Пример #1
        public async Task UploadAsync()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string path = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Get a connection string to our Azure Storage account.  You can
            // obtain your connection string from the Azure Portal (click
            // Access Keys under Settings in the Portal Storage account blade)
            // or using the Azure CLI with:
            //     az storage account show-connection-string --name <account_name> --resource-group <resource_group>
            // And you can provide the connection string to your application
            // using an environment variable.
            string connectionString = ConnectionString;

            // Get a reference to a share named "sample-share" and then create it
            ShareClient share = new ShareClient(connectionString, Randomize("sample-share"));
            await share.CreateAsync();

                // Get a reference to a directory named "sample-dir" and then create it
                DirectoryClient directory = share.GetDirectoryClient(Randomize("sample-dir"));
                await directory.CreateAsync();

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in directory "sample-dir"
                FileClient file = directory.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Upload the file
                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(path))
                    await file.CreateAsync(stream.Length);

                    await file.UploadRangeAsync(
                        new HttpRange(0, stream.Length),

                // Verify the file exists
                StorageFileProperties properties = await file.GetPropertiesAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent.Length, properties.ContentLength);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
                await share.DeleteAsync();
Пример #2
        public override async Task <StorageFileProperties> GetPropertiesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

            lock (_inMemoryFileSystem.Storage)
                var node       = _storage.GetFileNode(Path);
                var properties = new StorageFileProperties(
                    name: node.Path.Name,
                    nameWithoutExtension: node.Path.NameWithoutExtension,
                    extension: node.Path.Extension,
                    createdOn: node.CreatedOn,
                    modifiedOn: node.ModifiedOn,
                    size: node.Content.Size
