get the name they wish to search for
            string userInput = CUI.PromptForInput("Enter the name in the format of 'first, last'", false);
            // get a list of the results
            var customerIds = StoreManagerApplication.GetCustomerIdsByName(userInput);

            if (customerIds.Any())
                // display the results
                customerIds.ForEach(cid => DisplayCustomer(cid, true));
                Console.WriteLine($"No customers found with name like '{userInput}'.");