public void Handle(string json) { Console.WriteLine("Reminder invoked..."); var reminder = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(json); if (reminder.category.ToString().ToLower() == "user_notifications") { var userIdStr =; var userURIPath = "/api/v1/user/" + userIdStr + "/"; var key = userURIPath; var LANG = storeAPI.GetLang(userURIPath); if ( == "exercise_started") { key = userURIPath + "_exercise"; Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] Exercise started"); Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] userActiveExcercise map key: " + key); userActiveExerciseMap[key] = reminder; string exerciseType = reminder.content.value.exercise_type.ToString(); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "exercise", "none", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.EXERCISE_STARTED, Loc.CAREGVR), string.Format(Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.EXERCISE_STARTED, Loc.CAREGVR), exerciseType)); return; } else if ( == "exercise_ended") { key = userURIPath + "_exercise"; Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] Exercise ended"); Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] userActiveExcercise map key: " + key); if (userActiveExerciseMap.ContainsKey(key) && reminder.content.value.session_uuid == userActiveExerciseMap[key].content.value.session_uuid) { Console.WriteLine("Exercise ended is in the active map"); float score = float.Parse(reminder.content.value.score.ToString()); string exerciseType = reminder.content.value.exercise_type.ToString(); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "exercise", "none", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED, Loc.CAREGVR), string.Format(Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED, Loc.CAREGVR), exerciseType, score)); var desc = Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED_HIGH; if (score <= 30) { desc = Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED_LOW; } else if (score > 30 && score <= 60) { desc = Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED_MID; } InformUser(userURIPath, "exercise", "low", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.EXERCISE_ENDED_LOW, Loc.USR), Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, desc, Loc.USR)); userActiveExerciseMap.Remove(key); } return; } //key = userURIPath + reminder.type; if ( == "reminder_sent") { Console.WriteLine("[reminder_handler] reminder sent entered"); var journalId = reminder.content.value.journal.id_enduser.ToString(); var journalEntry = storeAPI.GetJournalEntryById(journalId); Console.WriteLine("[reminder_handler] Sent journal entry message for reminder: " + journalEntry.message.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Type: " + journalEntry.type.ToString()); var msg = new List <string>(journalEntry.message.ToString().Split(' ')); var des = new List <string>(journalEntry.description.ToString().Split(' ')); msg.AddRange(des); Console.WriteLine("Contains blood or presure " + (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure"))); Console.WriteLine("Contains weight: " + msg.Contains("weight")); // set the key if (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure")) { key = userURIPath + "_blood_pressure"; } else if (msg.Contains("weight")) { key = userURIPath + "_weight"; } Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] userReminder map key: " + key); if (userReminderMap.ContainsKey(key)) { userReminderMap.Remove(key); } userReminderMap.Add(key, reminder); var aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(WAIT_MS); aTimer.AutoReset = false; aTimer.Start(); aTimer.Elapsed += (x, y) => { if (userReminderMap.ContainsKey(key)) { if (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure")) { Console.WriteLine("Blood pressure measured wasn't ack"); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "heart", "high", "The person under your care ignored the blood pressure measurements reminder.", "Please take action and call to remind them of the measurement."); userReminderMap.Remove(key); } else if (msg.Contains("weight")) { InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "weight", "high", "The person under your care ignored the weight measurements reminder.", "Please take action and call to remind them of the measurement."); userReminderMap.Remove(key); } } }; } else if ( == "reminder_acknowledged") { var ack = reminder.content.value.ack.ToString() == "ok" ? true : false; var journalId =; var journalEntry = storeAPI.GetJournalEntryById(journalId); Console.WriteLine(journalId); storeAPI.PatchJournalEntry(journalId, ack); var msg = new List <string>(journalEntry.message.ToString().Split(' ')); var des = new List <string>(journalEntry.description.ToString().Split(' ')); msg.AddRange(des); Console.WriteLine("Contains blood or presure " + (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure"))); Console.WriteLine("Contains weight: " + msg.Contains("weight")); if (ack) { MetricsPublisher.Current.Increment("cami.event.reminder.ack", 1); Console.WriteLine("Reminder acknowledged"); //Do this just in case it's possible to check if user did something for example //there is a new value in weight measurements and ignore if it's not possible //for example medication Console.WriteLine("Type: " + journalEntry.type.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("[reminder_handler] Acknowledged journal entry message: " + journalEntry.message.ToString()); //var expectedMessage = Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.REMINDER_SENT, Loc.USR); if (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure")) { Console.WriteLine("ACK blood pressure measurement!"); // set key key = userURIPath + "_blood_pressure"; var aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(WAIT_MS); aTimer.AutoReset = false; aTimer.Start(); aTimer.Elapsed += (x, y) => { Console.WriteLine("Blood pressure check invoked"); if (!storeAPI.CheckForMeasuremntInLastNMinutes("blood_pressure", 6, int.Parse(userIdStr))) { Console.WriteLine("Blood pressure wasn't measured"); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "heart", "high", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.MEASUREMENT_IGNORED, Loc.CAREGVR), Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.MEASUREMENT_IGNORED, Loc.CAREGVR)); } }; } else if (msg.Contains("weight")) { Console.WriteLine("ACK Weight measurement!"); // set key key = userURIPath + "_weight"; var aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(WAIT_MS); aTimer.AutoReset = false; aTimer.Start(); aTimer.Elapsed += (x, y) => { if (!storeAPI.CheckForMeasuremntInLastNMinutes("weight", 6, int.Parse(userIdStr))) { Console.WriteLine("Weight wasn't measured"); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "weight", "high", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.MEASUREMENT_IGNORED_WEIGHT, Loc.CAREGVR), Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.MEASUREMENT_IGNORED_WEIGHT, Loc.CAREGVR)); } }; } Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] userReminder map key: " + key); userReminderMap.Remove(key); } else { Console.WriteLine("Reminder snoozed"); // send the BP snoozed notification only if it is relating to a BP reminder journal entry if (msg.Contains("blood") || msg.Contains("pressure")) { // set key key = userURIPath + "_blood_pressure"; Console.WriteLine("Snoozed blood pressure measurement!"); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "heart", "medium", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.MEASUREMENT_POSTPONED, Loc.CAREGVR), Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.MEASUREMENT_POSTPONED, Loc.CAREGVR)); } else if (msg.Contains("weight")) { // set key key = userURIPath + "_weight"; Console.WriteLine("Snoozed weight measurement!"); InformCaregivers(userURIPath, "weight", "medium", Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.MSG, Loc.MEASUREMENT_POSTPONED_WEIGHT, Loc.CAREGVR), Loc.Get(LANG, Loc.DES, Loc.MEASUREMENT_POSTPONED_WEIGHT, Loc.CAREGVR)); } Console.WriteLine("[ReminderHandler] userReminder map key: " + key); userReminderMap.Remove(key); } } } }